3280 - Gifts Grants and Bequests

Non Instructional

3280 – Gifts, Grants and Bequests

The Board of Education (Board) may accept on behalf of and for the schools any bequest or gift of money or property for a purpose deemed by the Board to be suitable and to utilize such money or property so designated.

The Board shall establish criteria to be met in the acceptance of gifts and the procedure for examining and evaluating offers of gifts to the school system.

Generally, gifts shall be accepted for the school system and not for a particular school or activity. However, if the gift meets the criteria established by the Board, a gift may be used for a limited purpose or used in a particular school at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

7-194 Powers

10-9 Bequests for educational purposes

10-237 School activity funds

Adopted: July 2000

Revised: October 2019

R-3280 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests

Any gift presented to the school district may be accompanied by a letter from the donor requesting the gift be used for a specific purpose and any restrictions that may be suggested.

To be accepted, a gift must satisfy the following criteria: