5133 - Behavior of Participants in Athletic Events



Behavior of Participants in Athletic Events

Players are expected to comply fully and wholeheartedly with the intent and spirit of the rules of the game and to respect the dignity of the game, the officials, the opponents, and the institution which they represent. Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior at any time will bring proper penalties and discipline and, if necessary, a forfeiture of a temporary or of a permanent nature of playing privileges for any transgressing student.

Conduct of the participants during the contest is under the control of the appointed game officials who have jurisdiction to levy any penalties they feel necessary, which penalties may include ejection from the game and suspension from future games.

Any action taken by a coach to suspend a player from any future games should immediately be communicated in writing to the Athletic Director, giving the name of the student involved, date and reason for suspension.

Policy adopted: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Windsor Locks, Connecticut



Behavior of Participants in Athletic Events

A. Any student athlete involved in any high school or middle school athletic contest, who is clearly determined to have precipitated a fight before, during or after an athletic contest, shall be removed from the game and barred from competition for the following three (3) games.

A second occurrence of precipitating a fight shall result in ejection and barring from all future participation in any sport for the balance of the school year, or for one sport season in the same sport, whichever is greater.

A third occurrence shall result in permanent prohibition from participation in any sport in the school system, for a period not less than two years.

Penalties shall be carried over to succeeding years.

B. Any student spectator involved in a fight, before, during or after a game, shall be ejected from the site of the game and shall be banned from attending the next two (2) succeeding games.

A second occurrence of involvement in a fight shall result in ejection and banning from attending the following three (3) games.

A third occurrence shall result in prohibition in attending any sport for the balance of that school year.

Penalties shall be carried over to succeeding years.

C. Any disrespect for an official of the game, called by an official, shall result in suspension of playing or coaching privileges for the remainder of the season.

D. Sportsmanship Lessons shall be conducted on a classroom basis, attendance required, designed to instill proper behavior, respect for fellow participants and officials, and the importance of "fair play" as a necessary element for participating in any sport.

The above actions shall be taken as the result of a thorough investigation by the school administration, with proper hearing provided. Pending completion of an investigation and hearing, suspension of playing privileges for student athletes on barring students from attending games when imposed shall be counted toward listed penalties, as necessary.

The Superintendent is directed to formulate any procedures necessary to carry out these regulations.

Regulation approved: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Windsor Locks, Connecticut