
Francisco de Goya is a very well-known worldwide artist who does not need an introduction. Whoever is interested in his prolific career as a painter will definitely find plentiful and detailed information about it.

Los Caprichos print series is Goya’s most original and profound legacy. However, according to the author’s opinion, this artwork has not been given a well deserved attention. As a matter of fact the author’s intention is to get people know it and spread its pedagogical purpose.

In the author’s opinion, due to its remarkable expressivity and the wide variety of characters therein portrayed, this Goya’s artwork is the most original, impressive and complete piece about the darkest side of the human nature that has ever been created.

This artwork was not created on demand, yet inspired by the artist’s self concern: improve human nature, encourage culture and banish vices and ignorance. Goya was not interested in the scholars’ admiration, but in its dissemination among the common folk.

The author has created this appealing content in order to get people interested in Goya’s career, help them reflect on the embedded lessons and broaden their minds. All those interested in this content will appreciate the author’s thorough work replicating some of the prints included in the 80 pieces print series Los Caprichos. Beautifully printed on wood, these engravings have been given an original description created by the author himself and inspired by Goya’s real comments. The author’s main aim is to verify the validity, timelessness and universality of the artwork’s original message, as well as its comprehension and divulgation.

Thank you very much for your consideration.