ST Borg Reclamation - outline

    • "Borg Advantage" -

      • intro

        • (another "fixed" former borg-assimilate crewmate, young naive 20yo, who seven of 9 "saves" from the borg) - by scrambling her nanite's communication link with the borg - she's left with borg-metal fingertips, a seven-of-nine style metal occular interface around her eye, and a plate across one side of her head above the ear .. (her hair is shaved)

        • exploring a botany lesson in the science lab, un-afraid of and bitten by a dangerous spider

        • borg nannites invade and assimilate the spider, labtech is shocked

      • unexpected sexual aggressiveness (luring her prey, with some strength display) - random crew member doesn't mind, until the nanites consume him (incl minor body change, and dirty-blond hair growth to short, still very athletic and trim)

      • adjustment

        • she obtusely talks to seven-of-9, trying to find out what she should expect from her life away from the borg (without saying what is going on)

        • it happens again, and continues her "change" into a sex goddess (incl. minor body change / growth)

        • talks to seven-of-9 without revealing the details, reports to the medbay, unusual nanite activity

      • captain shows up, 7-of-9 and data both recommend a nanite alignment (sharing nanites), captain is worried about crew safety, the captain approves it, nanite activity calms

      • data mentions an unusual crew disappearance

      • continued slide

      • she has another outburst of sexual activity - and another nanite consume, only they don't consume him, merely invade him and decide she needs his seed, the nanites leave him a puppet lapdog for her - "your quarters is much bigger, come move my things into here"

      • on the way with him, they run into riker and data, they ask how she's acclimating, she says the crew is really accommodating her, "arn't you", her companion seems unusually docile

      • riker and data continue their walk, riker asks data if her companion seemed odd. data makes some android-ish comment about not understanding human behavior, then comments about some bodily stats such as pulse and unusual heart-rate elevation when she touched him

      • raising standards

        • she looks at riker walking away and realizes he'd be an even better seed, and calls out to get their attention

      • she starts to flirt, which riker of course enjoys, and also finds a bit awkward with her male companion right there.

      • her flirting quickly turns aggressive. riker tries, but can't can't stop her strength. calls to data. data forces her away, while she desperately propositions and tantalizes riker

        • data uses his tricorder, observing the nanite activity is back (though struggling to hold her), riker pulls his phaser and, calls for a security team, tells her to calm down or he'll be forced to stun her

      • she calms, while quipping "if you take me somewhere private, you can stun me all you want"

      • she turns her attention to data, "you are a man-machine without the borg, what are you?" data answers with some techno-babble, "you are of no use to me." she starts to walk towards riker again, data tries to stop her, but she easily crushes his android arm and leg, riker shoots at her, which drops her to one-knee, but the energy is absorbed by the borg nanites and she stands up a moment later, he shoots again, "ohh foreplay, that tickles"

        • the security team arrives, shooting more, as riker falls back and asks for a level 5 containment field. riker and data discuss what is happening to her right in front of her (is she reverting to borg? no, she lacks the borg collective mind, but the borg nanites seem much more active)

        • (she monologues about what she is) "ohh, I'm free from borg influence, your science team saw to that. i can put their technology to much better use. riker, with you at my side, we can make a better race of humans. if you don't find my form attractive enough, I can easily remedy that." She feels against the wall panel, pressing her fingers through the metal and tapping into a computer conduit. "ahh, a conflicted relationship with Deanna Troi. So you like curvy brunettes. I don't need to be as short as her do I?" Her hair changes and grows, and her body reshapes as well, adding curve.

        • she makes a motion to 'blow a kiss', and projects something, which one of the security team dives in front of. it crystalizes his legs so he can't move.

      • substandard specamin

        • "ohh, you want to play with me first do you?" she walks right through the containment field, to the frozen man while the others back up. riker commands them to fall back to deck three, exiting into the turbolift

        • she flirts and teases him with her body, letting his legs free, "you're not going to go anywhere are you?" she lures her prey, brushing her hand down his face as she touches his crotch. her nanites inject, "ohh, such a pity. you would make such a handsome addition, but that 7th chromosome is very substandard. don't worry, you can still join me." her nanites invade and consume him.. causing her to grow more.

        • she calls for her pet, "now where were we? ohh right, on our way to move my things into your quarters."

      • command staff reviews the situation and "footage" (riker, captain, data, 7-of-9, deanna troi, crusher)

        • uncomfortable comment from deanna about how she obviously made herself into what she percieves to the the ideal woman for you

        • data correlates her motion through the ship with recent crew disappearances, and concludes she very well could be behind them

        • 7-of-9, is feeling urges to jump the captain's bones, and interrupts to say she should be restrained. her nanites were intermixed with the subject. the captain doesn't want to jump to any conclusions, and asks if she is feeling any different. she tries to explain her urges with decorum ("feeling certain urges towards male crew-members, particularly those with good genetic stock, such as those in command positions")

        • the lades chuckle about how she's not the first woman to feel those urges (the two of them having dated the two men in the room)

        • data squashes the human moment, "this is no time for jokes. captain, remember our losses the last two times we directly encountered the borg."

        • captain calls to the computer, "captain to ship guest (her name)."

        • She appears on screen from her companion's quarters, scantily clad, dishwater-blond. "captain, how unexpectedly pleasant for you to call."

        • "We need to talk about your actions towards my crew. You seem to have caused three of my crew-members to go missing. I demand they be returned, and your aggressive actions cease."

        • "Captain, I assure you I have forced no-one. Does my current companion appear uncomfortable or restrained?" She moved aside, showing a half-naked man lying sleeping on a large bed. "I can leave you equally sated if you would like. I'm sure your genetic stock would be an excellent addition to my new human race."

        • Riker speaks up, "we have no time for games. If you do not return the crew-members, we will use any and all force to restrain and destroy you."

        • "Why Commander Riker! I'm very much hoping to feel all your force restraining me. You're getting me all hot and bothered just thinking about it. I took some liberties with my hair, do you like it?" (she shakes her hair back and forth on screen)

        • The ladies show discomfort at the conversation and the woman's sexy appearance.

        • The captain closes the conversation. "(guest name), the borg nanites appear to be still active in your system. Please allow us to disable them. If you don't, I can not guarantee your safety. You have two minutes. Picard out."

        • Data, do you have a means of disabling the nanites? (he responds with some techno-babble about getting in close proximity)

        • The viewer opens up again with a picture of her, "that wasn't very polite. I wasn't done talking to Commander Riker. Now, William, if you won't even speak with me, I beta if Deanna there had a taste of my nanites, she could convince you. Will you at least hear me out?"

        • The captain whispers to data asking how she's on screen. he answers that her nanite subprogram appears to be patched into the ship's computer. Can you get her off my screen?

        • Deanna stands up for herself, how she'll not be part of any plot or plan. Data taps away until he cuts off the video feed again, explaining that he's temporarily locked her out of the communications subsystem, but the nanite program will probably break back in quickly.

        • Just as the captain turns to Riker, he starts to teleport out of the room.

        • 7of9 reports the unusual nanite activity. they briefly discuss whether she will lose control. they don't know, but i should immediately be quarantined, and destroyed if necessary, rather than endanger the crew.

        • captain: "let's hope it doesn't come to that"

      • Personal audience w/Riker

        • (Riker's teleport finishes in her 'lair', and he finally sees what wasn't obvious on the screen. she's busting out of her scantily clad clothes because she's even taller and bigger)

        • "that was rude", she wants to "continue their discussion"

        • "something tells me I don't have much of a choice" (in his gruff riker way)

        • "Don't you see. I'm with you not against you. You know what the borg is capable of. I want to use their technology against them. Bring together the best elements of human and borg to end them." (she flaunts her body a bit) "To evolve the human race."

        • "..and what about the missing crew members? Did you help them?"

        • "Their loss is serving the greater good. You, however, can do much more. With your strength and intellect, your DNA will shape our future. The new nanite technology will remake you. If you come now, willingly, you can have a place at my side. Which I assure you will have some of it's own rewards." (more body teasing) "join me"

        • somehow data beams him out just as she's about to nanite inject him.

      • Transporter room to Medbay

        • Riker thanks him for getting him out. "a few more seconds and i think my DNA would be scrambled."

        • "Please follow me." Data leads him into the hallway, and starts an overly-long explanation of the manual override he used to get the transporter back online, and how it's disconnected from the ship's systems.

        • "Not now Data. She's using the borg nanites to create a new race. We need to find a way to shut them down."

        • "I don't believe that will be possible without killing them both." Just then, they enter medical, where 7of9 appears asleep on a medbay.

        • "Doctor Crusher, report."

        • (She explains how 7of9's internal systems began to detect unusual nanite activity. "We put her into stasis to slow the process, but it's only a matter of time before the attacking nanites have sufficient population to revive her.")

        • (questioning whether the nanites would join them like the borg, or cause 7of9 to have the same behavior... they just don't know)

        • "Laforge here. Our guest seems to be headed for the transporter room."

        • "Data and I are on our way."

      • Transporter room

        • They find her tapped into the console in the transporter room. They fire phazers at her, but the blasts have no effect.

        • "i'll be back for you Riker. Right now I have more important plans." She teleports out of the room.

        • Data comments about trying to figure out where she went.

        • Riker interjects that she's headed for the captain.

        • he calls crusher, tells her to bring 7of9 out of stasis immediatly

        • she warns how dangerous it could be.

        • he says they'll just have to take that chance

      • Captain's quarters

        • Both the guest and the captain appear standing in his quarters. He is shocked by her towering over him.

        • She immediately injects him with the nanites. As he feels his limbs freezing up. she explains that the nanites are taking over his central nervous system.

        • She steadies and lays him on the bed, lying next to him. "join me picard. I am soon to be mother of the new human race, and all children need a father."

        • "What you are doing is wrong. If you want to help the human race, you will cease this course of action immediately."

        • "Do you not find my new form attractive?" She seductively takes her top down, before drawing her hand down his immobile body. "my nanites have already detected an increase in your blood pressure and changes in your blood flow consistent with male arousal"

        • She starts to unbutton his pants. "My nanites can extract the proper cells and directly insert them into my ovum. However, I think you'll find it more pleasurable if I use more -traditional- methods."

        • (she gets on top and prepares to have sex with the captain)

        • 7of9 teleports into the room, wearing something suggestive, "ohh good. you have him" implying that she's on the guest's side. she curls up close on the captain's other side. she reaches onto him, doing something suggestive and sexual, while the guest teases what an amazing king he will be.

        • a few moments later, 7of9 "injects" the guest. "what are you doing?" 7of9 grabs her arm and holds it, as the guest's eyes roll back in her head and she falls asleep.

        • "excuse my attire captain. I needed her not to suspect anything until I was close enough to inject her. her nanites are being reprogrammed as we speak." 7of9 injects the captain, and frees him from his bond.

        • "it's quite alright." 7of9 and the captain stand up, looking back down on the oversize "guest" sleeping on the bed. "will she survive?"

        • "Data has projected a 72% chance of survival."

      • The guest back to normal, sort-of

        • 7of9, checking back in on coms with our "guest", confirming that her nanites seem to be stabilized, confirming that the enterprise will be stopping to drop her at a civilian starbase in two days

        • she confirms, and thanks her for all her help.

        • "please continue." (she's naked from the waist down, and he's kneeling between her legs) we get to see that she is still giant, and that she still has control of her nanite-injected play-thing. As he works on her, she tries to "inject" with her metal fingertips and it fizzles on her finger. "It's only a matter of time before I figure out how to turn off these safeguards. They didn't understand I was acting in their own best interests. You don't miss free will, do you?" He continues munching on her. She climaxes... "Ahh. Ahh. You may stop now to answer."

        • "No my queen. I live to serve you. Would you like me to continue, or do you require attention elsewhere?"

        • "I think I've climaxed enough for the morning. Come here." She opens her arms, and he climbs up to hug her oversize form, we get to understand the size of her massive breasts and body. "Tomorrow you will resign from starfleet. You'll say it's to focus on personal matters." He can't help but get aroused and start to nuzzle at her breast, though he doesn't take any direct action. She notices and strokes his hair, "ohh, my sweet. has my body aroused you again?" He nods, still whimpering. "Here then, you may enjoy me." She opens her top, allowing him to fondle and suckle at her breast. She also reaches down, giving him a handjob, until he climaxes and collapses against her.

      • sequel hint

        • 7of9 somehow demonstrates some growth with the nanites, and then removes it...