The Last Plague - outline

  • Characters

  • Concept

    • Inspired by Evolution by Diet

    • A horrible virus kills 50% of the world population and men 4-to-1 vs women. (20% of the women and 75% of the men). As if that's not enough, the women who survive begin to develop and grow taller (up to 6'5"), and some of those closest to puberty grow much more (up to 9' ? 12' ?).

    • Questions

      • Where is the ranch?

        • Montana - good ranch land but cold winters

        • Texas or Wyoming - is probably the best bet, because they offer natural gas wells, farming, and ranching

      • When does Mark get sick?

      • Where can we fit in some Simon/Kelly action?

      • what is the rate of growth, following exposure? how long does it take to reach full height? (phase 1 is 12 inches in 7 days; under 30, phase 2 is 12 inches in 14 days; under 20, phase 3 is 12 inches in 30 days)

      • change Lindsey so she starts growing sooner...

  • Plot Synopsys

    • Mark (38y/o, 5'9") is an ultra-wealthy tech entrepreneur who sees society collapsing and brings a small community to his "doomsday ranch" to try and survive -- including:

      • Pavni (19 y/o, 5'6" 110lb) - indian. his business partner's daughter, high school student

        • D4 @ 6'2", D7 @ 6'6", D14 @ 7'", D21 @ 7'6", D50 @ 8'4"

      • Lindsey (37 y/o, pic, 5'5", 135lb) - white. college classmate, medical researcher

        • D4 @ 6'1", D7 @ 6'4", D14 @ 6'5" (Lauren Drain - pic pic pic pic)

        • ?? who does she bring?

      • Simon (28 y/o, 6'3") - black, driver, security guard

        • Kelly (24 y/o, pic, 5'7" 125lb) - black, Simon's girlfriend. (D7 @ 6'7", D14 @ 7'1", D21 @ 7'7)

      • Douglas / Douggie (24 y/o, 6') - white cowboy ranch hand

        • Liz (25 y/o, 5'9", pic pic) - white, rough cowgirl old 'friend with benefits' of Douglas

        • Georgie (18 y/o, 5'10", pic pic pic pic - nicole graves picpic ) - Liz's sister -- develops into Pavni's major competition

      • Jeff (38 y/o) tech manager at his company

        • Sarah (32 y/o) Jeff's somewhat new "girlfriend"

        • Shauna (28 y/o) Sarah's roomate

      • ?? who else ??

          • "misfit" family / Katherine - 30s woman, Carl - 50s man, kids 14g/12b/9g

    • 1 - foreshadow growth, mark intro, and inciting event

      • mark's wife dies, lindsey's parents die. mark realizes how bad it could get, and decides better safe than sorry... time to get out of dodge

      • 2 - Mark and Lindsey escape to the ranch, and are led through it's accommodations by the lead caretaker, including an on-site staff of 12 (8 of whom will be dead in two weeks, after exposure to Mark)

    • 3 - updates about the world, as mark's worst fears come to pass. he tries to get more people to the ranch. he gets three jets off the ground before air-travel breaks down..

        • from d.c - (2) lindsey, one guest, and medical equipment

        • from silicon valley (5) - simon, kelly, Jeff, Sarah, Shauna

        • from L.A. -

      • 4 - "lucky to be alive" - updates about the world's collapse, mark organizes the group

        • lindsey shares privately with mark what they learned about the virus, including footage of their suspected patient zero, a man brought into a south american clinic

        • mark immediately recognizes the man, and explains the documentary he watched on the amazon tribe, including their mythology about men dying, and their strange rituals that led to them being highly feared (when another tribe challenges them, they kill all the women, and take the men (for sex), if the men get the fever, they burn them in sacrifice for the good of their tribe)

        • the two of them start to realize the tribe may have been carrying the virus for many generations. that their rituals contained it.

        • mark wonders if the virus could be related to their unusual height -- but lindsey dismisses it as highly unlikely, citing medical explanations

    • 5 - a few of the ranch hands get very sick, which triggers people to feel anger at the gravity of the situation, Mark shows his leadership and calms everyone down, establishing him as the smartest and the alpha.. he knows and tells everyone what is coming next..

    • 6 - "connection suspected"

      • privately, now that he's looking, he notices Pavni seems markedly taller, even though she's barefoot. He lines up a reference point for the top of her head, and casually asks her for her height (5'6"), covering with a story about getting some clothes for her from the stores. When she leaves, he measures the reference, and finds it's almost 5'8"

      • Mark goes to Lindsey to share what he found, "i don't want you to think i'm crazy", and explains that Pavni is taller. Lindsey's asks how he knows, did he measure her, and he has to explain the convoluted reference measurement. Mark asks if she knows whether she's been exposed. she has no idea, she hasn't had any fever. He measures her at almost 5'6", which she says is "about right". Lindsey wants to believe a simpler explanation (his reference point measurement was just wrong). He's sure he's right.

      • Mark insists she perform a 'doctor check-up' on everyone, measuring their vitals, recording their health, and their height, trying to determine if they've been exposed yet or not. She doesn't think it's a bad idea, and agrees to do it.

    • 7 - "misfit family"

      • a misfit "family" (30s woman, three young kids - 14g/12b/9g, and late-50s cowboy who all randomly met each other). they let them stay.. and listen to their stories

    • 8 - "connection established"

      • Lindsey has her doctor check-up with Pavni. They discuss her recent medical history, causing her to cry about the loss of her parents, and Lindsey and Pavni to bond a little over how they appreciate Mark, as they don't know where they would be without him.

      • Then Lindsey asks for her last height and weight measurements (115, 5'6"), asks about when they were taken (weight every week, and her height about six months ago), then Lindsey measures her weight (138, which Pavni grumbles over being too high), and her height. Lindsey asks if she's sure about her 5'6" figure "was that measured by a doctor?", yeah, and it hasn't changed in a couple years, why? Lindsey explains that she's now 5'10", 4" taller, which is highly unusual. Pavni confesses that she had noticed she was taller, but didn't want to make a fuss about it with everything else going on. Pavni asks if there is something wrong, and Lindsey explains it's nothing to worry about, and that she can check-in anytime she needs to.

      • ---

      • Lindsey relays her findings to Mark, confessing that not only is Pavni 4" taller, but that Kelly is also 2" taller. Everyone else appears normal. Though she suspects only the people he flew in were previously infected.

      • Mark asks what she thinks about it. Lindsay confirms "Pavni growing 4" in six months as a teen is unusual, but it happens. Kelly, however, is 24, and the same thing happening to the two of them suggests there is a connection. Maybe you're right about the virus.

      • "I am right about the virus, and it's not six months, it's two weeks. Pavni was infected no more than two weeks ago."

      • "No. No. There's no way someone can grow four inches in two weeks. That's crazy... That's..."

      • "That's exactly what's happened. I've been with her the entire time, and even though I didn't notice it at first, I'm certain."

      • "Wow. I'm not aware of any theory or research that has ever seen a viral phenomenon like this. I wish I had my lab, so I could figure out how this is actually happening."

      • "You're missing a more pressing issue. The women in the tribe were *all* over 6'5" tall, and a couple of them were almost 8' tall, which means.."

      • "ohh wow, they might not be done growing. That's remarkable. How could a virus possibly cause this? Latent pituitary activation? Protein mimicry? How fascinating. It would be the research paper of the decade. Not that there is anyone around to read it...."

      • "You can solve your medical puzzles later. The more pressing issue isn't just that they're going to get taller. If I'm right, ALL surviving female carriers are going to get taller, yourself included."

      • "What?!? You think I'm going be over six feet tall in a manner of weeks? That's not..."

      • "Actually, that's if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, you'll be dead. I'm sorry, but that's what the facts are saying."

        • "It's okay, I think I'm in the clear. I am, or I was barely 5'5", and today I'm a hair over 5'6", and I never had any fever, which suggests I'm a carrier. At least we get better odds than the men are getting. When are we going to tell them about this?"

        • "Not just yet."

      • 9 - "check-in"

        • A bunch of folks head off with the ATVs to have some fun and blow off steam. Mark goes to find Pavni.

        • When she answers the door, he has to look up, because she's almost two inches taller than him. He tells her about the outing, but she doesn't want to go. She seems despondent, so he asks how she's doing.

        • There is a long pause, and then she asks why he doesn't say anything about it. She feels like he's pretending not to notice. "I was not this tall when I got here." Is it because something is wrong with me? Is she's dying like her parents?

        • "No, no, no. You're not dying. I'm sorry Pavni, sit down." He tries his best to explain their theory, that the virus was limited to an amazon tribe, making the women tall and killing most of the men, until it was accidentally brought into a clinic in Brazil. Her parents, and his wife were victims of the virus, but they survived it, they are both carriers. So they have nothing to fear from it anymore. However, it'll still be affecting her for some time. Making her taller.

        • "So this virus that's killing everyone, that's what's making me taller? But I'm not going to get sick from it. And you're sure?" He nodded. "Okay. I guess that's a better explanation than I was hoping for. At least I'm not dying. So how much taller am I going to get?"

        • "Well, we're not sure about that. The women in the tribe were all between six-and-a-half and eight feet tall, so maybe..."

        • "Eight feet?!" A look of dread came over her face. "I don't want to be a freak. Is there any way to make it stop?"

        • He shook his head, "I'm sorry Pavni. We don't really know any more than I told you. For now, we can be thankful that we're both healthy, that we survived. We just have to take each day as it comes. And while this may not make you feel better right now, this isn't just happening to you, it's happening to all women, so I promise you, you won't be a freak."

        • "All women? You mean like all women here, or all women everywhere?"

        • "Everywhere. Our current theory is that it has this affect on all surviving female carriers." She stared off in space, her eyes vacant. "I'm sorry, I know this is alot to take in. I can leave you alone if you like."

        • "No," she snapped out of her trance, "I'm sorry. This is good news. I was sure I was dying. I'm not dying, right?" He shook his head. "Then I'm thrilled. I need to get out of this room and stop stressing."

        • "Did you want to meet up with the crew out on the ATVs? I can help you track them down."

        • "No thanks. They are too noisy and dirty. Mark, can you take me horseback riding. Like we did when I got here?"

        • "Of course I can."

        • ---

        • Pavni likes the nature, the stream, and tells Mark how grateful she is for all he's done, giving him a very long hug.

      • 10 - "sickness progresses on the ranch"

        • some events related to sickness among the farm hands. who lives, who dies. grief.

        • the whole misfit family comes down ill, except the 50s cowboy

        • Mark updates everyone on the ranch about what they know about the virus. Even though it's hard to believe, most of them had started to notice Pavni (6') and Kelly (5'11") being really tall, and wondered how they hadn't noticed before.

      • 10.5 - "New Friends"

        • Pavni and Georgie become friends

      • 11 - "cowboy harem"

        • a more suspicious group shows up... a mid 30s cowboy, and three obviously infected tall pretty girls he's "protecting" (18/19/25)

        • Simon sets some ground rules, telling him to leave his weapons in his truck. He doesn't like the condescending tone from a black man, but he can see he's outnumbered. Simon asks if they'd like to come inside for some food, but he says they're headed north, and are just hoping they have some food and gasoline to spare.

        • ?????

      • 12 -

      • ??? upcoming chapters ???

        • XX - teen heat

          • Georgie and Pavni are in a friendly height contest, and Pavni is excited to be the first to 6'5", Georgie is more excited about finally having a chest (she was flat). Georgie asks if Pavni is into Mark (saw how she looks at him), which she denies. Her parents asked Mark to look after her, so he's more like an uncle. Georgie asks if that means it's okay for her to go after him then? Pavni scolds her, as he's almost twice her age, but Georgie explains that it's not like they are lots of men around. Steve and Dougie seem to be very spoken for. She's just trying to make the most of what they have. She figures they don't have alot of time, because she's seen him and Lindsay together. She confirms Pavni has no problem with her going for Mark. Pavni teases that she has no problem if Georgie sleeps with her 'Uncle' Mark, that's not weird at all. Georgie teases back 'don't be jealous'.

        • XX - Lindsey flirts with Mark

          • D4 - Lindsey (5'5" -> 6'1" and much slimmer)', which he uses to taunt "have you accepted i'm right yet?". She teases back "Maybe." Mark asks her what it's like. Lindsey confides that she still can't believe it's happening, not only the height change, but that pudginess is melting off her. She's always struggled with her eating and weight, and it's such a dramatic change to be suddenly less fat. Mark compliments that she's not less fat, she's slim and pretty, not that she wasn't pretty before.

          • Lindsey excuses his mistake and says it's okay. Then she thanks him for bringing her here, for everything. She starts to cry.

          • Mark gets closer, and asks if she's okay, and she throws her arms around him, sobbing. "I'm sorry, it's just that I probably wouldn't have made it in D.C. You saved me, you saved all of us."

          • He waited a moment, then pulled away to look her in the eye, holding her face gently. "Lindsey, I only did what any decent person would do. I did what I could. There is going to be alot more work for us to make it to the other side of this, and for that, I'm glad you're here."

          • "I'm really glad to be here," She grasps his hand, and resists the urge to kiss him. In that moment, she finds him especially attractive, and lets her body pleasantly lean into him.

        • XXX -

      • ??? events ???

        • Liz (6'3") throws herself at Dougie - referencing their 'old times', and her needing some release.

        • slowly budding romance between Lindsey and Mark

        • Kelly gets even more aggressive as she gets bigger

        • misfit kids (15b / 14g / 13g) girls develop and grow relative to boy

          • D4 - (14g, 5'4" -> 5'7") (13g, 5'1" -> 5'4") passing (14b, 5'5")

          • D6 - (14g, 5'4" -> 5'8") (13g, 5'1" -> 5'7") passing (14b, 5'5")

          • D10 - (14g, 5'4" -> 6') (13g, 5'1" -> 5'10') passing (14b, 5'5")

          • D15 - (14g, 5'4" -> 6'4") (13g, 5'1" -> 6'1") passing (14b, 5'5")

          • D20 - (14g, 5'4" -> 6'8") (13g, 5'1" -> 6'4") passing (14b, 5'5")

        • Georgie (6'3") finds an opportunity to corner Mark in the horse barn, and makes awkward adolescent dirty cowgirl passes at him, offering herself up. (she has a problem. her body is going through so many changes, there are no boys her age. she wants him to show her what to do.) He's tempted by her gorgeous body, but ends up rebuffing her and getting out of there, stammering past Georgie's sister Liz (6'6) eavesdropping on the way out.

          • Liz catches Georgie getting her shirt back on and gets a good laugh about Georgie trying to swing for the fences, starting with the boss man. Georgie is a bit little sister tempermental about finally getting womanly and having nobody to have fun with. Liz offers to teach her how to get any man she wants. Liz explains that playing the inexperienced doe is not going to work with someone like Mark, he's too paternal, he'll just see you like a daughter. Getting him is a long game. You need to be a secretly a dirty girl, and get him to come to you. You can practice with Dougie. Georgie thought Dougie was hers, but she explains he's not her boyfriend, more of a boytoy, no reason georgie can't have a little fun with him.

        • ???

        • Georgie practices

        • About two weeks in, it becomes clear that the younger <30 girls are getting taller than the older women, as they crest over 7' tall. This starts to change the female dynamics a little.

        • About three weeks in, the growth has ended for those over 20, reaching about 7.5". They think everything has stopped.

        • Five weeks in, Georgie and Pavni are clearly still growing, albeit much more slowly. Seven weeks in, they are towering over 8'.

  • Brainstorm....

      • 1

      • Intro Mark and Charles as ultra-wealthy tech entrepreneurs, having founded a runaway social platform. Being interviewed about fake news.

        • In preparation for the interview, Mark is browsing a list of suspicious stories. After several obviously fake examples, he notices a tabloid headline and photo about "real life amazons" - first contact with a remote tribe deep in the Brazilian Amazon rain-forest with just a few "kept" men, and all women are unusually tall (every woman over 6'5", two are 7'8") - he gets drawn in by the footage, the film crew trying to be careful about making the tribe sick (which is unknowingly protecting them), struggling to find out how long their women have been tall (many generations, and a story of one who was even taller long ago), their unique M/F social structure (protective of the men), and the translator's attempt to understand their mythological sounding stories about how only blessed men can join their tribe and survive.

          • In 2008, uncontacted tribes were discovered in the Brazilian Amazon. Not only were the tribes found, but they led us to believe there were many more tribes, deeper in the rainforest.

          • After a deep forest road was built in 2017, more tribes were found, leading to the discovery of the amazon tribe.

        • The next morning is the interview, which asks about the effects on politics, education, religion. They deny people are so gullible, but explain safeguards they are putting in place to curb the trend.

        • After the interview, Charles feels faint, but he says it's nothing. He just didn't sleep well the night before.

    • When Mark gets back home, he gets a call that Charles is in the hospital. He gets on a plane, but by the time he and his wife get there, Charles is already dead. He's beside himself. Charle's wife is sick and in quarantine with their daughter Lindsey (who is fine). The wife asks Charles to watch over their daughter if anything happens to her. Of course he will, but he gives her hope everything will be fine.

    • The news is lit up with reports of the epidemic, thousands showing up at hospitals -- which are overflowing. A day later, Charles' wife dies, but Lindsey is fine and shows no symptoms. Mark realizes the seriousness of the situation, and gets them on a plane to a rural ranch he owns in rural Montana.

    • Over the coming days, he's glued to the news of the epidemic, and as it escalates, he realizes how serious it could get, and tries to get more people to the ranch. He reaches out to close friends and family, only to find out most of them are already ill or missing.

      • When he checks on Lindsey, she's crying and grief struck, and drags her out into some of the spendor of the ranch to get their minds off it. They ride horses together, ending at a raging stream. Lindsey talks about how it's not just her parents, she can't reach most of her friends. Lindsey asks questions about how bad it is, how bad it's going to get, and he shares what little he knows. She wants to know what they can do to help, what she can do to help. Mark doesn't know, and they cry together for a little while.

      • The news is more and more chilling by the day. The president is addressing the country from his bunker, and is recommending everyone stay inside, avoid any human contact. What's worse, Mark is starting to feel feverish, sniffle, and cough, which Lindsey notices and suggests he rest - but he resists slowing down.

      • Mark digs deep through his contacts and video conferences with an old college female classmate working at the CDC who is very despondent from losing her husband. Mark explains that he also lost his wife. He asks how bad it really is, and after resisting the conversation, and Mark having to appeal to his ability to help if he can, his friend confesses the confidential projections. 50% of the world's population dead in 25 days, that it's disproportionally killing those over 30, and men over women with a 4-to-1 ratio. Mark reacts, and his head spins as the seriousness sinks in. He quickly calculates and voices that "75% of the men in the world will be dead by the end of the month. What can I do? Money is no object. Is there any way to stop it?" She laughs that all the money in the world can't stop it now. That even if they had a vaccine right now, which they don't, and healthy employees in the production facilities, which they don't, that it would take 15 days to incubate a batch of 100,000 injections. By then, it will have killed 1.5B and infected another 3B. She quips, a little slap happy, that this is the doomsday scenario. It's time to hunker down and pray to whatever god you believe in.

      • There is a long pause, before he goes into survival mode, realizing how little time he has. He explains that he's at his ranch in Montana, explaining that they have land, and livestock. Will you let me bring you here? She makes a cynical joke about the absurdity of 20 people on a ranch as the human race is extinguished. He doesn't wait for an answer, and asks where she is. She's at work, she's been sleeping here on a sofa for days. He tells her a car will be there to pick her up within the hour. He asks her to bring everything they have on the disease, absolutely anything that might help, whatever medical equipment she can get her hands on, and any people with useful skills.

        • He calls his jet service, which gives him some resistance about getting a jet in the air from DC in a couple hours. He offers to triple the fee, and they suddenly agree to make things happen. He explains that they need to send a car service to pick up the single passenger, explaining her name, and her pickup location.

        • He goes to get Lindsey, declaring that he has something she can do to help. She's more than happy to have something to pull her out of her crying. He turns on his executive inspiration and spin, explaining things are much worse than he thought, so he's going to need her help. "I'm going to give it to you straight.". In a matter of days planes will stop flying, and a few more days before power plants shut down, and society starts to unravel. In three weeks, 50% of the planets population will be dead from the virus, and in the weeks to follow most of the rest will die of famine. They need to get as many people to the ranch as they can, people who can help them survive. Preferably people who have already been exposed to the virus and survived, like you.

        • He explains that He starts flipping through his online profile, making a friend group of anyone who might be useful to the end of the world. After he has sorted a couple dozen into the list, he

      • Mark wakes a week later to Lindsey sobbing with tears of joy, before breaking down and explaining how bad the situation is worldwide. He quickly asks questions, processing what has happened, and calculating his strategy for survival.

      • Then he notices she's grown substantially, and she explains what little she knows of the growth effects so far. Mark is briefly distracted with intellectual curiosity about how that could even be possible, and researches all he can about it.