Black Onyx (aka The Stone) Outline

    • Summary

      • adolescent horror story where the tale of a stone 'pandora's box' leads college kids to fantasize, only to run across the real thing the next day. Just as in the story, they learn a powerful lesson in being careful what you wish for, as their dark side of their wishes quickly takes lives. What did the others wish for and will they make it back alive?

    • Promise Ideas

      • Hero - Steve is the hero

      • Wish Backfires - Brad turns into a vampire and has to hide and feed, and eventually Steve burns him in the sun to stop him from killing any more people

      • Romance - Nina / Steve have a romping romance

      • Tragic Romance - Daniel / Keri have a dark enslavement romance

      • Conflict - Steve vs Daniel - Keri begs Steve to help her, but when he does, Daniel enslaves Nina.. makes a joke about how he's glad to trade, and threatens him with Nina's life.

      • Unlikely Pair - Steve and Keri team up... Keri explains what it felt like to be mind controlled (not good), while also fending off endless pain and thoughts about Nina, and how much he misses her

      • Tragic Romance - Daniel indulgently explores Nina's shapeshifting

      • Slay the Dragon - Steve creates a plan to overcome daniel, by... ? (using the stone again? setting a trap? absorbing his power into the stone? absorbing his power into himself?)

    • Backstory / Premise

      • "spooky adolescent camping horror stories" meets "pandora's stone of powers"

      • Five college kids in the woods.

      • An old man tells a spooky camping story powerful stone provides a lesson in being careful what you wish for, inspiring them to talk and contemplate what they would wish for.

      • The next day, they stumble upon the stone, which grants their wishes. It turns dark, as immediately one of them is dead (he wished to be a vampire and is seared by the sunlight). The shock is dismissed by their elation at having their wishes become reality, and it doesn't take long for another one of them to make a mistake with their power and die.

      • This leaves only three, who want to make it back alive and swear never to speak about what happened here. Thing is, they don't really know what each of them wished for.

    • Characters

      • brad / keri - baseball jock and his blond hot pom girl

      • steve / nina - brad's high school friend steve, and his asian girlfriend nina

      • daniel - nerd roomate of steve

    • Wishes

      • brad - vampire (burns up in the sun)

      • steve - teleportation (he teleports into a tree and kills himself)

      • daniel - female desire control

      • keri - telepathy (or maybe wishes to be rich?)

      • nina - shapeshifting

    • story ideas

    • a. back at camp the girls explore their new 'talents', and desire fueled mayhem ensues. first sexy, then competitive. the shapeshifter getting bigger to beat the telepath

      • b. back at camp the girls explore their new 'talents'. daniel works hard to hide his, despite the pressure of a gorgeous telepath.

      • c. back at camp the girls explore their new 'talents'. daniel makes keri want him. keri controls nina.

      • d. back at camp the girls explore their new 'talents'. daniel makes nina want him. keri controls daniel to save herself. nina gets big to stop her.

      • e. daniel has mind control. keri finds out, but daniel stops her from telling. hides it.

      • f. daniel has mind control. forces nina not to shapeshift.

    • longer story ideas

      • back at camp the girls explore their new 'talents'. daniel makes keri want him. Keri gets nina to give them some privacy. Daniel gets some 'telepath' infused action. In the morning, keri is shocked to find herself waking with Daniel and flees the campground. Nina wakes up, Daniel drives her back to town. He influences her. She flirts with him in the car, including 'altering' herself.

    • longer story ideas

      • only brad dies... back at the camp, steve and nina are on high playing with their talents, keri is in shock that brad is dead. Daniel tries to console her and ends up 'influencing' her. She starts flirting, and ends up giving him some 'telepath' inflused action.

      • keri does a bit of a 'makeover' on daniel, partially with the powerful suggestion of her telepathy. He becomes a 'cool kid', and due to his talent, he quickly becomes a player. Toying with women because he can, eventually bringing them home. Keri finds out she can control people, and to take our her jealousy, she controls them like puppets. (partially in spite, partially for his benefit) It becomes a game with them.

      • Even in public, Keri starts to abuse her mind-control. Embarrassing and harming people around herself for entertainment.

      • The two couples meet at a bar, and in the meantime, Nina's made herself taller and hotter. Every man in the bar is staring and hitting on her, which Steve isn't so cool with anymore. Keri is also kinda pissed to be around someone hotter. Steve starts getting ticked, wants her to tone it down a bit, not be taller than him. Daniel can't help but become obsessed and make her want him. Nina starts to flirt with Daniel and tick Steve off even more, asking Daniel if he has a problem with her sexy looks, height. Asks if he'd be okay if she got taller still - she does it. Steve teleports out in a huff.

      • "guess it's you and me now." Nina starts full on flirting with Daniel, to Keri's jealousy. Keri sends her away, "does it have to be her baby?" yes. he wants her.

      • back at their place, it starts off typical and fun... keri playing puppet games. Then keri is intimiated by Nina's height, realizes she can control the shapeshifting, makes her more 'normal height'. Daniel objects, Keri makes fun of him wanting an 'overgrown freak'. Keri shrugs back away from them, while taunting and puppeting her to be more of an overgrown caricature. Ridiculous boobs, ridiculous height. She verbally taunts him about his desires even as she puppets Nina to satisfy them, "you men are so predictable. long legs, big boobs."

    • cyoc

      • steve / nina - nina's first transformation

        • teleported to a beach somewhere warm

        • she jokes about skini dipping

      • keri / daniel - daniel's makeover

        • she jokes about knowing a little too much about her roomate now

        • she goes through his closet, weeds out his bad clothes

        • takes him to the mall, gets him a haircut, some new clothes

        • starts to get annoyed of his feeling out-classed by her

          • 'if it'll help, i'll take you to the middle of campus and fuck you buck naked on the quad.'

          • 'look at me. you are a great guy. you deserve me. you deserve any woman you want.'

          • -- she also suggests he can be smart, but shouldn't act like a geek anymore.

          • he transforms quickly at her suggestion, and tries to get her somewhere private. she has to go to class

      • keri - mind reading / suggestion at class

        • starts to explore her power

        • runs into nina, who is now extra-hot, mind-reads more than she wants to about their escapades

      • steve - explores his power

        • can teleport nearby objects as well (a few benign objects, then a cute girl's bra, who reacts in shock)

      • daniel - is a totally new man

        • walks campus with style

        • friends meet but hardly recognize him. he's cordial to them, but doesn't relish in their geekdom.

        • he 'accidentally' makes a cute girl want him

        • he leaves to meet keri at a bar

      • bar meet up (all 4)

        • talk about their powers, how amazing it is

        • steve 'shows off' in a slightly inappropriate way (stealing a bra), nina punches him

        • keri makes two people kiss (it's not mind control, merely suggestion)

        • daniel 'accidentally' makes another cute girl want him, she starts fawning over him, keri sends her away

        • steve and nina teleport to privacy

      • steve and nina - drunk sex w/powers

      • keri rocks daniel's world for 'real'

      • --- time passes

      • daniel - everywhere he goes girls are into him (he can't help making pretty girls like him)

        • he and keri get in a fight over it, he 'pushes' her to like him even more

        • she needs him, and brings the girl home to resolve the argument (using her power to convince the girl)

        • keri starts out just 'suggesting' hints to the girl to pleasure daniel. she's drinking. soon she's having fun just puppeting the girl. "you want her tits so bad, suck them already", forces her to stop before making him climax "that's for me." "stand over there" "get me some water"

      • bar meet up (all 4) - dark sides of their powers

      • nina getting constantly hit on over drinks

        • nina and steve fighting over how tall and hot she's making herself, she defends "i was a wallflower forever. i'm not going back".

        • daniel and keri show up, keri embarasses someone for her entertainment

          • girl dancing on the bar, keri makes a guy dance on the bar, 'why is it always a girl'

          • waitress gives danel her number, practally molests him

        • daniel can't help but be into the 'new nina', accidentaly becomes obsessed and starts to make her want him

        • nina starts to flirt with daniel and tick off steve even more, asking daniel if he has a problem with her sexy looks (which he doesn't), asks if he'd be okay with her taller still (he would) - she does it. steve teleport out in a huff

        • nina is full on into daniel. keri sends her away, 'does it have to be her'? yes. he wants her.

        • keri mind controls nina's growth, first closer to normal, then to show-up daniel, to caricatore proportions, as she puppets her to manhandle and satisfy him, which backfires as he finds it unexpectedly sexy

    • intro - group of college kids go camping (2 couples and a nerd roomate of one of the guys)

    • campfire story

      • an old man from a nearby campsite wanders up to their fire and starts telling a scarry story

      • it's the story of a stone of immeasurable power hidden in these woods, and what happened years ago when a simple woodsmith found it

      • he thought it so beautiful, sparkling with purple and green, but it looked too big to move. not being able to take it with him, not having a camera to capture it's beauty, het wished he were a skilled artist, as then he could capture it's likeness to enjoy whenever he liked. He eventually tired and went home. The next morning after breakfast, he picked up a pencil and paper to make a grocery list, and a moment later he realized he had sketched an amazing likeness of the stone. He felt shocked, having no previous artistic skill, yet even as he looked, his hand whipped across the paper, deepining and refining the sketch. He looked into his yard, picking out a nearby tree. He flipped a page in a mad frenzy, and a few moments later had sketched a perfect likeness. He was overjoyed, it was a dream, to have talent like this. Somehow the stone had made him into an artist. In the following years he became a great painter, found a wife, and had three glorous children.

      • the kids laugh about how great it would be, getting wishes, how this isn't scarry at all

      • Years later, his kids moved away, and just he and his wife took ill, not able to go far from their house for years. He was in his fifties, and wanted to paint his wife something beautiful to raise here spirits. He remembered the stone he'd seen in his youth and ventured into the woods, bringing his easel, paints and all, until he came upon it once more. It took him several hours of work to finish his painting. When he finished, he looked at it with sadness. Any of you would have found it stunning, his strokes capturing the vibrant daylight sparkling off the stone in amazing detail. However, he was sad that it was no match for the beauty of the stone. If only he were strong enough to carry the stone home, he could bring it to his wife so she could see it. Alas, he was not, so he reached to pick up his painting. Immediately, the wood frame cracked, the canvas tearing. He was upset at having ruined the painting he spend hours working, but when he reached to pick it up from the ground, the wood splintered to bits in his fingers like it was sawdust. He was shocked, looking at the bits in his fingers. He was shocked and confused, and reached towards a tree to steady himself. Before he knew it his fingers has dug into the tree. Pulling it free, bits of wood and bark splintered out. Somehow the stone had made him incredibly strong. It dawned on him that with this new strength, he might take the stone home to his wife, sharing it's beauty with her. He reached around and picked it up with no more effort than lifting a small sack of flour. He whistled and sang to himself as he carried it through the forest, excited about being able to share it with his wife.

      • the kids laugh again, 'so now the stone turned him into superman, and this is a bad thing?'

      • he set the stone down in his yard, and called for his wife to come out to him. She walked out, her legs not carrying her as easily as they had when she was young. As soon as she saw it, she was stunned by it's beauty. Flecks of green and purple sparkled and shimmered in the daylight. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, and it reminded her of her youth. Ohh how she wished to be young and healthy again. With that, her body began to change. The gray in her hair disappearing, the brittleness leaving her bones, her back straightening. He was astonished. In a few minutes she looked as she had in her twenties, when they fell in love. She felt wonderful, looking to her hands, realizing what had happened. It was a miracle. She ran to her husband, both of them overwhelmed with the miracles they had seen that day. However, when she reached her arms around him, she felt a terrible pain in her back and then heard an awful sound, like dozens of sticks cracking all at once. She felt her body slump over. He immediately realized what had happened. In the excitement he had let his amazing new strength snap her body in two. In moments her eyes were lifeless and he was covered in blood. Weeping and weeping at the horrible mistake he had made. He wished and wished she could be well, hoping the stone could right his wrong, but she never moved, lifeless in his arms. He buried her that day, right in the yard. Then he looked at the stone. It's sparkles no longer beautiful, but instead glimmering like a taunting evil reminder of what had happened that day. He vowed for nobody every to find the stone, and so he picked it up and carried it off into the woods, never to be seen again.

      • It is said, if you listen, even today you can hear the cracking branches as he carries it aimlessly through the forest. Occasionally you might even hear a thump as he sets it down for a moment of rest. And if you are really close, you might hear the sound of his weeping, as he cries about the terrible day his wife died in his arms.

      • "Boo!" one of the kids made a spooky joke, pointing a flashlight up under his chin to make his face look scarry

      • "you may laugh at my story, but be careful in these woods, many strange things are rumored to happen there." the man wandered off

    • campfire "truth or dare" disclosure (what would you wish for?)

      • Steve - teleportation - I could ski Aspen in the morning, have coffee in Switzerland, lunch in Paris, then a dinner out in Madrid. Nice!

      • Brad - jock - vampire, then I could live forever and make a following of hot vampirettes. Brad's g/f Keri smacks him and calls him a pig.

      • Keri - hot blond - telepathy - sneers at Brad about how she'd know if he was cheating on her. They all laugh.

      • Nina - shapeshifter, makes a joke about how she could finally get some boobs. They laugh again. Steve tells her she's perfect. Keri turns and asks Daniel what he would want. Brad pipes in, "ya nerd, what would you wish for? A life?"

      • Daniel - "Whatever, it's just a stupid story." He knows exactly what he would want. Watching the couples flirt he would want the power to make women want him. "Fine. I'd want to be like superman." They make fun of it as cliche. Brad, 'You already have the perfect Clark Kent Cover'. Keri hits him while the rest of them laugh. "You think stones grant wishes and you're making fun of me?"

    • day hike

      • they are all out for a hike

      • Brad and Keri are straggling behind and making out.

      • Nina is leading the charge, and comes upon a beautiful stone, sparkling green and purple in the daylight. "Guys, ohh my god, get over here."

      • The group files in silently around the stone, except Keri and Brad. Steve shouts for them, "Brad, Keri, save it for the tent and come take a look at this."

      • Nina speaks up, "Is that what I think it is?" They stare at the stone in shock, each of them silently thinking the same thing.

      • Then Brad slumps to his knees and begins to scream in agony, his flesh turning white, then grey. Nina expresses her shock, "oh my god, what's happening to him." Keri's attention is focused on him, and feels something, an intense emotion, then pain, searing burning pain. She wraps her arms around him, both of them screaming for a few minutes until Brad's body starts to whither, turning to dust. When it's finished, he's a pile of ash on the ground beneath Keri.

      • Steve - "what the fuck just happened?"

      • Nina - "Don't you see. It's the stone. he wished to be a vampire, and the sun... the sun kills vampires." They each looked at each other in disbelief.

      • Steve - "No fucking way. If that happened, this guy would be superman." He gently punched Daniel, knocking him to the ground. "And I'd be able to teleport." With that he disappeared, appearing across and behind where Keri lay over the piles of ashes. "No fucking way! I can teleport!" With that he began blinking around them playfully, shouting each time. "Here I am. Nope, here I am."

      • Nina - "Steve, stop, be careful. Steve, stop!" Steve's taunting came to an abrupt stop, but not because he listened. As they all turned, the could see his mistake. Half of his head and arm stuck grotesquely out the side of a nearby tree. Nina ran to him, "Ohh my god, Steve! No!" She was upon him, but it was too late. He was already dead.

      • Daniel finally speaks up, "We have to get out of here. We all heard the story. This stone is dangerous. We have to get away from it. Now." Keri looked up from the ashes with a blank look, feeling the emotion radiate through her from Daniel. Fear. Dread.

      • She ran to Nina, tugging at her as she weeped next to the tree Steve had embedded himself inside. "Nina, we have to leave, we have to get away from here." Daniel was helping now, as they both dragged her away.

      • They walked through the forest in a somber daze. Glad to be alive, not believing they had just seen three of their friends die in minutes. Die from their own wishes, just like the story said.

    • back at camp

      • Daniel silently made a campfire as Nina cooked up some food.

      • Keri sat to herself. Her world wasn't silence. It was filled with the racing dread and doubt of her friends, flowing directly to her from their minds.

      • As they all sat to eat, Nina finally speaks up, "What do we do? our friends died, we have to tell someone."

      • Daniel spoke up. "No, we are not going tell anyone what happened this day." The two girls looking at him blankly. "What are we going to tell them? That Brad turned into a vampire and burned in the sun? No. If we tell them, they'll either think we're crazy, or they'll go looking, they'll find the stone, and who knows what will happen. We tell them they went into the woods and never came back."

      • The girls were silent. Nina's body language said she wasn't happy with the outcome, but she didn't have a better answer. They each silently ate their food.

      • As she cleared away the plates, Nina voiced the only positive she could think of. "At least we're alive." Why were they alive. Maybe they hadn't received their wishes.

      • Keri spoke for the first time since the woods, addressing the question Nina hadn't vocalized, "I did." She heard Daniel wonder about her unexplained statement before he even spoke. She turned to him to answer, "I received my wish." She could hear the dialog in his head immediately, and responded with eerie speed. "Reading MInds. Yes, I can hear your thoughts." She rolled her eyes as she heard him beginning to think of a number. "Please," as if his little challenge was not worthy of her newfound ability, "four hundred sixty-six thousand, thirty five." He sat, mouth gaping open, shocked at the reality of her display. She turned to Nina. ""Do you believe me, or do I need to guess a number in your head too?" Nina glanced down at herself without responding, "now you're wondering if that means you can get the boobs you always dreamed of."

      • Nina started at her in shock, "ohh my god. Keri you can read minds!" If she wasn't staring right at Keri, watching her lips not flinch at all, she would have sworn the confirmation she heard in her head was spoken. 'Yes, I can read minds. Now are you going to see if you can shapeshift or what?' As soon as the shock wore off, Nina's attention returned to herself, to what now seemed like a petty desire. She had been flat her whole life. If she could even get a little bit of curve into her chest it would be like a dream come true. She looked down at her shirt and concentrated.

      • It only took a few seconds for her chest to puff out slightly, tightening against her trim shirt. Her increased shape was hardly visible in the dim firelight, but it was such a dream come true she let out an involuntary shriek at the confirmation, giggling and bouncing in excitement. She heard Keri's voice and laugh in her head, 'you dream of boobs your whole life and that's all you wanted?'

      • Keri turned back to Daniel. "We'll, it looks like the two of us got our wishes, so I'm guessing you got yours too. I'm also guessing it wasn't to be superman." Daniel felt a flash of anxiousness sweep across him. These were his personal thoughts, having someone free to just reach into his mind felt so violating. "Violating? Don't you think that's a bit dramatic? You know I can read minds." She glancd to Nina, noticing the way she was staring at and cupping her now D-cup tits. "You know boob-girl there can shapeshift."

      • Daniel's attention shifted to Nina. Keri felt his mental exclamation and visual flashes as he stared at the new curves. "So far you seem the same." His attention was still on Nina, who was still having a moment in awe of her own new tits. He hardly heard Keri speaking. "I'm just wondering what little bonus you came away with. Did you wish to be more of a genius? Maybe a little package improvement?" Keri's voice shifted to a funny mix of impatience and girl-to-girl comedy, "Nina, will you stop fondling yourself for a moment so we can figure out what nerd boy wished for?" She mentally shouted Nina's name at her to better get her attention.

      • "What? Sorry, I was just..." Nina seemed a little embarrassed that she had just been fondling herself right in front of them. While her eyes returned to the group, her breasts held their size, straining at the shape and neckline of a shirt not designed to hold them. Daniel's glaces were immediately obvious, and she felt a little warm inside that she had something to notice.

      • Now that Nina was looking his way, he was self-concious even at his little glances. He had always found her attractive, now she was even moreso. Almost as hot as Keri. Both of them had always been out of his league, but maybe. Just maybe. Keri tinged at his thought. She took pride in her vanity. Was Keri really almost as hot as her? The irony dawned on her. "I'm guessing shapeshifter there could be hotter than just about anyone, and yes, we're still out of your league. Come on boy wonder, what did you wish for? Tell us." His mind was thinking 'no no no' trying to shut her out, but at the same time he wondered if it might work. "If what might work?" What did he have to lose, he had to try it. "Yes, try it. We want to see."

      • Daniel let his attempts to shut Keri out, and realized he had no idea how this might work. He looked at Nina. The sweet nina that was nice to him despite him being a geek; the cute nina that was more girl than he could get the attention of, and now the hot Nina that was instantly almost busting out of her shirt. Then he willed her to want him. "You what?" Keri exclaimed. She looked to Nina.

      • Nothing happened, then suddenly Nina's posture changed. Instead of closing herself off, shrinking back behind Keri's lead, she opened up. Her arm reached across the table towards Daniel, casually brushing his hand. Her eyes stared into him like she was trying to control his attention. Her voice was soft and submissive when she spoke, "hey, don't badger him. We've all been through alot." She leaned towards Daniel just a little more, enjoying that he glanced again down her top. She wondered just what it might take to get him into her tent tonight. She considered making her boobs just a tiny bit bigger to see if he'd notice.

      • Keri shot her a stern glance. "You are not thinking of sleeping with him." Nina hardly noticed, all her attention focused on Daniel. Keri felt her do it, stretch her bust just a tiny bigger. She wasn't sure if she really felt it, or if it was just because both she and Daniel noticed it happen. He and Nina's eyes were locked in connection, and their hands had just come together. She shot a glance at Daniel. "What is going on here? Did you just make her want you?" Her face shifting almost to a look of dread. Daniel turned his attention to her, not really believing what had just happened between he an Nina so quickly. "Don't you dare do that to me!"

      • "No? You two make boys want you all the time. Is there something wrong with that?" Keri didn't register his logic, her mind closing off as she realized what just happened to Nina could happen to her in an instant. The chanting in her mind, 'no no no', was so loud he could hear it now. "What's wrong? Feeling violated?" For a moment he felt the smallest bit of guilt willing Nina to like him. She was the only girl that was nice to him. Keri on the other hand he wouldn't feel the smallest bit of guilt over. "Don't be so melodramatic." He concentrated, willing Keri to want him. He instantly felt her chanting stop, though for a moment she seemed exhausted. Then the life returned to her eyes.

      • Keri looked down at the two of them holding hands, then at each of them in turn, Nina still staring longingly at Daniel. She reached her hand out for his in a bit more of a grab than she expected. "I don't think you'll be taking him anywhere." She looked into his eyes, assuring she had his attention. "I've seen you checking me out Daniel. Not just tonight, not just on this camping trip, but all year long." Her body language and directness was already having the desired effect. She could sense his eyes on her, she could sense him mentally confirming her words. His mental encouragement made her even more bold than normal. "Yes, you know you want me." She stood, moving around the table to sit on the bench right next to him. She set her hand against his leg, instantly feeling his mental excitement at her touch. "Why take almost as hot as Keri to bed when you can have Keri?" She saw Daniel's attention jerk away across the table as Nina let out a small giggle.

      • "Is this a contest?" Keri followed the giggle, and they both watched as Nina subtly but obviously changed before their eyes. The bridge of her nose slimmed, as did her chin, her neck, and her arms. Her cheekbones raised slighly; her lips flushed; her shoulders raised slightly. Had she become taller? Her breasts actually shrank slightly while rising higher, firmer, and fuller. Finally, the green color in her eyes deepened, while her hair became more buoyant with volume. Each effect was tiny, some almost imperceptable on their own, but the combination was breathtaking. She was stunning. "What do you think? Hotter than Keri yet?" She stayed across the table. Keri could hear her mind deciding he'd have a better view of her from there. Nina addressed Keri for a moment, "Sweetie, a night with a shapeshifter girl? This has to be every man's dream. I can be anything he wants. I can be you if he wants, only better." She turned back to Daniel, "right Daniel? I've always liked you, always been nice to you. Bring me to bed and we can find out just what this body can do."

      • Keri felt a moment of dejection as she realized the reality of Nina's taunting. Keri had always lured men with her body. How could you do that against a shapeshifter? She heard Daniel's mind running wild, admiring her breasts and thinking about her making them bigger, wondering how tall she could get. Then she realized her ace in the hole. She shouted Daniel's name at him in his mind, immediately shaking him out of his connection with Nina. "I guess the question you have to consider," she was speaking to him only in his mind, "is whether you want eye-candy or pleasure." She moved her hand against his leg, instantly feeling his attention turn to it. "I can feel your every desire." She let him will her hand up his thigh. Every inch his desire and anticipation building. She presed her hand against his crotch, just like he wished she would. "See sweetie?" She drew it away, defying him only for a moment to build his excitement. When she brought it back, she could feel just where and how he enjoyed her rubbing the most. It was even easier than she expected.

      • Keri's non-verbal exchanges had happened in just a few seconds. Somehow in just a few strokes rubbing at his clothing, Daniel felt her anticipating his desire almost before he knew it. However, just as he was willing her further, his attention darted away as Nina started to stand. She let go of his hand, stepping out of the bench only to kneel on it. She seemed so stunning and tall. Unlike any woman he'd ever seen. She seemed like a runway model version of his friend Nina, only somehow more surreal. She was staring at him, posing herself on her knees as her long slender arms held the tabletop. "I can be anything you want Daniel. Do you want me blond?" She shook her head, her hair instantly turning color. "Firey Red?" Again she shook it, this time catching the twinkle in his eye and moving on. Perhaps you liked me a little bustier? His eyes opened wide shocked at her bust-line enhancing back to her D-cup size. Even as he watched, he felt Keri's hand following his every will beneath the table-line.

      • Keri found Nina's changes, seen through Daniel's desire, fairly sexy. Though her gift also allowed her to feel his true wishes. He wanted her bustier still, and taller. He wanted her to crawl across the table at him. He wanted both of them. She almost laughed at the thought. Of course he wanted both of them, what man wouldn't. She looked at Nina, her good friend turned sex goddess. She only held a small amount of resistance to the idea, and feeling Daniel's arousal for Nina helped make it a little bit her own. She laughed out loud this time, looking over at Nina, "does he have to choose? He wants us both." She tried her best to push her acceptance into Nina's mind, hoping it would convince her. She had no idea if it had any effect, but she immediately felt Nina's acceptance. She also felt her playful non-verbal scolding before she voiced it.

      • "Selfish naughty boy." Her posture changed as she left her pose, making her way around the table. "I can share if you can. I suppose there might be some unique... advantages." Nina expressed a thought clearly for Keri to hear, "For starters, you can tell me what he really wants me to look like." Keri also felt the hint of surprise when Nina noticed her hand still on his crotch. Her next thought a more organic reaction, "uhh, can't you wait until we get him somewhere more private?" Keri considered mentally explaining how much he wanted her to keep doing just exactly what she was doing, but she wouldn't understand. She just laughed as the two of them took him by the arms and headed for Nina's tent.

      • After zipping the door up behind them, the two of them stripped Daniel out of his clothes. Nina could almost sense where Keri would reach next, like she was broadcasting subtle hints of her own actions as they handled the task. Seconds later, they pushed him down in unison, Daniel landing on the sleeping bag covered aerobed.

      • As Keri began undressing, she felt his thoughts and immediately adjusted her motions, both teasing and satisfying his desire. The strange fantasy made live drew all his attention to her as she put on a sexy undressing show. Keri even felt Nina's attention on her A moment later Keri had crawled ontop of Daniel, satisfying his desire for her naked body and a soft sultry kiss. His enjoyment of her hips and breasts was an amazing sensation, making it hard to roll off and give Nina a fair chance.

      • Nina was standing still dressed and feeling uncomfortably half forgotten. Keri felt her doubts with force, realizing that her direct line into his mind gave her an unusually confident lack of jealousy. She could sense Daniel staring up at Nina, excited by her stunning body yet confused by her momentary awkwardness. Nina felt a mental encouragement, "your turn sexy." She took the stage, slowly peeling off her clothing. Then she felt something else, something from Keri, like a guide. She tried to listen to it, turning herself slightly, slowing her motion. She could almost see herself though Daniel's eyes, the curve of her breast from above, her slender arms reaching at her clothing. Was this what she felt now? Her mental tendrils reaching into his mind? It was amazing and enthralling as she let it guide her.

      • As Nina finished dropping her panties to the floor, she felt his pull, his desire for her to join them, but she resisted. "Not yet sweetie. Is this how you want me?" She willed Keri for a little help, posing herself, enjoying the proxied admiration as he looked up at her, but not sensing any clear desire for changes. She huffed her hands into a hip pose. "This little thing I whipped up is your fantasy dreamgirl? Remember, you can have anything you want."

      • "Nina you are stunning. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" His eyes scanned her body. God she was beautiful. He loved how tall she was, maybe 5'10"? He wondered what she'd look like a little taller. The way she had firmed up her breasts was perfect. They somehow had the paradoxical qualities of being large yet athletically firm. The appearance was intoxicating. Still, he wondered if they could even fuller and larger. It seemed impossible. A moment later he noticed her body start to change. Was she getting taller? "Yes sweetie, I can be taller. How tall were you thinking?" His eyes flashed to Keri, who looked at him with an air of non-responsibility. These were, afterall, his thoughts. When he looked back, Nina was at least a couple inches taller. It quickly dawned on him that he couldn't hide anything from these two.

      • Nina brought her hands to her breasts. "They are almost perfect, but lets shoot for perfect." His were glued to her curve as she held them. "Let's make them a little bigger for you." They swelled larger in her hands, while somehow remaining impossibly high and firm. He stared mesmerized, the effect going from sexy, to sultry, to downright dirty, as her tits reached caricature proportions, apparently at his will. "Oohh baby you like 'em big." She rubbed her now monstrous tits and laughed. "I'm going to have fun with these."

      • Looking up at what Nina had become, he could no longer think of her as a girl. The way Keri let her into his head allowed her to turn herself into a sexy fantasy come true, an impossible fantasy. "Obviously not impossible," her quippy remark reinforcing the effect. He wasn't thinking about a kiss, he was thinking about worshiping her amazing body. He wanted to get up and run his hands on her. She touched her abs as he thought about caressing them, touched her breasts when he thought about squeezing them. Then she taunted him about it, "Come up here and enjoy me."

      • Daniel wasted no time in scampering to his feet, almost forgetting about Keri and her instrumental role in the transformation. Standing eye-to-eye with Nina, he wasn't sure he'd ever met a girl who was 6' tall before. She pulled him into her, their lips and tongues locking. His was awash in arousal. Her massive tits smashed into him, holding them apart. Her tongue exploring his mouth. More than each of these, he felt a tingle at her height. Spending a life kissing women shorter than him, not short mind you, just shorter than him, the unusual moment triggered something in him, and his mind ran wild with fantasy. He'd dreamed of women taller than him, much taller than him. When their kiss unlocked, Nina looked down over his shoulder to Keri, "was that real?"

      • Keri let out a fascinated yet teasing giggle with her response, "Don't look at me, it's his dirty mind." Nina's eyes were back on him, and he felt like a line had been crossed, an embarrassing private thought stolen from him. He wondered if she was going to send him out, lose her interest and brand him a deviant. Then, shockingly, she just started to grow.

      • "Baby," her head was rising taller as she spoke, her nose passing his eyes, then her lips, then her chin. "If your shapeshifter sex vixen can't satisfy your deviant fantasies, who can?" Her body was still growing, not just taller, but proportionally bigger in every respect. Her shoulders inched past his nose and eyes, blocking his view of the tent material behind her. He heard the sound of nylon friction as she continued to swell. Even in their tall tent, her head had reached the slanted roof, sliding against the fabric. And her growth still wasn't stopping. Those titanic breasts she'd inflated for him had dragged up his chest and just cleared his shoulders. A moment later they were looming in front of his face, even larger than they had just been. No sooner had he wanted to bury his face in them, and her hand was on him, pushing him into her massive tits.