Full Circle, Outline

  • Characters

    • Ruby - 5'0" at 22 (pre transformation), never moved out of her home town

    • Steve - 5'5" at 22, equally stuck in life. Ruby's boyfriend.

    • Kendra Wilks - 5'10" at 22, ignores Ruby pre-transformation, best friends after.

    • Kent Taylor - 6' at 22, high school heart-throb, Kendra's high school sweetheart and b/f

  • Story Synopsis

    • Ruby's life is down in the dumps. She feels stuck at 22, never going to leave her small town. She blames half of her troubles on being so short.

    • She fills out a card in a Christmas contest. A magic shop owner finds her wish-card, gives her what she wants (height).

    • Each time she wishes to be taller, events of her past change to compensate, but she only remembers her original reality.

    • Her life seems to be getting "better", but she feels more isolated and alone...

    • ... until she stumbles on her 'short life' boyfriend Steve, who it turns out to have had a crush on her since the 5th grade.

story outline

  • (5'0")

    • Ruby is 5'0", is 22, never moved out of her home town, and is working a dead-end job at the local convinent store.

    • It's 8pm, Snow is on the ground, and Kendra Wilks (5'10"), drops into the store. She was the high-school class valedictorian, and is back home for the holidays. Turns out she's studying at princeton. Ruby remembers Kendra, but she doesn't remember Ruby. Ruby reminisces about her high-school years, considering a couple situations that didn't go her way, and blames the whole thing on her being so short.

    • Sitting alone feeling sorry for herself, Ruby opens her mass-printed corporate christmas card from the convenient store. Inside is a christmas-gift wish-ticket. The instructions tell her to write her wish, and if it's selected, she'll get it. (max $200 value). She write her real wish, "to be taller", and pockets it.

    • (short scene at home, where she still lives with her parents) (she has a phone call with her b/f, Steve, who is 5'5", and equally "stuck" in life)

    • she's outside a local coffee shop, sees the high-school heart-throb (Kent Taylor), hopes he doesn't see her. Kendra arrives and she just has to get out of there. She heads down an alley and sees an open backdoor, she hides in the bathroom to calm-down. Digging through her pockets for some gum or a mint to calm her down, she accidentally drops the ticket. Little does she know she dropped it in a magic store.

    • the shopkeeper finds her ticket, and chants some magic-sounding spell-ish thing about giving her 'as much height as she desires'

  • (5'9")

    • the next day is christmas morning. we get to hear her sad mental dialog about how she'd just like to not be living at home for christmas. When she wakes up, she's shocked by what she sees in the mirror. She's a totally different person. 5'9" and hot.

    • her wardrobe seems adjusted to her new height, as do her parents... (how much more of the world has changed? her whole life?) She's elated. she calls Steve to share the excitement, but he's shocked, doesn't know why she called, they are not dating.

    • somehow she sees Kendra again, and she's acting like they are friends. While they're seated together, and clues to her "new" life work into the conversation.

    • Kent shows up, he's Kendra's boyfriend. Ruby thinks if only she were a little taller, maybe Kent would want her instead.

  • (6')

    • (something happens) and she's 6' tall. Kent is totally eyeing her, but he's still Kendra's b/f.

    • Her "new" boyfriend shows up at her door, NBA basketball player (who? 6'5"). He's just in town to drop by the big Christmas party she's throwing for her high-school classmates.

    • At first she loves how much attention the ladies pay to her NBA boyfriend, and the boys are paying to her. However, it turns to envy, as he's also flirting with them. She thinks, if only she were a little taller, they'd pay attention to her that way.

  • (6'3")

    • (something happens) and she's 6'3" tall. Now nobody is talking to her. The guys, are intimidated by her, so they just talk with her b/f also.

    • She storms off, and (after something) runs into Steve. She approaches him and starts talking to him like they know each-other. He's surprised and confused about why she's talking to him, but thrilled to have the attention of the hostess and the tallest most stunning girl there. She remembers how nice he is, asks if she could call him for coffee. (before you go back to Princeton?) (reminding her she is in college now)

    • Her b/f comes to find her because he has to leave to meet the team on the road. They get in a fight in the car about his flirting with the girls. He defends himself. They reach her house. Before parting, he charges "sometimes i think you just to have someone you don't have to look down to." she fumes, "you think all I want is you're height? I can have all the height I want!" Her mind makes the wish, and before she realizes it he and his car have simply vanished. She's standing there on the sidewalk alone.

  • (6'6")

    • She turns to enter the house, and feels the proximity of the 7' door frame (she's now 6'6").

    • The next day she opens her mail, and it's a letter than her basketball scholarship at Penn may be suspended for academic performance, she's kinda down in the dumps, and heads out for coffee. Kendra sits with her when she asks, but seems to do it more out of obligation than caring. Kurt comes by but Ruby's attempts to talk to him just make him uncomfortable and he leaves.

    • Later she's feeling really low, calls Steve, he's a little stammered, thinking she only talked to her at the party because she was drunk. He agrees to meet, she basically invites herself to his place.

    • She shreds to him, how she always thought if she was "just a little taller" everything would have turned out differently. He doesn't understand how she could want to be any taller. She tries to confess the unbelievable story of the magic ticket. How before it all she was 5' tall, and he was her boyfriend. How her life was just nice and normal. A nice job, and a nice boyfriend.

    • He works up the nerve to tell her he's had a crush on her since the 5th grade. She blushes, gets flustered and excited. Starts flirting with him. They have a magic moment and kiss.

    • It takes his breath away, and when she asks why he seems so nervous, he confesses he never thought she's ever ever notice him. That he'd always hoping for this moment. How she's the reason he's attracted to taller women.

    • She's surprised her height doesn't intimidate him. She confesses that when she stormed off and ran into him at the party, it was because none of the guys would even talk to her. He nervously confesses that her height is her most amazing asset. How it's probably all started on "that horribly embarrassing day we first met" (phrasing like he expected her to remember)

    • "ohh really, what happened on that day" while touching and flirting like they are already an item. (which she kind of thinks they are)

    • He flushes beet red, and think's there's no way she wouldn't remember. She insists she doesn't, and asks, pleads, begs to hear the story. He's so much more excited by her than she remembers, and it kind of excites her. "come on, how bad could it be, everyone's childhood is embarassing. We can look back at it and laugh now right?" He's still clammed up, so she starts flirting with him to try to get the details, offering another kiss if he'll tell her the story.

      • He finally gives in, reconfirming that she really doesn't remember. She doesn't, and she says he better not spare any details. She forgot, how tall was she then?

      • She was 'only' about 5'10", almost two feet taller than him. She giggles at the thought, slipping her hand into his hair to encourage him. Apparently he was headed to his science class, turned the corner, and she almost ran him over, catching him mid fall. How she'd never even looked at him before that, and suddenly she was really concerned, apologetic and making sure he was okay. You were really nice. (she nudges closer, smiles, and nods expectantly for him to continue) Only understand, to you I was just a little kid you almost knocked over. To me well, you were more like a woman, taller than the teachers, and with the height difference, I uh got a little more than I bargained for." He stalls, hoping she'll remember and fill in the blanks but she just stares blankly back at him. "You know," he looks down at her shirt, "first contact", and his expression implies she should know what she's talking about.

      • "Oh! Ohhh!", finally getting his meaning she laughs and teases him. "So that's all it took. A little boob in the face and you're after taller girls forever?" She squeezed her hand in his head, expecting him to be ready for his reward, but he didn't seem to be finished.

      • "Well, that's not exactly the whole story. I can't believe you don't remember." She shakes her head, but he's silent, at a loss for words. She decides to turn up the charm.

      • "Maybe you can just show me what happened." He can't believe she's suggesting this. Does she really not remember? She stands, yanking him off the couch in the process. "Let's see, you said I was almost two feet taller than you?" Currently about a foot taller than him, the top of his head stopped right about at her chin. She looked around, considering standing on something, before realizing she could have so much more fun. She willed herself to be a foot taller, now 7'6" hoping it wouldn't change his memory of the situation.

    • (7'6")

      • Suddenly Steve was tiny in comparison, the top of his head barely reaching the middle of her breasts. He was so cute. The way he was suddenly starry eyed made her want to just wrap her arms around and squeeze him, but that's not how the story went. She took a step back, and recounted it, "So I'm hurrying along. I turn a corner, and boom," she surged forward while simultaneously reaching for him. She was so focused on taking him off-guard, on planting her boob square into his face, that she missed her catch. She felt a rush of guilt as her collision turned from playful to genuine. Her instincts kicked in, and she lurched forward. Her attempt was frantic, simultaneously reaching for and trying to avoid tripping over him. Even as her arms found purchase, it took her another awkward step to catch her balance, her legs spread as his dragged between them.

      • "Oops," she said in relief, holding him firmly against her as she hoisted them both up into a more stable position. "Like I said, boom," she laughed outloud at herself, at how she had accidentally recreated a more genuine version of his story than intended. Right down do the way she was currently holding his face smashed against her left tit. She relaxed her hold just a little, provocatively letting him only inches away from her, "and you got a little boob in the face. And then what?"

      • To her it was just a little horsing around with her boyfriend of many years. To him, it was the most sexy and flirtatious thing that had ever happened to him. He was held standing in place, his face an inch from her chest. A chest so massive and giant, on a woman so tall and beautiful, that it mixed arousal and awe into a single feeling. The words came out of his mouth almost involuntarily. "I didn't let go." The way she looked down at him with patient acceptance reminded him so much of that day. Like it was okay for him to be doing whatever he was doing. He said it again, "I didn't let go." He wrapped his hands around her as had been seared into his memory, hugging her fully. She squeezed in response, wedging his chin between her tits.

      • He felt awkward, expecting the moment to quickly end, another brief flirtation. Yet she held him there, his cheeks pressed against her breasts, and stared from above with an expectant look. He waited a moment, then another, and only when convinced she had no intention of releasing him, he finally relaxed, energized by the intimacy.

      • "I just stood there, holding you." He couldn't keep his face from beaming a smile as he continued. "At first you asked if I was okay, but then some kid across the hall made a comment. Said something about how Stevie was getting a taste of Big Red. That was what they called you then, Big Red." He wasn't sure what was more astonishing. That he was telling this story, or that he was re-living it, hugging Ruby, this time with his face wrapped in her breasts. "The thing is, you didn't care. You just let me be. I don't know why, but you told that kid off. You put your arm around me and said we were friends, asked him if he'd ever seen friend's hug. Then you told him if he didn't scam, Big Ruby was going to give him a lesson in manners." He felt her hand rustle through his hair in a moment that wasn't part of the memory, but an extension of it.

      • "Then you knelt, finally breaking my grip, looked me in the eyes with the most intent compassion i've ever seen. It didn't take you long to realize the reason I had been holding on was to hide my boyish reaction to the most beautiful girl in the world. You just told me not to be ashamed, that it was completely natural. In that moment, I knew you were not only the most beautiful, but the most compassionate, caring person I had ever met. You waited for me to do whatever I could to hide my embarrassment, before I nodded, and you walked away, never to talk to me again. Until your party that is."

      • "Wow." Ruby felt tears welling up. In all the years she had loved Steve, she had never heard him talk about her with such emotion, such reverence. In fact, despite his loyalty to the old 'short Ruby', he never seemed that attracted to her, like he was settling. Maybe this strange gift wasn't a curse after all. Maybe it was a blessing. Maybe it was all for Steve. "That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me." Accepting his compliment ended her tears and brought a flood of other emotions to her, attraction, desire, love. She wiped her eyes, and when she looked back down, his face still wedged between her breasts, she felt her flirty mood returning in full force.

      • "I don't remember that day, but I do remember a day just like it. A day I bumped into a sweet man." She looked down at Steve's face, nestled into her chest. "He's much shorter than I am, so little and cute I developed a crush." She paused for effect, running her fingers through his hair. "At first I didn't think he'd be attracted to me. I mean, why would he be?" She released Steve, enjoying the way he looked at her, before dropping down onto one-knee, almost eye-to-eye. "After all, I'm too tall for most men." She stared at him, "but not this man." She looked down, expecting, hoping to find his reaction today was as obvious as in his story. It was. "It's very obvious he's attracted to me. Plus, we made a deal, and I owed him a kiss." She said with a little smirk.

    • In her mind, Steve had been her boyfriend for years. They had been intimate countless times. And in all those years, he had never, ever been sporting a woody just at the sight of her. Even now she could see his eyes darting down, drawn to the opening in her shirt. It charged her with such a rush. Just as in the story, he started to fiddle with the fabric of his pants, attempting to hide his situation. She had no intention of letting this turn out anything like his little story.

      • "You know, that is a completely natural reaction." She slowly took his hands by the wrist, interrupting his task. She raised them up, and directed them gently to her her shoulders. She grasped him firmly at the waist, pulling him in, slowly, electrifyingly bringing them together. Before their lips touched, she could hear his breath panting. Their lips locked, and as the kiss went from timid to fervent, their tongues intertwined and she felt his hands pulling at her neck. She couldn't remember a time where he ever seemed so attracted to her, but the thing is, she couldn't remember a time feeling so attracted to him either. And he was exactly the same as she remembered him.

      • Until that moment, part of Steve had thought this whole thing was a joke. That she was just trying to torture him. However, the kiss felt so genuine, so connected, that as their lips parted, he started to believe she might really be attracted to him. What's more, the feeling of her proximity was intoxicating. Being able to touch her after all these years, and having her respond, was too powerful a motivator. He raised his hand into her hair, and felt a jolt of arousal at the way her head cocked back and encouraged him.

    • As his hands caressed her scalp and neck, her posture arched, offering herself. His hands caressed outward, across her collar towards her shoulders, slipping underneath the fabric of her clothing. Her head came back forward, meeting his eyes. "It might surprise you to know I have a bit of a crush on you too, Steve."

      • If her casual tilting of the head wasn't enough permission, her posture changes certainly were. Her chest puffed out closer to him, broadening the opening down her shirt, and he couldn't resist the invitation. His mind, her motions, all seemed to be encouraging him to caress her breasts.

      • He rubbed his hands downward, and just as they approached the prize, the fabric of her collar awkwardly impeded him, catching his wrists. She noticed, and donned a flirtingly pouty face.

      • "I'm so glad we're not kids anymore."

      • He laughed, at her joke, and his good fortune, and responded with conviction, "so am I." Even as he said it, she had backed away, her hands rising.

      • "Ohh, I bet you are." An instant later he realized what she was doing. Undressing. Her shirt folded over as she lifted the hem up, extending her arms as she pulled it clear over her head. Nearly eye-to-eye while still on her knees, her sizable breasts framed and plumped by her black bra. She was the most stunningly beautiful sight he'd ever seen. That is until she continued, reaching behind to unclasp her bra. A moment later she was topless, and he was awestruck, staring at her massive tits as the movement of her body shifted them about.

      • She leaned in, reaching her hands up the back of his shirt to embrace him. Pulling in, her breasts smashed high on his chest, and his feet left the ground. His hands braced her shoulders for support, and she teased on, She bounced him a couple times gently, and they both felt his erection rub distractedly into her tummy. "I now know much more about how to resolve your little... situation."

      • "You know some things today are the same as that day." When she looked back up, she saw his eyes darting and realized his view down at her offered him a stunning view down her shirt as well. Like the story, she lingered patiently. "I'm obviously much taller than you, and you're obviously very attracted to me." She put her hand against his hip,

  • (today, 5'5" vs 6'6", 13" height difference) They hug, and then kiss, and then get intimate. (she does it because she still feels like Steve is her boyfriend, Steve does it because he's shocked the girl of his dreams is responding to him)

  • When she gets home the next day, she calls Penn to find out what's behind the academic situation. It's easier to resolve than she thought. She packs her bags, as she's headed back to college that day. She decides things have turned out better than she thought.

  • She can't leave without at least saying goodbye to Steve. Even though she says how much she cares and wants him to visit her, he "knows how it is". She's going back to college, and she'll probably forget him. No need to make promises. That he's just glad for the brief moment they shared. Her emotions are gushing at his admission.

  • She knows she has to back to college, but he deserves so much more. "Let me at least refresh that fantasy of yours." She wills herself to 7'5", and steps up close to him. "Is this about how much taller I was than you then?" He gulps at her breasts so close to his face. she takes of her top, and playfully 'recreates' the event, smashing him into her. they have sex again.

  • as she's leaving, she has to duck under the doorframe, decides maybe she's too tall, and finds herself shrink down to 6'6. 'This is going to be an interesting life'.