Trigger Therapy, part 2 : Unexpected

The whole summer had been a little wearing for Rick. As much as he enjoyed the internship, and being exposed to a real-life drug trial, he spent most of the summer isolated from anyone he knew. He was happy to be on campus, to be walking to meet his buddies. The whole situation with his ex Drew, how she was somehow randomly in his drug-trial, and how she somehow had become taller and full of attitude. It was all a bit surreal.

Being back on campus, filled with the familiar activity of students, was helping to set his compass straight. As he showed up a the bar where he normally met his motley crew of friends, he immediately spotted Brian. The feeling was mutual as they both shared a handshake and a manly hug. "Great to see you man. Where's Alex?" He had already spotted Steve picking up a round of drinks.

Brian pointed both hands across the bar like a tipsy aircraft ground-controller. Alex, of course, was already hitting on the new freshman talent. "How was the big internship? Fancy drug trial. Big man on campus."

Rick shook his head. Both because it wasn't that big of a deal, and it just made him think of Drew. Ever since she had dropped him flat he couldn't get her out of his head. "It was lots of boring clinic hours and then mountains of data-entry. However, it'll look really great on my med-school application." He didn't have to shout as much as usual. The bar was half as crowded and noisy as usual, as it was just the first week of the semester. Alex wamdered back over to them, alone. He mock-pounded his fist into Rick's chest, Rick answered, "good to see you, Alex."

"Good to see you too Rick. Summer back in Miami was cra-zay. Too bad you couldn't make it down, buried under all that work. Could have used you buddy. Hey, I think I saw your old squeeze over there, and she's looking hot. Are you totally over her? You mind if I..." Rick's elation from being among his buddies dropped a couple notches as he couldn't resist looking where Alex gestured. Sure enough, there was Drew across the room. He wanted to ignore her but thoughts about her had been circling in his mind too much not to look. She was sitting with some girlfriends, and some pretty good looking guys were chatting them up. Rick shook his head and looked away, not to say no, but to say 'don't go there'. He didn't have much to worry about, she didn't fall for Alex's slick act like other girls did.

Rick struck up a game of pool with Brian to distract himself, and downed the first couple beers a little faster than he otherwise might have. He noticed Alex and Steve chatting up some girls that seemed interested. Three beers and three pool losses in, he felt back in the swing of things, and called it a night. That is until Drew approached. Rick saw her headed right for him out of nowhere, wearing a black and white top and a black skirt. She had a friend of hers in tow. He recognized her, though he couldn't remember her name. Even though Drew was wearing flats, she seemed like she might now be taller than him. Before she reached him, he sat back on a barstool so he didn't have to find out. "Hey Ricky, Alex hit on me and I figured you wouldn't be far away." She seemed a bit tipsy, though she'd never called him Ricky before. "You remember my friend Amy." He shook her hand, knowing he'd forget her name again just as fast. She looked pretty unremarkable and short next to Drew.

Brian came darting over like a moth to the flame, always impetuous in his entrance. "You girls on for some doubles?" It wasn't until he made eye contact that he put two and two together and recognized Rick's ex. "Ohh Drew. How are you?" He extended a polite half-hug to her and then to her friend. Rick could see Drew was now taller than him.

"We were on our way out, but I wouldn't mind knocking around some balls." Drew's crass attempt at humor showed off her state of inebriation as her silent friend nodded. She grabbed a pool que and the girls spent the game mostly circling to the far side of the table and talking to each other.

Rick failed miserably at trying not to give Drew the impression he couldn't keep his eyes off her. It didn't help that she was eyeing him most of the game. She was wearing flats, and watching her lean over the pool table seemed to accentuate just how much taller and sexier she was. Rick wasn't the only one that noticed. In between shots Brian brought it up. "Hey man, is it me, or is she taller than when you were dating her?" Rick didn't want, or know, how to answer that question, so he just shrugged. "You two are eyeing each-other like panthers, why don't you just take her back to your room and pounce!" After the spite Drew showed him last time, Rick doubted he could get her to go anywhere with him. Unfortunately, that made him even more attracted to her. He was hardly paying attention to the game, so he wasn't sure if they had let the girls win, or if it was just chance.

Drew congratulated her partner and walked over to Rick, handing off the pool que. "Thanks Rick, I'm glad we ran into each-other. I hope we see each other around." She leaned in for a hug, and whispered spite into his ear, "see what you're missing?" She pecked a kiss high on his cheek, and before he could respond she had turned and was halfway out the bar with her friend.


Three weeks later, Rick couldn't believe how much he had accidentally seen Drew around campus. Everywhere he turned it seemed like she was off in the distance, her head peeking above her classmates. He had even seen her out at the bars, being hit on by some tall sports types, probably basketball. In years prior his regular bar hangout was his respite from everything else, but now she was seeing her hang out there as well. Part of it was because he couldn't put her out of his mind, but part of it was because she was so hard to miss.

That night, he wasn't surprised to see her off to the side with some unfamiliar folks. He suppressed his desire to eye her and darted right to his typical spot. None of his friends were there yet. He ordered a drink and curled up at a bar-stool table, trying not to look her way. He spotted some cute girls on the other side of the bar, but none of them distracted him as much as his rekindled infatuation with Drew. He was a med-student, he knew the psychology. He wanted her because he couldn't have her. Still, his friends noticing how good she looked made it hard to keep rational perspective.

He noticed Drew head for the bar, and couldn't help watching. She looked even taller and sexier. She was smiling, almost glowing. He wondered how it was even possible for him to be this attracted to her. Then she turned and spotted him. He wanted to look away or hide, but it would be pointless. Her hand was up already, waving to him. He barely waved back as he turned aside to lose himself in his drink.

A moment later he felt a hand on his shoulder, and heard a female voice over the noise, "Rick? I thought that was you!" He turned, expecting to find Drew. Instead the woman looked like Drew but wasn't Drew. The dissonance confused and silenced him as he reciprocated her hug. His face carried his look of confusion long enough for her to notice. "Annie! Drew's sister. We met when I visited her last year." He had just remembered, his face finally showing recognition.

"Wow, you look different. Are you at school here now?" His mind was spinning trying to draw the connections. The Annie he had met was a short lanky high-school senior. As his eyes looked her over, he couldn't help stating the obvious, "you're so tall!" She wasn't only taller than him, he guessed she was taller than Drew. She also had new sexy curves filling out her plain t-shirt and jeans.

Annie let out a healthy laugh. "Ohh that. Ya, who knew the Canter sisters would both grow freakishly tall from a drug-trial. It's taking some getting used to. At least nobody knows me here, I can't imagine what it would be like if I had another year of high-school."

Rick's mind was reeling about how improbable this all was. Annie couldn't have been more than 5'5" the last time he saw her, now she had to be at least 6' tall. Nobody grows more than five inches in five months. Not to mention her figure, it had developed substantially. His medical curiosity got the best of him. "Does it hurt? I mean, that's a big growth spurt." She was standing pretty close now, her arms leaning on the bar-table.

Alex stode up from behind and slapped him on the back, "does what hurt, champ?" He finally noticed Annie, briefly mistaking her for Drew, "Hello Dre...who do we have here?" He extended a hand to introduce himself, "I'm Alex, Rick's better looking wingman."

Rick felt obligated to introduce them. "Alex, this is Annie, Drew's younger and fairer sister." He noticed her smile at his complement.

[[ Alex exchanged a few witty retorts in the process of finding out that she was also studying pre-med. Rick was too distracted by the uncanny resemblance to hear them. ]]

Rick's infatuation with Annie was growing by the second. The way she positioned herself next to him and brushed her leg up against his only sped up the process. Alex read the same signals between them and gave in, dismissing himself to go get some drinks. "Sorry about Alex, he can be a bit much."

"No no, he's funny." She was certainly more cheery than her sister. She placed both her hands around his wrist in a flirty gesture. It said, no Rick, I'm interested in you. "To answer your question earlier, it hurt a little in the beginning, but not so much anymore. Honestly, I didn't even know what the trial was about at first. They wanted sisters of different ages, and I planned to study medicine, so I signed up on a whim. Really didn't expect this. The height is one adjustment, transitioning from my former stick-figure has been a bigger challenge." She leaned in closer. "Though between you and me, I'm not complaining."

Rick chuckled. From his perspective she certainly had nothing to complain about. The Annie next to him had a perfect amount of girl-ish shape, combined with an extra helping of tall. If she didn't look so girl-next door she might be a candidate to be a super-model. Maybe with a little makeup? He stopped himself before he started to idolize her too much. He was already finding himself overly attracted to her. He reminded himself of Alex's trick, think of her as a bunny rabbit, a little freshman bunny rabbit, and you are a wolf. "So how are you finding school so far? Do you have Wadsman for Intro?"

She burst out a giggle, "Yes yes, and he's so funny. Honestly, I might be in over my head with this pre-med thing. I've always liked biology, and cutting up frogs, but they have me taking chemistry classes that seem way over my head. You wouldn't, you know, have any extra time to help me study would you?" She grabbed his wrist again and beamed her most hopeful smile. Her mannerisms were so incredibly freshman, and he found them very endearing. He nodded and she squeezed as she flipped into her purse, tapped at her phone and handed it to him. He dutifully typed out his number and felt his phone buzz a moment later when the text message went through.

As Alex finally returned from the bar it was obvious what took him so long. Two drinks in his hands, and two held by the cute brunette following him, also looking very freshman. "Lovebirds, this is Lacy, a girl much too beautiful and smart for me to deserve. Lacy, meet Rick, and the newest twinkle in his eye, Annie." Both of the girls beamed at the compliments.

[[ The girls exchanged some pleasantries, and before we knew it they were knee deep talking to each other. Freshmen were like that, clamoring to meet new friends. Alex and Rick used the loud cover of the bar to talk about them. It wasn't long before Annie's friends came to 'save' her. Even though she was reluctant to leave us, she did eventually re-join her friends after taking the time to leave a memorable kiss on Rick's cheek. That was his queue. He excused himself from Alex and Lacy and headed home. ]]


Rick's study date with Annie had come all too slowly. With all his pent up gloomy frustration about Drew instantly ignited and focused on her sister, he could hardly avoid thinking about her. She was in the typical freshman dorm, and he felt like he was meeting her in public as he made he was down the hall of open doors. "Rick, come in!" Annie sprung from the perch on her bed as soon as he entered the room and landed a hug on him that was a little more excited than he expected. She was wearing workout clothes. Baggy pants and a skin tight shirt that showed how non-lanky had become. She wasn't busty mind you, just perfect, hot. Even barefoot she was decidedly taller than him, at least by an inch or two. He followed her over to the bed as she pulled out a book and some worksheets. "This chemistry, it's just kicking my butt. Here can you help me with this? Don't tell me the answer, just, what do they mean here." She pointed down to the book.

It was talking about atomic bond valences, and energy transitions. "Ahh. Where is your periodic table." She pulled it out of a folder. "Every element is arranged on this table by it's atomic number, or atomic weight. These are a result of the number of electrons orbiting the atom's nucleus..." He continued, providing his best explanation of atoms, fission, and fusion. She listened so intently, drawing him in. When she looked at something he pointed out in the book, he looked at her. If she wasn't so responsive to him, with such a soft girlish face, he might have been intimidated by her almost fitness model body. The way she kept leaning over and pressed her hands on his thigh kept felt obviously flirtatious. After his explanations, they both focused on their own work, with her only occasionally interjecting with a question. There were a few moments where he just wanted to grab her and kiss her, if he had only been a little more sure. However, her roomate sauntered in just as he was working up the nerve.

"Rick, this is my roomate Becky. Becky, this is Rick. He's helping me study Chemistry." We nodded to each other, and I looked at the clock. Somehow it was already 10pm. Had I really been there for three hours? It few by so fast.

"Wow Annie. It's 10pm. I really should be getting home. I have cadaver labs early in the morning." I was already collecting my things. When I stood up she held her hands out to me and punctuated with an expression of curable sadness. It passed as I grasped her hands. "I had a really good time. I hope those pointers helped. We'll study again soon." Looking down at her beautiful features and longing face, letting go of her hands took longer than it should have.

Annie called back to me as he headed for the door. "Actually Rick, I'm meeting some friends out at Irvin's on Friday, want to meet us?" He nodded back to her, still walking backwards. "8pm, see you there!" She kissed her hand and blew it as he reached the door, pondering for a moment why she was so into him. Honestly, he didn't care.


Any spare moments he wasn't thinking about medical science were spent thinking about Annie. It even surprised him how fast he was falling for her. They had only spent a sliver of time together. He spotted her immediately as he entered the bar and headed her way. Only when he got close did he realize it was actually Drew. He continued towards her with no hesitation, now that her reminders of regret no longer held him. "Hey Drew. How are you on this fine evening? Have you seen your sister?"

"My sister? Why ever would you be looking for her? If I've grown out of you, she surely has." Drew stood up next to Rick, illustrating the heel-assisted four inch height advantage. If her little display didn't convince him he was cured of her torment, her date returning did. He was even taller than her, looked like he was on the basketball team, and didn't bother introducing himself before pulling her close and shoving his tongue down her throat. They ignored Rick excusing himself as he walked away looking for Annie.

A tug on Rick's arm, and he barely registered her face before she pulled him onto the dance floor. She and her friends had formed a typical college dancing circle, and the music was remixed pop R&B. Annie was wearing a tight-fitting halter dress with a flowing skirt. After he tore his eyes away from the motion of her body, he noticed her staring flirtatiously at him. He felt naked without a drink in his hand, and had to shout for her to hear him. "I'm going to get a drink, you want something?"

Her lips bump into his ear as he she spoke into it while still bouncing to the beat. "We're all underage." Rick waved a dismissive gesture as he headed for the bar. By the time he brought the pitcher and glasses back to a nearby table they all streamed off the dance floor for a break. It turns out they were 6 in total, though her roommate was the only one Rick recognized. They must have been at it for a while, as one of her girl friends was visibly sweating from the effort.

Rick couldn't really make out anything they were saying with the noise, but he recognized the universal gestures thanking him for the beer. After quenching their thirst, the group streamed out to the dance floor, with Annie staying behind. After trying hopelessly to hear each-other over the noise, they both pointed towards a booth area away from the bumping base-beat sounds of the DJ and she held his hand as she followed.

We scooted into a booth side by side. It was still loud enough that we had to be very close to have any chance of hearing each-other. "I saw you talking to my sister earlier. Are you still into her?" I noticed she hadn't let go of my hand as I shook my head in response.

"We broke up last year. She's really turned into a different person. She can date who she likes, which she obviously does. We've both moved on." She smiled and scooted herself closer still, our legs now pressed against each other before she leaned in again to speak.


"So you're saying you're on the market?" Her tone and her mannerisms are flirting heavily now as I nod back to her. "I want to confess, I have a crush on you." Rick felt his pulserate rise as he responded to her attention. She was too close now not to kiss. He leaned in and brushed his lips against her face, then their lips met. The kiss was soft at first, and only a moment of awkwardness before a tiny amount of tongue contact and a parting. He noticed a silly grin on her face as she bent in for a repeat occurance.

"Sis, I need the keys to my car back." She was practically yelling to be heard over the music. Not exactly the followup to their first kiss either of them had been hoping for. Annie scooted out of the booth and stood up, reaching into her pocket. "Satisfying your crush I see. You're really passing on Billy for him? Billy is not going to wait around, he can have any girl he wants." Rick watched them talk without being able to hear their private exchange.

Annie handed over the keys. "I already told you I'm not interested." Billy was a dumb sports jock, another basketball player. Annie wasn't sure what Drew saw in them. Maybe the attention.

Drew was a step away when she again raised her voice over the music, "don't say I didn't warn you when you grow out of little Ricky over there. Remember what they said at the last check-in." Drew turned and disappeared into the crowd. Rick had made out most of what she said. A few days ago it might have stung. The way Annie looked back at him, what could he care what her sister said. Annie held out a hand and mouthed something while tipping her head back over her shoulder. The universal college sign for, it's too damn loud in here lets go somewhere else. He agreed, he took her hand and they both made for the door.

It took a few minutes for their ears to adjust to the silence as they walked towards the housing side of campus. "I feel like I used to know my sister," she confessed. "Ever since the drug therapy, she's been, different, so selfish. It's like suddenly the world is the Drew channel. You should see the way she acts to those guys. I don't understand why they want to be around it." She held his hand tight in silence for a moment. Her next words came out with a chipper flirtatious attitude, "take my advice, you're much better off with me. Do you think you could see me as more than her little sister?"

Rick squeezed her hand as the calm confidence of a girl's attentions filled him. "You really don't seem like her little sister anymore. I think you might be taller than she is!" He delivered with a balanced mix of sincerity and humor.

She laughed and poked him in the side. "Ohh, you know what I mean! I want you to see me as more than sweet little Annie!" She wrinkled her nose at the absurdity of what she said and corrected herself, "...more than sweet little sister Annie."

They both stopped and moved closer. "I'm certain I can do that." A slow moment later they kissed again, embracing each other. He felt a mixed tingle of excitement, and he wasn't sure how much of it was his infatuation, and how much of it was the first time he held, kissed, and looked up to a girl decidedly taller than he was. The released and returned to walking. As they walked Drew's comments beginning to knaw at him. He didn't just intern on the study, he read all the research. Those primary effects were real, and there was a good chance Annie would keep getting taller. "I think there's more chance of you seeing me as little Ricky. What did they say at your last check-in?"

"Ohh, don't let my sister get to you. She's just jealous. They explained that the therapy is related to the pituitary, that it slows in the late teens. It's ending for her, and she's just jealous that I'm only 18. I'm not sure I'm happy about it. Please warn me if I start to act like her. I suspect it's the hormonal changes they warned about." They reached a crossroads, the walkway to her dorm on the left, the short walk to his apartment on the right. She hugged him close and held him as she spoke over his shoulder. "I'm really having a great time tonight. I don't mean to seem too forward, but could I come to your place for a while? It's just that my roomate seems to treat weekends as a revolving door of men. Going up there so she can stomp in and make out with a boy while he pretends not to stare at me is not my idea of a fun Friday night." Rick laughed at the elaborateness and absurdity of the truth. She could have simply asked to come with him, or simply kept walking. He kissed her cheek and held her hand as he led them both towards his apartment.

He closed the front door with them both inside. The rest of the walk to his apartment had been quiet and perhaps nervously hurried. Neither of them knew where this was going tonight. As excited as he was about her attentions, he still felt himself tearing down emotional boundaries trying to keep her the little sister. Still, the longer he was this close to her, the more he wanted her. As he turned around she lunged for him with a kiss and pressed him into the door harder than either of them expected. His hands found his way to her hips and he felt her firm breasts pressing into his chest as they kissed with an enjoyable hint of awkwardness. As their lips parted she straightened up further and leaned into him to whisper, her hands hanging off his shoulders, "I need to confess," she paused to intentionally brush her lips against his ear, "It might have also affected my hormone levels, at least a little." She took his earlobe between her lips and gently sucked on it, then pressed a kiss against his cheek.

He freed himself and led her towards the bedroom where she followed him onto the bed. As she snuggled in next to him he laid over her and initiated another kiss. At first she was still impetuous, even awkward, but as their lips and bodies pressed and rubbed against each other, she relaxed. The mood became more passionate, and their tongues teased at each other. As they parted, the fabric clung to the perfect shape of her breasts in his periphery. He slipped his hand down her neck, cupping against her firm shape and creating a sexy curve down the opening of her dress. She watched and waited patiently as he admired her. He brought his lips to her neck, dropped a path of kisses to her open neckline, and set his lips against a sliver of bare breast for a slow wet kiss. In an attempt to push it a step further he reached down and lifted at her dress, but he felt her hand firmly stop him before she turned over on top of him. Her message was clear, I want you, but I'm keeping my clothes on tonight.

As they retreated to kissing, She rubbed herself against him in a motion that suggested her body wanted to go much further than she was prepared to. His hands reached around and enjoyed pulling at her bottom, encouraging her to keep rubbing and riding him despite the layers of clothes between them. He wondered if the rhythm was going to spill him right there in his pants until she slowed her motions, the pace of her tongue simultaneously slowing as it forcibly probed his mouth. As the pace came to a stopping point she sat up on him. His state of frenzy calmed as he expected her to explain it was time to her to go, but she just sat there looking down on him. He appreciated the chance to admire her again, every bit of of her disheveled hair and wrinkled dress contributing to a look of sexiness. He felt completely off guard when he felt her fingers slip under opposites sides of his waistband and trace their way along it to meet in the center. Her thumbs pressing down on him through the fabric while her fingers slipped deep enough underneath to touch his tip. The sensation immediately refocused him, yet he was unsure how to respond, having been disuaded from removing her clothing. He simply lie there looking up at her, and she sat looking down at him, as her fingers rubbed against him. A moment later, she unbuttoned his pants, and her teasing heightened as she first pressed against his underwear and then peeled them down, exposing his erection. Her cool fingers on his bare skin were even more electrifying than admiring her sexy frame staring down at her task.

He took a moment to pull his shirt up, and she lifted herself off him enough to remove it completely. They hadn't spoken since entering his apartment, but at the moment he felt they were acting together. She was going to pleasure him, and he was going to let her. She slipped her dry fingers under and around his cock with equal parts deliberate teasing and adolescent awkwardness. He longed to respond in some way, but he didn't want to push her boundaries. He placed his hands against the bar skin of her legs, and rubbed them under the skirt of her dress. She remained unfased, only occasionally alternating her focus between her task and connecting with his eyes. Her fingers were more directly stroking him now as she started to build a rhythm of motion. Her body was extremly still as she straddled him, and her muscles were taunt with pressure steadying herself. In his state of arousal he felt a strong urge to releive her of her dress, to see her naked, even if just to have her continue as she was. However, he didn't dare interrupt her motion. He felt the final tension building now, and let his muscles show it. His hands clenched her thighs, his back tensed and arched, he bit his lip and she responded by slowly accelerating her pace. Accelerating. Accelerating, until she caused him to spray out the sexual tension onto himself. Her hands continuing to stroke him as they slowed, until finally they set him down and reached away, returning to wipe the liquid with tissues. When they had both removed most of the mess, he silently slipped up and away to the bathroom to finish cleaning himself up.

Upon returning, he could see her dress and bra laid out on his dresser. She was under the covers and donning a shirt of his, so he removed his pants and crawled in next to her. "I hope this means you're staying." He said softly as they embraced each other. "Can I do something for you?" His implication was clear, it was her turn if she wanted it.

"Absolutly. You can snuggle up and fall asleep with me." She curled away from him and pulled his hand around her to encourage his embrace.


As he released, she gently pressed him off her and slid off the bed. Only the outline of her shape was visible in the dim light and it was stunning. Her hands held the bottom of her dress as she peeled it off in one smooth motion. She proceeded to unclasp her bra as he quickly pressed his pants away and discarded his shirt.

She approached him on the bed, where he was able to better make out the perfect smooth shape of her


(3) He spends the next few months admiring her from afar and kicking himself for not taking her more seriously as he sees her out running with the sports jock crowd. At this point he just wants to put her out of his mind, but he keeps seeing her everywhere. One night out at a bar he thinks he sees her and turns away in frustration only to get a surprise a few moments later. He feels a hand on his shoulder and hears her but turns to find out it is actually her sister Annie! Turns out she's attending the same school as a freshman. He had briefly met her when she visited her sister more than a year ago, but at the time she had been 5'5" with a stick-figure. Now she was at least 6' tall, taller than her sister, and stacked. After some pleasantries and discussion of the obvious changes as a result of the trigger study, she confesses she was inspired to enroll in med-school and could really use some help with her classes.

(4) After only a few weeks Rick and Annie are dating, which makes chatting with his ex a much more frequent occurance. She's really turned into a different person, mostly consumed with sports player status and taunting her sister for being interested in Rick instead of responding to the guys she tries to set her up with. Annie can see her sister becoming more and more selfish, and is embarassed at her behavior ; vows never to turn out like her.