occupation outline

  • Characters

    • Steve - 26yo, 5'10", undergrad in finance, works for a bank

    • Haley - 22yo, 5'6", no college, met steve while bartending. smoking hot but not exactly the smartest tool in the shed.

  • Backstory Summary

    • an alien invasion devastates the human race.

    • (sci-fi "Falling Skies"/"Puppetmasters" inspired -- aliens descend on the planet, killing, capturing, and enslaving humans with an alien organism which burrows into their back.)

    • Story Idea 1

    • During an early rebel skermish Steve's girlfriend Haley is injured and taken.

    • It turns out the aliens harness and 'take over' humans to do their dirt work cleaning up rebels. The humans retain their memories, but receive personality changes, enhanced strength and slow growth to mini.

    • The rebel group is repeatedly attacks by aliens and slaves while Steve tries desperately to find Haley.

    • When he finds her, she's more than he can handle. She captures him.

    • The aliens don't enslave him, but use him to try to understand the humans. He becomes her pet. Using both her memory of their past, and her superior strength and size, she alternately tortures and pleasures him for information

    • Story Idea 2

      • Steve is running and hiding from the aliens. Meets up with others. The others are killed, taken.

      • A few scenes in, he sees his x-girlfriend. Runs to her. Tries to get her to run and hide with him to survive. She's arrogantly un-concerned. Her actions and language reveal she's been harnassed. (she talks about haley's body as an "it", having haley's memories, haley's desires, but not being haley)

    • The alien "harness" has done more than control her mind -- she is super strong and holding his wrist and he can't break free.

    • He begs her not to take him. It recounts how he hurt her (breaking up), but it also knows Haley didn't think she was good enough, didn't think she was smart enough for him.

      • Her humanity forgives him, "spares" him even as the alien controls her. (Why? Haley knows he'll like her better this way, and wants to show it to him.)

      • She hides him from the aliens, but then jails him to "give him time to come to the right decision on his own". (aka elect to be harnessed)

    • She visits him each day to keep him fed and alive. As her conflicted human/alien motives struggle with what to do with him, she tries to convince him the alien harness is an amazing gift. The connection and knowledge of the aliens, understanding their cause.

      • "haley will live on forever. even now i can feel her wanting you." -- tease scene...

    • He sees it do more to her than make her stronger. Each day she is physically changing, becoming slightly alien, larger, more dominant, sexier, more aggressive.

      • "haley always felt this body was her greatest asset, now it is merely one of many."

      • "i can see you want to mate with it" (meaning haley's body)

    • By the time he starts to think being harnessed might be better than being stuck in captivity, her personality has changed so much she takes him to the alien ship as a pet.

      • "haley likes you this way. she likes helping you stay human."

    • Situations

      • stronger "harnessed" partner

      • confidence / knowledge of techniques

      • third-party explanation of seduction

      • pheramone release

      • direct spinal pleasure stimulation through a harness tendril

Story Idea 2 Details

    • Captivity

    • Day 1