
    • A group of three scientists (MMF) are working on quantum fields.

      • The mature guy, the young wealthy guy, and the super smart but semi-broken girl.

    • They stumble upon how to directly understand and control the universe we live in. One of them figures it out first, and does some parlor tricks (disappearing objects, levitation, etc). They ask how he's doing it, and he tries his best to explain what's going on. The girl gets a simple result, and starts to practice. He turns to the guy, but he's more concerned about the implications... is it proof of living in simulation, proof of the spiritual mind? what does it mean? what are the implications? what are the limits.

    • They look over to their collegue, and she's gone way beyond parlor tricks. She's created a handful of exotic looking plants, and is turning and inspecting something that looks like a tiny energy field or celestial phenomenon. They ask her what it is, and she explains it's a quantum singularity, "isn't it beautiful". The third gets alarmed, "do you know how dangerous that is? i think you should stop. we're moving too fast. Liz, stop." He reaches to touch her arm, but she recognizes the danger, slows time, gently closes the singularity, and steps a few inches out of the way, resuming time and letting him fall to the floor, surprised at the discontinuity.

    • "Can you see it yet? Because if you could see it, you'd know what we're connecting with is natural. It's like it wanted to be found. Haven't you always wanted to know why we're here? and what here really is? It was right under our noses the whole time. Tell him, Chad."

    • "Liz, I connected with something, sure, but I was levitating objects, distorting gravity differentials, I think. Creating a singularity? How did you learn to do that so fast? And where did all these plants come from?

    • "I made them. And fast isn't really the word to use. Time is a relative notion between different relative information clusters. Within yourself, there is no time, so once I found it, I suppose you could say I had all the time in the world to learn it. You really don't see it? You're the one that showed it to me. How could you not? This existence we're in, it's all just information." She gestured, and a pinpoint of light appeared on the far wall of the room, then spread to a line. Then she spread her hands, and streaks of light parted, revealing something, a beach, a portal to a beach somewhere. "I didn't learn to *do* anything. I merely learned to unlearn. We're not made of matter. There is no matter." She swept her hands, and the portal opened wider, circling around them, the scene of the beach expanding, until they were half in one place, half in another, and they could hear the waves crashing, and feel the wind. Another few seconds, and the ceiling turned to sky and the floor beneath their feet melted into sand and they were all on the beach, along with three chairs from the living room.

    • The other two were dumbfounded. "It turns out we're not so different from the stars. We're all just just bending information, absorbing and re-projecting waves." she demonstrates in simple ways, then in grand ways (changing all the nearby trees, by adjusting it's genetic code blueprint. (in the past?) not exactly.

    • The older man suggests they slow down and talk about what they've learned. She smirks, casually materializes a table and chairs on the sand, "Okay, let's talk," and she takes a seat.

    • The older scientist starts recapping what they've learned, and then discussing some of the ramifications, and asking simple questions. She confirms, that "yes", she doesn't yet understand all the information, but that it's clearly within her reach to chance many many things. Apparently it's within us all, but you just have to see it, or find it. I'm not sure how to explain. Then the older scientist starts to talk about how dangerous this could be, and that they should agree to work on this together, to understand it together, to only change things together.

    • "Yeah, I vote no to that. I just learned to read the atoms and the stars, I can't put that back in the box. I can dive into everything. Right now you have about 37 billion cells with DNA drift. They'll likely be corrected by your immune system, but I can easily correct them all right now. And while I'm looking, you have fourteen seemingly undesirable protein mutations known to current medical science, I can fix them. There. Is that really so wrong? So dangerous?

    • "Wait, are you saying you just changed my DNA?"

    • "Actually, I changed everyone's DNA, but only for the 6 most obvious mutations. Some of these changes aren't so one-sided as scientists think." They were both dumbfounded. "What? You look like you don't believe me. Nevermind the fact that I brought us to this beach. You'd think that would give me some credibility."

    • "Ohh, it does. I just. This is alot to take in. Wait, what are you doing?" Her face, her clothes, her appearance was briefly shimmering, and then she changed. Everything about her became more striking, more beautiful, perfection.

    • "I can feel the fabric of the universe in my mind, I think I deserve a little control over my own appearance."

    • ???? where is this going ????

      • She tries to re-enter her old life, but can't help be condescending, and use her powers on a whim.