natural instincts outline

      • We see TJ socializing with her platoon of new enhanced soldiers. At first they all discuss their amazement at their feats of strength and endurance. Lifting something unexpected, running, stamina. Etc. Then they timidly breech the subject of male relations, with some encouragement from TJ. Most of them haven't found any willing boys, and one that did find a wiling boy accidentally sent him to the infirmary. TJ sympathizes with them, and after explaining a bit about how she's carefully handled fragile men, she has a bold idea.

      • We see TJ crashing in on the three male soldier subjects, who are surprised at her 8'2" form. They immediately salute in responds to her rank over them. She puts them 'at ease', and explains that this is more of a social rather than official visit. She asks if any of them have had fraternal relations since the procedure. They're a bit surprised, but confess that they were cautioned not to, out of concern they might inadvertently hurt the woman. TJ laughs, while agreeing that sounds like an entirely sensible policy for normal women.

        • She continues, filling them in on what's happened, explaining to them that under her command are a group of (12) superhuman women like her that she assures them they can't hurt in any way. Further, most of them are quite anxious to find a man who can handle them. She's wondering if any of them are interested in exploring what they are truly capable of in a more intimate setting.

        • They are a little surprised, and while referring to her as commander, ask if she's asking them to have sex with one of the female soldiers.

        • She laughs, and explains that she's actually asking them to have sex with all of her female soldiers. There are (12?) of them, and only (3) of you, so I'd say the odds are quite in your favor, and these girls want it badly enough that they'll gladly share.

        • ????

      • Private 'afterglow' moment with Kim 7'8" and Arnold. Kim is lying on her side spooning Arnold, while he's lost in thoughts, Kim wants to know what he's thinking about. "I'm thinking about how much has changed, about what it all means." Kim perks up, gushing about how her life has changed. How she was a mousy nurse who couldn't get the attention of the one man she wanted, and now she's turned into this superhuman, and the physical changes are only part of the story. Ever since the procedure, she finds it much easier to concentrate and remember things. She's already aced a practice exam for med school. So she has Arnold, and she's going to become a doctor. She has everything she wants except maybe permission to leave the base. She asks if he knows when they might give them a day of leave. "I can't wait to walk down a public street and have everyone look over and know you're all mine."

        • Arnold is not as cheery. He fills her in on the officer transformations, and how their lab has been asked to train new technicians on the procedure, so it can be performed elsewhere. She's not surprised, as it's been a wild success, of course they want to replicate it.

        • Arnold is not so positive. He reminds her that it's only been (3?) weeks, and none of the subjects have even stopped growing. "There could very well still be negative effects we haven't seen, especially long term. This is still just research, we should be studying it, not spreading it, not productizing it."

        • "I've been in the lab with Doctor Gibbons, and now that we've solved the hormonal cascade problem, we have yet to see any negative outcomes. Besides, this is hardly productizing. Before any drug is approved, it goes through thousands of human test subjects, and we've administered this on what, 16? Of course they need to ramp up testing. They need to figure out if it's safe before wider distribution."

        • "What then? What happens when it turns out it is safe? Do we transform every woman in the military? And what about civilians? What happens to society when that happens? Don't you see? We're on the verge of a radical change to humankind. What if we were wrong? What if we never should have created the formula, or transformed anyone?"

        • "Really? Because you don't act like this is a mistake." She easily turned him onto his back, pinning an arm and leg under her own. "Seems more like you can't get enough." (room for his observation of her form) She reached over, holding and restraining his opposite arm above his head.

          • ????

      • Doctor Gibbons has a chance meeting in the hall with a fetching woman (Sarah Calver) who catches his eye.

        • After some awkward conversation, they find out she's a doctor and part of one of the training teams he'll be bringing up to speed. Her demeanor completely changes, as she's incredibly honored to meet him. She's read all his papers, and is excited to be part of something so incredible. He gets up the nerve to ask her to meet for coffee, and she quickly responds "of course" asking what type of work he wants to talk about, then he confesses he just wants to take her for coffee. That turns into awkward apologies for both of them, as she realizes his interest is more personal, and he feels ashamed for asking and retracts the request. She admits she'd love to, but also that she's only going to be on the base for a couple weeks. They both resolve to do it "maybe if they have time."

        • -- Maybe they go for coffee?

      • Doctor Gibbons meets awkwardly with his now 7'3" superior. She's taken to sitting on her desk, which is even more intimidating. She asks about health, assuring all study participants are still in good health. The explains the 'next phase' of the study, where two other military science teams will be replicating his findings, and they'll bring the observation sample up to 100 participants. Of course the bulk of those participants will be here on our base, so we've begun to make additional provisions for them.

        • (what are they?)

        • they are being given more free reign inside the base

        • because this is top secret research we're not ready to make public, we have to address a particularly sensitive aspect of keeping this many study subjects essentially in-captivity. (and that is?) We need to attend to their conjugal, or rather, their sexual needs. Do you have any ideas how we might best handle that?

        • The commander gets to the chase, that she's aware the participants are having intimate relations. She wants him to interview the subjects to determine whether they prefer sexual partners to be male or female, and transformed study participants, or not.

        • He objects about this being highly irregular. Even if we know their preferences, we can't exactly hire men to have sex with them.

        • The commander agrees, "of course", they won't do anything so overt as that. They'll just make sure there are additional men on the base. His job is to figure out whether they should be transformed study participants, or normal men.

      • Tj brings a new 'normal' man back to her barrack, only to find three of her platoon using her private quarters (as she had invited them to), to have sex with one of the male soldiers. She has some casual conversation with them, asking 'how he's holding up', before leading her boytoy into the public part of the barracks, where there are another five transformed women. Three quietly reading, two on a bunk making out together.

        • The soldiers begin to respond to their commander appearing, until she waves them down. She leads her boytoy towards the back, where she lifts and places him on a top bunk. There they talk, and kiss, as she teases him.

          • maybe she just services him, because they don't have enough privacy

      • While Arnold performs a check-up on three subjects, he has to ask them about whether they've had sex, man or woman, normal or transformed, and whether they prefer relations with normal or transformed. Two of them prefer the soldiers, while one of them prefers normal men - which triggers a conversation among them about it. The one woman explains, with some shyness about Arnold being in the room, how she likes being the dominant one. Knowing how much stronger she is than him. She explains the rush she gets when she lifts him.

      • We see Kim 8' and Arnold eating together in the "normal" mess hall, Kim being looked at by everyone, and approached, mostly by women. Eventually they have a table of interested women, asking Kim questions, mostly because they want to join the study, but it's been limited to military personnel. The girls ask what it's like, and Kim explains how great it is, so much more than the body of her dreams, and that it's also cleared her mind. The girls ask how it works having a boyfriend, as some of them are in couples, and some are married. Kim makes vague complimentary statements about Arnold, and how their relationship actually developed after the procedure. The girls make complementing jokes about how much stamina Arnold must have to satisfy her. Arnold is largely ignored as she gets all the attention.