Level Up - outline

    • Sam / Jeanie: both pretty average, he's got a job running a local carwash, she's a bit younger and works at starbucks

    • Xander / Velosa (7'3") : their avatars in game

Act 1: conflict over his MMO gaming, he turns the tide by drawing her in...

    • introduce characters, he likes to mmo game, she's young, wants to go somewhere with her life

    • arguments about his mmo gaming habits

    • in a big fight, he finally draws her in to at least try it, to see what she's missing..

    • she is reluctant at first, but get more into it than he thought she would. she takes pride in her sexy avatar, and is more flirty with him "online" than offline, which he likes.

Act 2: she gets a little TOO into gaming...

    • a few months in, she quits her job and just plays online games all day long. she's not freeloading, somehow she pays her half of the rent, and always has money for nights out.

    • he begins to wonder what she does all day, and sets up a webcam to spy on her

    • she spends a good part of the day surfing tasks-for-money sites, like offerpal. She also plays virtual currency games, scamming others out of virtual currency with her flirting, and turning it into cash. he's kinda bothered she's flirting with guys online, but he's also vouyeristically glued to the scene. he simply can't believe she's going to get someone to effectively donate her money for no reason, just for flirting in some online game. Then he sees it happen, some guy gives her the equivalent of $800 in virtual currency so she can buy some dumb in-game house for them to "live in together" (which she never buys).

    • when he comes home, he softly confronts her about it. "how was your day? anything happen? ohh so someone didn't give you 452 thousand pearl stones?" tells her he watched the whole thing on remote-desktop. she professes apology because she feels guilty about flirting, that she does it because she can make alot more than her job at the local starbucks, and she gets to play games all day. he's fine with it, tells her he doesn't care. honestly he's happier this way, he can play his mmos without guilt, and what she's doing is harmless anyhow.

    • they login into their mutual avatars in the game

    • she starts laughing about how silly it seems that it used to bother her that he played the game so much. Now she kinda think's it's hot, the way he has that red flaming flying steed. How many people on the server even have it? maybe two or three? she verbally flirts and asks to see it, which he gladly obliges. She flirts melodramatically about his in-game persona, as if it's real. He observes similar qualities in her sexy avatar.

    • Then she asks to see (the wand), his most rare in-game item. He starts to tell the epic story of how he got it. She gets up from her computer and kneels in front of him, interrupting him with a hand on his crotch. "No go on." He continues to tell the story as she fondles and unbuttons him. Then she explains how amazing it would be if her avatar (in the third person) had the item. She only retains her magic as a slave to the dark lord, but with (the wand) that would all change. She would be free, massaging his cock in the process. Can you imagine how gorgeous and powerful she would be? And she would owe all that power to (his avatar). She would have a duty and responsibility to use that power in service of (his avatar).

    • Look at her (on screen), wouldn't you like (her avatar name) to be duty bound to service you? Those plump breasts, those sexy legs, and her lips. Her supple lips at your beck and call. "and she could be so much more with the wand." Wouldn't it be worth giving it up? Her hands continued massaging his cock. She wouldn't only serve because she owed you. She secretly loves you. She wants to be yours. If she was free of the dark lord, she could be. With that she slipped her lips onto his cock, lapping at it for a minute.

    • He feels like he's getting a sexy personalized version of one of her cons, but in a fun sexy way. He struggles to reach the keyboard as she laps at his cock. Typing out her avatar's name slowly with the fingers of one hand as she excites and compels him. When he seems finished, she turns to the screen for a moment to check he entered her avatar's name correctly, then turned back to him. "I, Velosa Tinura, with gift of (the wand) pledge to remain forever in your service. To do that which you ask without question and that which you want without asking." As he presses the enter key, and his avatar tosses (the wand) across to hers, a smile beams across her face. "I'm free! You won't regret this, (she calls him by his avatar name). Allow me to share a small token of my appreciation." And with that she wrapped her lips fully down around his cock, bobbing herself up and down in his lap. Staring across at the virtual world depicted on his screen, he thought of that day he introduced her to the game, realizing how brilliant a move it was.

Act 3: Velosa "wins" the game. Lines between Jeanie and Velosa blur.

    • Over the next several days she only played (the game). She pridefully flaunted her possession of (the wand). She joined other adventurers who needed help, using the wand's power to devastate their enemies. One evening after work, he sat down across from her and logged in to see a red stone dragon approaching the city. He quickly moved to rally his guild-mates, but when their attention turned back to the sky, (her avatar) was flying above the city without any special steed, fighting red stone dragon entirely by herself. Only she wasn't driving off the dragon as they had done many times before. She was fighting him to the death, and she was winning. Each magical blow she lashed out charred the dragon's skin. When a blow damaged his wing, he crashed onto the top of a stone building. Velose took her opportunity, prepared a devastating blow, and suddenly the impossible had occured. The red dragon was nothing more than ashes falling down all around the city. In that moment, Sam realized (the wand) had made Velosa more powerful than even his entire group of combatants. He had no idea how it was possible.

    • Velosa floated down next to Xander, radiating a goddess-like glow. "Not bad, eh my lord? I would slay a thousand dragons for you if you asked it of me." At first she appeared to be hovering above him, and then he realized somehow during the fight with the dragon she had dramatically grown in size, and stood half a man taller than him. "Though right now I'd guess you might prefer me to slay a dragon of a more personal nature?" The combination of (her avatar's) sexy form and the blatent offer of sexual service sent his libido into overdrive.

    • Sam stood up from the computer and approached Jeanie, her eyes still glued to the screen as a virtual crowd began to form. He tried to distract her away by accepting her offer, "there certainly is another dragon here that needs slaying." If she had heard him, she didn't show any sign of it. He turned his attention to her screen, trying to understand was was so gripping. Velosa's perspective was different. She was looking down at the crowd all around her, each member hardly taller than her waistline, Xander among them. She spoke to the crowd, "good people of Flazeroth. I am Velosa, and I have slain The Red. Allow me to be your protector, and you no longer need fear the stone dragons." The crowd around her started chanting her name, "Vel - o - sa - Vel - o - sa." Then the clouds above her swirled and parted.

  • A massive godlike figure appeared in the sky. His hair was grey and wavy. Sam thought he looked like some depictions of the Greek god Zeus, with his white robes and golden staff. When his voice spoke it boomed out of the PC speakers. "Jeanie Velosa. You have slain Flazeroth's strongest foe." Sam thought it strange for the figure to use a juxtoposition of her real and avatar names. "For that I will grant you that which you desire most. Flazeroth is forever in your debt." The on-screen god made a gesture with his golden staff and a glowing light shone around Velosa's wrist. At the same time, something bright shined into Sam's eye forcing him to shut it, like the sun blinding you through an open window. A moment later he was able to open his eyes again, and he noticed a band around Velosa's on-screen wrist unlike he'd ever seen in the game before. It was gold, with letters that glowed for a moment before fading back into simple etchings.

    • Had she won the game? Nobody knew exactly how to win. Even when they seemed to reach a new plateau, somehow the creators of the game always seemed to add another challenge, another level, another dragon. Was this the real end? Sam wondered if in giving away (the wand) he had inadvertently given away his chance to win the game. His chance to have that magical bracelet, whatever it was used for.

    • As the the grey haired god receded back into the clouds, the crowed stopped cheering. Players began to disperse back to whatever they were previously doing. Sam noticed his avatar Xander conspiciously standing there vacant, remembering he had stepped away from his PC without logging out. Just as he headed back to finish the task, Jeanie finally turned to him with a triumphant exclamation, "Did you see that? That was amazing!"

  • "Wow, it truly was." His admission came out sounding disappointed. He wanted to be excited for her, but suddenly his decision to invite her into the game didn't seem so genius after all. That should have been his wand, that should have been his victory. Xander should have been known throughout the land as the slayer of The Red.

    • Velosa spoke to him in the game. "Don't be disappointed. I did it all for you Sam. I did it because I love you. I did so I can finally be with you." Her appeals only seemed to make it sting a bit more. Sam played the game to win, and today he decidedly did not win. He tapped keys and clicked to log his avatar out of the game. Feeling for the first time that maybe it was all just a stupid pointless game.

    • Only logging out didn't end the torment. Jeanie wasn't merely a fellow game player, she was right there in the room with him. "Sam, I can not bring The Red back for you to slay him." He found his eyes avoiding her even as she came closer. Did he really care this much about a game? "Even if I could, you would not be the first, and for that I am eternally sorry. Speak what you wish of me. I am Velosa Tunura, forever in your service."

    • Sam felt frustration welling up in him. Was this role-play a deliberate attempt to make fun of him? He turned, ready to lash out about how over-consumed she was with a stupid game, when something startling caught his breath. The woman kneeling head down before him, didn't look like Jeanie at all. Her hair was dark, yet slightly tinged green. Beneath her hair a flowing and shimmering fabric covered her shoulders and back, and some type of faintly purple adornments were jutting out of the sides of her head.... "Jeanie?"

    • As she tilted her gaze upwards, Sam got his first view of the radiant beauty of Velosa Tunura in the flesh. He might have fallen over in shock if he wasn't still sitting in his computer chair. A striking tatoo surrounded her left eye, and that flowing fabric appeared to be a cape underneath which she was half naked. Her outfit was formed from intricate swirls of metal which appeared solid yet bent and moved with her body as if painted on. The coverage was most complete on her forearms and legs, while her breasts and hips seemed merely adorned.

    • Sam was gawking at her when she responded. "That name is familiar to me for reasons I can't explain, like a whisper I heard once in the wind." Her face showed concern at Sam's reaction. "Certainly you recognize me My Lord. It is I, your beloved Velosa." She reached up for comfort, and Sam noticed the golden bracelet on her wrist, forged with glowing symbols. Was this Jeanie? Velosa? Both of them? Was it real? Was he going crazy?

    • When his hand connected with hers, he felt a tingle and jolt run through him. He wasn't sure if it was from a magic that allowed a computer game avatar to suddenly be kneeling before him in the real world, or simply his body's reaction to her intense beauty. "Velosa?" Accepting the improbable truth, he realized the adornments in her hair were her ears, and her magical 'armor' resembled that which he had already seen on the computer screen hundreds of times. "How is this..?"

    • "Possible? Good, then you do recognize me." With that she stood, pulling him onto his feet, and leaving him staring face first into breasts that were less than half covered by their magical metal protection. Seeing an avatar several heads taller than you in a computer game was one thing. Seeing her in the flesh took Sam's breath away. He felt weak in the knees and momentarily thankful that she was merely a few heads taller. In game moments ago she had been half a man taller than Xander.

    • He felt himself wrapped up in her embrace, his cheek pressed into her breast and the metal rings. There felt as cold and solid as steel against him, and yet somehow they bent and moved along with her body. He let his arms slip around her waist and back, feeling definition and musculature which was as sexy as it was intimidating. Her proximity was overpowering, and he felt himself immediately aroused. Moments later, her thigh moved, pressing against his crotch quite deliberately, confirming his excitement. "Looks like I was right about that personal dragon. Did you think I hadn't noticed?"

    • Amidst his arousal, he realized he was also confused and conflicted. "What about Jeanie?" She was, after-all his girlfriend.

    • The goddess of femanine beauty let go and took a step away from him. "Xander Sam, I am forever in your service. If you ask, I will scour the land looking for your Jeanie." Her words were brave and stoic, her pose however, held an entirely different tone. A hand rested on shifted hips, her bare tight tummy and breasts posed for him. "Of course if I am to leave you on this long quest, we certainly have time to take care of some more pressing matters before I go, do we not?"

    • situations

    • she breaks the computer accidentally

    • she expects to be carried off and mounted, which he obviously can't do, "very well, lead me to your bed"

    • she lies across a bed, too small. he can't remove her garment, she has to do it

    • some conversation about how passive he is. he relates how dominant jeanie was. 'if that is what you would have me do'

Where is the story going?

- Velosa demonstrates her strength

- regular people reactions to Velosa (he brings friends by)

- trying to take Velosa out into the world

- velosa services him whenever (and wherever) he's aroused, sometimes inconveniently

- Jeanie is in the game with (the wand), having an equally great time..