
  • Characters

    • Rosalina (Rose) - Latin/Spanish female witch. (19 yo, 5'5", 135lbs)

    • Timothy (Tim)(Rose calls him, TJ) - nerdy (20 yo, 5'9", 160lbs)

    • Synopsis

      • Tim is the only one who sees past Rose's dark magic and likes her for her. They fall for eachother, he helps her understand them. The power goes to her head, changing her.

      • Light Magic includes: healing, growing plants, moving objects - recharge by basking in the sun

      • Dark Magic includes: decaying plants, deep illusions - recharge by causing pain or decay

      • deep illusion - is like a transformation or mental projection that has a 'dark magic tax' to keep up

  • Act 1: she loses herself

    • pairing

      • a lanky college outcast goth girl (used to being shunned due to her dark magic) and a nerd make friends.

      • a scene shows a jerky jock being overly sexual with a cute but nerdy girl, who the outcast "saves" from the jerk.

      • it turns into an unexpected love interest.

      • her witchy powers "accidentally" show like they always do; she expects to get left / dumped.

        • she uses deep illusion to look prettier, but holding hands burns him and he shirks away

      • instead he gets really curious. helps her explore and control her powers. she loves him for it.

        • he endures some pain for her, and teaches her to control it.

        • he teaches her to take power by decaying plans instead of by hurting people

      • she catches him checking out a busty girl, expresses her insecurity

        • her witch-iness takes over and she destroys a nearby plant to give herself more up-top.

      • they both giggle, and 'play' a little. have you ever done it with a red-head?

      • how about a woman taller than you? she has lots of fun with that.

        • it's seriously a dream come true for Tim. He has a girlfriend, and she's truly unique and beautiful.

      • changing

      • after summer break, she comes back a "new person", looking absolutely smoking hot.

      • she seems the same but her new appearance makes him really nervous (and turned on).

      • She gets a kick out of his reaction. Plays it up.

      • Over the next couple weeks, he starts to see her changes are more than skin deep.

        • she vainly walks around her apartment nearly naked now.

        • she becomes de-meaningly superior and superficial, while recanting empty versions of her catch phrases about how much she owes him everything. doesn't he like it?

        • in public, she gets demeaning sexual attention / flirtation from other boys, and responds to it.

        • one morning half-asleep she starts "magically fucking him" in her dream though she's across the bed - they both feel it; when she finishes, she confesses she's been magically diddling herself since she was a child, but it's the first time it involved someone else - quizzes him what it felt like, more interested in her power than him;

        • another day at his apartment, she 'toys with him' with her new projected fondling (partially around his roomate), they both enjoy it.

        • Later, she notices him talking to another girl, she gets jealous and possessive, she uses her powers to secretly fondle him in public. she, gets a rush out of it. he starts to feel uncomfortable.

      • the break

      • when in private he tries to talk her out of some of her changing attitude, how she's flirting with guys she detested before, and how she's jealous of him.

      • she refuses to acknowledge her changes, while growing and sexually dominating him.

      • (he is trying to discuss something serious with her, and she is forcing sex on him)

      • she changes him a bit to bring him up to her new standards... he protests until it's an argument.. she puts him back and they "split".

        • Tim realises he made a mistake taking it that far, but she's hurt and unresponsive.

    • Act 2: Denial

      • Rose misses Tim, but is hurt, and uses her power to hide from her emotions.

      • When Tim tries to approach her, she treats him terrible, both verbally, and with her powers.

        • "i can't believe i ever dated this nerd", to her new popular friends

        • he pleads with her.. and she gives him a more private moment.. he makes his case

        • she mockingly lays down her guard, "it did feel like we had something special didn't it?" which he obviously agrees to

        • she gets close and sexual, breathing heavily into his ear, "something really special." he nods.

        • she starts magically fondling him, "i bet you'd like something really special right now? You miss my really special don't you?" he nods.

        • then she throws cold water on the situation, "you're just like all boys. you just want a hot girl in your pants. no, you had your chance."

      • she goes on a bender, enhancing her girlfriends, hiding the magic effects in her supposedly "special makeup" makeovers, while spicing up her interactions with the jock boys

      • While out with the girls she picks the guy she likes best, and goes to "take him", even though he has a girlfriend. She is downright mean, and uses magic to hurt the girl, before Tim runs up and tries to stop her. They get in a little fight while the Jock takes his girlfriend away.

      • one scene with a guy shows she's taking it a bit too far. at a frat-party a guy gets her into a room alone, thinking he's going to 'do her' (maybe on a bet). However, the tables turn as she admits she's there for the same thing. He's stoked, until she shows her even more aggressive side, dominates, and and basically 'magic rapes' the jock, sending him running. she doesn't care.

      • she finds out the way she is over-using her powers is hurting her, and her family line (her mother has become ill)

      • her girlfriends want more makeovers, and when she claims she's temporarily out of makeup she sees how fast they turn away from her

      • she flirts with jocks at a frat party trying to get laid and it doesn't even work .. they have spread the word and are a bit afraid of her

      • she tries to see Tim, but he's studying for a big final and doesn't have time for her games..

    • Act 3: Reconciliation

      • she writes him a long apology, asking to be friends, and just meet for coffee.

      • he meets her, and she looks like her "old" normal self. she explains the magic was hurting her and her family. her mother is fine now, but she could have died.

      • he's very guarded the whole time, but she promises no magic. oration about how she knows he's the only one who's accepted her for her, without all the fake stunts and tricks.

      • they get back together. she makes a big deal about how great it is to do things (fooling around) naturally. he agrees. they are both lying.

      • he tries to incite her doing magic, by putting her in situations where she previously "accidentally" used her magic.

      • after several mishaps, she gets what he's doing. challenges that he made her promise no magic. he meant that day out for coffee, not forever. she starts laughing. "you mean all this time? you've been wanting it? cuz it's better right?" soon they are both laughing. "but i thought doing it hurt your mother?" she explains no, that only hard magic, like transforming others, takes a toll. magic on herself is easy.

      • she slowly slips back into a bit of her magic enhanced sexy persona, making herself look a tiny bit different. "see, this is easy. and so is this." she magically fondles him a little. "is that okay? i wouldn't want my magic to make you uncomfortable or anything." she's smirking and he's squirming and nodding from the attention. "how about you take me somewhere more private?"

      • he gets inside the door, and as soon as he turns around, she's transformed to a seven foot tall sex goddess.