dominated outline

    • Commission version - dominated - Google Docs

    • basic story

      • like smallville... but it's a girl, and she's less goody-goody, and more forceful.. more impatient... likes to use her strength

        • meant to be a little dark... aka, like "The Boys" is...

      • by the time she's a young teen, her mom and dad don't interfere with her, knowing what she's capable of

      • she keeps them as her "parents" so she can 'hide among the humans', until she turns 18

      • at 22, she declares herself "guardian" of the planet, to end war, human mis-treatment, and environmental collapse

        • some governments support her financially, but resist being the first to demilitarize

          • she insists they coordinate military action through her

        • other governments directly resist her, especially those who are mis-treating citizens

          • causing her to fight them

      • her close involvement with the US brings terrorist action, which she fights (demonstrating her power)

    • promises

      • conflict -> Sarah Slade forcing "peace and balance" on a world that seems hell bent not to want it

      • Romance -> Peter and Sarah inevitably drawn to each other, but pushed apart by their inequality

      • First Climax -> The USA majority accepting her as their benevolent protector (while some grumble in the wings)

    • characters

      • Sarah Slade - blonde, naturally 5'7"

      • Kalia Loraza from the planet "Trasa". She's "Trasian"

        • In her planet's language, "Loraza" roughly means "divine keeper", or "god king"

        • "Gaia", "Guardian of the Earth" superhero persona (redhead, 6'2", busty)

          • Goblin Queen ish black underboob revealing costume born with powers like magneto and wolverine, her body manipulates magnetic fields and regenerates quickly

          • at adulthood, the metamorphisis infuses her cells and bones with metal, making her body physically stronger

          • Reference Pics

    • Parents

        • Maggy Slade - her human mother

        • Hal / Halton Slade - her human father

        • Zona Lorasa - her mother

        • Utreson Lorasa - her father

      • Peter - a childhood friend she "saves" who never reveals her secret. forgotten. returned to when she needs someone to trust.

      • Lane - her boyfriend and boy-toy

      • Vanessa (Vi) - her best 'girlfriend', becomes her girl-toy

    • Backstory

      • While she doesn't find out right away, Kalia's family is a ruling elite who pacified Trasa thousands of years earlier.

      • Originally, it was only their family who had the mutant power over magnetism, and used it to rule with much bloodshed.

      • Once their family developed the technology for metamorphosis to become nearly invulnerable, they decided to end weapons of war by giving everyone (a weaker form of) their power over magnetism.

    • issues

      • she needs more friends / foils

      • she needs a weakness

        • strong magnetic fields - since this is what her powers stem from.

        • suffocation - she needs to breathe air

        • salt water - absorb her magnetic fields, and she's too heavy to "swim"

        • fire / heat / explosions - she doesn't get cold, but she can be burned

      • need more demonstration of her powers(before and after she's a super hero)

        • she saves her childhood friend Peter from being killed (how?)

        • she controls metal at home (silverware, plates, pots and pans, fridge, car doors)

        • she petty shoplifts / unlocks lockers, doors, etc.

        • after metamorphisis

          • she flies her boy/girl toys and Peter to her palace

          • she demonstrates her control of metal to the president

          • she confronts militant groups in the Middle East, stopping bullets/missiles, guns

      • she needs to appear taller/stronger (the palace metamorphosis helps her with this)

        • after metamorphisis...

          • her body is 2x heavier, and hard to move with her muscles alone

          • she can 'float' her hair, almost like it's underwater

          • she can 'float' her tits, so they don't sag even though her outfit doesn't really hold them at all

        • there needs to be justification for her choosing the sexy "Goblin Queen" style costume

          • it's a ceremonial outfit. her mother designed it for the day of her metamorphisis. she would have worn it when she joined them as a leader of their people.

          • she asks "how in the world does this stay on" .. the costume has metal filaments, so she can control it with her powers

      • politics

        • Kalia initially thinks the USA is benevolent, but learns of their arms supply and instigation

          • she uses her computer to find out who is involved and comes down hard on them directly

    • where to post



    • plot elements

      • her arrival from space at age 5

      • the lies that keeps her in the dark

        • they tell her she breaks metal things in her house (doorknobs, doors, bicycle, toys, etc)

          • "because they can't afford more sturdy nicer things"

        • they don't let her do PE or play sports because she has a rare heart condition and could die

      • her "finding out the truth" at age 14

        • having a tantrum, bending metal, noticing her 'scared' parents, demanding to know the truth

        • her parents argue amongst themselves about telling her, and finally tell her everything.. including showing her the spacecraft under the barn

        • at first things are 'fine'. she is relieved to know the truth, that she's not broken. she even feels a little special.

        • she uses her powers in helpful ways and agrees to 'limitations'

        • she saves a local boy (Peter), revealing her secret. he never tells, and they become close friends.

      • by 16, however, she's become independent, defiant

        • she knows her parents can't punish or control her. she even knows they are not her real parents.

        • she calls them by their first names, and sometimes refers to them as her "cover"

        • they talk to her about career plans, she dismisses it, explaining that she's not going to work..

          • (explaining why her powers mean she doesn't have to)

          • but for the time being school is good for her as she's still learning as much as she can "about this planet"

        • they try to talk to her about the birds-and-the-bees, and she asks shockingly direct questions, which make them uncomfortable

          • she resorts to doing her own research on the internet

        • she gets a boyfriend (Lane), and uses him to learn about intimacy while being emotionally dominant

          • she brings him to her house to fool around with him while her parents are home, with their full knowledge (which he thinks is weird)

          • she asks him what kind of 'kinky shit' he wants to try (riddling off a bunch of options)

          • while at first he likes her provocation, he eventually finds her too weird and tries to break up with her

            • she likes playing with him, and playfully ignores his attempts to break up with her

          • she eventually reveals her powers, and demonstrates what she can do to him if he's disobedient

              • causing metal posts from her bed to fly across the room, bind his limbs, and hold him mid-air

            • he relents, agreeing to stay with her, even though he's terrified

      • by 18, she's turned sort of S&M, goth, alternative

        • she "keeps" one boy and one girl from school to satisfy her, generally with oral

        • though when she wants something inside her, she prefers to use her powers on a metal dildo

        • she generally has them satisfy themselves, but gets a kick out of restraining and teasing them (or having them tease each other)

      • ??? (how to fix this so she doesn't fly)

        • during one especially exciting sexual play session, she gets super turned on and starts to float

          • the two of them are kinda freaked out, but she forces them to keep going.

          • one of them is on top of her 69 style, and is along for the ride, as she continues to rise, eventually grinding him into the ceiling drywall as she climaxes

          • when she finishes, she turns upright, dropping her passenger to the bed, and is astonished that (not only can she XYZ, she can fucking fly)

          • she 'floats' through the hallway, confronting her parents while half naked wearing just a sheer top (pic), asking if they 'knew about this'. they profess that they didn't.

          • then she hears a mysterious sound from the barn, like it's calling her


        • she finds the spaceship is calling her, and when she touches it, she goes into a trance

        • her human parents look on as she floats in a pool of light near the spaceship

        • in her trance, she talks to her real mother.

          • who is statuesque and beautiful (post metamorphosis)

        • Mom's revealing herself because Sarah/Kalia is now an adult

        • ?? (should this happen in the palace?)

          • Mom explains a brief history of their people, how the weapons of war were all metal, so they genetically modified themselves to manipulate magnetism, ending war. they lived in peace for ??? years, until someone assassinated her father, their leader, and the resulting anguish and rage of four billion citizens destabilized the planet's core, and in a manner of days the planet tore itself apart. Mom sent Kalia to earth because she knew earth's strong magnetic poles would amplify her powers. make her safe and strong.

          • ...and their hopes and dreams for her

            • their language suggests a benevolent interaction with humans, but also encourages her to find her own path

              • they explain that she has the opportunity to guide the humans, but if she choose to go further and lead them, she should be warned that it's "lonely at the top"

            • they explain she may be the last of their kind, and that when she's ready, her ship's computer can build her an incubation facility to breed more and rebuild her race

              • they now know it is too dangerous to have an entire planet filled with their race, but a small group of them could help maintain peace among the humans

        • Kalia carefully phrases questions about her superiority, and gets vague answers

        • the interaction concludes with instructions to take the crystal from the ship, so that it can build her a new home

          • ..and complete her metamorphosis into adulthood

        • Kalia comes out of the ship, taking the crystal, and relating 'her version' of the story to her parents

        • when she's finished, she starts to float upwards, and explains that building her new home can wait. at the moment she wants to feel what it's like to fly

          • she takes a flying 'joyride' around world landmarks, wearing only her sheer top, and is noticed, videotaped, and publicized on social media sites, causing a bit of a worldwide frenzy

      • her parents talk to her about the media coverage, "concerned"

        • much of the media coverage assumes it was an elaborate worldwide hoax for her to appear in so many places

        • but none of that can explain the videos which captured her while she was actually flying

        • fortunately, the pictures are not clear enough to recognize her clearly

        • she dismisses the whole thing, explaining that the whole world is going to know about her sooner or later

        • her mother suggests the world should get to know her with her clothes on next time.

          • ...which she sasses back to with some rhetoric about how she doesn't need clothing to stay warm or protect her skin, she only wears it out of a brainwashed sense of human morality

          • she has more in common with greek gods than humans, and they barely wear any clothes... but she doesn't have to justify herself to her or anyone

          • her dad simply asks if, when she talked to her real parents, they were wearing clothes... which shuts her up and causes her to storm off


        • She picks a scenic hilltop location in rural coastal california, and has her crystal construct her "palace".

        • it's an amazing, and amazingly fast process, as the crystal digs into the earth and constructs the futuristic looking building

        • after it's completed, she walks inside, and a hologram of her mother explains the purpose of the palace and alludes to it's capabilities

          • ...specifically, her metamorphosis. Her mother explains that Trasian physiology is part natural, part technological. At the age of maturity, their family undergoes a process called metamorphisis, where their bodies are changed and infused with ferrous metallic particles

          • she undergoes the (painful) process... coming out taller (6'2") and more curvy (bust/hips). she also weighs 2x as much, as her bones are infused with metal. She has trouble standing. her mother explains that she has to use her power to move. she tries it, and discovers she can fly.

        • her mother talks to her about the importance of not being alone, and social companions

          • they vaguely discuss her boytoy (and girl). her mother is pleased she's found companionship, and explains that it wasn't uncommon among her people for some, especially the wealthy, to have multiple companions. She does caution her, however, not to let the natural inequality between her and humans cause her to treat them badly. that history has shown when there is inequality, there is slavery, yet it would be a terrible outcome for the humans to become slaves to their race.

          • her mother understands that a human mate cannot be her equal, and so if she finds one she feels is honest, true, and worthy enough to fit in among her race, the palace has the ability to give them a limited form of her powers, so they can at least become less unequal - but once this is done.. their magnetic fields will mean they can never touch

      • Reveal day

        • we see her at home with her parents, in her new sexy outfit, explaining her palace, and that she's done with school.

        • it's time to reveal herself to the world.

        • she arrives at an L.A TV station studio, flying outside the building. A crowd begins to gather, as she's scanning through the building, looking for the recording studio. When she finds it, she floats to the right floor, effortlessly shatters a window, and walks towards the studio.

        • everyone there is shocked as she walks through the hallway, but when she gets to the broadcast door, they yell at her ("who is this? get her out of here!")

          • she shoves the security aside, and floats towards the camera stage, interrupting the program, asking if their cameras are rolling

          • she declares who she is, and her intentions on earth (to meet with world leaders, end world-wide war, and share peaceful technology .. and in return the world will offer tribute to her and her family, as she begins to rebuild her race's legacy here on earth)

          • the reporters ask her questions about "what exactly that means"... she will establish a worldwide humanitarian standard of treatment, and will enforce an immediate and total demilitarization of every nation

          • they admit her goals sound noble, but ask what she intends to do with countries who do not so quickly fall in line with her plans... she explains that she's optimistic, but that for those who refuse, she's prepared to personally destroy their planes, sink their boats, and take away their weapon stores.

          • the reporter is a bit flabbergasted that she thinks she can 'personally' do this.. and suggests it sounds like she's going to war with the whole world. she clarifies "no", that "she and her people are going to guide and preside over an everlasting peace, and those who oppose peace are going to find themselves in an unwinnable war with her." she knows at this point the people of earth merely have her word, but if anyone should oppose her, they will have ample demonstration of her power to enforce her plans. With that, she rises, and floats into the air, plugging her facebook page, before gently flying towards the door and walking away the way she came.

      • Her parents comment on her "reveal"

        • she visits her home to collect some of her sentimental things, to take them to her palace

        • her parents comment on her 'reveal' and her plans... commending her on her goals, but cautioning her that she may be moving too fast

        • she condescendingly tells her that "you humans are always biding time. trying to keep everything the same. it is time for things to change."

        • she finishes collecting her things, says goodbye to her parents, explaining that she's going to be staying in her palace, and that they will see her again, but she's not sure when

      • she collects her boy and girl "companions"

        • she lands at her boytoy's home, feeling silly politely knocking on the door, asking where her boytoy is. His mother scolds her for the overly revealing and sexy nature of her outfit, before she puts two and two together and realizes she is the alien in the news, almost fainting onto her couch. She repeats her question, and her mother explains that he's at baseball practice.

        • she descends onto the baseball field, causing everyone there to stop what they are doing and look up and stare, as she comes to rest next to her boytoy.

          • she makes a brief speech, explaining that now that she's an adult, she's taking responsibility for Earth. She does not wish to be alone, and she's enjoyed his companionship. She knows their relationship hasn't been entirely of his own choice, but she doesn't wish to continue that any longer. She asks if he would like to come with her, and live in her palace. She's only going to make this offer once, and he has to decide right now.

            • He confirms that if he says no, she won't hurt him or his family. And if he says yes, he asks if he'll ever see them again.

            • She laughs, and explains that he wouldn't be going to prison. Of course he can see them again. He'll still have access to his phone and the Internet, and he can come back to visit whenever he likes. That he'll just be done with 'this' (waving her hands). No more little league, no more high school, no more small town. She is going to change the world, and this is his chance to be near her when she does.

            • He agrees in a flippant teenager way, throwing his baseball mit to the ground, "fuck it. hell yes. what about XYZ (the girl)?" -- they are going to ask her next.

            • SS grabs a tight hold of him around the waist, and floats a few feet off the ground. She checks that he's okay. He's shouting explicatives about flying, and looking down at the baseball field and team below him, in disbelief. Then the ground falls away faster, and he grabs tightly onto SS out of fear.

        • SS descends into the palace with (her girl) in her grasp, explaining this is her home now. The girl is astounded, both at the amazing ocean view location, and at the grandiosity of the structure. SS gives her a brief introduction to talking to the palace computer, where she can access the Internet, the wifi-network-name of the palace, and where she can get food. (her boy) wanders out of a random hallway, wearing a weird looking outfit. (her girl) chides him for it, and he sasses back "talk to SS, it's an outfit of her people." SS explains that the palace is a sanctuary of her homeland, and as a resident they will need to project the proper image. SS asks the palace for a particular outfit for (her girl), and she presents it, to some wide eyes and a surprised response.

          • SS explains that she won't make her wear the outfit, as her mother has cautioned her about the danger of treating humans as lessers. However, if she wants to stay and live with her in the palace, she will be required to wear clothing from her people. The choice is hers.

          • The girl concedes the outfit isn't horrible, it'll just take a little getting used to.

        • SS explains that in time she will show them more of the palace, but for now she has one more room to introduce them to. She holds them both by the hand, leading them down a long hallway, and into an impressively large room, with tall ceilings, a large crystal lined pool of steaming water, and six different oddly curved areas that resemble beds. SS explains that the room is (name in her language), which roughly means comforts for companions.

          • SS tears the human clothes off the girl before undressing herself, as (her boy) does the same. The three of them descend into the water - the two humans pausing because of how steaming hot it is, while SS is completely unaffected.

          • SS introduces the girl to getting herself off on the water jets in the pool, before they both jerk off the boy.

What next?

    • she starts with the US President, discussing her powers, her plans, and her needs

      • she views the US as mostly on the side of peace, and asks what the US President would have her do to ease human suffering and make a large demonstration

      • they give her something that seems impractical (rescuing citizens from a city under siege, maybe in Syria).. she'll need a way to broadcast her message, and she'll need to know where the military leaders are.

        • she drops in on the leaders, they try to kill her, which fails.

        • she declares the troubled city "a sanctuary city under her protection"

        • she uses her technology to erect a protective barrier around the city, and personally searches it for weapons

        • she interacts with the citizens, and is treated with the awe of a god

      • footage of parts of her action there makes it to the Internet

    • when she returns home, she celebrates victory with her boy and girl toys (though they express some discontent that despite her saying they are not prisoners, they have no practical way to leave the palace) she apologies, and promises to make arrangements for them to call a helicopter whenever they wish to leave.

    • however, while she's gone from her sanctuary city, the siege continues, including compromise of the water and food supplies. while conducting a news interview, she's confronted with the details, and is distraught.

      • as soon as the interview is completed, she returns to where the leader was, and finds his mansion empty.

      • she drops in on the US president unannounced, which is a delicate situation.. and needs to know where the leader is

      • the president tries to help her, but his advisors come back and don't have that information.

      • she returns to her mini-palace at the sanctuary city, and talks to her mother's hologram, expressing how she feels like a failure. she asks how she's supposed to get the city food and water.

        • the hologram explains that there is an aquafer 8k feet below them which the citadel can easily tap to make water available. they do it, supplying water to the people.

        • then she flies over the region, looking for sources of food, and violently picks up and delivers several grain silos directly to the city (solving the crisis, but hurting the farms she takes them from)

    • her media coverage from this is mixed, with both the improved situation in the city, and the victims of her grain theft

    • she visits the UN, re-declaring her mission, and asking them to band together with her to end violence

      • she's met with vocal critics... some criticising her entire intervention (why are you here? leave us alone.) some criticizing her scandalous image, outfits, and routine nakedness in footage (because her clothes get destroyed)

      • she's exasperated, "my planet was a place of harmony for four thousand years before the cataclysm. do you not want peace? do you not want harmony? i will bring peace, with or without your help. do not oppose me." abruptly flying out of the assembly

      • --

      • she flies past the statue of liberty, then over Times Square, puzzling about how to help the crowds of people beneath her.. as they look up, cheering and recording her on their smartphones

      • then she flies inland, zeroing in on a small cluster of lights on a rural highway. she lands and walks into a corner pub

        • the place is pretty empty, but she's pretty noticeable. the mid-20s bartender immediately recognizes her, and gets excited, his mouth nervously running with conjecture about what she's doing there, then offering her whatever she wants, on the house

        • she doesn't want a drink, she wants to know why humans are so intent on fighting with each other.

        • he admits her observation is true, but doesn't know why. his comments are cut-off ...

        • then a semi-drunk guy approaches from the back of the room. he comes onto her, calling her sexy, and inviting her to go somewhere with him to have a little fun. - she playfully explains that while she likes to fuck, she's not into dirty drunk men. - he gets agitated 'what? im not good 'nuff for you?', trying to grope her. she demonstrates her strength to him, nearly breaking his arm and dragging him across the floor, effortlessly placing him back into his seat.

        • when she returns to the bartender, she apologizes for the interruption, asking him to continue. after watching her handle the drunk guy, he doesn't remember at all what he was saying or what they were talking about. she reminds him, and he offers some meaningless platitudes.

        • she'll have that drink after all, and asks for something stiff. She drinks it, though she doesn't like it and she doesn't get drunk.

        • Eventually he has a better answer. That human violence occurs because people just don't trust each other to be decent. "let me ask you something. is there anyone you truly trust?" she puzzles for a moment, and eventually remembers Peter. Confirms that "yes, yes there is" Then she stands up, and thanks him for listening to her troubles, and leaves.

    • Bringing Peter to her Palace......

      • her girl and boy toy are out. The computer explains that they were transported by helicopter and are using funds she provided to eat and drink at an establishment in Los Angeles.

      • she asks the computer to locate Peter. It takes a few moments for it to readback that his cellphone is located at (xyz snoozeberry lane, his home address). she asks it to call him.

      • They have a phone conversation, where she introduces herself using her human name, and explains they haven't spoke in a while, wondering if he remembers her. / Of course he does. He's noticed she's all over the news now. Even though she looks pretty different, he immediately knew it was her. He commends her on trying to make a difference, and commiserates that it's tough to convince people to get along. / she confides in him about her intentions, and her disappointment that things are not going as well as she'd hoped. she's not sure what to do next, and she doesn't feel like she has anyone she can talk to. / 'if someone knew how to bring about world peace, they would have done it already. it's going to be tough but it's a worthy goal, and if anyone can do it she can.' / there is a long pause, as she tears up a little. she thanks him for saying that. then another long pause. then she asks if she can see him. / "sure, of course. where are you living now? Sarah? Sarah?" she doesn't answer.

      • Then he hears a tap-tap-tap on his window, and looks to make out her face outside in the darkness, which surprises him, as he's on the second floor. He opens the window, and they exchange greetings, before he agrees to meet her back. As he frantically runs through the house, his parents ask him what's going on, and he lies and says he just needs to go for a run.

      • Outside the backdoor, it takes a minute for his eyes to adjust, and another minute for him to notice her silhouette sitting on (something), dimly lit by the moonlight. He makes his way over to her, casually sitting down next to her, and realizing that she's not only much taller than he remembered, but she's wearing the same risque outfit he's seen in some of the internet clips, which barely covers her. His heartbeat picks up at the moonlit shape of her breasts and hips in his periphery.

      • "it's good to see you, sarah." / "it's good to see you too peter." / she gently takes his hand, and they sit in silence for a few moments. / she talks about how she really needs someone to help her with her mission, someone she can trust... and the only one in this world she truly trusts, is him. / he's flattered. he jokes that he of course considers himself pretty trustworthy, but is still flattered. / she asks if he'll come with her, help her. / he backpedals. he's finishing high-school, and has plans to go to college. it's a big decision to pick up and leave his life behind. / she appeals to his duty - 'what greater opportunity could you find in the world, than to help me bring about peace? come live in my palace, be by my side. help me make a difference. '

        • he's a bit surprised by her offer to come live with her, and wants to know what exactly she's talking about. where is this palace, and what kind of 'living with her' is she talking about? / she asks if that matters, if he would be more interested in helping her save the world if he knew she would take him to bed, because she will gladly do so. / she runs a hand through his hair, and he responds nervously, despite being extremely attracted to her. She asks if she can take him there. / He nervously asks if it's close by, or rather how long he'd be gone, and then remembers how quickly she arrived at his window. He agrees, and she nods, standing.

        • When he stands next to her, he's even more surprised. She's not just a little taller than he remembered, in her boots she's at least six or seven inches taller than him. Seeing her like this was incredibly intimidating, but before he had time to think about it, she reached a hand around his waist, pulling him almost uncomfortably tight against her. A moment later, he felt his feet leave the ground, he instinctively clutched Susan, and he noticed the world slowly dropping below them as they rose into the air. First a couple feet, then a dozen, then they were fifty or sixty feet up, and he was looking down at the top of his parent's house and the large yard stretching out behind it. He was so terrified of falling to the ground, he didn't even register that his chin was pressed directly into her breast.

        • "Don't worry Peter, I've got you. Here we go, this may be a bit startling at first." They immediately started accelerating to the West, and he was forced to close his eyes, the wind too uncomfortable to bear. Peter only stayed vertical for a few seconds, then they were rushing through the air with such incredible speed that his body was pulled sideways like a flag in the wind. He felt her grasp shift, and then both her arms wrapped around his chest from behind as he flew through the air below her. It was like that for a minute or two, and then the air passing around him radically calmed.

        • Without the pressure of the wind holding him up, his body started to dangle from her grasp, and behind him he felt her body shifting to match his. When he dared open his eyes, his heart almost jumped out of his chest as he was offered a view thousands of feet straight down to bluffs near the ocean. He grasped the arms around his chest knowing there was nothing he could do if she decided to drop him.

        • As the ground approached, he was able to make out a structure at the top of one of the bluffs where she seemed to be headed. The architecture was very unfamiliar, and there didn't appear to be any roads or paths to access it.

        • In just a few seconds, his panic had faded, and he was being gently set down on a large patio, made of a bluish crystal that lit the area with some kind of internal glow . Even when they were safely back on the ground, she held him from behind for a moment, and he almost didn't want her to let go. When she finally did, and he turned around, seeing her took his breath away.

        • She looked surreal, her green eyes looking down from six inches above his own. While her arms and legs were mostly covered with skin tight shiny black fabric, strips only strategically covered small portions of her breasts and groin, revealing hints of definition across her belly. Behind her, a cape flapped in the wind, it's red liner matching and highlighting the deep crimson color of her hair. Her face was recognizable, but the rest of her bared little resemblance to the Sarah Slade he'd known virtually his whole life. As if that wasn't enough, she took a step back, holding the edges of her cape and posing for him. "I made a few changes since you last saw me."

        • "Uhh, I noticed," he blurted out, a little crassly. "I guess I should get used to calling you Kalia now." She finished her pose, and took two steps forward, dipping just barely into Peter's personal space. She was fully aware of the effect she was having on him.

        • "That's the name my biological parents gave me, on Trasa. I'm still getting used to it myself." As she spoke, she inched intimately close, taking one of Peter's hands as he craned his head back to stay looking her in the eye. "Welcome to my palace. Can I show you around?" She spoke casually, as if it meant nothing that her lips were inches from his, and her breasts were gently brushing into his chest. Peter gingerly nodded his head, not sure how to respond to her proximity. "Would you like to kiss first?" Peter found her forwardness surprising, but didn't stop him from nodding again as a silly grin worked it's way to the surface.

        • For Peter, time seemed to slow down for the next few moments. He felt her hand on his back; he craned up to meet her lips as they approached; he felt their softness against his own; he felt himself pulled into her firm body; he let his hand fall onto her bare hip; and then he felt the wetness of her tongue as it pushed into his mouth, briefly exploring him. He didn't know how long the kiss went on, but even if it had gone on forever it would have ended too soon.

        • When their lips parted, Kalia still held him against her, enjoying the feeling of him, letting him enjoy the feeling of her. She found the sensations different with Peter than with Lane and Vi. With them she was playing games, but with Peter she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

        • ???

          • she shows him the palace.

          • she flies him up to her personal chambers (which has no other entrance)

            • she talks to him more about her plans for the world, and for incubating more of her race

              • while they talk, she casually removes her gloves, boots, and cape, leaving her nearly naked in ribbons of fabric

              • he asks if she's told anyone else about her plans for there to be more of (her race). she hasn't, yet. he explains how she may have benevolent intentions, but if one day there are many more of her kind, there are bound to be disagreements. 'do you think negotiations between our people can ever be fair?'

              • She asserts "we" are completely capable of being fair. They will be 'guardians' of humans and the planets. Human myth speaks of Gods who once watched over and helped humans. Perhaps these stories are based in fact, and her people have been to Earth before. She asks him to 'help her' earn the world's trust, as she advances with her boots off, she's a more manageable three or four inches taller than him. / "is that what you're trying to do? earn trust? seems more like you're trying to assert authority."

              • "You sound like my mother. I'm merely trying to stop bloodshed and mis-treatment, but let's put aside the world for now. I'd like to talk about something more personal. I'd like to talk about us, Peter. You've known about me for a long time, haven't you?"

              • "Yes. A girl doesn't just (how did he save her). Now I can see that barely scratched the surface."

              • "Why didn't you ever tell anyone?"

              • "You exposed your secret to save my life. I figured the least I could do was keep it. Besides, it was your place to tell people what you were, not mine."

              • "I feel like we bonded that day, Peter. Our lives went separate ways, but back then you were the only one, aside from my parents, who knew I was different. Occasionally we'd notice each other, and I felt like your eyes were telling me you knew, but you wouldn't tell anyone. I trusted you. I trust you now. Do you trust me, Peter?"

              • "Of course I trust you. I'm not sure I'm sold on this plan of repopulating your race here on Earth, but I trust you. Why do you ask?"

              • "Because I want to do more than kiss you, and sexual experiences with me can be a little intense. You think you can handle it?"

              • ???

                • "What? Don't you think that's moving a little fast? We haven't spoken in years." she asks he wants to slow down, and jests that "she knows no man can resist her"

                • "Actually, I have no idea."

          • Peter: "i should probably get back. my parents will be wondering where i am."