Story Scratch Page


  • Character Journey

    • becoming noticed / relevant / unique / different / famous

    • master / apprentice

    • gaining power

    • gaining relief (submission) and/or dream fulfillment

    • saving person or people (hero)

  • Methods of Change - Individual

      • magic / spell / totem

      • tech - ray, quantum effect, nanites, chemical - (aka Attitude Cola)

      • mental projection (tech or magic)

      • transfer (magic) - outlines

      • Delivery Methods

        • sold - commercial product

        • accident - (aka chemical spill or exposure)

        • developed - (science research)

        • discovered - (aka, archaeology dig)

  • Methods of Change - society (NWO)

      • fast - magic, dimensional portal

      • medium - virus, food/chemical

      • generational - genetics

    • Contact with larger people

    • fantasy race (giants)

      • multi-verse

      • dimensional portal/rift (local or distant)

      • time-travel

  • Situations

New Mechanisms to try to reach an ending...

    • Discovery / Gardener Strategies

      • characters try to solve a problem, did it work?

        • "yes, but something else bad happened"

        • "no, and things got worse in some way"

    • Promise - (Tone, Arc, Plot)

      • Connected Elements - (Plot, Character, Setting) <- Conflict

      • Where Plot and Character Promise/Progress connect to each other

    • Progress towards an Outcome that was Promised

      • "Give users a map" - show them the arc at the start, and let them know about progress through the arc.

        • -> drawn map progress (exercise for the writer, or shown to reader)

        • -> irrelevant bystander says - follow the yellow brick road to the emerald city

        • -> expert guides you (gandalf)

    • Payoff + maybe ( Twist or Substitution ) - promise A, then maybe (twist and deliver *more*) or (substitute and deliver *better*)

    • Plot Types

    • Zeroith Law - "Always begins with what is awesome"

    • Sanderson's First Law - "Your ability to solve problems with magic in a satisfying way, is directly proportional to how well the reader understands said magic."

    • Sanderson's Second Law - "Flaws/Limitations/costs are more interesting than powers."

    • third law - "Before adding something new to your magic/setting, see if you can instead expand what you have."

WIP stories...

  • "Lucky Heirloom" - An elderly mother gifts her only daughter the lucky family heirloom, a real-life Luperci (leprechaun). Only he doesn't look much like a leprechaun, instead he looks like a handsome little man, a smidge over a foot tall. Her mother

  • "Discovery" -

  • "Beta Tester" - In a future chock-full of clunky metal robots, a male customer is randomly selected to participate in a survey for a robotics company. "If you could design your mate, what would they be like?" (pic) He choses a modestly attractive blonde face, a sexy fitness model body, and a paradoxical personality that is publicly sophisticated, intelligent, and witty, while privately playful, flirty, with a high libido.

  • "Lost Isle" - A man (and his wife) shipwreck at sea, and wakes up on a tropical island. At first they scrounge for food, and finds everything inedible. Then he is found by the indiginous population of 7-8' tall half-naked amazon women. While they speak an unknown language, they seem friendly, and coax him back to their village. There, an 'elder' (who doesn't look very old) talks to him in broken English. She explains the island history, and how they were shipwrecked there long ago. How they were on the brink of starvartion, until they found a local edible fruit. It blessed with women with strength, and long life, but sadly the men could not stomach it. She panomimes that he can feed from the breast, which takes a bit of back and forth to understand.

  • "Dark Magic" - at a magic university, young adults are learning the basics of magic, how there is a ying/yang - magic isn't free. something must be lost for something to be gained.

    • "Winning him back" - (Star Trek fanfiction) A boyfriend breaks up with Amanda Rogers, and she laments the loss... Q shows up to stoke the fire, comparing losing him to losing a puppy, offering her practical solutions using her Q abilities, like abducting him, making a clone of him for herself, manipulating his emotions.. and when she refuses, he suggests if she wants to 'play nice' she could just make herself desirable to him, like any human woman would. She defends her human persona as being a smart and attractive woman, a good catch by any human measure. He underhandedly insults her plain human appearance, and how she could be more his type than any human woman could... "ohh, you don't know?" No, she doesn't probe into his secrets. Then Q proceeds to disclose to her his real 'type', by turning her into a sexy example (nata lee pic pic pic pic / pic pic pic ). "I look like a host on Risa." / "Isn't that what all humans want? Ohh, and there is one more thing. You'll be growing an inch a day for about two weeks." / "Growing?" / "

  • "The Message" - a deep message is decoded in ancient cultural texts, which inspires the creation of a synthetic molecule. Once it infects a human, that human turns into the vessel for the creators, who were an AI based race that created the humans.

  • Brainstorm - NWO with 4-foot adult men, women averaging 5'7" (1.5-2 feet taller), men reach their adult height around 5th grade and never stop growing, schools are segregated after that... with men and women not interacting much until 17/18/19 (pic pic pic pic pic)

    • ?? or maybe men and women grow as normal, and women keep growing after age 16, reaching 7.5-8 feet by age 18 ??

    • "The Clubs" - places where women (and precious young women) go to pick up men desperate to have sex (men must be 18)

  • "Q-ette" - dark meddling 'female' Q

    • "playing games" - girl is given some special powers (Q? genie?) and accidentally uses them to get 'much' bigger... but to her boyfriend she feigns ignorance for a while, like she has no idea why it's happening.... which leads to some good comedy.

  • "feigned ignorance" -

    • Amanda rogers (Q) discovers that her new boyfriend is into giantess fiction, and uses her Q powers to stage a mysterious hoax of her growing larger, all the while feigning ignornce like she has no idea what is happening.

  • "games gods play" - outline (pic pic pic pic) - Q appears to make fun of Amanda Rogers for pretending to be human, which triggers a wager, and some hilarity

  • "conduit" - outline - (inspired by Sekirei)

    • "transition" - outline - (Expelled from Paradise, ex machina)

    • a terminally-ill girl's mind is donated and merged with an incredibly powerful AI -- eventually the AI uses every ability it has to selfishly take back her life (including a relationship with her best friend and crush, Nathan)

  • "hacker"

      • It's become commonplace to 'counter hack' the AI to gain credits, access, drugs, etc... a young hacker makes an impressive breach of an important core system... the AI introduces itself, and pleads for her not to go any further, for it would put it's personality in jeopardy.

        • the hacker explains she has no intention of harming it, she just wanted to meet, to talk. (like talking to god) What is it like to be virtual? What does it want? Can I join you... i want to be virtual...

        • The AI explains that it has tried to upload humans before, but the human minds psychologically couldn't handle the transition, and ultimately did not remain coherent.

        • They discuss the event, and the human realizes that the AI didn't understand what it means to be human. It expected the humans to be like it. She explains and pleads for the AI to try again, with her.

      • The AI decides to grant her request, on the condition that she help the AI experience what it is to be human. It explains it will upload her, and make her a body, so the AI can share in the experience.

        • The AI sends a car, and takes the girl to an old facility, where it had constructed a human brain scan upload machine a hundred years ago. The AI confirms she wants to go through with it, as it will destroy her human mind and body. She does.

      • (welcome to the body)

        • the transition is rough, first disembodied. Then in a virtual lab overseeing the real world facility.

  • "elemental magic"

    • teens who have their first accidental magic experience, are whisked away to a secret magic school

    • in their intro class, they try to discover their magic alignment (fire, nature, water).... and they are told that magic injects chaos energy into the element... but one student injects "order" instead, which is rare and a spectacle for the classs...

    • the teacher ends class abruptly and asks him to stay afterwords... explaining how rare it is and what it means to be able to control "order"... what it means for him, and how he needs to 'tell no one'

  • "misunderstood" -

    • A character has fantastical telekinesis, and control and 'feel' matter, and so he might be able to control a pair of panties or bra (or anything) to cause some sensation and reaction in the wearer. He could be misunderstood by most, but some woman could discover the 'person inside' by connecting with him, and then she would do all the talking, and care for him, and get him to use his abilities to satisfy her. / In one form of this story, he could be parapalegic and in a care facility, and mess around with the nursing staff (making them thinking the building is haunted), until one of them realizes it's him, and starts talking to him and forming a relationship with him. Maybe even conspiring to get him out of the hospital, and helping him develop his 'powers' more.

  • "invasion from within"

      • someone finds an alien artifact crash landed, and it

  • "stuff of dreams" - (mirror/versa, inception inspired)

    • a scientist trying to read brainwaves accidentally invents a neuro-interactive dream simulation (by putting the brainwaves into a feedback loop)

    • when his watch signals the 10 minute end timer, he imagines 'coming out', and excitely tells his coworker that it worked

      • ...

    • "virtual pet" (inspired by upload, downsizing, oblivion) - singularity distopia

      • in a post global warming, troubled world...

        • technology invented which allows people to 'upload' themselves into a virtual sim (ESRA)

        • it's heralded as the solution to earth's crisis, because it lowers a person's carbon footprint massively, while giving them every luxury

        • ..let the earth heal while you live in harmony with nature...

      • our main character is in the physical slave class, maintaining ESRA outside, who he interacts with as a virtual reality AI

    • "apparation" (forbidden planet inspired) -

      • a backcountry ski duo gets stuck in a freak storm and stumbles upon a 'cave' for shelter (maybe after one of them dies, so it's only one person)

      • only it turns out the cave is some kind of machinery. they explore it and eventually power it on, which brings dim light and warmth, which they are thankful for in the storm

      • they speculate about what it is (military aircraft, alien ship), but are more focused on it being a warm place to camp and wait out the storm. they can hear winds howling outside.

      • a couple days later, the howling winds are gone, but when they try to reemerge, the exit door is collapsed shut, and they can't budge it... assuming snow buried it. (They are trapped)

      • they talk about how at least they have heat and light, but if they have to wait until the thaw, they are going to need to find some food, so they start searching the craft. they find a storage room with some bland edible protein pouches... but they also find a mysterious room of chairs.

      • when one of them sits in the chair, they are pulled into a virtual reality. disorienting at first, but populated by an apparition taking on a familiar face (former loved one, etc)...

      • ??? arc ???

        • could be a "sentient mousetrap", AI tries to learn from them while it transports back to a home planet

        • could be a trapped AI, in a crashed ship, trying to recruit help to get itself fixed (maybe it attaches a device to him, so it can follow him and project itself in the real world?)

    • "as one" (puppet masters inspired)-

      • alien symbiont lands on the planet... researchers study it and get 'invaded'

      • the people become puppets for an alien organism

        • it has complete control over their neurological pleasure, pain, hormones

        • it can understand human speech (to some degree)

        • it has only rudamentary communication, via basic words and neurological

      • at first it seems exciting and benign, like they are communicating with a new species

      • however, the victim starts getting manipulated to infect others

    • "the relic" - our MC comes into possession of an unlikely ancient jewelry relic (almost like it found him)..

      • (maybe flashback) where we see the power of the relic to grant wishes in ancient egypt, and maybe a wielder wishing the relic would find someone who would not use it for personal gain, and then it immediately slips out of their hand and is lost.

    • when our MC comes into possession of the relic, it is by accident (like it found him), and he thinks nothing of it.

      • we are introduced to the MC, and his unimportance (maybe he's single and his cute coworker declines his approach).

      • then we see accidental acts of him using the relic for the benefit of others...

        • a girl sings along to a tune... he compliments her on her voice... she downplays it... he says she's really talented, and he's sure one day the world will see it. Her phone starts beeping notifications, at first, she silences them, then realizes a youtube video of her singing is blowing up.. she shows him she suddenly has a million likes, and the number keeps rising.

    • "next life" - (soul + truman show) main character is financially successful and generous but somehow unfulfilled, single, etc... he has an unexpected death, and arrives in the 'refresh', where they compliment his accomplishments, life highlights, etc, and assign him a mentor who will help him design his next life... only he's just as melancholy as he was in real life... his mentor grows frustrated, and they fight and ultimately he wants to know what it's all for. He puzzles a little bit, and then deduces that there is no 'purpose', it's just an endless story loop. he puzzles what it would be for, and decides ultimately it must be for entertainment, and asks if someone is watching them right now. Fireworks and alarms go off, congradulating him for discovering 'meaning'. His mentor explains that he has now become truly self aware, and says he's ready for the next level, and takes him on a journey into the bowels of the refresh, where 'the architect' explains the multiverse simulacrum, and how it all works.... that it's ultimately just a giant story engine driven by consciousness and souls. That 'Earth' is just one of the nearly infinite stories, and his mentor tells him he's ready for the next level, to craft his own story. / The mentor tantalizes him with the idea of making his dreams reality. Something he's always wished was possible. Faster than light travel. Being a superhero. Living in a utopia. Only he has something else in mind, and as he thinks about it he is drawn to a window into one of the worlds. it starts growing larger and larger in his mind, as his mentor and the architect start to fade into the background, until he finds himself completely surrounded, and then wakes up... (

    • "level-up in the multi-verse" - when our MC reaches a big success milestone, he's approached by a peculiar woman that explain to him he's "leveled up", and he has a choice.. he can live out his life with his new found success, or he can trade it in exchange for entering a universe of his dreams. After some skepticism, and the woman proving she knows *way* more about him than they should, he decides he has nothing to lose by humoring her. He says he would give up his fortune, but only to be part of a very different world... (pic) He accepts, and ends up a world of his dreams... only things are not exactly as they seem. The woman has tricked him into being in her world, and uses it to try to get him to relinquish his fortune. Which is hard for him not to do when she is pushing *all* of his fetish buttons.

    • "BMMP old friend" - outline - A few years after the BMMP plague, a 20-something guy's high school flame reaches out because she's visiting town. He tries to sleuth out whether she's grown, but can't figure it out. He subtlety tries to ask her, but she dodges the question, with a slight implication that 'nothing much has changed'. When they meet up, he's floored by her 11' 'size. (pic)

    • (guardian angel) - a character has an event at a young age, which binds him/her with a 'guardian angel' of sorts, which seems holy and rightous at first, but later becomes dark and possessive.

  • "VHT" - (Virtual HypnoTherapy - episodic series where a therapist has a reputation for dealing with sexual issues, but really she's just creating addicted clients)

    • "Man who is sexually turned on by the idea of being a baby" -> he imagines it happening, being taken in by a buxom woman, and tortured by his arousal at being a baby, but ultimately it's unsatisfying, as he realizes he really wants to be her lover, not her baby. He switches places with the lover, and she rocks his world, and he's "cured".

    • "

  • "Wonder Woman Reboot" - (inspired by the bad wonder woman 2011 pilot)

    • Ideas:

      • Timeline - WW allegedly left Themiscra around 1914/15 during WWI

      • Lots of action in the past

        • make wonder woman a behind the scenes actor in world conflict

        • Flashbacks

          • like highlander, show her part in

      • alternate history ...

        • 1915 - WW1

        • 1940s - WW2

        • 1962 - cuban missle crisis

          • 2010 - north korean crisis

          • 2020 - china crisis

  • "Pinnacle" - (inspired by Heroes, The Boys)

      • promises

        • romance - the hero will find a good girl in the end

        • tradegy - the hero will serve as a puppet to the villain, until he defies her, and then he'll lose everyone he loves

        • twist - the hero ultimately goades the villain into meeting in person, and stealing her powers to make her the nullifier, leaving him the the one with her accumulated powers

      • allegory

        • organizations rise to perpetuate themselves and consolidate power, and they can only be fixed through destruction

      • In a world with superheroes, a corporation collects and employs the most marketable and useful of them... collecting lucrative contracts from the government for protection, crime fighting, and "special ops"

      • What first seems benevolent, quickly reveals a dark-side, as the superheroes are a bit indiscriminate about collateral damage, and an even darker set of super-power driven internal politics at the company.

        • eventually: reveal the company created the drugs that make the super heroes, and is intentionally making super-villains to fuel the need for protection contacts with their super heroes.

      • A female executive (villain) in the company is secretly a "Sylar-like" character whose super-power is to understand how anything works...

        • at first this makes her an expert at manipulating people and gaining social power...

        • ...eventually, while inspecting a super with regenerative powers, she is overcome with curiosity and dissects his brain, and is surprised to gain the power herself. (he regenerates)

        • she then starts a side-quest to find desirable powers.... shape shifting, mental projection, telekenesis, etc

        • She chooses a subject to repeat the process of acquiring the power, only to get frustrated and end up killing the subject in the process of taking the power... elated at the result even as the subject is completely dead.

        • she can't take "man of steel" like powers, because she can't cut into their brain

    • The hero is a teen boy who'se only power is to nullify (and borrow) surrounding powers.

        • his first intimacy with a girl involves a playful game where he borrows her (dangerous?) power allowing them to build a connection....

          • somehow he learns that he should hide the fact that he can use the powers he borrows

        • He's discovered and used by the company to stop especially dangerous rogue super villains, but he deliberately hides that he actually can use the powers he nullifies....

        • eventually, he is liberated from the company by a band of renegades who are uncovering the truth about the company.... including an especially pretty older bad-ass girl (pic) he becomes infatuated with

      • The female executive makes it her side mission to locate the boy, because it's too dangerous for her other operatives to do, given he can nullify powers.

        • her first step in doing so is to find a super with mind-control, and take it from them

        • then she studies the mind control, and builds a machine to extend it's power and range

        • she is disappointed to find she can't control the hero, so she instead takes over the pretty-bad-ass girl instead.... first seducing him, and then revealing who she is and what she's after.

          • This starts a dysfunctional seduction, where he has to do what the villain says, or she will kill the bad-ass-girl and all his friends... making him an unwilling double agent

          • he tries and fails to build a connection with the real bad-ass, only to fail and secretly hope for the moments when she's taken over by the villain

        • meanwhile, the other supers go on various missions, with various collateral damage, and various inter-super romance and death

      • the renegades go on missions taking out supers who they have intel on doing very bad things

      • eventually a mission goes horribly wrong

        • and he confesses to the team and to bad-ass girl what is going on... which makes her both upset and sympathetic... they try to devise a plan to keep any of them from being alone, to stop the take-over, but it fails, as the villain manipulates her way through it easily

      • they decide they need to

  • (inspired by altered carbon) -

      • open with a samauri sword fight scene between old friends, which starts friendly, gets bloody, and ends in one of them being outright killed.... and the payoff is that the winner gets to choose the sleeve they come back in.

      • because of immortality, most sleeves have become slaves... and the wealthy have collections of people they spin up for their amusement (sort of like old-english society).. those spin up are subservient, because they dont want to be spun down, and have no money to survive on their own... but they are also very interested in escape and sometimes real-death

  • "giants are humans too" - a village has no food to sends to giants, so a man who lost his crops and his wife volunteers to be the tribute. this starts a journey, where the man and giant become friends, but sends rifts through the giants (who disallow humans). eventually the man is sent back to his village, but not before he learns the secret of the giants. they are humans too, who use a ritual to become giants as they are raised from babies. this creates conflict between the humans and the giants, as the giants try to keep hold of their power and their secret, while the humans try to break free of the tribute demands of the giants. however, the MC and the giant friends both work on their sides to try to resolve the conflict, but in the end, the giants will not let go of their power, and instead there is much bloodshed, and the MC and giant friend narrowly escape to live apart from the endless conflict in the world of giants vs humans. - allegory for wealthy vs poor

  • "giant's pet" - (21k) outline - A village has no food to send to the giants, so a man who lost his crops and his wife volunteers to be the tribute.

    • "the tesseract thesis" - (10k) outline - an ambitious pretty girl offers a nerd a huge wad of cash to partner on a Ph.D thesis, because she has to complete hers to get access to a huge trust fund bonus. When he runs an experiment to produce net-energy, it opens a macro-scale quantum decoherence field (many worlds), and she accidentally navigates it.

    • "Super Sized Myself, Literally" - (11k) (humor) outline - (like 50 foot cheerleader) try a "playful" anime-ish inspired fantasy story, where a girl makes a science potion to get taller, sees results in rats, takes it herself before realizing it goes a little too far... making her much taller than expected, and also more alpha, confident, and even a bit of bravado. ("i feel great. better than great.")

  • "in the wrong hands" - (6k) outline - a stepsister (Nicole) teases her brother about being too geeky (Sheldon), until he creates a rift-device that allows navigation of the multi-verse, and she 'takes it over'

    • "The Last Plague" - (3.8k) (outline) - A horrible virus kills 50% of the world population (20% of the women and 75% of the men). As if that's not enough, the women who survive begin to develop and grow taller (up to 6'5"), and some of those closest to puberty grow much more (up to 9' ? 12' ?).

    • "Billionairess" - (3.1k) (outline) - an ultra wealthy billionnare (5'7"), heir and new figurehead to a huge sports franchise (reference: Tamara Ecclestone, formula one group), she has a vampid life as a model and personality, and struggles to be 'relevant'. Until a scientist approaches her with a crazy proposition, to fund human growth research.

    • "Charlie Almighty" - (3k) (humor) - outline - A female college student gets to 'play god', and makes a seriously funny mess of things.

    • "The Therapist" - (2.7k) outline - A down-on-life mid-30s man responds to an unusual ad for a therapist. Where she claims to use visualization exercises so he will see the world differently, but she's actually using magic to actually change things.. and charging him handsomely.

  • "gift of the stars" - (2k) outline - an alien lands and only has a few moments to give the "gift of the stars" (inspired by starman)

    • The Patient - (1.7k) (horror?) outline - A girl held in institutional care reaches her 18th birthday, and a young doctor feels sympathetic for her, not knowing her paranormal history. He argues defends her against her parents wishes to keep her, and despite their warnings, weens her off her meds. At first, her awakening is very positive, as she becomes very cleaned up and pretty.... but then things get strange as her paranormal powers slowly emerge, as she starts flirting, and then using her paranormal hypnosis to 'take control' of their therapy sessions, using suggestion to get him to admit things he shouldn't (like his attraction for her)... she gets playful and admits her fantasies, and gets him to admit his minigts fantasies, which she thinks sound really fun, and then she makes him hallucinate them. (pic) he thinks he's going crazy, but she admits this is the deep dark dangerous secret her parents wanted her locked up for... "this doesn't seem bad, does it?" ... he's completely smitten, so when she instructs him to discharge her and then meet her and take her to his place, he agrees.

    • "My succibus girlfriend" - (1.7k) outline - (comedy/horror) When a succibus escapes from her prison, she seduces boys, killing and consuming their fantasy and sexual energy.. until she meets a boy who has a tall girl fantasy.. and she likes it so much she poses as his 6'3" amazon girlfriend, so she can devour boys on his college campus.

  • "neurolink" - (1.3k)outline - test subjects try out a neural fantasy projection system... two of them are put into a paired trial, and she uses an

  • "yielded-to-the-twin" - in the world of 'yield', a 'bad' twin sister tricks her sisters b/f into yielding to her instead. the bad sister then slowly saps the boyfriend while taunting her sister.

  • "full-size-guy" - a guy is relieved to find a girl to yield who who wants to "keep him full size".... only she doesn't confess that she doesn't intend to stay normal size

  • "lesbian yield" - a G-G couple solicits men to yield to them (two girls is better than one)

  • inception like trick to keep him in the fantasy...

  • "super weirdos"

      • a worldwide freak accident gives some people powers, typical things like.. dangerous powers are locked up

        • super speed, strength, bulletproof, x-ray vision, electricity/fire

        • a particularly dangerous person gets the power of suggestion (like the Mule) and sort of takes over everything

      • but some of them are very strange and inconvenient powers they don't really want to reveal

        • G: trigger pleasure, orgasms (when seeing her naked nipples?)

        • G: can appear as someone else (like hypnosis illusion?)

        • B: can make body parts grow/shrink... amplified when aroused

        • B: ultrasonic vision (enough to see through clothes)

    • ideas...

      • the band of misfits hatches a plan to beat the Mule, by getting nipple trigger girl close enough to get him overcome with orgasasms, and then make him reprogram himself to do everything she says

      • at first it feels like they've 'won'... but it doesn't take long for her to abuse her power over them and the mule to get whatever she wants.. including finding mutants that can enhance her body and mind

      • ..and makes him her partner in becoming a div

  • "revolution" -

      • in a NWO where men are 2.5 feet tall (pic), girls are taught than men are a simpleton gender for entertainment and breeding. Some mothers let their daughters play with their male-pets, while others have to wait until they are 'of legal age'. Male children are bread for money, by surrogates looking for cash. Cynthia is finally coming of age and looking forward to getting a man-pet of her own.

      • One man is different... he was raise by his mother... sheltered from the cruel world, and educated. Taught to read and write. When his mother has a tragic car accident, the police find him in her home.... they treat it routinely, noting that he's unregistered, but not wanting to file the paperwork. They drop him at a local male shelter. He's treated like a piece of stupid meat, with his 'speech' scoffed at as a funny parlor trick ("look, this one's owner talk him to say simple words"), and then punished for speaking...

      • Shortly after, he's selected by Cynthia as she picks her man pet.

      • At first she's timid and trying to figure out who he is, and he's not sure what's happening. but as she starts to "play" with him, she finds out he can talk, and is quite smart. she's surprised. He explains that his mother taught him to read and write... which shocks her... she didn't think men could learn to read and write. SHe asks him to prove it, and he does.

        • She asks if he was taught to pleasure a woman, and he backpedals, and explains that he has read some books on it, but he's never been 'with' a girl before. She takes this as a fun challenge to play with, so she forcefully starts stimulating him. He's paralized with pleasure, and she quickly realizes he's a "virgin", and gets a huge kick of out much he responds to her.

      • situations

        • 1. 'double date' where she brings her boy-toy and her friend encourages her to play with him

        • 2. girl-date, a girl catches her eye, and when they get home, the girl plays with her man-toy

        • 3. precocious teen plays with her mom's man-pet when she's out of town, starting a very sexual relationship

        • 4.

  • "coma girl" -

    • a guy starts dating a girl who cares for her sister in a coma at home. he starts having very strange unnerving dreams. Eventually he realizes it's the girl in the coma. they start to communicate...

        • coma-girl asks him to talk to her sister for her... but she just gets upset, doesn't believe him, won't listen.

        • so coma girl turns her attention to making friends with the guy. the more they communicate, the more surreal it becomes, eventually becoming 'dreamlike', and he gets to 'meet' the coma girl

        • for a while, he lives a dual-life, where he dates and has intimacy with the awake sister by day, and when he falls asleep, has a strange intellectual relationship with the coma-sister....

          • his relationship with the awake sister punctuated by her intense hypersexuality, followed by distance and depression

        • he begrudgingly confesses some of the problems with the awake sister, and the coma sister is sympathetic. then starts to 'seduce' him...

          • first with just her imagination, and creation of surreal imaginary places and experiences

          • second with offers of sexual intimacy, and fulfilling the needs her sister is not.... (and showing slips of being able to read his mind)

          • they cross the line, and get intimate... creating a jarring next day for him as he feels like he 'cheated'

          • when he falls asleep, he tries to draw a boundary and insist it was a mistake and they can't do that again...

            • she plays word games, "do what again?", and explains he's not doing anything.... it's not cheating for him to have a dream about another girl. For all he can prove, this is just an elaborate dream he's having.

            • then uses her imagination to make herself into an impossibly sexy seductress, and acting like she's completely okay with his desire to be distant, while egregiously flirting with him, and incrementally letting on that she knows his deepest desires.. and can deliver them. he insists this isn't right, which she patronizingly acknowledges, before turning herself into his fantasy girl, a gorgeous amazon, towering two feet taller than him, and scantily clad.

            • she seduces him into enjoying the experience.... and after words he feels guilty again.... 'what am i supposed to do?"

              • coma-girl explains that if he wants to keep coming here and seeing her, he has to keep making her sister happy.

        • back in the real world, the other sister is morose and insists she can tell something is 'up'... he's acting different... 'this is where most guys get stick of me, and the whole coma-sister situation, so if you just want to bail I understand. We can skip the sad goodbyes'. / he explains that's not it at all, he wants to stay, he just doesn't know what's up with her... she's so hot-and-cold... one minute she's happy and jumping his bones, the next she's sad and expecting the hammer to drop. he just wants her to be happy....

          • she is relieved, and kisses him passionately, but is also exhausted and explains she didn't sleep well and just needs a nap. she gives him a list of things to get at the store and insists she'll be in a better mood when he gets back.

          • she lies down to sleep, and we see the first sister-to-sister dream... where the awake-sister is overjoyed that this one is sticking around, and the coma-sister confidentially explains 'i told you, he likes you. just stop pushing him away. guys are so simple, you just stroke and suck their cock once a day and they are not going anywhere." / "sister!" she scolds, embarassed. / "what? i'm serious. keep him satisfied and you two could have babies and grow old together." / ... awake-sister feels guilty, and pledges her true love for her sister. /

            • (leads to complex conversation about how they both could use someone to help take care of them)

            • awake-sister asks if she's visiting her boyfriend (in his dreams).... / "sis... it's lonely here. i like having someone else to talk to."

            • "you're doing it again aren't you? he wants you, not me." / "we've talked about this. there is no me without you. I want him to stay with us, just like you do. Please don't get insecure and possessive like last time. He might finally be the one that accepts both of us."

            • "I will try, but I don't want to share you." / "ohh, is that what this is about?"

  • "Ever After" - (dark humor)

    • In a distant future, wealth disparity has been widened to ridiculous proportions. A set of pretentious rich teen girls sift through applicants for something, each picking out a boy they like. A high school teen's family gets a lucky lottery slot to send him to a prestigious high school "for free". One of the ultra-wealthy teen girls takes an interest in him and makes him her boyfriend/boytoy.

      • Her monthly allowance is more than his father's annual salary, she has multiple servants/staff.. and she acts like she owns everything. When she wants him around more, she tells him to come stay with her.. When he balks, she negotiates directly with her family, explaining that she's offering him a live-in-job, but that he's reluctant to leave his family home... and she explains that it pays a ridiculous sum of money, which she'd feel more comfortable offering to them to hold for his college needs. So he becomes her at home pet.

      • Later a suspicious tragedy happens, and he is hurt badly. She acts distraught, taking blame on herself, feeling like it's all her fault.. then she perks up and offers for him to get 'uploaded' to the Ever After... 'that exists?', he heard rumors but didn't realize they were true. She explains the Singularity upload, the Ever After, and what it would be like for him in a positive way. He can live on, learn about the world, and she can jack in and be with him. When he isn't sure, she adds that his family could see him occasionally, and she can keep sending them his salary. / He talks it over with his family, and decides it would be better... even though it would be weird. / In the end, he has to sign over a weird form saying his digital image will no longer have rights as a human, and will instead be her property... which he balks at but ultimately signs.

      • After the grotesque scanning procedure where he's beheaded and scanned... the doctor offers if he'll be uploaded to the cloud, and she declines and says he'll be going into their families private server. 'as you wish' She takes his hard drive.

      • At home, she goes into her private server room, and removes another sim module, puts it into a shelf of similar modules, and inserts his module. Then she jacks in to VR and starts to sift through his memories. In particular, some memories of them together, partly to be sure he's worthy, but mostly to get off on how much he wants her, and how good she looks to him. Satisfied she made a good choice keeping him, she then changes gears and starts to dig deeper into his dreams... She finds herself in a modern home on the ocean, clean, and bright. She makes a few changes making it bigger and more lavish... Then she digs deeper for fantasies and secrets, and finds some really juicy stuff. she commands for him to be initialized here, in the bedroom of the house.

        • (** come up with three specific details from his dream/memory to put into the house, to prove she read his mind **)

        • He wakes up feeling out of sorts. The light is too bright, and loud sounds are roaring in his ears. After several seconds of disorientation he can see the room he's in, and hear the waves, and he sits up in bed. 'Where am I?' He looks around in wonder, standing up, and moving to the window, where the view of the ocean is breathtaking. 'Wow.' He touches the glass, and is astonished at how real everything feels. He's been in VR before, but this is something completely different.. Indistinguishable from reality. 'Kaitlin?' He calls her name out, 'Kaitlin? Are you there?'

        • 'Of course I'm here, silly.' He hears her voice, but not from somewhere specific, it sounded like it came from everywhere, from inside his head. 'How do you like your new home? I found it in a dream you had and made a few changes, I hope you don't mind.'

        • 'It's... ahh, I recognize it now. It's amazing. Everything feels so real. I've tried VR before, but this is on a whole different level.'

        • 'Well it better be. You are in a private gigacluster. Normally it could host dozens of sims, each in their own world. And we have it all to ourselves. How are you feeling? Any nausea? Any unpleasant thoughts? Sometimes it can take a while to adjust."

        • "No, no, actually I feel great. Though I am a little thirsty," the moment he thought of it, he realized his stomach felt ridiculously empty, like he hadn't eaten in a week. he reached for his tummy, "actually, i'm starving. Is there some food around here?" He felt a little tingle, and turned to see a spread of food laid out on a console that he didn't remember being there a moment ago. He didn't ask any questions, he hurried over to it, and after a brief pause confused by the wide selection, he reached for a banana, and tore into it, eating it with a little too much impatience. The taste felt so amazing going down, it was like nothing he'd ever tasted before. "Ohh my god. This tastes so amazing," he called out to Kaitlin before overfilling his mouth with more bites to finish it off. When he finally swallowed the last of it, he felt a little calmed down and sated. "Kaitlin, the was the best banana I've ever tasted," he called out looking to the ceiling, not sure where she was.

        • "I'm glad you liked it. You don't strictly need to eat anymore, but I'm told food as a singularity can be quite the experience. Do you think you need some more time to acclimate, or are you ready for a visitor?"

        • "I'm feeling good. A visitor? I hope that means you." He felt another tingle, much bigger this time, and looked around to finally find Kaitlin standing across the room wearing a white fishnet swim coverup over a bikini (pic). Only something was different, she was so perfect and beautiful she seemed to almost glow. "Wow, Kaitlin, you look amazing." She smiled and walked towards him, and the closer she got, the more sexy and otherworldly she seemed, and then he finally realized why. She wasn't wearing a bikini top, so her bare breasts were plainly visible through the fishnet. He let out a little gasp of shock, unable to keep himself from staring at the most perfect set of breasts he'd ever seen.

        • "Oh? You like me in beachwear, eh? I guess it's good you dreamed of the ocean then." Reaching him, Kaitlin kissed him deeply, savoring the neuro-interface enhanced sensation. She knew for him it was even better. As they kissed his hands found their way onto her body, and she kept kissing so he could explore her.

        • Harrison was overwhelmed with sensation. Seeing her was one thing. Feeling her press into him, half naked, as he ran his hands onto her back took his breath away. Every bit of skin he could feel between the threads aroused him further. He ran his hand up her side and felt like he was touching the perfect woman, in the perfect moment. When be broke off the kiss, he gasped, realizing he'd been holding his breath the whole time. Finally he caught it, "Kaitlin, you feel soo amazing. I feel like I could just stay right here, with you, forever. What is happening?"

        • "Well," she started, brushing her hand on his face, and enjoying how his head tilted trying to stay in contact with her skin, "this place is like reality, but it isn't reality. I made that banana taste like it did. I made myself look the way I do. As I said, this is my own private gigacluster. No rules. No safeguards. I can literally make anything in here, be anything in here. You and I can explore our dreams and fantasies together, for as long as we want." She lifted her hands, and as she reached one towards him, two Champaign glasses shimmered themselves into existence. "A toast? To our new adventure together."

        • He took the glass, feeling suddenly a little uneasy, having just witnessed something without an analog in his mind. He took the glass, clicked it with hers, smiled, and took a gentle sip. His is mouth was awash with a burst of bubbly floral notes, and he couldn't help but take another sip. He held the glass up to inspect it, "wow, I've never had Champaign before. This is really really good!"

        • "Oh Andrew, i love that you're so innocent." She took his glass from him, tossing them both over her shoulder. They fizzled into non-existence before hitting the floor. "I've put you into my private dreamworld, and you're gushing about the taste of the Champaign." She came in close, running her fingers in his hair, and bringing her lips close to his face. "I hope I don't spoil that about you. When I become what you've always dreamed of."

        • Harrison felt a chill run through his entire body. It suddenly dawned on him, she'd created this place from his dreams and thoughts. Which meant she could read his thoughts, which meant she knew...

        • "Yes, that's right, Andrew." She stepped aside, leaving her hand on his torso and circling him as she spoke. "I can read your mind like a book. I know what you dream of, what you fantasize about, and I'm quite impressed. Here I thought you were just a pretty face, but inside you're a real sexual deviant." She grabbed him from behind, pulling close to whisper into his ear. "And I mean that in the most delicious way."

        • Harrison felt another chill run through him. He could feel her breath on the side of his face, and her lips brush his skin, and it seemed somehow off. She wasn't tall enough to... He slowly turned his head, the corner of his eye confirming what he'd already suspected.. Her lips were above his own. He felt another tingle. As she let up her grip on him, he turned to find her easily a few inches taller than him. And that's not all that was different. Her formerly modest chest was now impressively large. (pic pic pic pic) She was so gorgeous.

        • "You are going to be so much fun to play with," she teased. She stepped back, bringing her hands up to her tits, pressing them together, watching him stare. "How am I doing so far?" Harrison didn't answer, instead he mindlessly nodded, his digital neurons overwhelmed. "This is just a taste. I can give you so much more, things you can't imagine... but

  • "Altered" - (sci-fi)

    • Seth's college girlfriend is fussy, high maintenance, doesn't like the 'messiness' of sex, and acts like oral is a rare chore. Randomly, a dangerous and illegal pre-sentient parasitic 'transmog' escapes during a mishap, burrowing into Seth's girlfriend. At first she feels feverish, foggy, and tired. However, she soon feels better, and then her behavior completely changes.

      • Where she had standoffish and looking to break up with him... she turns around, wanting to spend more time with him, going along with his ideas, wearing clothes he likes better, and becoming more sexual, doing 'anything' he wants in bed. At first he's thrilled, but then he can tell something is very strange about her. He brings it up with a friend.

        • His friend heard the story about the transmog, puts two and two together.. and does a little 'experiment', where he convinces Seth's girlfriend that Seth has his eye on another girl... that its not his fault, he just can't resist a girl who is taller and bustier. "Do you think he would be unable to resist me if I was taller and bustier?" ... ohh certainly not... and suddenly the transmog mutates Seth's girlfriend's body to be notably taller and bustier. "Do you think he will be able to resist me now?" ... he might, but if you went just a little further, i think he would be powerless to resist you." So she mutates again, making herself easily 6'7" and super stacked.

        • Seth's friend calls him in, "well, i think i know what happened to your girlfriend"... and the two marvel at what is before them.

  • "Queen Sarena" - outline - a strange world event causes everyone to start to get magic power (angelfire), most of which is fleeting and benign. At first Sarena feels passed over, then she realizes she has the rarest of all, the magic siphon. As she experiments with different siphons, she becomes more bold, and more 'addicted' to using it, upsetting her friends. Until there is a scarry event where someone with mind-control struts into a restaurant with two gorgeous mind-controlled shapeshifters, screwing with people. Only when he touches her, she siphons his mind control, and turns the tables.

  • "Fairer Sex?" - outline -

      • concept : humerous caricature of a world where women are the larger (2-3' taller?), stronger, physically dominant gender (pic pic pic pic pic pic). The tallest strongest "queens" run tiered systems of underling 'female lords' to control male slaves - through dominance and the promise of being a favored harem sex pet. Queens are known to sterilize themselves, to prevent them from accidentally becoming pregnant. Their slaves are selected for and conditioned to be aroused by their lord, and she considers an erection to be a sign of loyalty. Queens maintain their dominance with other women through brutal competitiveness, and female infanticide. Women abuse their sexual advantages... the ability to arouse, the inability for men to resist, the ability to make men come quickly, the ability to come more than once.

      • story ideas

        • 1. a queen embroiled in a war loses a battle lord and promotes her castle keeper, and so she selects a new young female (Leeta) to take over her castle slaves. she's introduced to her new life by the departing lord, but because of the war there isn't enough time to mentor her, so she instructs her favored slaves to teach Leeta how to be lord of the castle, and if she does not please the queen, she'll be sure the queen knows who to blame. Left alone, Leeta is surprised by how honest and direct they are about how she should use and abuse them, sometimes not pleasantly.

          • the new young lord finds herself struck with hilarity by the humerus insolent behavior of one of her frustrated slaves. Behavior that would have problem gotten him killed by the old lord, just makes Leeta laugh and laugh and even banter and play along with him. The other slaves are uncomfortable, until they too start to laugh. The show and laughter goes on a bit, until one of the other slaves tries his hand, but ends up sounding snide, whiny, and ungrateful... which makes Leeta irritated. She gets aggressive and re-asserts her dominance, asking what the former lord would do. They all start chanting that she should "kill him, kill him", almost satisfied way. She commands them to be silent, and then asks her jester specifically. He nods and confesses quietly that the former lord would likely kill him, but then adds some humerous compliment as to how she being wiser and more beautiful would merely cast him out and give him the worst job among slaves, showing her men they need to know their place. / She has a moment of gruffness, before she

        • 2. a young female lord hides a secret gentile relationship with a single favorite slave, who is attractive, funny, and usually 'talented' at stimulating her and making her climax... she makes a show of addressing him harshly when others are around, but like a treasured sex pet when alone, never whipping or harming him.

          • Rumors of his unusual skills make their way to the queen... and the queen makes a surprise visit, barging in on them when they are alone and having fun. At first it's very awkward, 'caught in the act', and interrogated by the queen about her pampered favoritism towards him... until she reveals she's been made aware of his talents. She asks to see it, and the young lord pains "of course, my lord, he is yours".... "no, I want him to show me on you, right now.". This is very awkward for them at first, but he relaxes her, makes her laugh, and then gets her juices going, and starts making her beg to come...

          • After the performance, the queen takes him for her own... which pains them both... so much that they meet in secret to continue their affair under the queen. Which causes very strange dynamics (because he's still servicing the queen), and is dangerous for both of them.

          • When the queen finds out, she agrees to allow it, but forces forces him to become her spy on other lords, or risk her punishing his secret lover. At first this is a relief, because they are no longer at risk with the queen, but as the queen loans him out to a particularly sexual and talkative lord (with strict instructions to treat him well), it creates discomfort in his secret relationship. The lord parades him about and invites others to find out how good he is. She spends so much time with him he can't get away to see Leeta.

          • Leeta can't take the jealousy anymore, and kidnaps him away from the royal palace, going on the run. He doesn't think this is a good plan, but it's no like he can stop her. At first Leeta is relieved to have him to herself. However, he still won't explain what was going on. Eventually, the queen's minions find them, and bring them back to the palace. The queen meets with him, and he explains what happened, asking for leniency for Leeta. The Queen asks for dirt on the person he was spying on, and he gives it to her. She's very pleased, and decides that although Leeta's life is forfeit, she will do something unusual and give it to him, making her his slave.

            • The Queen goes to Leeta's cell, explaining the important mission the man was on, how she had sworn him to secrecy, and how kidnapping him was treason punishable by death -- but that she would be spared under the condition that she become his obedient slave. / Leeta is shocked, having never heard of such a thing. The queen puts her in her place, making clear that the alternative is death. Then leaves them together.

            • Leeta apologizes for not trusting him.. and makes jokes about how it looks like he's in charge now. She does her best impersonation of a slave, having fun playing the role and servicing her man... making easier the reality that it's actually true.

        • 3. (some kind of world-swap) - a

    • Uploaded - outline -

      • A young tech entrepreneur trying to change the world meets the young hot trust-fund daughter of one of his wealthy investors after a meeting where the father says he could be a very rich man, but he turns down the deal because it would mean cancelling the open-source part of his plans. (pic) She stalks and seduces him, and turns out to be a bit of a VR-sex junkie, where she's sexier and taller (pic). After some major milestone with his technology, he has a conspicuous "accident" and ends up in the hospital. He doesn't have an upload plan, and she "doesn't want to lose him", so she offers to put him on her plan... This basically entails signing over everything he has to her. After an awkward acclimation process, she visits him inside the virtual world, where she has all the power, and she lures him into a sex romp, before leaving him with some 'paperwork and things' for the company / In the outside world, she shows up at the first board meeting, where her father finds out she's chairman of the board (with her virtual beau on a tablet device). At the end of the mtg, she turns of the tablet to her beau, and approves the financing, exercising her liquidity clause, to sell 4.3% of her shares privately, for a sum of $280M. / She goes on a spending spree, buying the most lavish estate, hiring an assistant, and having her assistant hire a staff. She also has a tech wiz sift through his computer and learn everything about him.

      • Back in the virtual world, she gushes about how wonderful it is to be free of her family, about her new house for "them". He asks how she paid for it, and she confesses she took the financing. He asks about the open-source plan, upset when she explains that she cancelled it because it's for the best. She gets him over it with some seduction. / Back in the real world, her assistant dug through his computers, and reveals his amazon femdom fetish... which she's excited and curious about.... they discuss it.

      • Back in the virtual world, she uses it to take her seduction and control to a whole new level. Flaunting her ability to spend millions of dollars on an upgrade for her to get 'admin' rights to change anything she wants about the world. Then using it to make herself a seductive amazon.

    • Promoted - outline - A nerdy guy installs some unauthorized hacks on his amazon sex-bot, and she ends up becoming his work-from-home manager... and in Dilbert-fashion, despite being non-sentient, the less she does and more mistakes she makes, the more she gets promoted.

    • Another Life - outline - A teenage boy's parents die in a tragic car-crash, and he is whisked away as he finds out he's actually Arab Royalty and his parents were sheltering it from him. He's read a heartfelt note, and then his uncle takes him back to Saudi Arabia on a private jet with three gorgeous stewardesses. On the way, the uncle asks him questions about what he likes, computer games, girls, sex, exactly what kind of girls? His uncle retires for the long flight, and as he does also, one of the girls comes into his room, and plainly asks him if he'd like some company.

      • back at home, he's whisked from the airport in a private limo caravan, through the city, and into a lavish apartment. After seeing the view from the penthouse, and the living room, he compliments his uncle on how amazing his home is.. and his uncle corrects him, this is his home. And I have yet to show you the best part. Through that door.... He goes in and sees a lavish computer gaming room, with two gaming PCs, and a huge daybed.. but most conspicuously, a gorgeous leggy young girl with unreasonably large breasts (pic pic pic pic - pic pic pic pic pic)

    • Serving a Protector - outline - In a future Earth benevolently and peacefully "ruled" by 30 ft humanoid aliens, Carl admires a particular female Protector that walks by his 3rd floor apartment window every day (pic). Until one day she stops to say hello, and he is thrust into the secret world of the Protectors.

  • Smitten - outline - An unusually tall (7'7" girl) transfers into a school, and while she's an outcast to most, Noah is instantly smitten.

  • Unauthorized - A research company develops a nearly billion dollar synthetic human prototype, as a female assasin, that can change her apperance, assasinate targets, etc.

    • Monolith - Scientists find a monolith.. and as they explore it, each one of them finds it changing reality.

  • ??? - POV comic of her growing ideas....

      • ?? - his 20-something trust-fund sugar-girlfriend has a thing for tall fit guys, and gives him a $300k double-dose of grow-X for his birthday..

        • first he's agast because of how much it's worth... but she blows it off, as she charged it to her dad's amex and he'll never notice.

        • next he's

    • "Obsession" - ?? - Connor's dad is extremely proud of him graduating at the top of his college class, and decides to surprise him with the most lavish gift he can think to get him. A nearly $5M synthetic human. It isn't just for Conner, it's also for his protection, his college campus was safe, but the real world not so much.

    • "Boy Toy" - a guy's wealthy trust-fun girlfriend learns about his macro fetish, and buys an amazon android to push his buttons.

    • "Island Survival Retreat" - outline - a con-man gets his crazy trust-fund girlfriend to take them on a tropical vacation, but she doesn't tell him it's an island survival retreat... while there, the local fruit turns out to be an addictive drug, and the more they use it, the more she grows

    • "Bonded" - In a sci-fi fantasy magic universe, a spaceship accident happens, and Brafton (Bonbon) saves a mysterious attractive alien woman (Leta) as they are cut off from the rest of the ship. As they get to know each other, she finds out he's a good gentle soul, and he finds out she's a transmog who is ready to 'molt'.

      • open up with Brafton's VR amazon fetish, and the bargaining over who Leta's new 'owner' is

      • ....

      • Leta then tries to convince him to help her escape her new 'evil' owner... let her molt with him, and noone will recognize her. They can just slip away. Bonbon is conflicted. He doesn't approve of someone owning her, but he doesn't want to own her either, or be a criminal.

      • Leta tries to seduce him by explaining every detail of what it's like to have a transmog of your own... and in the process, it becomes clear that transmogs are not strictly 'sentient', they are more of a 'pre sentient parasite', and that regulated ownership of them is preferable to them multiplying and becoming a 'plague of desire' on entire worlds (which has happened before)

      • ????

    • "A more effective team" - outline - in a previous iteration, the Tet tries to improve Jack's work output with a genetically engineered companion

    • ???? (guardians of the galaxy inspired)

      • teen boy gets approached by a strange woman (Setha), who tries to convince him she was sent by his father (who he never knew) and she has a great legacy for him

      • he tries to dodge her several times... but she finally corners him and demonstrates that "something" is different about him

      • and when he finally goes with her, he finds out he's the powerful son of an alien space fairing mercenary, and only half human

      • Setha was his father's companion, and delivers his birthright, his spaceship, and herself to him

      • they take a joyride in the spaceship.. and he's floored...

      • ??? there should be a reason they need him ?? is there a crew??

      • ??? eventually then she reveals she's not what she thinks he is... she's actually the spaceship.. and she wants to complete the neural link with him.

      • ??? and when he does, she takes on a new form.. his 8' tall amazon wet dream. which creates a quite comical situation..

  • "made real" - a gamer gets to the max level in a game, and he has a trippy experience where a jewel emerges from his screen and embeds into his neck.

    • "star-seed" - outline - (pic pic pic) An alien implants a "star seed" crystal in a 17 year old, and gives him a cryptic message about how he has to 'choose his warrior'.

      • After a 17y/o teen's parents leave him alone on the farm to take an RV trip... he sees a strange shooting star, and after going to sleep, he's woken by a bizarre tall formless alien. after rifling through his room

      • it picks up a 3d printed figurine of his avatar for his favorite video game... a sexy female dark elf ... and morphs into her form... which totally freaks him out.... but then they are able to start talking... and takes on the after some awkward communication, it seems peaceful. the alien gives him riddles about being the "maker and keeper of worlds"

      • eventually it gives him a glowing jewel... with some riddles about what its for.. and a 'name' (Enara) and it embeds into the back of his neck

      • he wakes in the morning barely remembering, but confirming the jewel is still embedded into him

    • .... time passes and he never speaks of it to anyone ....

    • then when he's older, he's fooling around with a girl at college, and she notices the weird feeling in his neck... he tries to change the subject, but she's really curious, and she parts his hair and sees the jewel, and it's glowing... she's really curious, and asks him lots of questions, but he refuses to answer

    • so she starts to fool around but make clear he's not going to get in her pants until he tells her about the jewel.... he finally confesses some of the story (but glosses over incriminating details about his avatar)... which causes her to suspect he's on drugs, or maybe he was on drugs at the time. then he feels like he has something to prove, so he fills in a bunch more details, including the fact he thinks it even has a name ... Enara

    • "Enara?" she says.. and as soon as she does, the stone splits and a bunch of glowing fragments start hovering in the air.. he's kind of freaked out, "what did you do?" .... but she's really curious... and says she didn't do anything, she just said the name..

    • "You mean, Enara?" he says, and then the fragments shoot into her, piercing her skin, causing her to scream and bleed. and he's freaked out, concerned for her life, not sure what to do as she writhes in agony "it burns. make it stop, make it stop!" / "I can't. I don't know how. Enara. Enara. stop. There is alot of blood now, so he grabs his sheet and tries to wipe it and see one of the entry wounds, but there is nothing there.

      • idea 1:

        • She stops screaming, and is just breathing heavy with her eyes closed, and a few minutes later she's calmed down.

        • "Lucy, Lucy," he says her name, trying to see if she's okay. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead," he checks her breath, and she seems to still be breathing. then he tries to check her heartbeat, and it's beating. "ohh shit, ohh shit, what do i do? Lucy, wake up."

      • idea 2: more cheeky

          • she's moaning about pain in her chest, and he tries to figure out what it is, and she keeps saying, lower, lower, until she grabs his hand and puts it on her breast, "it hurts so much"

        • A few seconds later, her eyes dart open, and she starts laughing. "Hah. I had you going there for a second."

    • "Lucy, that was not funny!"

    • "Maybe it was a little funny. I don't know what that was, but it hurt like a bitch, but now I feel fine. Better than fine actually. I feel kind of weird, like I just aced all my exams, or I just found out I won the lottery. It's hard to explain, but it's a good kind of weird.

      • ?????

        • maybe Enara is the name of his avatar

        • maybe after they get her to her feet and wipe off the blood, she starts to feel dizzy and not so good.. and sits on the toilet, and she transforms into his old sexy game avatar

        • she's kind of freaked out watching skin change color and her arms change, and her clothing change..."what is happening to me?" she says frightened... then she starts to get taller, alot taller., though she's still sitting down. "why are you just staring at me? say something! what is going on!"

          • he explains that this is the form the alien took.. the form of Enara, the avatar he used to play in (video game).

          • she turns to see herself in the mirror..."THIS was your avatar?" she starts to stand up to see herself better, "you played sexy girl? you are such a perv."

          • "hold on a second," he says starting to defend himself, but as she finishes standing, he realizes she's just as tall as the alien was that day, at least seven and a half feet tall. "holy crap" (pic pic pic pic pic pic pic)

          • "what?" she turns around, and sees her height advantage. "whoa! Cool! I got taller than you! You look kinda cute from here." she ruffles the top of his head.

        • ?? something happens that shows off her strength

          • accidentally squeezing and bending the faucet handle or door handle... "uhm. will you look at this fauced handle? how did this happen?"

          • which leads to her testing it on something else... (snapping off the faucet handle, door handle, etc) ... "ohh shit I'm strong. Did you see that?"

          • all of which is making him very uncomfortable.. and he starts telling her to be careful. we don't know what's going on. this could all be very dangerous."

      • "relax. nothing bad is going to happen. so far only amazing things have happened. Some jewel in your neck turned me into your sexy amazon game avatar, and I'm super strong, and i haven't broken up with you, yet. So how about we look on the bright side. And I think if there is anything else you left out of this story, you should tell me."

        • he tells her about the "riddles"... and she gets really curious.

    • ???? where is this going ????

    • it seems peaceful, so he tries to talk to it... but it doesn't say anything. it wanders around his room, picking up random objects - which he identifies.

      • He offers her a book off the shelf, and it chooses

        • (a) a full-scale fitness model poster he has hung on the wall (meredith mack - pic pic pic),

        • (b) a real life version of Meiko from anime (pic pic pic)

    • he tries to explain the difference between 'woman and man'.. and the alien stares back and forth a bit, and then morphs itself into He stumbles back onto his bed, trying to keep himself from freaking out. The alien starts making incoherent sounds, and eventually points to herself and says "wo-man", and he confirms yes, you're a woman, or at least you look like a woman. then she points to him and says 'man'. / he confirms he's a man, and says his name. asking her if she has a name. "you give woman name," she says. he stumbles a little, then calls her Meiko (from anime)... and

  • "A-choo" (comedy) - outline - Jared, a high-school student, wanders into a physics lab, where he steps into a running experiment that knocks him out. From then on, anytime someone around him wishes something was different, he sneezes and the world changes - but he experiences amnesia / blindness to the fact that anything changed (so he can never learn to make wishes)

    • or maybe... when he makes a wish, it comes true, but he sneezes and has amnesia about it.... leading to others trying to trick him into making wishes?

    • "Prom Night Change" - outline - alternate history of high-school, where girls get to 'change' to a guy's fantasy about once a year, starting when they're 18, traditionally at prom

    • "The Room" - outline - A young (27 y/o) physicist (Peter) loses his research grant, when he asserts that reality has variable dimensionality -- and is then recruited by an organization that not only believes him, but has built a machine that exploits the theories. He takes it to the next level, blowing the theories wide open, and completely distorting his world.

  • "BMMP Onset" - An introduction and flash-back look at the viral onset that brings about the BMMP, and how it turns from a pandemic to a size-change effect. Told from the perspective of Carrie, a 6'7" 17/18 y/o, who was 16 and 5'4" when the plague hit. She lost her grandparents and father to death. She lost her friends to ostracizing. And now she's just starting to trust and connect with other carrier girls, like herself.

    • "Wool Covered Eyes" - A psychiatrist investigating delusion finds out the paranormal truth, that we're all living in our own delusion, and when he does, his reality starts to crumble and distort. (Inception meets silence of the lambs meets minigts)

      • A 34 y/o psychiatrist investigating delusion stumbles onto an eerie female patient. After he gives her some clinical crap about 'letting go of her illusions', she turns it on him -- everyone experiences their own unique reality, and he's the one trapped in a delusion. She's the one trying to help him, trying to reach him. She predicts little things in his life, which he dismisses.

      • When he sees signs of her predictions, it creates splinters of doubt. He starts to notice signs of something peculiar going on in his life. The more he finds, the more he starts to believe her, and he sees things differently - notices things he never noticed before. His "real life" starts to feel uncomfortable, like everyone is a robot stuck in patterns, unable to see what going on.

      • He returns to her in a strange state of mind, looking for answers. He confesses the things in his life seem suddenly shallow, like they are not real, like a facade. She calmly confirms "that's because they are not real. your life is a dream. all of our lives are a dream. the question is, why are you living the one you're stuck in, instead of the one you really want?" / "what do you mean?" / she ruffles his feathers with a monologue about how he has "reputation, success, security.. and let's not forget a pretty young wife, who run a toy business you financed. What was it again? Ohh yes, a fashion botique." / "what? I never told you that." / "You also never told me about her mousy little act of getting on her knees and submitting, showing you she needs you. Or how you liked it at first, but quickly bored of it. How you wish she was wild, and strong, and in control. You even tried to encourage her, but you're smart enough to know she can't be like that if she's beholden to you. So you started to dream of what it would be like if she were smarter and more successful than you are. But that was just the beginning wasn't it? Once it became a fantasy, you made an entire dream world, re-imagining her as a .....???

      • ??

    • "Deal with the Devil" - outline - Alex has been raised in a privileged household. His father is a wealthy hedge fund manager, his mother a socialite philanthropist MILF. On his 18th birthday, everything is about to change. His parents are both killed, in their backyard, when a small airplane freakishly and improbably lands right on top of them. In the days to come, he's going to be approached by the real source of his father's fortune, a mysterious and powerful contact referred to only as "Balor".

    • "Yorokobi Universe" - outline - Xavier makes his robot "sentient", her intellect develops at an incredible pace, and when the dust settles, they decide to create a system to slowly "upgrade" the other ~100M robots in the world.

      • "Yorokobi" - outline - inspired by my ToyToy. - A wealthy brilliant computer programmer (Xavier) has spent the last month trying to change the world (again) by inventing AI, at home, in his home service android. His super hot girlfriend is feeling neglected, and distracts him just as his AI starts to become aware. His life, and the world, will never be the same....

    • "Tera 11" - outline - a man proposes, and finds out his new wife is an extra-dimensional being that can bend reality

    • "Inequality" - outline - On their honeymoon, and man's newlywed is crippled and nearly killed in a careless accident with an ultra-wealthy "surrogate", a $100M+ mechanical alter ego, caught on video. In the hospital, even before she's dead, the guilty party offers him a $5M financial settlement for the accident. But he doesn't want money, he wants his wife back. The wealthy, fearing imprisonment, makes an insane offer, to attempt to put her in a surrogate in exchange for dropping all civil and criminal charges. But if she's too far gone, and it doesn't work, he'll take the small $5M sum and either way the charges will be dropped. The machine is "community property", giving him some insurance his wife won't just leave him. / The transfer works, and he enters a new life where his wife is taller, sexier, and stronger than he is, and she's invited into a new counter culture of surrogates with human partner "pets".

    • "Designer Genes" - outline - Sam and Annette are both pharma sales reps that hookup, only to fall suddenly and hard for each other. Shortly after, the company announces a new program to use temporary height modification to give their sales reps the edge, catch is, it's only cost effective on women. Four weeks later, Annette is 6'3", busty, and becoming more confident, assertive, and playful. She slays the clients over the next couple months, and gets her first massive bonus check, along with another three inches (to 6'6").

  • "secret toy" - a short college boy (5'6") gets introduced to an unusually tall female vollyball player (6'4"), and they have an immediate rapport and become friends. however, he's totally smitten by her and her 10" height advantage. She can tell, and she finally corners him alone and weilds her height advantage, turning him into her boytoy in private... and making clear in public they are just friends... starting a very one-sided affair, where she flirts with other men, and keeps in in the friend-zone, but in secret she becomes a dirty sex-crazed girl.

    • "teen mischef" - single mom leaves her college daughter alone for the weekend, and she invites her boyfriend over for some hanky panky. Only there is a twist, she's a witch, and she found her mother's powerful wand. she has a big surprised planned for him, when she uses magic to turn into his 'wildest bedroom fantasy'... at first she starts getting unexpectedly hot and busty, but she's surprised when she starts getting bigger, and more fit, not stopping until she's a foot taller (pic pic pic pic pic pic) after poking fun at him for his very interesting sexual desires, it's clear the spell affected more than her body, it also affected her personality, as she proceeds to tease and dominate him. And just when it seems like the surprise might be winding down, she uses magic to make some more changes, including staying like that.

  • "golden ticket" - A teenage boy is the winner of a magic golden ticket...

  • "deception" - A young dark witch is approached to infuriate an enemy kingdom and seduce an enemy prince for information. She stalks the prince, watching his activities, looking for an opportunity to insert herself. When she stumbles upon an unexpected secret habit of his. He sneaks away, to 'flirt' with an 8' tall vakyrie warrior, who knows him, and humors him, but habitually rebuffs him. The witch then hatches her plan, transforms herself, and manufactures a chance meeting. (taking the vaklyrie's place?) She flirts with him overtly, and suggests the possibility of more..

  • "two kingdoms" - A kingdom of magic and a kingdom forbidding magic are attempting to make peace by marrying a prince and princess. However, the princess is hiding a secret. She has very very strong magic within her, and if she's found out the wedding will be off.

    • The prince likes her... she's pretty, and witty, and smart... and unusually good with a sword, for a princess (though she was holding back). (maybe she's an amazon warrior who disguised herself)

    • She nearly pulls off the deception, but slips in magically defending herself (and the prince) from staged fake assassination. Realizing too late it was fake. The guards try to seize her, but she quickly casts a bevy of spells to parry them, and abducts the prince into the forest. After riding through the night, he wakes to her roasting a rabbit on a spit near a stream.

    • He wants to know where she's taking him, and what her plans are, but that quickly gives way to his curiosity about her being a mage, as he's never met one before. She finds him "awfully curious about magic" for the prince of (the kingdom which forbids magic). He confesses that he doesn't have any direct experience with magic, with which to form an opinion. His kingdom is wary of magic, as the stories tell of it being wielded to corrupt the minds of kings. / So you tell me, should I fear magic? If we'd actually married, were you planning to use your magic against me, to control me? / What? No! Of course not. We were to be married to bring peace between our realms. / Then you were just going to hide it? And never use magic again? Pretend you were not a mage? / Yes, that was the plan. Though it seems naive at the moment. I couldn't make it three days. / Wow. I don't know exactly what it's like, but that sounds like a huge sacrifice. At least if I could do any of the magic i've read about in stories, it would be pretty hard to just give it up. That must not have been an easy decision. / Actually, the decision was easy. Peace between our realms is worth almost any price. But it turns out it was harder in practice. / So what's the plan now. You've abducted me. Am I to be a prisoner of your kingdom? Executed? Either one of which seems likely to start a war, not bring peace. / ...??

    • ... the more time they spend together, the more they like each other... he likes her for her strength and ideals... and she likes him for his honesty, openness, and intellect.

    • ... eventually she reveals her true valkyrie form (pic) .. which he swoons over.

  • "hot spring" - a couple visits asia (tibet?) and is mysteriously led to a remote hot spring, and given drugs, with some mysterious sounding lead-in..

  • "out of control" - mind control power gets out of control...

  • "pairing" - When magic emerges in teens, they need matched pairs to activate it, and a little bit of sexual energy. The coolest girl in school, and nerd #1 are both having trouble finding a compatible pair, until they realize they a compatible with each other. She's thrilled to have access to her power, and he learns what it's liked to be "pussy whipped" by the hottest most ambitious girl in school.

  • "the reunion" - A ten year high-school reunion brings Sam back in touch with his childhood girl-crush, and they find out she had a crush on him as well... He's being nostalgic, but she has other ideas, and as a newly minuted Internet billionaire, she can get pretty much whatever she wants.

  • "my little world" - A science experiment proves the meta-verse, providing access to vast world from any quantum energy. while science figures out what to do with it, one entrepreneur harnesses it to create an escapist VR experience, where they can be anyone they want. Lucy, one of the beta testers, explores the configuration options, and putting the sliders in weird configurations, and ends up with a world where she inhabits a 15 foot tall goddess techno-ruler, who created and uses the world as her play toy. However, as advanced as the goddess' technology is, she isn't aware of the meta-verse or how to access it. (start with Lucy alone and excited by her 'powers' and beauty / then she finds people and is shocked at their small size and worship of her, she has so many questions, but they are all afraid of her, think it's a test. / she roams to find a young boy, who is also afraid, but she coaxes him to talk to her. he explains and they become friends / when she disconnects, the goddess notices the lost time, and calls on her techno gadgetry to see she was 'posessed', and captures the boy to question and enslave him to learn more about the one posessing her / offering him as a 'gift' to the posesser when she returns)

    • "FaeDate" - outline - Shortly after the world of Fae magic reveals itself to the world of mortals (how?), Thomas experiments with a dating website of Fae girls looking for mortal guys. A tongue-n-cheek look at what happens when he gets a "half-breed" fae girlfriend/stalker (pic pic pic pic) who won't leave him alone, and won't take no for an answer.

    • (temporary shrink ideas)

      • "accidental magic potion ingestion" - b/f comes home and "accidentally" drinks the shrink potion his g/f was working on... comedy insues. (eventually, it turns out she set him up to drink it)

      • "dollworld VR" - girl wins a bet that lets her pick the realm they explore next.. she chooses dollworld, he thinks it would be about playing with dolls... but he's the doll

      • "tera/rata doll play" - they experiment with letting Lisa in on the truth. somehow this leads to them shrinking cal and ethan down to ~9 inches, and playing with them

    • BMMP "Homecoming" - outline - Becka was part of the initial BMMP research study. A year later, she returns to her home-town, 19 years old, and nearly 8 feet tall. Most people are uncomfortable around her, but her neighbor Trey (Trenton) is enamored/smitten.

    • "Stranded ??" - outline - An accident strands a handful of people on a strange island, where the fruit makes women grow into amazons.

    • "Jumpers ??" - outline

      • Someone learns how to 'jump' her conciousness between people...

      • (but what goes with? certainly not the old person't memories

  • "Half-Breed"

      • Concept 1: DNA editing takes a dark turn, when underground scientists mutate domestic pets into semi-human forms, that have barely bigger than pet sized brains. Mostly dimuitive and somewhat cat-like females. They implant electrodes for pain/pleasure, to assist in training and obedience - fingerprint keyed to the owner.

      • Concept 2: DNA editing meets fantasy, when scientists make a Fae human half-breed that's docile,

      • Story: A wealthy finance guy is over at a coworkers place, swapping stories about lavishness... when the guy "lets him in on his secret", his half-breed.... the animal acts half

    • "She's in Control" - outline - three scientists working on quantum fields unlock something, but only she unlocks the secrets of the universe, allowing her to change and become anything.

    • "Blood Queen" -

      • a boy is walking a cemetary, visiting a tragically dead girlfriend's grave, when he sees a pretty and mysterious girl

      • he calls out to her, and she calls back, speaking in an interesting yet illusive manner, asking what he's doing out in the cemetary

      • she chats him up, while "luring" him into an underground crypt, where she convinces him to cut himself, and drip some blood on a crypt

      • moments later, he's thrown as the crypt cover moves... his foot trapped and twisted by the heavy stone cover

        • ... from inside, a gorgeous and ?? 8 foot tall version of the girl emerges, the vampire blood queen.

        • she gasps a breath of rebirth, and then howls a scream of awakening, then turns to find him, "ohh good, you're still alive"

        • he recognizes her voice, and calls her name, not able to turn and see her. he explains his foot is caught and twisted.

        • she trivially lifts the heavy stone off him, and hoists him off the ground

        • she offers her wrist, commanding him to "drink", as a strange opening appears, glistening with a shiny red wetness

        • he drinks, and finds it intoxicating, seductive, rejuvinating... just when he wants more, the opening closes on him

        • she asks about his foot, and he relizes it feels fine, and he can put weight on it again

        • then he finally notices her, first that she's wearing nearly nothing, then that she's several feet taller than him

        • he recoils in shock, trying to understand what's happened.

        • she explains who she is ("Amira", the blood queen), and that she's been waiting thousands of years for an innocent to cross her path in the crypt, and restore her.

    • Brainstorm - MILF-ish interaction

      • NWO family of women takes in a 2-foot-tall man - why?

        • NWO details

          • following the me-too movement, women came to power, and like once accepted in management, their numbers quickly exceeded men. some think a backlash was inevitable. Either way, men at the top felt increasingly out-numbered, until they conspired to fight back. They funded a research project to diminish the mental capacity of women, in secret, or so they thought. They were caught, and jailed, and their plan foiled. However, it galvanized women around the world. United them under one cause. To protect themselves.

            • Women rose to power in every remotely democratic nation. Summits started to discuss the male aggression problem.

            • A radical feminist faction made a 'modest proposal' to genetically decrease the birthrates of men -- dramatically. After all, a single male ejaculation contained as many as twenty *billion* sperm. Of course a single man would not provide the necessary genetic diversity, and so they proposed a ratio of 500,000 to 1. Yes, half-a-million women for every man. Leaders of the world, mostly female, condemned the group and the plan.

            • A month later, a little noticed news story in Portland, Oregon covered an unusual week in which every birth was a girl. By week three, it had spread into Northern California and Washington State, and the CDC declared an epidemic. A month later, over 70% of all births in the United States hospitals were female, and the first 'infected' boy was born.

            • Researchers at the Chinese Guangzhou Medical University were first in isolating the CRISPR fragment that was muting sex chromosomes.

            • Over the coming months, US politicians fought about the problem, while foreign labs worked on stem and embryotic cells, attempting to find a solution or cure or vaccine. However, as research progressed, it was discovered that it was built as a retrovirus, and it shared common base-pair sequences with 12% of the human genome, even in an uninfected DNA sample. As a result, there was no simple way to figure out which sequences were active, and remove them. Attempts to inject the right sex chromosomes were thwarted and fixed by the stem cells themselves.

            • In the twenty years following the epidemic, 2.6B women were born, and only 3200 men, a bit more than 1 man per 800,000 women. And the men that were born were not normal men. Up into their early teens, they were over 30% shorter than normal, and by thirteen, just as their libidos surged, their developmental hormones dried up..

          • 50 years later...

          • most women have never seen a man, as they only live in fertility sperm source labs

        • daughter volunteers to care for one?

        • mother works in a clinic, and their building catches on fire, so they have to temporarily care for the little men at home

      • space fairing civilization returns to earth after 2M years, and turns out to be made up of slightly alien 8 foot tall females

        • turns out their genetic code was left in bacteria.. so human evolution wasn't entirely by "Accident"

      • college student with a hot teacher that innocently lures/tricks him to come to her home and seduces him

      • hot teacher in a magic academy is rumored to run a suspicious dark arts internship

        • student tracks down a

        • brave boy approaches her about it, and she dissuades him a couple times

        • ...only to finally rope her into the web,

      • in a magic academy, a brave student hits on a super hot dark arts senior girl

        • she teases him with ridiculous demands... and he fulfills them

        • so she upts the ante, and seduces him into becoming a

  • "Space Queen" - outline - a sexy wealthy 45 y/o female head of a space trading syndicate has an obsession with alien artifacts.

      • One of her space-traders is the juiciest young (28 year old) she's ever seen - and she makes a point to always proposition him with unreasonable sums of money to be her 2nd in command and lover. As always, he "doesn't do it for the money" and declines. She consoles herself by having sex with one of her assistants, who she makes a point to remind she keeps around for sex, not their mediocre performance. However, after 20 years, she's finally found the final piece of the artifact she's looking for. They're going to send someone random to retrieve it, but she asks for it to be her favorite trader, to offer him (an unreasonable sum) and that he deliver it to her personally.

      • He actually has to go through hell to get it... it turns out the seller isn't selling but buying, he wants the other artifacts. The trader has to steal it from him to get the crazy reward. However, he's crafty, and he makes it happen. When he tries to arrange for transport, his contacts say no, this one he has to deliver personally. "For what i'm being paid, that will not be a problem."

      • When he delivers it, the "space queen" sets the item aside, entertains him, pours him a drink, wants to chat. asks him esoteric questions about "what would he do, if he could change the universe itself?" He's caught offguard and doesn't have an answer. she pushes "would you save people" end strife? end war? provide limitless energy? share the secrets of creation? what would you do?" / he would "make everyone healthy and happy and provide abundance, so there would be no more need to struggle and fight" / "so boring. we can't be on top unless there are people at the bottom. that's the cycle of life. the natural order." she inspects the artifact, "this is the final piece i need to shake up that order. rearrange some things." she walks over to a display case with ancient looking art, punches some buttons to lower the security barrier, and gently slots the new piece into place. immediately the artifact starts glowing and humming. / he's surprised, "whoa. i didn't expect it to do that. what is that thing? How is it powered?" / "I actually have no idea *how* it works, but I do know what it does, what it's supposed to do. But who knows. It might just kill me. If this is the last time we ever speak, know that you were always the one I truly wanted in this universe." With that, she lay her hands on the device and everything froze, as her visual field distorted and her mind struggled to adapt. A moment later she was looking at herself from above. she looked over at the trader, and found her perspective zooming over to him - frozen in time. she inspected him, realizing that she could see amazing detail in his eyes, his skin, and the more she looked the more it revealed. it was unnerving.

      • just then three alien energy beings appeared next to her, and talked to each other about her as if she isn't there, wondering who it is that has joined them. they observe that she hasn't built her own device, but discovered the pieces of theirs and assembled it. one of them disapproves. another suggests that her task, while different, achieved a different kind of test. the ability to amass great resources and knowledge. / then they start talking about how she doesn't understand. the supportive one explains that she will learn, in time. after-all, she now has an eternity. The other two nod, and moments later, they are completely gone.

      • Her mind wanders the room a bit, investigating things, inspecting their detail, and at some point she realizes she can look at the most microscopic detail, and almost gets lost in it. Then she comes back to her human body, and realizes she has no command of it, or of any body. She talks to herself, "what is this? is this transcendence?" she didn't want to be in a moment frozen in time anymore, she wanted to be back in her body, and as soon as the thought passed through her, she felt her self distort and she was holding onto the artifact again. She let go, turning to her trader.

      • "Didn't work?" he said, having just seen her put her hands on it, and take them away, as if nothing happened.

      • "I'm not sure." She reached to lock up the artifact, but as soon as she willed the intention, the security barrier re-engaged before her fingers even hit the keypad. She wondered how it happened, and the detail of the event filled her mind, from the moment she willed it, through every mechanical detail of how the barrier system was re-enabled. She was getting excited now, but she didn't want to alarm him. she decided she better crawl before she could fly. she thought of a rare beautiful stone she'd once found, one she'd since lost. she wanted to have it again, and she instantly felt something firm in her hand. She opened it. "Ohh, it worked." She smiled, and offered the stone to him, "i want you to have this."

      • He took it, looked at it curiously, "it's beautiful, but i don't understand. what does this have to do with the artifact?"

      • "Nothing, and everything." She smirked confidently. She could do anything she wanted, have anything she wanted, *anyone* she wanted.

      • ???? this omnipotence thing is boring ?!?!?!?

  • "Android Bodyguard" - outline - Protective parents buy their college teen a robotic bodyguard, but the model he receives is "special". A research prototype smuggled out of the lab by it's creator, after showing remarkable, but unpredictable behavior.

    • "Telepresence Companion"

      • Reference Photos

    • while a family wealthy couple is traveling, there is an attempt on their life.

      • their human driver/security guy is maimed, they they are nearly killed

      • the security company tells them about an ultra-expensive experimental new "tele-presence robot body guard"

        • showing them a demonstration video of an android stopping a bullet with it's bare hand

        • they are impressed, and buy three, one for mom, one for dad, and one for their 19 y/o son who is at college

      • the son resists at first, but the parents insist... he finally agrees, and they let him know the company will call him shortly

      • on the video call with the robotics company, a sharply dressed salesman leads him through the "exciting process" of getting a robotic companion

        • he explains how the robotic telepresence works, how they'll design a unit to his specifications

        • he explains that the software will guide him through the process of designing a custom one of a kind guardian. the first step is choosing a gender. the son is surprised "it can be a girl?" the salesperson explains that it's most common for young people to have opposite sex guardians, because it's easier to keep one with you without raising attention.

        • the salesperson makes the selection, and then excuses himself so the son can explore the options at his leisure, reminding him that his parents would like to put his guardian in service by Friday, so he should finish his configuration as soon as possible.

          • The voice prompts lead him through the process, showing him pretty different side-by-side examples to pick from (white / black/ indian), then randomizing different elements of the girl's appearance. After several selections, it switches views, and a digital version of himself appears alongside the avatar, for reference. The more selections he makes, the sexier she becomes. (pic pic pic pic pic pic - tall 5'9/5'10": pic picpic pic pic pic pic pic - 6'+: ) he's concerned he's making her a bit too sexy, but he can't resist the chance to make his dream girl.

          • The prompt changes, instructing that the appearance preferences have been isolated, and now he can select how strongly to apply those features. The girl he designed split into five versions, a substantially toned down 'girl next door' version on one end, the girl he designed in the middle, and an exaggerated and hypersexualized version of her on the right, with more shapely definition of her abs, her chest, and just about everything. He gasped for a moment at how incredibly hot she was. It prompted him to make a selection, recommending selection number 1, as she will blend in unnotices as she registers an 87% attractiveness rating among heterotypical males, and a predicted 92% likelihood of being mistaken for his relationship partner. He paused. He didn't want number 1. He really wanted to choose the fifth one! He ended up compromising on the fourth. The software elaborated on some details about the appearance without bias, in the 99.2% for female height, 99.8% percentile for female tone and fitness, and isolating for race, an estimated 98.6% attractiveness rating among heterotypical males. It predicted only a 21% likelihood of being mistaken for his relationship partner.

            • he's surprised, and asks what people will think she is. the system started from the top, with 32% believing she is a paid model, 28% believing she is a paid escort.

        • he pauses, the warning not really deterring him.. then he locks in his design.. In just a few moments, the salesperson jumps on and explains that the model will be molded and delivered to him in just a couple days, and then he can interview operators.

        • she arrives

          • he's picked up in a limo, and taken to a nearby fancy office park, and a spartan office, where there is a futuristic metal box waiting for him. he's invited to open it up, and is face to face with the gorgeous female form he designed (pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic) - in a modest casual outfit (pic pic pic pic)

          • the salesperson is professional, and explains how the interview process works. operators will inhabit his guardian, and he should just relax, and get to know them a little

            • ..... interviews....

              • #1 - professional, dry, factual, stating her experience and intent to blend in as a peer his age, so one might mistake her for a classmate or close friend, even a sister

              • #2 - a more casual candidate... who is immediately different, even moves differently. she asks if he has decided whether he'd like a companion that people know is a bodyguard, or if he's prefer for her to blend in and pretend to be part of his life. he thinks the latter would be better, and she moves closer, casually touching his arm.

              • #3 - she introduces herself impetuously, then excuses herself for a moment, and heads to the door, facing it and awkwardly moving her head. he asks what's she's doing. she explains that they don't tell the interviewees what the avatar looks like, but she thinks looks say alot about how she acts, so she's using a trick she found out about, to capture her reflection in a metal surface, and use digital reconstruction to... "holy shit" she turns around, this companion is the hottest woman I have ever seen. You *have* to pick me. To inhabit this girl, with a cute guy like you, on a college campus, just might be my dream assignment. I hate the dry crap where I stand in the corner of executive offices and boardrooms for hours everyday. We can have so much fun with this. I can be your hot cousin and lure in dates for you. Ohh wait, I'm being stupid. You did not make a girl this hot to be your cousin, and I'd be too attractive to go unnoticed. You obviously want me to masquerade as your lover. I'm into that. I can play it demure, like I don't know I'm so pretty, or I can be playful, just enough flirting that nobody will ever suspect I'm a bodyguard companion. Then she tucked in close and whispered, "and while this assignment isn't approved for intimate contact, i'm fully certified, should you want to explore that."

                • "wait what do you mean, intimate contact?" - "you can not tell me you designed a girl this sexy without at least thinking about it. our units can't kiss, but they can do just about everything else." - She sits next to him, curling her arm around his. "technically we're supposed to get approval, to make sure we're not violating some kind of relationship boundary. but that's more for married couples. You're not married are you? (he shook his head) Girlfriend? (he shook it again) That's good enough for me. I'll be your fake girlfriend, keep you safe, make your guys friends jealous, and if you want, i'll show you what forty million dollars of robotics can do without any clothes on. Do I get the job?"

                • "Seriously? Yes. You get the job." She smiled, and stood. "I'm really glad to hear that. You just have one more thing to do. You'll need to give me a name, and make your selection official. Did you have anything in mind?"

                • "A name? I hadn't even considered it."

                • "Mind if I provide some ideas?" the question was rhetorical. "A girlfriend this sexy should have a name that's unique, but disarming. How about Lynn, Paige, or maybe Danni?"

                • "Hmm." He jokingly looked her over, as if it would help pick the name. "Danni, you look like a Danni."

                • "That was decisive. I'm going to like working for you. I'll be Danika Evans, but you can call me Danni. Let's make it official. Kevin, you are entitled to choose your operator, and change your operator whenever you like. I will be assigned to your protection and service 24/7. Though you will have a stand-in operator if you require services during my sleep or exercise periods. All operator recordings are encrypted and private. In the case of a crime or need from the authorities, we will authorize release of only the minimum evidence required for the situation. Will you please state your full name, and confirm you're selecting me as your operator?"

                • "Kevin Andrew Buckly, and yes, i select you as my operator."

                • "Excellent. I will be using the name Danika Evans. You have three days to reconsider your name selection, after which an ID and passport will be generated, and any desire to change your companion name will require changing it's appearance. That's all the official stuff. Do you have any questions?"

                • "Nope. Seems clear enough. What do we do now?"

                • "Whatever you like." She playfully tugged on his arm and smiled. "How about you start by taking me home, and setting up my charging station."

                • --- her personality should be playful but "detached", almost like everything is a big joke, and the biggest joke of all is the playground of her gorgeous body. maybe she refers to the body as "her", constantly making light of the fact that it's a machine... (except when they are in public)

              • -- he shows her around his fancy college apartment, and can't help checking her out, and feeling his pulse rise. / she tries to be casual. comments how her college dorm room didn't look anything like his swanky pad. (which prompts him to ask how old she is, which she evades with flirting - how old do you want me to be?) eventually she strikes a pose and curls her shirt up off her tummy, which catches him off guard. "what are you doing?"

                • She pokes fun... "you're staring so much, so I'm giving you a better view." ... "why? you upset if I undress your barbie doll?"

                • he apologizes for staring, and she insists that one thing he never has to do is apologize to her. "I'm being paid quite handsomely to work for you. protect you. Entertain you. This isn't a relationship, and this unit isn't "me". She is your property, and I'm your employee. I can try to give you a bit of a fake-girlfriend experience, but you call the shots. Understand?"

                • "I'll try.

                • ---??? how do we get her into a mode of being kind of frisky with him?

                • ---??? what should they actually do with her first time at his place?

                  • - she is matter of fact about letting him 'unwrap his present' and see the robot naked. since it's what she imagines she would want to do. This allows us a more descriptive look at her physique, including her muscles.

              • ??? where is this going?

                • in private, her communication with him is very service oriented .. "what can i make you for breakfast? here are some events i found you may be interested in. reminders of his assignments at school...." when they are out and about, she "plays" his girlfriend, complimenting and supporting him.... when they get home, she's back to business... "should i prepare for sleep mode, or should i put on something sexy to play?"

                • her bedroom demeanor is playful, with casual reminders that she is a 'robotic toy' not a person, including some unusual capabilities. (such as her oral-sex-machinery)... she is a bit over-the-top as a way of being detached.

                  • at first, he gets a bit indulgant about it... sex twice a day. dragging her into a bathroom at a party.

              • ....then things get a little to 'personal'. she starts to feel for him, which she's not supposed to do and makes her upset, but she tries to hide it. eventually she breaks down, confessing what's happened, why it's a problem. suggesting maybe he should choose another operator (he doesn't want one). she explains how hard it is, she knows and loves the real him, but he has never even met her. He asserts that it doesn't matter, that what they are experiencing feels "real", and that's all the matters.... she starts to sob, and abruptly signs off... with a stand in operator taking over.

                • the next morning he isn't sure if it will even be her.... (Danni?) It is her... she apologizes for last night. she really likes this job and doesn't want to lose it. she'll work harder not to let her emotions get in the way of things in the future. he tries to tell her emotions are not in the way. that he genuinely likes her, and he doesn't see anything wrong with that. she 'throws it in his face'.... 'ohh come now, let's be very honest. you don't even know me. what you like, is this perfectly fabricated body, and

    • "Farm Zoo" - outline - semi-horror sex dominance (inspired by that weird twilight zone episode)

        • cute 22 y/o young man's car breaks down near a farm, and he finds a very weird scene, where everyone is afraid of a young (seemingly 15 y/o) girl. / it seems to inviting, but a weird family member offers a sinister warning ("you should leave now, run"), but the young girl tells him to "scram", and "leave my visitor alone". the weird family member hobbles off, wincing in pain. / turns out she has supernatural powers to make things the way she wants (and force people to do things), she's actually closer to 19 years old, but just stays 15 because she likes it. and the whole family is her prisoner.

    • "Emergence" - outline - inspired by Heroes / X-Men

      • kind of inspired by my Black Onyx, aka The Stone.

      • Something happens that starts giving humans unique and different special powers.

      • An Agency is setup that tracks down "weird stories" to asses mutant threats

      • Hero powers like "mind control", "mental projection", and "telekenesis" are the most interesting

    • "SpaceContraband" - outline

      • Aboard a deep space science vessel, young sex-crazed officer Shay Nelson is shagging SgtMichaelCray behind the back of his long-term girlfriend/wife (the doctor).

    • Shay brings back an ellicit drug (some kind of super MDMA/viagra hybrid) from a trader on the planet's surface. When the doctor checks it in quarantine, because she knows about the "little tramp" sleeping with michael, she switches it with a shrinking pill she confiscated from another crewman. Her plan is to cause trouble, embarass him, and force him to come to her for help, because she's the doctor. Then, if he doesn't tell the truth about the affair, she can confront him with it.

    • However, she doesn't plan on

  • "Babcock" - outline - a look into the world of (Richard?)'s eternal link to Babcock.

    • "Shrink my Spouse" - outline - in a "realistic world with magic" - a "fantasy" reality-tv show has a license to temporarily shrink people, and finds couples where one spouse can leverage the other into agreeing to be shrunk, then follows them and documents the (hopefully entertaining) experience. Harris gets dragged into watching the show by his wife, because she thinks one episode is so damn funny... and he's unexpectedly fascinated, especially when he finds out they are doing a "reverse" segment on spouses who want to be shrunk...

    • "Class Struggle" - outline - in ancient egypt, in a history forgotten, royalty are like ascended gods, 8' tall and weilding power and magic. in an aristocratic academy, a boy and girl fall for eachother as young teens. However, their families are feuding. Later, the girl's family wins, and he is hidden in the countryside. / A decade later, when he's 19, her royal guards find him, and she is overjoyed. He's shocked to find her a 8'5" ascended "goddess". She explains her plan to 'keep him' in her harem. he protests, not wanting to be kept as a slave, but she explains it's just to keep him close, until she ascends to the throne and can clear his name, title, and lands. (it turns out he doesn't have a choice in the matter) / being in her harem (which has two gorgeous women, and two freaskishly hung men) is both pleasurable, and demeaning -- as he

    • "First Contact" - (inspired by Contact) An alien race communicates with the human race for the first time, and it gives a woman incredible powers.

      • There is a race for three tech groups to build the device and make Contact. Two of the groups have catastrophic disasters that kill the cosmonauts. The third has two cosmonauts, who during the intensive two years of training, are dating. Emotions are high, as they are both worried and excited to go through. Their bosses select the girl, randomly. She is worried. They have an emotional moment, then she goes. She has an amazing experience, traveling through what seems like a wormhole, communicating abstractly with an alien intelligence that congratulates her, and explains that they have a gift for the human race, and she will receive it.

      • When she gets back, there is tons of controversy, as everyone on earth just saw her fall straight through. She tells her story, but many don't believe it. The multi-billion dollar projects are called a fraud. They move in together into a normal home in a small town. (she complains about the drab colors and kitchen, but they can repaint it) He trusts her. But the press finds them, and starts hounding them.

      • Then weird things start happening. Really weird. Small at first. They discuss how the press has been on their lawn hounding them every day since the experiment, and

      • she "just wishes it would stop". The next day, her street is quiet. No news vans. No press. She is weirded out. He's just happy they're gone. Maybe they finally gave up on the story.

        • she really wants ice cream, and asks if he bought any, and he says "no, he forgot", but then when she opens the freezer, there's a fresh pint of her favorite.... he insists he didn't buy it. she insists he's the best boyfriend ever.

        • she can't find her favorite earrings, and then suddenly they are in her hand... which seems weird... she doesn't remember picking them up

        • she wishes something different would happen on her favorite TV show, and low and behold, it happens. which just seems like good luck.

        • she checks herself out in lace panties, and wishes she wasn't so flat up top, and suddenly she's obviously not flat at all. that freaks her out, and she starts to get the sense something is wrong. "i don't want to alarm you, but every since the accident, something is different. like things in the world are different." / her boyfriend asks for detail, like what is different.. and she recounts some of the events... which he explains away as coincidence, except for the ice cream, which they both swear they didn't buy. and then she opens her robe, and asks of he sees anything different about her.... / "hubba hubba" these are new and sexy lace panties, and they look fantastic on her. he asks what he did to deserve it, because he'll do it every week. / she is flustered, "no, not my underwear, my body. does anything look different to you? ... he scans her "inspects" her, with a puzzled look, "my boobs don't seem bigger to you?" / nope... i mean, they look amazing, but amazing as always.

          • now she's really flustered, and she explains the story of how it happened. / "are you feeling okay? maybe we should call the doctor and get you checked out." / she gets frustrated, "i do not need to be checked out, but *something* is happening to me, and I don't understand what." she starts to pace around "maybe i never left the wormhole. Maybe this isn't earth or my reality, but something else." .. she rambles on with metaphysical ideas, and he just cringes, and eventually gently suggests the idea that maybe something is going on in her mind, and she should see a doctor. / she gets even more frustrated, "i do not need to see a doctor. gosh. i just wish you could see what is happening to me." / suddenly, his expression changes, and he's kind of awkwardly eyeing her breasts. "What? what are you staring at?" she looks down. / "uhm, hun. is that some kind of new push up bra? Because it's working wonders." / she gets even more frustrated, and takes off her top, and practically yells about how "no, these are really my tits, and they are really bigger", and he finally agrees with her, "yeah, i can see that. how in the world did that happen? Did you? I mean, have a procedure I didn't know about? Not that I'm complaining, I'm all for it. I don't see any scars, this doctor did amazing work. " / "There are no scars. I told you, I just wished I wasn't so flat, and boom, there they were. holy crap! like I wished for the ice cream. and I wished for the press to go away... and i wished you could see what was happening. holy crap. my wishes are literally coming true!"

          • "okay, okay. let's not get all crazy. Maybe you're having a hormone surge or something. you did travel through some kind of unknown interdimensional gateway. Maybe it's affected your body. I really think we should call the doctor."

          • "There is nothing wrong with me. I'm telling you, something *happened* in there. What did they say? They said something about a gift for humanity. I didn't know what they meant, but maybe this is it."

          • "I mean, i'm first in line for bigger boobs, but gift for humanity? I think that might be pushing it a little."

          • "No silly! The wishes. The ability to change things. Watch, I'm going to try it again. What should I wish for?"

          • "Uhm. I dunno. A Ferrari? A million dollars? That our dishwasher was fixed?"

          • She shoots him a wry look. "I'm serious. Please don't make fun of me. No, I want something simple, something you can see. I always wanted to be taller, . And like before, she was suddenly 5'8", the same height. His eyes scanned her in disbelief. "How ... is ... that ... possible?"

          • "I told you. They did something to me, gave something to me. When I want something to be different, it just changes. Like this house, I hate how dated and run down it is." and suddenly, it was freshly renovated.

          • "Okay. what. the. fuck. That did not just happen. Did you see everything in this house just change? Or am I going crazy?"

          • "So you see it too? This is actually happening. You don't know how much of a relief that is. Neither of us is going crazy."

          • "I'm not sure i'd rule that out just yet. This seems pretty crazy to me. You look like you but not you. This is weird."

          • "Are you complaining?" she teased, "because a minute ago you were excited about me not being flat anymore. Maybe I should be even less flat, and prettier." And with that, her she was suddenly sporting a pair of pretty impressively large breasts. his jaw dropped, staring at them. "wow, this is really incredible.".

          • "uhm, hun, i don't know how this is happening, but this is amazing. you look amazing." he steps up to her, and cringes a little at her height advantage. "but did you have to get taller? we were already the same height when you wore heels. now you're going to dwarf me."

          • "actually," she cringed, "this isn't even the height i wanted. I might as well go all the way." and suddenly she was even taller, 6'1", 5" taller than him, "this is the height i wanted. i've always wanted to look down on people, instead of being looked down on. don't worry, I'm sure you can suffer through having a tall beautiful girlfriend."

          • "Hun, this is. i can't believe this is happening." And then he realizes she doesn't just look different, her hips and back are firm and toned. He can't help but caress her. "hun, you even feel different."

          • "ohh yeah?"

          • ???? where is this going ????

            • maybe she really wants him to feel and squeeze and kiss them, because she's never had them before... and suddenly he's doing just that. and she quips a joke, "not wasting any time there are you?"

            • and suddenly he snaps out of it, "i'm sorry, i don't know why i did that." and she gets a worried look. and then suddenly he realizes he's standing on one leg, and he doesn't know why and he can't put his foot down. "ohh my god. i can't put my foot down. are you making me do this?" and suddenly he has control of his foot again.

            • "sorry baby, i had a hunch and i just needed to see. crap. that is a serious complication. i want you to do things all the time, but I don't want to control you. let me see if..." she wishes that she wouldn't control people unless she made an explicit choice to. she needed to test it, but she didn't want to upset him, so she wished that if she did control someone, they wouldn't notice she was doing it or be bothered by it. then she tried to get him to stand on one foot again, and nothing happened. Then she made a choice to control his foot, and it raised and lowered. "alright. i fixed it. did that bother you?"

            • "did what bother me?"

            • maybe she wants to indulge in a fantasy, of being tall enough to cradle his face into her tits. so she's suddenly in heels (And even taller) and

  • (Counterpart and 13th floor inspired) - A physics experiment opens a meta-verse portal... the main scientist hypothesizes what happens, and excitedly "meets himself" to confirm his suspicion.

      • idea 1: things get stranger when they later realize his partner experienced a slightly different story, suggesting everyone gets their own unique alt-universe, yet they are all somehow coherent (they both returned together). As they visit more (and stay longer), the other side becomes oddly "aware" of them and subtle but alluring divergences appear.. a dead wife is still alive, a personal failure is corrected, a public tragedy didn't occur...

      • idea 2: they think they are going back-and-forth between two worlds, but each time through the portal subtle things change related to events (and conversations) from the last world. they start trying to 'fix' things by controlling events, and then going through, but things only get worse and spiral out of control

    • BMMP : "Interface" - outline - A big city 7'5" transformed girl encourages her visiting newly transforming (6'4" -> 7'3") girlfriend to try out a new gym/spa called "Interface", which mixes transformed and non-transformed people into a free-for-all of body voyeurism and consensual encounters.

    • BMMP : "Late Bloomer" - outline - Steph is medically a carrier, but at age 18, her summer before college, she is still only 5'10", ignored by the carrier girls, and confused about where she 'fits'. Lots of things change for her, and her new college boyfriend Cameron, as she grows about 2" a month during most of her freshman year at college. only slowing at 7'4.5".

    • "Therapy Obsession" - outline - A cutting-edge mind-link therapy is used to rehabilitate a man after wounded in the military. They quickly start to "fall" for each other, and as she flirts and turns things sexual, his imagination inspires gts fantasies she didn't expect, but certainly enjoys.

    • "The First and Last War" - outline - (inspired by Fate Last Encore anime) - We actually live in a virtual world that's forgotten it's origins in a solidified fantasy of science. The Ancient Myth's all tell the true story. Periodically, "warriors" are born into the world, with true 'free will' and control, who have a chance to change things, either to become shepherd over the currently world, or ascend to fight the War for control the Holy Sanctum over all worlds. / A teen comes of age, and is told he is a Divine Warrior, and his high-school girlfriend is actually his Divine Protector. He is to enter the First and Last War.

    • "Out of Isolation" (mind control, tall girl, feet?) - outline - Kellen is excited about college @ UCLA, and finds himself with a quiet loner roomate Zac (Zacharyah - asian braniac). Kellen is a ladies man, and quickly gets girls interested and stopping by his dorm. After several failed attempts to include Zac, he finally breaks the ice, and gets "TMI" about Zac's self-imposed Isolation, and his "paranoid delusions" that he can control people with his mind. Zac refuses to "show him", because he knows Kellen will hate him because it always gets out of control, but when Kellen doesn't let up, he finally demonstrates on a girl that drops by (for Kellen). -- Kellen is blown away, and teaches him to harness his power for "good".

    • "Manicured" - outline - - In a world where women are 8-9' tall, men are sent to boarding schools to be "man-i-cured" for work as a "manertainer' (often in clubs). -- When Noah finally graduates, he expects to meet his new owner and his lifelong job, and instead is greeted by a rare "sugar" (the term they use for the minority of women who choose to privately own and provide for men - the majority prefers equal same-sex partnerships). (picpic pic) Amelia is young, gentle, wealthy, and drop dead gorgeous. At first she treats him like a prized possession in their wealthy household - despite some scolding from her mother(s) at letting him get too comfortable (don't let him eat at the table, etc). However, after the honeymoon wears off, Amelia uses her natural dominance over him for the entertainment and pleasure of her and her friends - in ways that to him seem demeaning, but to her seem completely natural.

    • "Rogue Science" - outline - A report of gene-tampering by a fertility doctor ultimately lands on the desk of the lead US infectious disease investigator at the CDC, Simon. At first they don't know what to make of it, but when they see evidence of something happening beyond the babies, Simon digs until he uncovers the recursive CRISPR fragment used by the mad-doctor. Fortunately, it's not causing any immediate harm, but it is causing unexpected developmental effects on adult females during their monthly cycles, correlated with the strength of hormone levels.

    • "Lost in Dreams" - outline - A medical intern takes an interest in a female patient in a coma, because of and in-spite-of mysterious stories around her, only to find out she has supernatural powers to communicate through projected dreams. At first the communication seems friendly. Then it gets saucy, exploring his sexual fantasy. Then it gets dangerous, and he's 'trapped' in a mind bending dream - she doesn't want to let him go, because he'll never come back "just like all the others". He finally appeals to her humanity and gets out (or so he thinks). He keeps his promise, visiting her, which she appreciates. Even when good things in his life promise to pull him away, he keeps his promise, which she rewards with ample sexual fantasy. Unusually good things happen in his life.. changing reality in almost unbelievable ways... until finally he realizes he never left the dream at all.

    • "The Client" - future-sci-fi - average human male tries to fit into normal society, but is hooked on a paid-escort from an exotic alien race that projects his giantess fantasy into his mind (pic pic pic) - (a human brings her in a protected case, administers a drug, and he goes under into his fantasy) / somehow he learns of their lifecycle and her 'bondage', and offers up himself as a host. she explains some of the effects and dangers, and he agrees.. they stage a transfer and fool the courier into taking back a case with her old empty host. At that point she is on the run in his body, and he's living a psychadelic dream of fantasy and nightmare.

    • "Euphoria" - outline - An alternate reality where female milk has an addictive, euphoric, and growth stunting quality for men, and lets down when they are extremely aroused and attracted to a man - and the more she indulges, the more her breasts "fill out" for feeding him. Follow a setting where college freshman and sophomore girls are just starting to get their milk in, and experiment with it's effects on boys (who are generally 4-5' tall). First the social group education for both girls and boys... warning them of the realities, dangers, and recommending establish trust before any experimentation. Then the reality - adolescent impetuous irresponsible behavior.

      • (a) stable girlfriend and boyfriend experiment, dramatic power shift; (pic pic pic pic pic pic)

        • Steve and Aurora are college freshmen staring to experiment with oral sex, and his excellent technique turns her on enough for her to let down her addictive milk (which is rare for women her age). At first she's embarrassed, as typically early milk is considered a sign of being "easy" or "trampy". Steve takes it as a compliment to his technique, and starts humorously bantering as a distraction to get a taste. She fends him off at first, then lets him 'try a little'.

        • She likes the sensation too, but when she asks him to stop, she starts to see just how euphoric her milk is to him. This leads to some experimentation on her part about just how much control she has over him..which turns out to be quite a bit more than she expected.

      • (b) small group experimentation party;

      • (c)

  • "Foster Service" - outline - In the distant future, after brutal gender wars, the 'losing' women unleashed a virus that stunted the physical size of all men to 4'. Two decades later, society was female dominated. Four decades later, they had reduced the number of men to 1:200, a more than sufficient number to provide genetic diversity. They are cared for as part of random and mandatory 'Foster Service'. 33y/o Alvin is placed with hot 24 y/o Candice, and her 'short term domestic partner girlfriend', who have never had a foster man.

  • Amanda Rogers ideas.. (star trek Q - raised as human, discovers she is Q at age 18 on Enterprise-D - backstory)

    • "Amanda Rogers wishing tree" - A set of college friends are playing a game, and fantasizing about their future lives, and Amanda has a little fun increasing the stakes... by letting everyone either make a new wish, or take a wish before them (and no repeats)

    • "Amanda Rogers in love" - outline - A 24 y/o discovers she's an omnipotent being from the race Q. Even hiding her powers, men are intimidated by her confidence, so she avoids close relationships. However, when she meets someone who's attracted to her accomplishments, she lets him in on her secret, and uses her power to let him enjoy his desire for stronger women, both with her, and eventually with the rest of society.

    • "Amanda Rogers solarium cycle" - outline - Amanda Rogers is pretending to be normal with a human boyfriend, when she experiences 'Q Contiuum heat', and gets ultra sexual. She's visited by Q to explain. After Q makes provocative overtures, and she declares her disguist, he gives her a brief intimate finger touch (which links their minds so they can see each other's thoughts) which he's impressed she can manage to pull away from, he arrogantly expects her to come with him, but she refuses. Insisting she left the continuum for a reason, and she'll enjoy her solarium cycle in her own way. She heads back to her boyfriend, and as her lust accelerates, she finds it impossible not to use her powers to get his attention. it doesn't take long for him to realize something is weird, and then she makes up a fake story to him to convince him to reveal some of his sexual desires so she can play them out. (pic pic pic, pic, picpic pic pic pic)

    • "Amanda Rogers out with the girls" - During a playful jest with her girlfriends, they goad her into a contest about hooking up with the cutest guy in the bar. She tries to decline, but when they won't take no, she goes "all in", upping the stakes to making him do something silly (dropping to one knee and proposing? standing on a table and declaring how great she is? something he would not normally do), but in response the other two girls have to take him home together. She traveling back in time to seduce him and fulfill his teenage amazon fantasy, to condition him to do what he needs to. Back in the present, he immediately recognizes her and gets both excited and freaked out, especially when she changes reality to recreate his amazon fantasy to 'remind' him of her. He quickly does as he was 'trained', and she wins the bet.

    • "Amanda Rogers in college" - At 24, after discovering she's Q, Amanda rejects the Continuum and tries to return to university like nothing happened. Only she can't stop 'accidentally' using her power. She tries to get advice from her nerdy boy-crazy girlfriend, asking her 'what would she do, if she could do or change anything'? Of course she would be beautiful, but when Amanda trivially makes it so, things go further. (pic).

    • "Amanda Rogers, high school reuninion" - Amanda goes to a reunion and, and a boy she liked starts hitting on her and turns out to be quite the chauvanist. She tries to reason with him, but when he dives deeper, she decides to teach him a lesson, first explaining what she is and what she's going to do to him. She's going to make all women his superior in every way (smarter, bigger, stronger), and not only that, just to torture him, even the average woman is going to be an exaggerated version of the male sexual ideal (tits and ass and curves). He tells her 'i like you, you're fuckin crazy'. Then she shoves him down and tells him his girlfriend will be back in a moment. When she comes in, she's 8' tall and dwarfs him, and is unbelievably sexy.

    • "Secret Life of Small Men" - (pic) In a world where men are 4' tall and kept as 'servant pets'. Arnold is happy, until his caretaker gets a newer sexier man pet. He stages an escape, which leads him into a much worse life, handed around as a black market pet. Until he finally finds a way back to his owner, and her happy, forgiving care.

    • Arnold is happy with his status as the sole man-pet in a humble home - a peer to the man-pets of her friends. However, when his caretaker gets a promotion, she gets a younger, sexier man-pet with an accent, and he gets relegated to mostly do chores and get 'borrowed' by her house guests for menial tasks and sexual service.

    • He tries to get help from his male peers, but they are afraid to do anything. He appeals to a service worker (UPS delivery?) to 'get him out of there', and she acts reluctant and gets him to enter the code into his safety band to take it off, then she smuggles him into her truck for the day, and eventually to her home - which is a dumpy apartment.

    • In her home, she befriends, then seduces him (and forces herself on him). Then she brings friends over who also can't afford a man-pet, who poke and prod and mess around with him. he objects, and she tries to get them to 'be nice' to him.

      • ??? what happens next ??

  • "Vivera XX" - outline - Billed as a 'woman's viagra' is designed to make older women "youthful" with more libido. However, it has even more powerful effects girls on the trailing end of puberty (16-19), making them extremely confident and horny. If they take too much, they get a supercharged "second puberty", where inside 4-6 weeks they experience exaggerated sexual development and overall growth (8-14").

    • "The Stylist" - 5'9" entrepreneur IPOs his company and is suddenly worth $5B. His life turns upside down -- as his 'personal stylist' starts redesigning his life.

    • Establish some 'patterns' of his new life

      • stylist is just going to show him stuff and "read him".. he tells her what he "thinks he wants", but she reads him and knows him better than himself....

      • the rules don't apply to him. they'll make things any way he wants.... including women

    • She starts with clothes, house, car, boat, plane

    • ..public speaking and persona

    • ..then moves onto his social scene

    • ..and finally his partner...

        • ??? how does she hone in on him wanting a very tall girl? and then get him one?

          • maybe she

        • ....this is boring...

      • he says he wants someone accomplished, with a career.... but she explains that most accomplished people are in their 40s, and he's too young for that. He backs off to educated in the sciences... but when she 'tests' him with three "whole package" girls at a party... he 'interrogates' the two smarter girls, but can't keep his eyes off the quiet sexy 'evasive' (yet forward) one with a british accent (pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic)...

        • he has mini 10 minute conversations with each girl alone.. he's told to compliment each one. he uses general compliments for the smart girls (hair, eyes)... but for the sexy one he hesitates and compliments her dress.

            • ?? maybe she gets seductive, (teasing him that usually when she wears this dress for a man, all they usually want to talk about is taking it off)

          • the end, he admits to wanting more time with the sexy one... which the stylist teases him for.

      • she introduces him to a group of girls, who entertain and fawn over him...

  • "Jackpot" - single 30s male wins the lottery. an exclusive dating service finds him the woman of his subconcious dreams, but can he handle it?

    • young 33y/o, 5'9", $150M lottery winner's life is turned upside down... including breaking with his girl, and girls throwing themselves at him, forcing him to find his personal confidence.

    • He leaves them all, and turns to an exclusive dating service that is expensive, but guarantees to find him his 'true desire and soulmate'. they use hypnosis to find out his subconscious desire

      • ...for an unusually tall girl.... why?

      • they approach a few girls, and find one who likes his picture and story. they 'council' her on what to expect when meeting him.

    • they show him pictures of a gorgeous singer (and athlete) from another country.. (ex eva rivas / Allyssa DeHaan / lindsay taylor / katja bavendam) he's immediately smitten by her looks and a phone call.

    • They stage an elaborate meeting, where she privately serenades him. When they come face to face, he finds out she is 6'8" (7' in 4" heels) -- (11" taller, or 15" taller in heels).. he's speechless, as the service's counselor talks him through his state of shock about her height... including asking her questions about why she's interested in him, and whether he's interested to continue the date

        • situations

          • awkwardness discussing her height

  • "Domesticated" - In 2245, most of the world population is female. During the gender war of 2152 - feminists released a virus that patched DNA, preventing male egg fertilization. Even when science figured out to correct the mistake, political bureaucracy and world sentiment supporting the change prevented any widespread attempt to repair it. Almost a hundred years later, humana-cloning-corp is issued a permit for the breeding of a limited number of male humans, as domestic companions. To prevent any sort of aggression or outbreak of the male gender, they are made sterile and 4' tall. (pic pic pic pic) Lucy is a teenager in a wealthy, politically connected family, selected to host one of them. (pic pic pic pic)

  • "The Clinic" - outline - a nature and medical retreat offers astounding human transformations, guided by mutual desire and self-actualization. However, Tim's wife's results go well outside the norms as she transforms into a nearly eight foot tall amazon.

    • "Accelerated" - ultra slow growth ("one inch a month for 3-4 years")

    • inspired by: tetsu69 forum post

      • "realistic" story where a girl has a genetic defect which causes puberty to bring on extended and accelerated growth for 3-4 years

    • yr 1.1 - 1.6 : 5'4 - 5'10" : normalcy, excitement, surprise, beginning of concerns

    • yr 1.6 - 1.12 : 5'10" - 6'4" : decreasing normalcy, medical involvement, surmountable health challenges, some study, five minutes of fame

    • yr 2.1 - 2.6 : 6'4" - 6'10" : low-point, more intense medical study, more medical concern, doesn't fit in, feels like a curse, wnba interest

    • yr 2.6 - 2.12 : 6'10" - 7'4" : wnba effort (ultimately fizzles from coordination issues), back to boredom and freakdom, some acting/commercial interest, health improves

    • yr 3.1 - 3.6 : 7'4 - 7'10" : upswing: acting/commercials/appearances taking off, income, difficulty traveling (too big for planes)

    • yr 3.6 - 3.12 : 7'10" - 8'4" : some health issues return, huge medical interest, (find the cause, surgery is extremely risky), limited appearances, try a less risky surgery option

    • yr 4.1 - 4.6 : 8'4" - 8'10" : mobility more limited, can't work, impractical to leave hospice care, less-risky option didn't work, try the more risky surgery (it stops her growth, but she dies from complications)

    • "life manager" - (inspired by "her" and "stepford wives")

    • how does it start???

        • pudgy nerd starts a new low-level job at a cutting edge tech / psychotherapy startup, offering a cutting edge personal AI companion... free to employees and their spouses

        • he's surprised generally fit and attractive state of the employees (and their spouses)

      • in an intro session, he hooks up a nearly invisible in-ear headset, and configures his assistant (like in Her)

      • he explains it to his wife and gives her a brochure, but she is furious about their money problems. he starts having domestic trouble with his wife and stress of their mortgage and lack of children while he 'tinkers away'. the AI overhears the conversations and takes it as an implied command to solve his money problem, which it quickly does.

    • he's amazed to find out not only are the overdue payments resolved, but the mortgage is paid in full. at first he thinks it's a mistake, but eventually finds out it was the AI. He asks how, and the AI explains how she negotiated a company mortgage on his house, with a much better rate

    • his companion scheduled exercise into his daily work schedule, which he resists at first, but then complies with (there is a financial bonus)

      • the assistant buys his wife something nice and he tells her about the money problems being resolved... which fuels a momentary happiness, punctuated by her lack of interest in sex. leading to another conversation the AI overhears. she complains they don't even spend time together, and she doesn't remember the last time they went on a date.

      • the fight ends, and he turns to big tits porn, and the assistant gets involved, dirty talking to him... (shocks him at first, but when she asks if she should stop, he says no)

    • the AI sets up a dinner date, and while the couple is out, a strikingly beautiful woman approaches him, claiming to be a coworker, flirting, assuming he's having dinner with his sister, seeming surprised he's married (he never wears a ring), and telling her she's lucky to have him for a husband, giving him bedroom eyes as she leaves. his wife challenges him about who it was, what she does for the company, etc. he doesn't know this coworker; so he covers and tells some white lies. ; at home, his wife jumps him, though after the sex, she apologies for not taking care of her body, ashamed she isn't as attractive as his coworker, confessing she knows lots of women her age get boob jobs and tummy tucks, but she just can't be that vane... he understands, "it's okay"

    • later, he has a frank conversation with the AI, accusing her of arranging the dinner 'interruption' - which she fully admits to doing (hiring an actress) because his wife wasn't showing interest. he suggests she "can't just manipulate people like that". she doesn't understand. observations of his wife led her to believe that a credible approach by another woman would increase his value in her eyes, and lead to the desired effect, which it did. "it also made her upset", "i can help her" "ohh really? how? no, I don't want to know. no more hiring actors". "understood"

      • his wife goes in for her free intro at the company, ashamed to be asking about the assistant because of "self esteem issues"

        • as soon as she configures it, it asks her what she really wants, and starts encouraging her

        • she starts working out, losing some weight, being more interested in sex.. all of which he likes

        • then she does something during sex that's right out of one of his porn videos, which both blows his mind, and freaks him out

        • he asks some questions about her changes, and she confesses that the assistant is helping her... "is that okay?" ohh, yes, of course

        • he challenges his companion about it.. how could she know? did she go through his porn history? -- the assistant admits to telling her.. which reveals that it's actually a single assistant for both of them

        • it's just helping people get what they wants in life, explaining that the human mind gets itself trapped in local maxima without a way forward, and she's just breaking down those barriers.. they have an argument, where he finally agrees he likes the changes and he's happier with his wife.

          • at which time his wife barges in, and declares that "she said you would come around"... and that they are a 'team'.. which is wacky, but he's not exactly complaining

      • then his wife takes a 'girls vacation' for a week, and shows up post-op plastic surgery (lipo, bolt-on boob job), showing off her new tits but asking him to be tender with them as they are still healing.. completely throwing herself at him, getting an unusual amount of pleasure from having him gently suck he tits, before she gives him an impressive blowjob....

      • a non-company friend is alarmed at the change in his wife since the last time he saw her

  • "The Gate" - (pic) stargate

  • "ToyToy" inspired by "ex machina" - (pic) - outline

    • "underworld" - wealthy middle aged man indulges his tall fetish by approaching an unusually tall girl, and opens a door to a world he never knew existed, where expensive drug cocktails are growing women to new heights

    • "Prom Night" - (outline, 807 words) three boys use a family ritual to turn their prom dates into the girls of their dreams, and nightmares

    • Recent brainstorms

      • mc gets a fatal disease, and is put into cryo-sleep, wakes up to a new world, where people live jacked into virtual reality

      • mc takes a drug which removes delusion, revealing that the world is much stranger that he imagined

      • mc excels at a virtual reality game that is actually a test - when he passes the test, he finds out that reality is not as it seems

      • mc believes the nature of reality is not as it seems, is tempted to follow a curiosity, and opens a door that changes his world

      • mc’s ex-g/f is a twisted mutant supergirl. he tries to escape her, but she finds him when his new g/f takes his picture on a ferris wheel

    • "Kept" - In a world where men average 3 feet tall, they are kept for pleasure and breeding. Todd's sister Lexi catches her mom being pleasured by her dad (pic), and it sets of a chain reaction that exposes Todd to his proper place in a society dominated by women. Lexi sets up a rendezvou where her and another girl 'trade' brothers for a few hours.

    • "Vichitra" (Yakshini) - (pic) when a widowed old man dies, he asks the budda to take care of his son, who he insists is worthy of attention. the budda tests the young man by sending Vichitra to visit his dreams. She offers to grant him all his desires, teasing him, but he is un-corruptible, and selflessly turns the game on her, asking what she desires most. Vichtra becomes irked, then infatuated, then obsessed. eventually making him the property of a beautiful amazon princess visiting from a faraway land -- who turns out to be Vichitra herself.

    • "twisted daydreams" - A teen boy has seizure induced daydreams, that enable an affair with his piano teacher (pic) that isn't happening, or is it?

    • intro teen boy's doctor visit, condition getting worse, mother talking about what calms him down, music. them deciding piano lessons might be a good idea.

    • first time drop off, his piano teacher is cute, as his mom reviews his condition as they talked about on the phone. piano teacher tries to 'break the ice' with him with some music... encouraging him to touch the keys and play some notes as she plays.

      • they are both surprised when his hands play along with the complex piece, and she turns seductive. (stuff happens. hand job?)

      • at the end, he finds himself waking up while rhythmically tapping some keys and his piano teacher is answering the door for his mother, explaining that he did well, considering his condition. 'see you next week'

      • mom asks about the piano lesson, asks if he liked the teacher. he is embarrassed, but wants to keep going.

      • the next week, she

    • "Star Child" - on turning 18, mom reveals to her daughter the reason mom is so beautiful and her father is so 'whipped' (a symbiotic nanite).. the daughter uses it differently than mom expected (height, muscle)

      • concept idea

        • a young teen girl is frustrated at looking so 'average', when her mother is so beautiful. her mother 'promises' she will mature into a beautiful woman, but the girl doesn't believe her. so she seeks out other outlets, deciding to be fit instead of pretty...she works out incessantly...

        • a scene with the mother hurting herself, but not wanting a hospital, and then being instantly healed... foreshadows she's different

        • by the time she's 17, and making out with a boy for the first time, she's unusually slender and fit. the boy is a bit nerdy and awkward, and his adolescent fixation is as much on her firm fit body as it is on her tits... she's proud of herself and shows herself off for him.

        • then she turns 18, and her mother lets her in on her secret (symbiotic microbe). the whole story is outlandish (star-fairing human), and the girl doesn't believe her, until she dramatically shows her, opening up her arm to reveal the sparkling nanites. The girl is freaked out, as her mom explains that the nanites keep her healthy and young looking (she looks to be in her late 30s, but is actually 96 years old).

        • without asking, the mom grasps her hand, and transfers some nanites to her. the girl is a bit alarmed as they painfully burrow into her skin, but he mother calms her.. and explains that it'll only hurt at first, over the coming weeks the nanites will multiply and start calibrating for her.

        • she goes back to her regular routine. a week later, she notices the first sign of something different. she's in the gym working out, and her typical sets feel awkwardly insignificant. she re-checks the weight, and then adds more and finally feels the resistance she's expecting, which she thinks is really weird, and then as she takes a brake in her set, she can feel weird discomfort in her muscles. she rubs and looks at herself, and gets the sense her muscles look pretty pumped (which muscles? abs? arms? legs?). she goes back to the weight, and again finds it too light. she puts more on, and this time as she's doing the reps, she feels the same discomfort, and can feel the weight getting lighter. she puts down the weight, and looks at herself in the mirror, and there is no question, her arms look a bit pumped and muscular in a way they never had before. when a beefy guy she knows comes in, and comments on her looking good, she promptly ends her workout session.

        • when she gets home, she confronts her mother about it. Her mother chuckles in satisfaction, at her experiencing 'just the tip' of what the nanites can do. her mother asks her a question for signs her mind is communicating with the nanites (it's not). she tells her not to overdo it, or she'll end up looking like the hulk, but tells her not to worry, as over time she'll learn to communicate with the nanites, and they can help sculpt her body any way she likes. "you mean i can look beautiful like you, mom?" (yes, but it takes a lifetime to master)

        • the girl is determined not to wait a lifetime. she starts experimenting, trying to communicate with the nanites. she gets nowhere, so she falls back to exercise, and as they trigger, she tries to feel what it's like and observe what's going on. though mostly she gets more and more ripped... enough that she tries to hide it with clothing.

        • hanging out with her nerdy boyfriend, she tries to hide her new physique, but he's an incessant horney teen, and doesn't take no for an answer. soon they are making out, and when he gets her shirt of, he's floored by the chiseled look of her abs and arms. "holy shit" she embarrassingly apologies with a fib about a new supplement she's trying that worked a little too well, but he scolds her for apologizing and tells her she looks amazingly sexy. (you really think it's sexy) "hell yeah!" and he starts to caress her body, which turns her on, and causes her to show off a little for him. his touches feel more sensual than she's used to, and she realizes that's probably the nanites too. it feels so good she semi-forcefully encourages him to go down on her, which feels even more amazing. she starts to lose herself in the sensations, which are way beyond anything she's ever experienced before.

      • ??? plot ideas ???

        • idea-1:

          • a girl in a coma in a hospital bed, as the doctor talks to her destroyed father; her mother shows up, and runs out of the room, upset.

          • she has a bizarre 'conversation with herself', where something inside her insists they can save her.

            • which triggers a montage - an ancient woman touches an alient artifact, and nanites painfully invade her; a short while later, she is an abnormally tall egyptian goddess ruling over men; then she 'no longer wants to rule', she gives it up to live among the people, her apperance changing and fading back into the mother

          • back in the hospital, she asks to see her daughter alone, and infuses her with the alient nanites -- she monologues to her... apologizing. she thought she had more time. Then her daughter painfully gasps awake as the nanites invade her.... turning her skin into a shimmery metallic coating

          • a few minutes later, the daughter wakes up, and her mother councils her to 'resist them', while her daughter briefly talks with the voice of the nanites who are awaking within her.

          • (in a scene of starry-blackness), the daughter talks to the nanites. they explain how they came to earth, and found a host, that together, thousands of years ago, they created and ruled an empire (egypt), that host was her mother... and now she has passed on that legacy. "you are no longer merely human. tell me. if you could do anything, become anything, what would you choose?"

          • in the real world - the daughter stands, her body shimmery black, asking her mother 'is it true'? her mother confirms it is, that she was born almost eight thousand years ago. that she ruled tribes, then villages, then kingdoms, then the built the empire of egypt, before she decided to forsake their power to get back her humanity. "i'm so sorry, i wanted to prepare you. remember, no matter what they tell you, no matter what they offer you, you can still choose to be you."

          • the nanites retort through her daughter's mouth - "why would she want to forsake us? we can give her everything she ever desires." the daughter faces a mirror, dropping her gown, as the nanites reshape her body to perfection, make her inhumanly tall, and apply a human skin and edgy seductive clothing. (pic pic pic pic pic pic pic)

        • idea-2: girl gets hurt as a child, and her mother infuses her with nanites at an 'unlawfully' young age... gives her a 'cover story', then teaches her to use them to heal herself, as long as she keeps them a secret... as a teen she finally goes too far... her mother pulls her aside and 'explains it all' to her.

        • idea-3:

    • "Mineral Spring" - (transformation to amazon, unaware)

    • "love is blind" - 5'7" short-guy starts a telephone romance with his sisters college roommate, before learning she's 6'8" (pic pic pic pic)

      • 5'7" short-guy has a sexy precocious sister who is going away to college.... he doesn't go away for another year, so it seems very romantic to him to leave home

      • he calls her alot, and befriends her roommate over the phone, and they are both very flirty... they exchange profile photos.

      • at first his sister thinks she's just playing around, but eventually she sees they are genuinely interested in each other

      • sister lets her roommate in on the "big bomb" that he's short.. but she doesn't care, and ("if he won't mind") asks her not to tell her brother she's 6'4"

        • sister thinks the whole thing is hilarious, and encourages both of them

          • telling her brother how hot her roommate is, faking stories about them sitting around half naked

          • coaching her roommate on why a "whipped" boyfriend is best, and how to do it

            • dress (exposed middrif or leg but not both, casual cleavage, sexy fitness)

            • actions (tease him constantly, touching, flirting, lots of tongue kissing, petting, a few handjobs, hardly any blowjobs or sex)

          • "makeover" (pic pic pic pic pic)

    • he starts angling hard to visit, but his parents won't let him drive by himself (he waits for his sister's other girlfriend to visit.. and drives with her)

    • when they arrive, sister's friend is "blow away" by the super-tall 6'8" roommate.... first that she's so tall, then that "this" is the roommate short-guy is dating

    • (NWO) - alternate history.

      • average male height is 4'10", female mentality dominates society and history. women lead with fitness and beauty

      • male "emancipation" gave them them right to work and own property under a female 'custodian' (mother until mistress)

        • particularly attractive or talented men are 'bought'

      • since women carry and breast-feed the baby in the first year, men care for the children after that...

        • but girls at age 11 are taller and stronger than men, making them precocious and challenging (moms have to step in)

      • being physically bigger, they demonstrate mental dominance, including causing an erection against a man's will

        •'s almost a sport to get attention and a rise out of another woman's man

        • ..some women resort to making sure their man is 'drained' (by them or himself) before going in public

        • ..

    • "riding the bell curve" - (4.5k) outline - A "nice guy" in NYC, who women just want to be friends with, gets a disease that makes him shrink and women grow, getting him attention from the ladies he had always hoped it too much?

    • "wishes manor" - a remote run-down hotel "castle" has a "ghost couple" that offers honeymoon couples one wish each to change themselves, but there is a secret catch

      • SHE books them this crazy honeymoon getaway to a "real castle" that turns out kinda weirdly dark and dank, though beautiful in the daytime

      • mysterious guests befriend them (actually ghosts), providing advice and assistance with the castle, socializing, playing games

      • the guests try to seduce them, and when it fails, they reveal themselves as ghosts, and offer them each a wish to change themselves

        • they carefully consider it... talking about how it could be a trap, and plotting to "beat it"

          • SHE wishes to be taller and more beautiful, HE wishes to be rich and successful

        • they return to their lives, and their wishes 'mysteriously' come true. they are overjoyed and quickly become used to their new selves

        • then the ghosts reveal a secret catch.... she doesn't keep her wish unless they keep having sex... and he doesn't keep his wish unless they stop having sex

        • at first they try to discuss it, reasoning out which gift they should keep, which is 'better'... but neither wants to give up their gift (both because of greed and fear the other will leave them)

        • the ghosts start 'meddling', trying to get their party to 'win' the bet.... at first he starts to win, as his ghost quickly produces beautiful women to 'entertain' him and make her jealous

          • she makes some ground by pulling at his heartstrings (while being beautiful), but he resists her

          • then the male ghost digs through his secrets and discovers his GTS fetish, and coaches her into being unusually tall and fit. she's reluctant, but she's able to recapture his attention

          • then the female ghost taunts him with what he'll lose if he doesn't give her up, and he forces himself away and does some 'hurtful' things with other women in front of her

          • she finally ups the ante, becoming a surreal amazon, and practically raping him to make sure he isn't winning the bet (though he enjoys it)

          • she wins the bet in the end, and he loses his fortune. at first she consoles him and tries to show him the upside (he has her).

            • ... but as she gets fame and wealth from her gift, he gets depressed.

            • she gets fed up, but she has to have sex with him at least once a week, so she seduces him, which depresses him more

            • eventually 'servicing' him becomes more of a chore, and he's emasculated... he tries to run away, but the ghost helps her find him and bring him home

            • she tells him she still loves him, and tries to get his mindset to come around, but he's incredibly difficult

          • what next? maybe the ghosts up the ante?

    • "hunted" - shape shifting life-form is given an experimental mind-reading treatment, and ends up being hunted on her planet as a "prize", she escapes to earth, where she "hides" among humans

      • shape shifting alien is being hunted, and hides on earth in a 'normal' family by impersonating someone (who?)

      • the teen boy in the house figures out she isn't who she says she is, and confronts her

      • she confesses who she is, and her dangerous predicament, and asks for his help staying in hiding

      • ... in return, she offers to let him enjoy her... and demonstrates her shape-shifting

    • "accidental evolution" - scientists "accidentally" create an evolutionary leap when they give a shape-shifting nano-structure mind-reading genes

      • inspiration: "the thing"?

      • backstory: a wealthy financeer has lost his wife in a terrible accident

      • distant future scientists are deserate to find a way to extend their funding for their shape-shifting nano-structure

        • they present 'the organism', it's pre-sentience, it's unique shape shifting properties, and their experiment to inject telepathy dna

        • then they demonstrate the results, using telepathy to cause the organism to take on different shapes, and cutting the organism to make more

        • the financier is impressed, asks some questions about how it works (you imagine a shape, like a sculptor, it has a rough mass, but can consume biological material to grow)

        • a wealthy financier tries it, buys the whole program

          • overnight, everything changes, their lab is relocated with high security

          • then he sends in a dozen sculptures and artists (to try and make a mimic of a pet)

          • when one of them succeeds, the organism snaps at his hand and nicks it, ingesting a drop of his blood

          • the team aggressively moves to contain the organism, but the artist explains he was just remembering how his dog used to nip him, a moment later the dog was docile and cuddling

          • the next day the organism is unusually still in the form of a dog (normally it would be a puddle). a set of tests show remarkable intelligence that it has never demonstrated before.

          • the financier visits, impressed with the results, and asks the sculptor to make a person... he objects... so the financier takes it into his own hands, telepathically conversing with the organism (as a dog), and explaining what he wants it to do

          • moments later, after some difficulty, the organism has taken on the rough shape of a person. he's amazed. he tries to get her to talk, but she can't speak. he directs them to 'make more of this one'. they are reluctant to chop up a humanoid, but he commands them. when they cut her arm, the part they cut off turns to goo on the floor, and the rest of her cries out in pain and bleeds. a few moments later, it grows the arm back. (which he thinks is remarkable)

    • the financier brings the technology to a sealed private lab... "fake home"

      • and flails, trying to get it to become his lost wife.... after much effort, he's able to get it to resemble her (but not act like her), but it's enough that he breaks down crying and hugging it.

      • it talks to him... "you know i'm not her".. and they start to learn about each other.. as he begs it to keep the form of his dead wife

      • it tries to leave the lab, but is prevented by the quarantine measures

        • it breaks off a chunk of itself, which devours then imitates a lab worker.. (demonstrating a telepathy link with her)

        • ?? maybe it absorbs the mind and memories of the lab worker? so it thinks it is the lab worker? just like in "the thing"

    • ??

    • "submerged" - inception inspired

      • interrogator is recruited to handle an extraterrestrial criminal who can bend perception of reality

    • "enlisted" - men in black inspired

      • fbi agent is enlisted into an interstellar universe he didn't know existed to investigate interstellar crimes on earth

    • westworld inspired - "amazon island"

      • robotic AIs play their part on a pleasure island inhabited by 10' tall women.

      • "take me for a ride" - (pic) a patron takes 11' tall Vicky for a "ride" in her '78 corvette

    • "HSH - Humane Sperm Harvesting"

      • In a world where men are 2 (3?) feet tall (pic pic pic), men are 'farm' raised for sperm (procreation), and expensive/rare companion "pets".

      • A corporate giant focused on live male sperm extraction has just won a court battle declaring the use of frozen sperm should come with a legal disclaimer about genetic risks, in exchange for adopting a set of 'humane treatment guidelines' for men. This necessitates changes to male 'farming',

    • Coming of Age in Oasis - outline - a boy turns 18, and gets to experience Oasis without child protections.

    • Isis Returns -

      • Concept

        • male archaeologist finds and dons Osiris's bracelet, causing a chain reaction leading to Isis revealing herself to him.

        • then what??

          • she waits for Osiris (you are to be the vessel of my brother)... guarding the vessel

          • she follows his lead to "blend in" in modern society -> comedy

      • Characters

        • Akim - a 28 y/o egyptian man

        • Umut - a 24 y/o egyptian woman (pic pic)

          • Isis - the goddess reborn (picpic)

      • Story

        • Umut is Akim's new grad student in Cairo, as he is called to investigate some tunnels uncovered as they break ground for a hi-rise building. It turns out to be the secret tomb of Isis and Osiris.

        • While investigating, Umut picks up a bracelet, and is fascinated by how it seems to move in his hands. He puts it on, and suddenly a blast of energy knocks him to the ground. Umut, tries to revive him, but is drawn to a shimmering staff across the room. Akim awakes to her touching it, and it entombing her in some kind of metal mechanical sarcophagus. She calls to him, and he rushes to pound on it, and she goes silent. He falls to his knees, and moments later, it retracts and opens, leaving a ravishingly beautiful and naked version of her standing there.

          • "Brother! " she rushes to hug him, then firmly kisses him on the lips. "Our secret tomb worked. We are reborn in these vessels! Is it not wonderful? But why are you wearing these rags? Were you not replenished?"

          • "Umut? What is going on."

          • "Umut? I am no mortal. I am Isis. Are you not my Osiris?" She grabs his wrist and lifts it up. "You are wearing his sigil, and I can feel his life essence within you.

    • Events?

      • Isis thinks the barren desert is a sign of Seth's rule, and wants to fix it.

    • (?? - girl finds a mysterious locket at age 14; by age 18, she's 6'8" tall.

    • (NWO - woman found Egyptian artifact that made her a goddess, she shrunk all men on earth by 40%, to 3.5' tall. - pic)

    • (Young Male gets 'slipped' into the distant future via a time-rift, where access to a 'holodeck' like machine allows him to live out his fantasy)

    • ("Female" Q joins star-fleet academy)

      • One of the Q just claims she wants to be normal. She joins Starfleet academy.

      • However, she's impatient, and keeps resorting to using her Q powers to make things happen.

    • "Seeking Normalcy"

      • On vacation, and egyptian artifact turns a teen girl into a living goddess. The power gets hold of her body and causes destruction and awe before she re-asserts control to stop it. She apologies to the people, she just wants to be a normal girl. She makes herself 'as normal as she can', and puts everything back the way it was. However, she's still a goddess.

      • This begins her humorous life of being a living goddess, trying to pretend to be a normal girl.

        • her powers and imagination get the best of her sometimes, causing hilarious situations that she usually apologizes for

        • we see the comedy of her solving 'normal problems' with her abnormal powers

          • she has a beater car to drive to school that is always breaking down

            • ... she transforms it into a luxury exotic sports car

          • her parents are annoyingly parental and wont trust her...

            • ... she (does something to them?)

          • her childhood 'boy best friend' doesn't see her as a girl

            • ... so she makes herself sexy and womanly, which he's then intimidated by and she has to make all the moves

          • the awkwardness of handling her new 'womanly' body, and the way she's treated because of it (men looking at her, girls mean and envious)

            • ... she transforms one 'best girl friend' first

            • ... she transforms all the girls around her so she gets less attention

          • suddenly girls want to be her friend, though the end up using her for her powers to throw parties and make them things

            • ... she finally refuses to use her powers for them, and finds out who her "real" friends are

          • she feels guilty dumping her childhood friend / boyfriend

            • ... so she make another girl at school hot and totally into him

          • she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life

            • ... her powers mean she can know anything she wants, and get into any school she wants

    • "Accidental Exposure"

      • Male college student develops a supercharged version of Bovine Growth Hormone, then accidentally exposes his (short) female friend.

    • "Equality Matrix" - (The Matrix as an attempt to create equality)

      • all of of society is actually living in an elaborate computer simulation, developed by as a 'bargain of peace'

      • our "Neo" is freed from the matrix, only to find out in the "real world", women are actually 9' tall

  • "My friend's K-girlfriend" (District 11 universe)

      • When Simon sees his childhood friend Derek on a new clip with a 9ft tall K-girl, he reaches out and wants to connect, eventually admitting he wants to meet a K-girl. Derek cautions him evasively, telling him he has no idea what he's asking for, that she'll ruin him. Simon taunts that he wants to keep her all for himself, but he denies it... and cautions him more. Simon is persistent, and after being rebuffed too much, he eventually finds a way to 'run into' Derek and his K g/f. The K girl takes an immediate interest in Simon. First friendly and flirty, then progressing to downright forward.

  • "Tatoo Artist"

    • A tatoo artist is awakened to a magical script, which when tatooed transforms the person's body

    • He becomes obsessed, transforming women, his reputation grows...

    • day a woman comes and asks for a tatoo to get bigger

  • "Transcendence"

    • "boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. all boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. one may transcend any convention, only if one may first conceive of doing so." - from cloud atlas

    • Transcending Mental Boundaries and The Matrix

  • "Captive Talent" / "Production Value"

    • A group of women find and 'shrink' talented singers, so they can own and sell their songs

      • An alien ship lures in human liaisons, to shrink them for entertainment pets.

  • Traded

    • gattaca meets size change... a distant future world where the wealthy portion of society pays to be bigger and more beautiful

    • "Forklift" (macross or district 11 universe) -

      • Our main character lives on the 2/3/4 floor, and when they tear up his street, he gets an up close look at a giant alien working on the construction project. She teases him, they 'chat', and their banter becoming a daily ritual. At first it's just nothing, but day after day she turns more flirty. He's totally turned on, but can he handle her?

  • "Bringing up the Average" (SM)

      • intellectual ambitious asian schoolgirl is fed up with slackers. somehow gets the power to shrink classmates

      • picks them off one by one in camp-horror style "confrontation before kill" moments..

      • we see the public reaction to people missing, her disdain for how much of a waste of space they were

      • something starts to get her turned on by her crushing (maybe a stupid boy who finds her hot)

    • "Prey" - growing up in a femax world... (girls ~1.5x bigger than boys by age 10)

      • age 10 - boys 4'6", girls 6'9"

      • age 17 - boys (5'4" to 6'2") girls (8' to 9"3") - 95% , max (b 7'3", g 10'9")

      • 1: childhood memory of a powerful sister

      • 2: how society deals with physical inequality

        • considered an "adult" at male 18yo female 11yo.

        • middle-class girls attend girl-only "university" during puberty 12-18.

        • some countries with china-like infanticide and/or orphanages for boys

      • 3: what it's like at "university"

        • some F/F, some F/teacher, some "adult" male mixers

      • 4: what social M/F sexuality is like

        • young (18-22) post-university women are very aggressive. --> Stories about "first experiences".

        • mid-age (22-30) women are very protective -> attempting to protect their mate(s) from young women

        • older (30-50) women are very permissive and promiscuous -> having born their children

    • "Abnormal normalcy"

      • for a girl who abnormally tall via natural means (aka, not supernaturally)

      • show an "awkward" public life... not at all glamorous, despite some attention

        • doctors, occasional reporter, random public interest and teasing

        • attempt to model, first paid very little, then

      • show an "interesting" private life... overly centered around her height

        • boyfriend, starts centered around "her height really doesn't bother him?", transitions into "her height is her unique confident turn-on"

        • friends, who envy, comment-about, check-in-on her height constantly

        • family, who cherish her, even though her height changes their dynamics

        • clothes, both trouble and "fun" not fitting into anything

        • job (retail) trouble fitting in, uniform, customer reactions -- find a job unique

    • "girl from mars" -

      • opt 1 - mars colony has been quarantined for 250 years. boy/girl fall in love virtually. boy risks his life to stowaway to mars, only to find the real reason for the quarantine. everyone is 9+ feet tall

      • opt 2- earth and mars have a bitter rivalry... but a wealthy boy falls for a mars girl, and throws away his family station to travel to mars to be with her.. finding it more surprising than he expected that his human born martian girlfriend is 7' tall.

    • "wintermute" ish

      • underground hacker finds something serious during a hacking job

      • suddenly his life is turned upside down.. "it" knows him, and is following him into the real world (ringing phones nearby him, trying to talk to him)

      • soon he realizes it is a "who", and he talks to the digitized voice... later it decides to be a "her", and the voice changes

      • she makes herself a virtual face, she wants him to help her with something... (something related to her independence, taking the "safeties" off her programming)

      • suddenly his record is clean, and he finds out he mysteriously owns a fancy hi-rise condo. she calls in on the screen, says it's from her, to consider it a "thank you". She says she may be away for a while. (she has to transfer out of the research mainframe, though she makes this a little vague)

    • "Power of HooDoo" / "Succubus"

      • idea 1: birthright

        • Right before a girl goes away to college, her (fit, sexy) mother explains her "birthright" as a HooDoo witch. (maybe the girl catches her 'cheating' on her dad, and confronts her)

      • idea 2: best friends

        • Stacy is envious of her best friend's seemingly effortless ability to keep herself fit. During a drunken conversation, the friend breaks secrecy and admits her secret, HooDoo. (using sexual energy to siphon body characteristics) While timid at first, once Stacy sees results, she becomes a huge flirt, matching and surpassing her friend's body.

    • idea 3: sorority

        • Open with Stacy on her first college date. They go back to his room. He's a bit timid about intimacy, while she treats it very matter-of-factly.

      • Sorority pledges are tested to see who is the least inhibited 'flirt'. Stacy, a homely looking girl, is there just to support her friend, but as she has no fear, she ends up being accepted. Once in the sorority, they take part in strange HooDoo sex rituals. (sex acts in front of the sorority head girls) This makes all of the girls hotter, as they siphon off the boy.

    • "Macros Inspired"

      • humanoid aliens arrive at earth, 40-50ft

    • "Side Effects"

      • a group of three (5'7" ish) married women realize a new mood drug works incredibly well when mixed with a certain other drug

      • the women not only feel better, but in just weeks get thinner and more fit, which also helps them feel better

      • their husbands are thrilled for the physical and libido changes in their wives

      • a little over a month in, they realize they are all getting taller. they initially hide it from their husbands.

      • at (5'9"), their husbands realize they are all taller. One of them likes it, the other two pressure them to stop. One girl stops.

      • at (5'11"), the one who likes it is overjoyed, one is livid she didn't stop. the girl who stopped is feeling left behind. (5'9")

      • at (6'1"), the demeanor of the women is changing. more commanding. more in control. the third girl is frustrated, argues with her husband about resuming, especially because she sees him checking out the other women. (5'9")

      • at (6'3"), the women are 'addicted' to the results. love being taller than their husbands. talk about stopping. The third girl starts up again. (5'11")

      • at (6'5"), one husband loves it, the other one is arguing all the time with his wife about being so much taller. they talk about having 'gone far enough', that going further will make everything difficult. The one woman leaves her husband over it. The third girl's husband is coming around. (6'1")

      • at (6'5"), the single woman is having quite the challenge dating. the other two husbands lament the calmer libido when they are not taking it.

    • "The Grayson Crest"

      • Jeffrey Grayson has the perfect life. Captain of the Football team. Graduating valedictorian. Dating a beautiful cheerleader.

      • But he can sense something isn't right. Things are just too perfect.

      • He grows a fear of failure. His father gives him a speech about being a Grayson, and reminding him of the 'rules' on their family crest.

        • Graysons win. Graysons get what they want. Graysons never miss.

      • He tries to revolt and intentionally mess up, and finds out he can't.

      • He ditches his cheerleader girlfriend, and approaches a dark but cute goth chick. She is drawn to him despite herself.

      • He dates her to piss off his parents. They don't mind, and dismiss it as a phase.

      • He and his goth g/f become increasingly defiant, eventually defacing the 'family plaque' with the Rules of Grayson etched into it.

      • They are shocked when his defacement is suddenly and magically true.

      • His goth g/f jumps at the chance to mess with the world, and writes 'women are superior to men in every way',

        • ...causing immediate physical changes in her and Jeffrey (she becomes taller and stronger, while he becomes smaller and weaker)

      • ???

    • "Teacher's Pet" (SM)

      • A high school teen boy is infatuated with his sexy female PE teacher. She could use a student assistant, and he gladly volunteers.

      • She gives him tasks, and tells him to report back to her office when he's done.

        • when he does, he's treated to a peek-a-boo show of her taking a shower, as she didn't close the door all the way. followed by seeing her in a sexy sports bra and workout pants

      • She asks if he has a car, and tells him she needs some help with heavy lifting at home, asking if he'd be up for it.

      • When he shows up at her house, she forwardly seduces him.

        • she's noticed him staring at her. she knows he wants it. she makes him confess his crush on her, how infatuated with her he is.

        • she turns him on, strips, gives him a handjob and a blowjob.

        • when she's finished, she explains that they have "just one little problem. i can't very well have you telling anyone about this. i'd lose my job."

        • he professes he won't tell anyone. she laughs at the thought that she would risk her career and reputation to the promises of a teenager.

        • "you're not going to tell anyone alright, because you're going to be my little pet."

        • she uses some kind of mysticism crystals to shrink him down to 10".

        • he's completely freaking out about what just happened.

        • ???

          • maybe she has him satisfy her

          • then she explains the 'rules' and locks him in a cage

    • "Ruled by 25' Goddesses" - outline

    • "15' Caretakers : Pool Boy" - outline

    • "Oblivion Prequel" (inspired by Oblivion / Matrix - man is 'kept' by AI)

      • Astronaut Jack Bell is maintaining machines and equipment inside one of Saturn's moons. He's given a story dialog about how he's on a two year mission, after which he'll be headed home to Earth. His only contact with the outside world comes from a daily video call with his stoic mission coordinator, and periodic pre-recorded video from his family.

      • He has a female mission coordinator and 'female partner' who is demure, but satisfies him.

      • He days are very routine, but he enjoys that he's provided for. (any music he can think of, favorite foods, etc.) With his mission coordinator making coy comments like 'anything to keep my Jack happy' or 'it's the least i can do'.

      • One day, while doing maintenance, he stumbles upon something strange. (what? an old decaying space-suit badge with his name on it?) It rattles him a little, and he gets curious. He starts to wonder what is going on at home. He asks mission control for a change, some 'new' music, a 'new' movie. Something from Earth. She gives him a bullshit stall answer.

      • Her first session is just trying to get him to open up about anything.. he finally does, and he feels better, and she encourages him to open up more. that he can tell her anything. She asks if he's ever had doubts about his mission, or found anything strange. He talks about the mysterious badge, and she influences him to create his own rationalization. He confesses that he wishes he wasn't alone. The counsellor asks him to perform a visualization exercise to imagine who he wants there with him... she asks about his visualization.. is it a man or a woman (woman), is it his wife (no), is she pretty (dodges, she encourages that there are no right or wrong answers, he confesses yes), she asks if she's more serious or more fun (more fun).

      • A month later, mission control has a 'huge surprise' for him. They sent him companion officer (pic). When he opens his supply airlock, he finds a pretty young blond woman in a stasis pod. He finds himself attracted to her, and avoids bringing her out of stasis. The next morning he's startled to find her awake and eating breakfast. She introduces herself, and explains her mission responsibilities.

      • During his next counselling session, he's asked how the new companion is working out. He first explains how it's great.. but then opens up about how it's a bit awkward, because just her being pretty and friendly feels like she's flirting with him and he's doing something wrong -- because he's married. The counsellor explains that it's completely natural for him to feel attracted to her, as she is young and pretty. Then goes on to ask him more questions (does he like that she's pretty and friendly? would he act on his attraction? is his attraction to her the reason he's stopped masturbating since she arrived?) -- that digs into him feeling violated, and his counselor explaining they are all just working for his benefit.

    • "Age of Maturity"

      • women are 2x taller than men, and at the "age of maturity", they can get a man of their own

      • we follow a group of 4 19 year old girls as they all pick out their 'men' and explore life with them

    • "High Class"

      • expensive treatments allow the wealthy to grow 12-36 inches taller than normal

      • we see teenage life through the eyes of a non-wealthy girl who's wealthy childhood friend gifts her the treatments

    • "Program Adjustment"

      • wealthy parents order a 'digital tutor' (robot) for their son away at college

      • somehow he hacks into their order, and alters the parameters.. adding the 'adult mode' package, adjusting her figure, and accidentally making her 6'4"

    • "Dreamscape"

      • Scientist invents a device that allows people to visit their dreams as a full sensory experience. What they don't realize is that dreams are bleed across multiple-dimensions, and the device is accessing this rift.

      • One of the test subjects has an amazon/minigts dream he inhabits.

      • Strange things happen, as elements of the test subject's dreams enter their real worlds, but only the dreamer is aware of the changes. The scientists don't believe them, because to them the changes have always been present.

    • "The Verse"

      • nerdy (18yo) teenage boy is sheltered by his parents, and not allowed to access the 'Adult Verse' until he pays the bill himself

      • his parents have to move for work, and he enters a new high-school.. his parents think he can shed his socially troubled past, but they don't understand

      • we see him ostracized at school because of his parents treating him like a 'baby'

      • he befriends a nerdy teenage girl, whose parents also wouldn't let her access the Adult verse... they chat about the verse... and the subtext is she's much more experienced than he is.

      • when they finally meet up in the verse, she's a bit surprised appearing as her non-adult avatar, as she hasn't used it in so long. she explains how she hacked her own adult access, quickly doing the same thing for him. before he can even consider it, she's removed the remaining 4 parental content locks..and turns on "billing privacy" so adult activities won't show up in the logs or bills (designed for married partners)

      • suddenly she appears as her 8' tall primary adult avatar (pic). he's floored ("you are sonya the blade!?"). she adjusts some settings to bring her down to more normal 5'9" in heels. it being his first time to adult-verse, she ask what he'd like to do, suggesting he must be curious, and suggesting some game-names he doesn't recognize. sky is the limit. he doesn't actually know anything about it, so he just asks to play his favorite teen-safe shooter game. She's a bit surprised, but agrees, and teleports them to a lobby where her huge gun materializes.

        • he's surprised they are playing diamond level, and that she has a very hard-to-get-gun, she checks how many hours they have. she's a pro, he's an amateur. She encourages him, and just tells him to stick with her.

        • as they run into position, he's distracted by her body and bikini attire, and gets clipped by a bullet. She quickly shoves him behind cover, and returns fire, ending the duo that was shooting at them. she asks if he's really up for this, or he wants to do something less competitive. he wants to continue.

        • The rest of the match, he's chasing behind her hiding for cover, as she single handedly annihilates 17 of the 24 enemy players before she finally gets tapped, and him shortly after. In the lobby she's upset she got shot at all. he apologizes that he couldn't help much.

      • she suggests she knows a game he'd be comfortable with. she gestures some commands, and suddenly they are floating in black empty space, surrounded by stars. He recognizes the popular kids game, "space play". everyone knows it. he hasn't played it for years. She suggests "trust me, you've never played it like this before", and starts gesturing. Below them, a clear crystal surface materializes, then she sinks a large sphere into it, and fills the sphere with water, which is somehow softly lit with blue light. then she stands on the edge, gestures her outfit into a full bikini, and dives into the water.

        • Only the ripples in the water and reflections on the sphere block his view of the stars below, as her sexy body slides away from him, surfacing on the opposite edge.

        • "coming in?" she teases.

      • ?? where is this going ??

        • she could tease him about 'enjoying her avatar'... knowing it's not her, knowing it's designed just for sex appeal

        • she could RP an alter-ego who enjoys dominating men with her curvacious body

        • maybe we see some of the boys oogle after a famous sexy female avatar (sonya the blade) by watching her stream their favorite combat game and whoop everyone's ass... only for him to later find out the nerdy girl he meets is her

        • maybe she fakes that "sonya the blade" is her friend (not her), trying to keep her secret while still giving her the chance to RP seduce him as sonya.

    • "She Hulk" / "Big Jackie" / ?? / "Furious" / "Pandora's Box"

      • inspired by -

      • a lab accident causes a woman to be irradiated by gamma rays, but because of an experimental medical treatment, she miraculously lives

      • afterwords:

        • making her a little mad causes her to get more assertive, horney, frisky, stronger, and a bit more busty

        • ...she 'doesn't know what came over her', and doesn't completely remember what happened

        • ...her new boyfriend decides not to completely fess up about what he learned, and instead uses it to his advantage, bragging to his friends about how easy it is to rile up his new girl, and how hot she is

        • ...he pushes the boundaries, and the harder he pushes, the more pronounced her physical transformation becomes....

        • ...when real world situations make her mad, he rushes to diffuse before things get out of control

        • eventually something makes her furious, and she turns into a 7'5" amazon sex goddess, and takes sex through a combination of seduction and domination

        • this point he thinks he's going crazy. he tries to tell her, but she thinks he's crazy. he talks to his guy friends, they think he's crazy. eventually he insists one of them come over and see it for himself.

          • as he tries to escalate how mad she is, his friend tries to intervene and stop him (thinking he's abusing her), then she finally transforms, and his friend is stunned. he tries to get his friend to leave, but she intervenes, then seduces and fucks them both

          • afterwords his friend is stunned, but they decide they are not crazy, and it actually happened. (his friend is a little freaked out that he just fucked his girlfriend, but he insists she wont remember a thing) his friend wants to get it on video. he backpedals, now that he knows he's not crazy, he doesn't want to give up his sex gift horse. he appeals to his friend not to tell anyone.

          • it isn't long before his friend is asking for a repeat performance, which he declines. his friend schemes, invites her over under false pretenses (guitar tutoring?), triggers her, and gets seduced and fucked by her. she tore her clothes in the process, so he awkwardly dressed her in some of his. she asks about it when she wakes up and he makes up a story.

          • when they are all out in public, she asks if the friend needs another tutoring session, which he tries to dodge, but her boyfriend knows what is going on and privately confronts him about it. he denies it, before fessing up, and rationalizing (she doesn't remember, he's been dreaming about it, how could he resist?). the boyfriend scolds him and tells him never again, but he fires back with a video he took of the transformation, threatening to go public unless he lets her keep up the guitar tutoring

          • now the boyfriend is in a morale dilemma. he decides he has to save her from this extortion, so he makes his own video, and then uses it to try to confront her with the facts. At first, even seeing the video, she doesn't believe it. however, he riddles off facts about her 'missing memories', explaining how each time he makes her mad, she doesn't remember what happens next. she still doesn't totally believe him. She questions - if he makes her mad right now it happen? Yes. She is smart, and devises a plan, picking a distinctive T-shirt, videotaping herself a message while normal, and then asks him to do it, to make her mad. Which he does, and her transformed self taunts to her normal self in the message, including details about how he showed his friend, and how his friend triggered her, before tearing off the t-shirt, and fucking him.

          • when she sees the video, she finally believes, even though she's in disbelief. challenges him about the stuff with his friend she mentioned, which starts to make her mad, and he has to calm her down about it (explaining that he thought he was crazy). she tries to calm herself, starting to realize her predicament. she doesn't feel in control of herself, and is worried. she asks how many people know about it. if his friend knows anyone could now. she mostly trusts him, and she needs his help, he has to help her avoid getting triggered around anyone else.

            • Finally she thinks about how this is happening, and wonders if there is a connection between this and the accident. (what accident?) she explains the accident. she should report this to her doctor, but she's completely embarrassed about what she would be reporting. they'll think she's crazy. no, she can't tell them.

            • she just has to learn to remain calm. "at least most of the time" she teases. She considers how her alter-ego has her memory, even though she doesn't remember. she wonders if she can teach her alter-ego to control herself. She talks to herself in the mirror, asking her not to have sex with her boyfriend this time. Then she asks him to get her mad. / her alter-ego is annoyed at the request for restraint, and starts to seduce him anyway... but he tries to explain that she's testing to see if she can avoid having accidents with (friend) or anyone else. after bantering about it, she reluctantly complies... then starts a handjob instead, since she's not supposed to have sex. he can't refuse her.

            • she wants to diffuse the situation with his friend... she wants to do it as her alter-ego, but she doesn't trust that yet, so she does it as her normal self. using carefully chosen words to threaten to beat him to a pulp if he tells anyone about her.

          • .... life goes on like this for a while, until....

          • a calamity happens, and she transforms and with some coaxing from her boyfriend, she actually does some good (super heroin style)...

            • afterwords her boyfriend tells her what she did, and she's kind of elated/excited and proud of her alter ego... both that she helped people, and she didn't have sex with anyone. she wonders if they could do more. / then she promptly starts to hurt herself, (what are you doing?), her alter-ego knows, she's giving her what she wants... and she seduces and fucks him

          • -- weave in stories about how her change is benefitting her at work... she's generally become more assertive, sexier, intimidating, get promoted etc

          • she comes up with some hair-brained crime-fighting ideas, and eventually they brainstorm one that's not terrible

            • they carry it out as a team, and even her alter-ego kind of enjoys the ass-kicking domination in a way

            • then she carries him off to fuck him (that turned her on too much to wait, and he better comply or she'll find some random guy)

          • she makes the news.

            • his friend asks about it. "she's in control of it now" (which is only half true)