the clinic outline

    • Concept

      • After years of marriage, Tim's wife has let herself go and lost interest in sex. When lamenting the problem with an old college buddy, complimenting him on his sexpot wife and his own fitness. His friend lets him in on his secret, 'The Clinic', claiming he's been going for years, it changed their life and it could change his too.

      • Once at the Clinic (they go at the same time as their friends), Tim's wife is skeptical while he's enthusiastic, but once the results she wants begin (just her voice at first), she gets incredibly into it and goes overboard. This not only fuels one of the fastest transformations they've ever seen, but she doesn't stop there - continuing to grow taller and stronger. Tim is completely into it, until a session leaves her taller than him.

      • This starts the struggle, where Tim is mad every time she gets bigger, wants to know when it will stop, but he has less and less power to resist her (emotional and physically), as she turns into a 7'5" tall amazon tower of feminine perfection...

    • Characters

    • Ideas

      • mystic knowledge explains that humanity has the bargain all wrong. that the mind is in control of making the body they want, only through honesty, desire fulfillment, and trust can they open the gateway... this involves some bonding and delicate honesty, mediated by clinic counsellors.. "one step at a time", as each partner reveals a specific fantasy, and the other person fulfills it to get results

      • the first couple fantasies are easy to admit, but hard for them to submit to... once the results begin, the participants are more than willing, but the counselors have to facilitate more to help the participants understand their true desires and fantasies (the faster they are honest, the more their partner can grow into their most confident admired self)

    • Themes:

      • built around a "morpheus to neo" style of "do you really think your speed has anything to do with your muscles, in this place"

      • optimistrist-esq" converastion to draw out what Lisa wants

      • Lisa doesn't really believe, so she starts with a non-physical change "musical/singing", which Tim is confused about, but the counselor supports

      • Once Lisa gets results, she professes to be 110% all in

      • Lisa downplays her amazon dream ("i guess i have always wanted to be a little taller")

      • Clinic counselor works on Tim to find common ground

        • at 6'5" ("so there is no part of you finds this new change attractive? none? -- ahh i thought so)

        • at 7' ("i know this was unexpected, but take a step back. your wife is incredible special. nobody has ever seen results like this, not only is she incredibly unique, it could make her famous,

    • Questions

      • Q1. what happens with the other couple?

        • A1.1. She could be inspired by Lisa, getting bigger too. Maybe the clinic gives them an 'upgrade' to a (shared) private house, to quietly keep them away from other guests? Tim's friend gets mad at him for the mess, but it's not his fault. How could he know Lisa's desire to be huge. Lisa and the other wife become fast friends,

      • Q2. what happens when they go back to their regular lives?

        • A2.1

      • Q3. where to work in the idea of Lisa wanting to 'enjoy' sex more, especially giving oral?

      • Q4. they may need to see the price of breaking the rules to get them to adhere to them so strictly.

      • Q5. how can we introduce Lisa's desire to enjoy sex more, and have more control during sex, earlier.

      • Q6. can we change lisa's dislike of "implants" for a dislike of "surgery"

      • Q7. should we make Lisa sexually dominating from the beginning, as a 'compensation' for her short height?

Story Chapters

    • "introductions"

      • intro Tim, Lisa, their lackluster married sex life, and their dispassionate thoughts about kids

    • "invitation"

      • intro the concept, and Tim getting invited to "The Clinic"

    • "selling Lisa"

      • time tries to convince his wife lisa to go to the clinic

    • "arrival"

      • tim and lisa semi-fighting, feeling out of place among all the happy hardbodies... Lisa's outright refusal to be in her bathing suit in front of any of those people...

    • "welcome yoga session"

      • special welcome to the clinic, reminder of why they are all here, calling out Tim/Lisa as newcomers, and asking everyone to give them support.

    • "welcome Lisa" -

      • solo counselling session (Lisa the skeptic, tough session), her low confidence in results, when they challenge what she thinks it takes to have a good singing voice (vocal cords vs technique), which they are actually really happy with. she agrees it's mostly technique, and that technique is controlled by the brain, and if she could somehow reach out and find those techniques, she'd have a much better voice.. she totally believes. end with homework

    • "welcome tim" -

      • tim's solo counselling intro, review what he'd like to get out of the clinic, and he turns to mostly physical stuff...they ask him for something else as physical changes are difficult, but he's a bit defensive (also projecting on Lisa) and doesn't want anything else. they go through his preferences for himself, and then for lisa. then ask him how he thinks that could happen, concedes "75%" buy in about believing "some results" can happen, but when they ask how they would happen, he talks about physical activity.. her being tough. explaining that he has to support any choice and change she makes. switch gears, asking him for preference photos. it's her choice, but they can encourage the ideas more mutually favorable... end with homework

    • "awkward intimacy homework" -

      • fits and starts, some clinic elements make them laugh, get them to calm down, they end up having a nice time (even though there is hardly anything physical)... then bedtime affirmations

    • "first joint session" -

      • Lisa isn't really bought in, so her first change is to be "musical" -- a singing voice, which Tim is not thrilled about ("really? you can change anything you want about yourself, and you want to sing?") -- she defends it joyfully, thinks the whole thing is a joke.. maybe even makes fun of Tim's friend's wife sex appeal -- they ask to be more specific, what kind of voice, what type of song would she like to be good at singing...

    • "group yoga"

      • 12 couples participate in wacky Clinic Yoga (could be couple swapped with Tim's friend, to "teach" them how it works), including the semi awkwardness of Tim/Lisa being nervously attracted to their more attractive friends, more affirmations

    • "more awkward intimacy homework"

      • ... more funny stuff, slightly more physicality, but in a silly way... bedtime affirmations

    • "good morning clinic"

      • ... waking up at the clinic..... Tim swearing he's noticing some physical results. Lisa is softly encouraging without believing. More morning routine. then the clinic pipes in her favorite song. she notices, and ends up moving humming, and singing the refrain -- getting more into it when she realizes she has a voice, then exclaims "holy shit!" and keeps singing more of the words,

        • .. move the rest of the event into a recap in the counselling session..

          • ...starting to awkwardly jam around and air guitar, as she serenades herself. Tim is smiling, and hugging her at the end. her eyes are filled with tears

    • ("digging deeper, joint session")...

      • start with recap of changes they experienced... praise for her singing voice demonstration, and encouragement to continue

      • then she asks them how bought in they are that results can happen... (Tim is 100%, Lisa is 110%, 150%, 200% in), which they all laugh about.

      • Lisa comes up with other non-physical changes (to be smarter, not a geek intellectual or anything, but just smarter),

        • ... counselor quickly uses the clinic pattern to show that intelligence is merely a choice of how to use your mind (do you think smarter people have bigger brains?).... at the end, she asks if there is anything else she'd like to change

      • Lisa next begrudgingly admits some physical changes would be okay ("getting rid of these love handles. and maybe a little more 'shape' up top, you know, for Tim"). The counselor explains that's not how it works. In order for the changes to happen, she has to genuinely want them.

      • "let's move away from talking about yourself. let's look at some photos of women."

      • she starts with line-drawing A/B "flash cards" of individual body part shapes, (slender hips vs curvy hips), (bubble butt vs tight butt), (waify vs strong) (firmer vs natural breast shape) (shorter, taller, about the same)

        • it's not easy for Lisa to admit her answers to these questions, especially more specific ones, but she gets through it with some encouragement... the counselor leads Tim into supporting statements as well

        • after she gets through them, the counselor says that's a really good start.. these types of changes normally take longer than the kind of results you saw with your voice. our normal course of action is to stop here and sit with that for a day or two, as it's easier to focus the mind on a more specific image once you've seen some results and are 'bought in'.

        • Tim is quick to accept and close out, 'Great! That sounds great, doesn't it honey?'

        • Lisa is reluctant, 'is there anything more we can do? anything to

      • she brings out female model 'cover shots' informed by the choices, many fitness models, some more busty less fitness pinup glamor models....

      • Lisa flips through, admitting they are all beautiful, a little embarrassed to pick one, but clearly lingering on a few. Lisa tries to ask her husband what he likes, but the counsellor stops her, "we'll hear from him in a minute, right now I'd like to know what you admire. Afterall, it's your body you should be in control of." she waits longer, and

      • I see you lingering on this one," she picks up a fitness shot (janna breslin - pic pic), "what is it you like about her?"

        • eventually she likes her fitness, because it gives her an appearance of confidence, "don't fuck with me", "i don't need a man to protect me"

      • ????

      • after cautioning that these photos will be more sensual and revealing so they can "get specific". she offers a few sexy photos of the model Lisa selected (picpic), and asks for her reactions.... then she looks through a stack, explaining that she's looking through photos Tim selected for similar elements... then offering a couple up, and asking for reactions to a specific one that's most fitness-y (pic pic pic)

        • Lisa's first reaction is surprise ("ohh god. hell, i'd fuck her, and i don't even like girls"), then she turns to chastising Tim ("but honey, i'm sorry. you know I'll never get implants)... the counselor corrects her (our techniques don't require surgery. merely clearing cruft from your mind)... "still, i don't want people to think i'm a porn star."

        • (that's fine. let's focus on what you do admire, things you want to make part of your own self image. you clearly admire fitness over curvy hips, which one of these comes the closest to what you're aiming for) "seriously, they're all amazing." when forced, she picks her initial model. (you said that 'stronger, confident look you want" is related to muscle definition, which of these represents the most what you're looking for) she thinks her initial model and the most fitnessy of tim's are both equally good. (you said you like a firmer rounder breast shape. which of these do you admire the most?) she resists, that she'd absolutely opt for the fitnessy Tim selection with firmer and slightly larger breasts, but naturally she'll settle for her initial model's photo. The counsellor does a mini-session on her 'selling herself short', using similar situations where a preference is requested (dinner? dessert? a movie?) and asking her if she would insist on her second choice. "no". then pick up the photo with the bust shape you'd most prefer to have. (she picks up Tim's fitnessy babe). would you say this look is pretty close to what you're aiming for? "yes" she congratulates her first personally, and then roping tim in on support....

      • .... they turn to Tim, and the whole process is comically short in comparison. over in just a few minutes.

      • she sends them home with the photos

    • "group body image yoga"

      • this time the cross-couples are same-sex paired, to teach them about body image yoga

    • "bedtime body image affirmations"

      • standard clinic routine, plus

      • "incredibly awkward affirmations to their 'dream body photos' and themselves"

      • nothing physical at all, but lots of emotional encouragement, some of it kinda silly.... where they hold up the body image photos, and the partner confirms they would "love them just as much if they had their dream body"

      • bedtime routine, including eyemasks and instructions for "exploring each other' (hands, arms, faces, thighs, tummy, chest)

        • they study the dram body photos, then touch each other, describing how the touch would feel better if they had their dream body

    • "morning avoidance"

      • after some morning avoidance, they do the exploring game. explaining what they would feel with their dream body... Tim tries to emphatically insist her thighs actually do feel different, but she dismisses him. then they move to her tummy, and she says "wow, this technique is really starting to work", i can almost feel the dream body thighs, then Tim tries to explain that it's not just in her mind, repeatedly poking and making a big deal about how her thighs are much trimmer... she teases him for "laying it on a little too thick", and suggesting it's time to remove the masks, but Tim reminds her they need to do 'chests', and she makes fun of him and how this doesn't exactly seem 'fair'. however, when he feels her up, he can't help but exclaim about how different her tits feel, and this time she can feel it herself. she clasps her hands over his, then moves them out of the way, touching herself and exclaiming. Tim takes his mask off to find his wife substantially more attractive. when she takes off her mask and looks in the mirror, she almost completely freaks out... she doesn't look like her dream body, but she looks substantially better than the night before, leaner and trimmer and even a bit more shapely up top. / at some point they finally talk about tim's changes, as an afterthought

        • then they get back to Lisa, and it doesn't take long for her to feel sexy and make advances. she asks if they are allowed, and they both seem to think they are, so they have giddy excited sex for the first time in the story

    • "body image session"

      • "i can already see the last 24 hours you've both made some progress... how do you feel about it?"

        • Tim mostly gushes about Lisa's body changes. even when the counselor tries to steer him to his own goals

        • Lisa also gushes about her body changes. she believes it, but she just can't believe it. "how is this possible"? the counselor repeats their simple mantras about controlling the mind

      • the counsellor asks if they'd like to continue working on the body image, or if they'd like to work on something else.. they both emphatically want to work on body image.

      • the counselor gives them some new homework and rules.

      • skip yoga; spend time with each other alone, no distractions.

      • let your partner "explore" you as much as they want with their mask on, but not at all with the mask off

      • must have the mask on for intimate contact, no seeing eachother naked, and no intercourse - but oral or manual okay.

    • " bunnies"

      • back at the room, Tim can't keep his eyes (or his hands) off her.. which she doesn't know what to do with at first, but soon she's starting to like the effect she's having on him.

      • she has a little fun with it, enjoying the opportunity to finally tease him... but they have to put the masks back on to actually fondle... so they get in bed, and start their 'homework' early... fondling each other, undressing, and getting each other off.. (this first time, she reluctantly decides to finish him with oral to avoid a huge mess from the blindfolds, but ends up complaining)

      • even afterwords, he can't keep his hands off her.... which she teases him about, but then admits it feels great. then she lies back and asks him to keep fondling her, she's going to work on her body image affirmations... it isn't long before she's getting aroused, and making her affirmations a little dirty, asking him to go a little further. then she's asking him to get her off (oral?) and he does.

    • "light speed"

      • ... the next morning they wake up laughing about sleeping in until 11am, after their long night of escapades, joking about at least the clinic is helping their sex life... before the shock sets in that Lisa's body is not just a little changed, it's massively changed. she's incredibly lean and trim, and while she doesn't have visible muscles, her abs have a flat shape that is not at all flabby. then they move on to her tits, which are unmistably bigger and firmer. neither of them can believe it.

      • tim starts to get a little carried away, before Lisa scolds him and reminds him the rules are they have to wear their eyemasks, which he races to put on and then starts fondling her, making her laugh. she talks about ways she likes the changes, and when he starts trying to get some attention from her, she teases for a while that the ''can't" because she doesn't have her mask on.. she's hungry, she needs breakfast... only finally laughing and relenting in putting her mask on and giving him a morning handjob, making him do something to catch the mess because it's easier for him

      • when they get clothes on and get out of bed, they see the next shock.. she's notably taller, 4 inches (5'9")... which she's has to confirm empirically -- affirm how great it feels and get excited about

    • "ahead of the curve"

      • the opening of the counselling session is them gushing about what happened.. how unbelievably amazing it is, and yet it really is happening. / the counsellor explains she's equally impressed with Lisa's progresses, that it's not unheard of, but it's way way ahead of the norm... most people have to work for weeks to get these kind of results...

      • she asks them about their 'activities', and they provide some color without being too specific..

        • (maybe the touch on the oral distaste, rules making male messes hard) -- and the counsellor asks Lisa if she wants to feel that way about it? or wants to enjoy it more? -- maybe she gives her 'homework'

      • the counsellor asks if they've achieved enough body image progress and want to try something else, and both of them want to stick to it.... Lisa expresses that if 'that much can happen in a day, she wants to go all the way'

      • the counsellor gives them homework, they have to go back to group yoga, but do it together this time... and tonight they need to try to have the same amount of 'activity' they did the day before, but with no more blindfolds.. (and maybe she reminds Lisa to give him oral and do an affirmation about it, and instructs Tim to remind her if she forgets)

    • "jumping eachother"

      • back at their apartment, they are still sweaty from yoga, and when Lisa undresses to shower off, Tim jumps in and can't keep his hands off her. This time Tim is gushing about loving her new body, and she's just teasing him "ohh i bet you do"... but she has other thoughts, "you know what I love? being taller." she doesn't feel like a kid anymore. and she finds it much more 'convenient' height as she handles his cock, and rubs it against her tummy

        • Tim casually suggests this would be a good time for her to do her oral affirmations, which she scolds him for, and starts smaller, doing an incredibly dirty affirmation about putting her lips on him. before doing it and affirming it as she does it.

        • ..but she won't bring him to climax and has a better idea, insisting he clean up...

        • in bed, she feigns that she needs help and asks him to make oral affirmations first, to show her how, then she'll do it... which he chuckles about and gladly complies... he talks about how he'd like to get better at female oral, as he works on her until she's grabbing at the bed and moaning.. "comically saying it was 'pretty good', before reminding him "you have not done that in a long time."

        • then she goes to town on him, giving him oral and affirming.... he only lasts a couple minutes, which he whines about, but she just chuckles "not my fault" / to which he retorts "it kind of is"

    • "earlier morning"

      • this morning, they wake up early, 8am, at first just talking to eachother under the covers about being excited to find out what's changed... remarking it feels like a kid on christmas morning

      • Tim reveals first, and he looks downright handsome and masculine (hairline? jawline? no more love handles?)... Lisa encourages him, gushing long enough to make a game of stalling... which Tim calls her on

      • She makes her reveal dramatic, taking the bedsheet with her at first, and the only thing more shocking than Tim's jaw hanging open is what she sees when she looks in to the mirror. Her tits are a bit bigger still, and so much firmer and rounder they're beginning to look like implants. But that's not as dramatic as her muscle tone. Her arms, legs, and abs are all contoured with subtle but obvious muscle definition, just like her dream-photo. She can't help but curl her bicep. "holy shit. this is only after two days!" / "Honey, you look fucking amazing. I can't believe it. You just may be the sexiest thing I've ever seen." / she approaches him, and teases that "after the oral i gave you last night, i better be the sexiest thing you've ever seen."

      • as he fondles her, she steps up her affirmations to a new level of dirty self appreciation.. which only turns him on more, encouraging her to go further, downright flaunting her new body features for him

      • at some point he realizes she seems even taller than yesterday, to which she flaunts 'fuck yeah, i'm taller, and you love it. stand up and lets see.' and they get up off the bed to find out that she's almost exactly his height, which excites her even more. She uses the moment to affirm how she likes being tall enough to grind her clit up against him, and then when he resumes fondling her tits, she arches and pulls his face into her tits, again affirming her height.

      • she declares how wet and turned on she is, but she playfully insists that he's going to have to do her first.. 'you want to know why?' -> "because when I put you in my mouth, i want to edge you so long and slow you'll be begging me to make you come."

    • "endless tortured"

      • a couple hours later, Lisa is still edging him with her hands and mouth, but now he's wimpering and occasionally asking her for 'more'... the phone rings, and she teases that he won't mind if she answers... the person is making sure everything okay, and she explains it is, why? he reminds them they missed their 11am counselling. "ohh my god, honey it's 11am, we forgot our appointment. i'm so sorry Derek, is it okay if we are there in 5, no maybe 10 minutes?" / "it's no trouble, these things happen from time to time. there's no need to rush. we just want to make sure you're getting everything you need out of the clinic." / "ohh we certainly are." / "Excellent. Would you prefer we move your appointment to after lunch?" / "ohh yes, that would be much better. wouldn't it honey?" she's back to edging him and his passion is obvious in his attempt to respond. / "excellent, we'll see you at 3pm then. we'll give you a courtesy call fifteen minutes prior." / "ohh, that would be amazing, Derek. Thank you so much." / click.

      • "Isn't Derek nice? I hope he has a girl who likes to tease his cock as much as I like to tease yours. Are you ready for another visit from my tongue? Here it comes...."

    • "makeup session"

      • ?? is it with a different counsellor (male?), because theirs is booked ??

      • "how is everything going? you first Lisa.."

      • Lisa gushes about her unbeilevavle transformation. how she thought this place was just a sham, but she's never seen anything like it. In just a couple days she went from unremarkable and pinching much more than a couple inches, to "this".

        • he responds clinically, "yes, i see that you progress is quite exceptional. how has the last day been?"

        • ohh my god, amazing. i feel strong and confident, which has completely changed our sex life. i used to feel stupid acting sexy, but now with the way Tim responds to me, I'm practically addicted to acting sexy.

      • "and Tim? how do you feel since your last session."

        • "I don't have any words. Even when we first met the sex was never this good. it's like the changes opened up a whole new side of her." / "That's about Lisa. What do you think about your changes?"

        • he's quiet for a minute, and confesses that they're good, but then asks why he isn't seeing results as dramatic as hers. / "i assume you mean physical results", the counsellor reminds him that everyone is different, and asks if he's seen any other results. He thinks and can't come up with anything.

        • Lisa immediately interjects that she has seen a result. She apologies, "i'm sorry baby," before explaining that he never really knew what to do to get her off, especially not with his tongue. It was part of why she thinks she started to dislike oral so much, because the trade wasn't really a trade when she had to fake it everytime... but now it's like he wrote the kama sutra. he finds exactly the right spot, uses exactly the right pressure.... he's made me climax more in the past two days than in the last year

        • Lisa? Seriously? --- "I'm sorry. they asked for total honesty. And the truth is, you're now amazing honey, and I love it."

      • "Well, it sounds like everything is going well for the both of you then. I'm not going to advise any changes, so you can just keep it up until you see (xyz) tommorow morning.". he reminds them about the dinner reservation set for them and their "sponsor couple" ... "oops", they would have forgot... "ohh, and Lisa, stop by the clinic botique. after going through this much change, you'll probably want some new clothes to wear."

    • "dinner with friends"

      • friends are floored at how far Lisa's changes have gone already, and her sexy dress... especially her height, 5'11", and 6'3" in heels (the tallest there).. the sponsors both compliment them both on the positive changes

      • they all commiserate over their happiness about the clinic.... tim thanks his friend, who is welcome and told him it would be great -- there is just no way to explain exactly what happens here... "no there isn't"

      • --

      • maybe there is cross couple flirting, which feels better now that everyone is attractive.

      • maybe at some point the girls and guys break off same-sex to chat?

        • the girl-friend compliments Lisa at being "as intimidating as she is sexy"... asking what it feels like to be that tall... confessing that she wants to be a little taller, but it never happens.... she asks Lisa 'how she did it?'

        • Lisa just parrots a clinic mantra, and then explains that at first she was concerned about what Tim wanted, but once she let that all go, things really started to happen.

    • "friends affirmations"

      • the wife of tim's friend approaches their nightly affirmations with a question about height... asking what he thought about Lisa and her height... ("fuck she's sexy, but people are going to stare at them, at her, everywhere they go") --- is that bad?

        • ... somehow this leads to her confessing she'd like to be taller. maybe not that tall, but taller.. and asking him to support her affirmation..

    • "amazon sunrise" (Lisa 6'7")

      • Lisa props on her side, reaches to Tim's crotch, and "wakes him up", "good morning hot stuff" / he shakes off his grog right into her gentle fondling - "wow, this is a wakeup i can absolutely get used to" (he admires her tits popping out the top of her sports bra) / "it's just going to be a quickie honey. i'm anxious to get down to the pool and swim some laps. now that i have this body i want to keep it." / "does that mean I finally get to see you in a bikini?" / "If you're lucky, now come here." as she leaned in to kiss him, she griped and twisted his cock, slowly ramping up the stimulation.

        • he responded by reaching over and briefly caressing her neck, then her shoulder, then her collarbone, each so fleeting it was obvious what he really wanted. His hand rubbed down the contour and slipped under the fabric, grabbing and squeezing at the prize. And for a change, she loved it. Her newly engorged breasts were firm, feeling less like squishy boobs and more like taught round tits.

        • but he was going slow. She wanted to move this along faster, to go show off her new bod in a bikini. She shifted her fingers, rubbing and squeezing across the head. ... while teasing him about how amazing her new breasts are, "wanna suck them?" - then shoving them into his face, and dirty talking more about she likes their new heft - .

        • while rubbing him off and helping him suckle her firm tits, she wrapped her leg over him and is surprised at how small he seemed. She wasn't just a little bit taller than him, she was alot taller, but she didn't make a big deal about it.

        • ...she talks dirty and strokes him (threatening to put her lips on him if he won't come), until he sprays onto himself.

        • "alright, i'm going to quickly shower, then swim some laps.", as she rises for the bathroom she seems eerily unfamiliar, her shape having been replaced by powerful legs, arms, and back of solid muscle, all of which visibly move under her skin as she peels off her white tank top (pic). Seeing her arms stretched above her head, her arms bending to fit through the door frame, made her seem even taller as she disappeared into the bathroom. (pic pic)

        • She immediately looked in the mirror, anxious to see herself. She had already felt her breasts defying gravity to hold their shape, and she loved how they looked (pic pic pic), but until that moment she didn't realize how muscular she'd become. She took a step closer, astonished to see the muscles in her legs at work. "Honey! You have to come see this," she called to the other room.

        • Tim was sitting on the bed, semen covered tissues in his hand, almost done cleaning up the mess. He was feeling pretty good about himself. Not only did his wife have a sexy new body and attitude, but self inspection left him feeling pretty strong and handsome. His love handles were almost gone, his arms seemed a little more manly, and he even felt like his package was a bit more prominent. His wife urgent tone got him moving, briskly making his way to the bathroom.

        • When he got there, he was not prepared for the sight. His wife was standing in front of the mirror topless, admiring one of her muscled arms. She was not so much flexing as just tensing it as she ran her opposite hand over it. "Honey, I have muscles! Look at this!" She turned towards him, functionally cupping and lifting her gorgeous breasts out of the way, and they both stared as ridges of definition appeared across her abs. (pic pic pic pic ) "I know I shouldn't have had any doubt after yesterday, but this is surreal. And look at my legs!" She turned to show her profile, briefly (pic) offering an impressive view of the subtle but clear shape of muscles down her leg, then started sauntering towards him like a huntress. Or maybe that was just what it looked like when she walked, he couldn't tell the difference.

        • She already knew she was taller. She'd felt it in the bed when she cradled him; he noticed it in the doorway; but it became so much more real stepping towards her husband, seeing clear over the top of his head. (pic pic pic pic pic pic) She was already on an endorphin high from the way it felt just to move. Knowing she towered over not only him, but virtually any man, made her crotch briefly tingle and surge with wetness. She could see from his stunned look that he was neither prepared nor on board, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from enjoying the moment. She gently grasped his head with both hands, tilting it upwards to bring their lips together for a gentle morning kiss.

        • Tim was completely overwhelmed. He'd never seen any human this tall, not in person anyway. He could hardly see over her shoulders in the moments before their lips met. He felt incredibly intimidated, and not only by her size. The way she moved, the way she pulled him in, and the firm strength of even this casual embrace were all challenging his manhood. Part of him wanted to resist, to fight, but it was losing to another part of him. The sensuous motion of her tongue and the way her bare breasts gently brushed high on his chest compelled his hands to her. Her ran them up her muscled thighs, rubbing her waist and sides; trying to find some sign of womanly softness.

        • Lisa was enthralled by the feeling of his hands on her. A week before she'd been embarrassed for him to see her naked, now she soaked in the warmth of his gentle fingers running over shape that didn't budge - at least not until he reached her breasts. His palm pressed into her as she let their lips free. "I like that, feeling your hands on me. You might as well help me shower," she announced, leading him towards the glass doors.

        • ...

          • she encourages him to soap her up, and notices how easily she could slip him inside her... complaining about the rule against intercourse.

          • ??? maybe she pins him against the wall behind her, and guides his hand to force him to get her off.

          • afterwords, she abruptly ducks out to go swim.

    • "stroking" (pool scene)

      • he arrives at the pool, spotting her swimming laps, with some people gawking.

      • eventually she steps out of the pool streaming wet, and walks up to him, looking even more "pumped" from the exercise

      • he's intimidated and turned on by her, as another couple approaches to compliment her and make smalltalk

      • she's super flirty, and the couple flirts back, which makes Tim a bit uncomfortable... Lisa notices and wraps her arm over his shoulder, claiming him... when they walk away, she feigns an apology "im sorry, did that bother you?"

    • "counselling session"

      • (touch on the Tim's conflicted feelings, with the counsellor encouraging him to see the positives, the ways she resembles some of his 'ideal' pictures)

      • the counsellor also touches on her height, bringing up her earlier admission that the wants to be a "little taller", and reminding her the work they do there is built on complete trust...

        • with some work, she gets her to admit more of her true fantasy, and why she wants to be physically and intellectually dominant

        • the counsellor asks Tim to support his wife's self actualization and honest, and he uncomfortably forces himself through it

        • Lisa teases that while he seems reluctant, he hasn't been reluctant in bed

        • Tim challenges that it's not the same in public... giving his version of his blatent flirting and diminishing him

      • the counselor suggests a plan of action, involving them spending more time in with others, learning to be your new selves.... group yoga, and spending an evening with your sponsor couple

    • "group yoga"

      • Tim is whisper-fighting with her

    • -----

    • (7') "dwarfed"

    • Lisa downplays her amazon dream ("i guess i have always wanted to be a little taller")

    • Clinic counselor works on Tim to find common ground

      • at 6'5" ("so there is no part of you finds this new change attractive? none? -- ahh i thought so)

      • at 7' ("i know this was unexpected, but take a step back. your wife is incredible special. nobody has ever seen results like this, not only is she incredibly unique, it could make her famous,