The Idol 2 - outline

    • Characters

      • Dr. Austin Logan (idol-keeper) - 5'11" 29 y/o "sporty" post-doc anthropology teacher

      • Anya ( pic ) - Tasha ( pic pic)

      • Natalie "Lea" - 20 y/o, 5'4", brunette, green eyes, beautiful student ( pic )

      • Philia / Riki - the goddess of the idol (pic pic pic) / (final form 9' tall -picpicpicpic pic pic pic pic pic)

    • Thomas - Austin's friend, who is 'enlightened'

  • Summary

    • Austin, an anthropology researcher, studies an ancient egyptian idol, inhabited by an ancient Goddess (Philia / Riki), who promises to give him amazing gifts, enlists and transforms him, before preparing a vessel (Lea), and inhabiting her, transforming her further (6'), announcing herself as the Goddess Riki, and seducing Austin.

    • Riki asks Austin to bring her followers, those would like to reach enlightenment. When he gets away from her, he researches Riki, and realizes the gravity of his mistake. He tries to explain it to a friend, who thinks he's crazy. He insists it's happening. His friend wants to see this Riki. Austin brings him to Riki, which doesn't prove anything to him, until Riki seduces him, gaining power.

    • Riki goes outside, confronting police, gaining attention and power, and choosing her new temple (the tallest building she can see).

    • Austin tries to stop her with a police weapon, but the bullets don't fully penetrate. She demonstrates her ability to levitate him, and puts him to sleep.

    • Days later, he wakes in the high-rise temple, attended by two gorgeous 'sex slaves' (Anya and Tasha). He learns of, and is seduced by, the new lifestyle Riki has provided for him.

      • That afternoon he sees Riki, in her powerful and sexy naked 8' tall glory. She levitates him to her height and jests, asking if his living conditions are 'tolerable'. He's concerned, wanting to know what is going on. How she took the high-rise, what is happening in the outside world. She is the Goddess Riki, everything shone on by the sun and moon is hers. As for the people, she is being patient with them. They send delegations to negotiate, she enlightens them. "you mean enslave them.. like you enslaved Anya and Tasha"... (Riki explains that Anya and Tasha have never known such bliss, challenging him to ask them. they were 'living in squalor', now they want for nothing, get to live in a palace, and serve their Goddess and a king.) "is that what I am? A king?" (you will be, when you accept me as your Goddess. for now you are merely under my care and protection.)

        • ?? maybe (she scolds him for acting concerned for Anya and Tasha after spending the morning making love to them)

        • ?? maybe (she notes he's not so angry with his Goddess that she doesn't arouse him. )

        • ?? maybe one of the windows in her receiving room is open to outside air, and she floats them out of it.

        • ?? maybe she monologues about how society needs her. people living in credit card debt, their health deteriorating, addicted to TV and internet to forget their misery

        • ?? maybe she tells him he has so much, but he could have so much more if he stopped forsaking her. since he's accepted his playthings, she gives his cock a little 'boost' to help him enjoy them, making him slightly bigger and harder to set off.

        • ?? maybe she explains that he will sit by her side in an upcoming worship.

        • ?? maybe she is fascinated by his continued erection, as most men are too intimidated to stay aroused near her vessels.

      • ?? maybe Anya and Tasha are immediately excited about the Goddess improving his cock, and are each giddy to try it.

      • ?? maybe he talks with Anya and Tasha... asking them to be honest about how their lives have changed. They both gush about how awful their lives were. living paycheck to paycheck, mounting debt, miserable boyfriends, addicted to television, just to get a glimpse of excitement. their lives were so out of control they couldn't even take care of their bodies (they were fat). Riki has given them everything they ever wanted. Beauty, confidence, seduction, a lavish home, and you master.

      • ?? he gets to see her convert 'non-believers'... orating about their struggles, and how she will repair their lives, give them peace. They don't have to do anything but accept her, because they are her children, and they deserve to be happy. She finds the most curious among the crowd, and 'transforms' them in front of everyone.

    • Austin, realizes he's not going to get anywhere 'trapped in the good life'. if he wants to help mankind, he needs to get out of the temple. he talks with Riki, trying to understand what authority he'll have as king, then finally relents to her...she gives him gifts in return...

      • ?? maybe she pleasures him

      • ?? maybe she explains that normally she gives her king's physical power, to feel dominant over men and women, but he's different, he wants something different. she calls in Anya and Tasha, and declares that she has a gift for them, from Austin. She enhances them, making them both (7') well defined amazons. They politely thank Goddess and master for the gift. Riki encourages him, and he tingles with excitement as he inspects them. She adds 'one more thing', that they will still serve him, but they need no longer obey him.

        • Once in private, they gush about the gift.. teasing that he has no chance to resist them now. he spends the next few days being pleasured and dominated by his enhanced companions.

    • ?? what next?

      • option 1 - Finally gets to meet her 'council'. Six men and six women, selected to rule and provide order. Riki introduces Austin, flanked by his amazon companions. They discuss their progress toppling and taking over the world governments, and their challenges with economic stability.

      • option 2 - Riki asks him to accept a delegation. He resists negotiating in the nude in the temple, but they insist this is how the Goddess handles all delegations. It is the US ambassador, offering concessions for the Goddess to stop expanding. Tasha walks around him, distracting and belittling the man. When he's done, she asks if he knows what it's like to accept the Goddess, before tearing open his pants and servicing him.

      • option 3 -

    • Ending Ideas

      • Austin somehow kills Riki, letting Lea become the goddess

        • how? he discovers that as the Idol-keeper, his ritual gives the goddess her power. he completes the final bonding ritual, but with Natalie instead... at the last minute starting and banishing Riki. Causing her body to collapse to the floor.

          • The body starts to stir, she recognizes him with surprise 'Professor?, and he realizes it's Lea "awakening". He's concerned for her.

          • As she slowly gets up on hers and knees and pauses, noticing she's naked, he's naked, and it curiously doesn't bother her. She also feels weird, like she's on MDMA. 'Am I on drugs?'

          • 'No, you are not on drugs. I don't know exactly where to start.' While he tries to ease into the topic, she sits back on her heels and is almost looking him in the eye (5'5"), and suddenly interrupts him.

          • "Professor. If I'm not on drugs, why do you look so small?"

          • Austin quickly brings her up to speed, explaining that she's the one who is big.

          • When she looks at herself, she notices her muscles, admiring them. When she summaries the facts she's supposed to believe, she is sure she's on drugs.

          • He insists it's real, and asks if she remembers growing at his apartment. she does, but is surprised those things actually happened, she thought she was just imagining it. She asks about Riki, is she gone then, no longer a threat?

          • Riki is gone, but that's not quite all. He explains the Idol, and that all the power it gave Riki, is now channeling into her.

        • She curiously inspects her hands, commenting that she does feel different. Like she did after that first meditation in his office, only much more so, like she could do anything. Like she could fly.

        • He clears his throat, and tries to gently explain that she probably can. Riki could levitate anything, so if the Idol is channeling into her, she probably can too.

          • It's inside me. I guess you could say I am the Idol. As for the power, I don't know exactly. I saw her transform you, and others. I saw her levitate things, and I saw her put men into some kind of trance, supposedly enlightening them.

        • what does Lea do with mankind? (they really are 'enlightened'.. she creates a legitimate religion)

        • what does Lea do with his two servants? (frees them. offers to return them to normal size if they wish to leave the 'church') (or maybe she transforms all of womankind)

    • Bad ending ideas...

      • Austin realizes it's the idol within him giving her power, and takes his own life to stop her.

      • Austin somehow traps her back in the Idol (keeping his two amazon companions)

  • Situations to introduce

    • companions servicing him in the presence of others

    • allowing 'Lea' to surface and dominate Austin

    • Goddess levitation sex

      • She decides to test him, holding him in her arms, and kissing him as she floats backwards out the 40th story window.

      • ..or letting him ride her, as she floats out the window...

    • what can she do to mankind that's terrible?

      • imprisoned world leaders, sexually torment them, offer them to be ruler if they can get it up and fuck her

      • slaughter soldiers. destroy buildings. (let Austin watch?)

  • Story

    • Austin, an anthropology researcher, studies an ancient egyptian idol, and has strange experiences meditating with it.

    • Eventually the female idol speaks to him, causing him to question the nature of reality. Introducing herself as the nymph of the idol, called Philia by many.

    • Philia makes bold overtures about what she is offering him (strength, wealth, longevity, and the women of his dreams), and convinces him to complete a bonding ritual (with the idol and her entombed body), where the idol melts into him.

    • After that, she is inside him. She coaches him to eat and sleep while she enhances his body. In just a few days, his frame goes from average to toned and defined, looking like he's a gym rat. He's pretty stoked about it.

    • Philia's next step is to find a worthy partner, asking him where the most beautiful women are sold. He explains women are not sold, at least not legally, reciting some historical details about the end of female slavery. she presses him to find a young beautiful woman.

      • he gets frustrated and has to get to class

      • --

      • During the class Philia is distracting him too much, and he has to step outside to argue and shut her up. Acknowledging what she's done for him, promising to help her, but insisting she let him do his job. (my idol keeper need not work, but if this is your wish)

      • he finishes his lecture, and then wraps up with a homework assignment. While the students are filing out of the rows, Philia singles out one of his beautiful students, Natalie. (her, i want her. seduce her.) he objects, on the grounds that she's one of his students, but she forces his hand, making him walk over and awkwardly block her path. He apologizes, making up a fake reason he stopped her.

      • Philia tells him to take her somewhere private. He tries to get out of Natalie's way, but Philia won't allow it. She becomes more forceful, telling him to take her somewhere private or she'll force him to mount her right here. He makes up a story about wanting to go over some of the details of her last paper with her. She would be happy to, but she has a class, asking if she could come by in the afternoon. He accepts, but still can't move his body. When she again confirms she'll see him that afternoon, Philia relents, allowing him to move.

      • When she's out of the room, Philia teases about how she was just a girl, with noone to protect her. He could have just thrown her over his shoulder and taken her. He argues that it's not 400 B.C. anymore. If he carried her away screaming, men with guns and bullets would have come to arrest him. Do you know what guns are? She doesn't, and he starts a history lesson.

    • ---

    • Before Natalie shows up, Austin and Philia are arguing about exactly what she wants from Natalia. She explains that when he meditates with her, Natalie will become a partner unlike any he has ever known. He insists he can find someone who is not one of his students. Philia 'wants her'. Their conversation is unresolved when Natalie knocks on the door. When she enters, Philia commands him to seduce her.

    • Austin starts in with some made up continuation of his excuse for bringing her there, which sounds quite artificial and forced. At first she tries to respond to it genuinely. Philia commands him to 'stop these games and seduce her." Natalie, finds something odd about his demeanor. She questions if 'this paper is the real reason you asked me here'.

    • Philia has had enough, Austin groans in resistance, before she takes him over completely. His composure changes entirely, and through him, Philia starts a grand monologue. Philia explains she's right, there is another reason she's been asked here. "When I looks at you Natalie, I see something special, an intelligent and astoundingly beautiful girl, with surprising inner strength. I also see someone trapped in a cage, afraid to show her real self, afraid to step out of line, toiling over meaningless exercises, quickly forgotten (she tosses the paper across the room). Your spirit shouldn't be caged, Lea. You should be changing this world, moulding it, dominating it. I want to show you how to open the cage. How to set yourself free, so you can soar." Her methods were often confusing, but Austin had to admit, she was good.

    • "Wow, Dr Logan, I've always found you inspiring, but wow. You have no idea how much I appreciate you even taking the time to notice me.

    • Sometimes I feel this fire, like and if I had the chance, I know I could change the world. I just don't know where to start. Where do I start, Professor?" He moved around his desk towards her.

    • "I want to teach you an ancient form of meditation. One that can free your inner strength. Tell me, have you ever meditated?" She shook her head as he reached for a chair filled with papers, lifting it and spilling them to the floor as if they were of no consequence. Then he set it down immediately in front of her, sat on it, and scooted even closer.

      • "I want you to close your eyes, focus on your breathing.

      • ???

        • Lea comes out of meditation feeling 'definitely different'. Austin thinks she looks more confident.

        • She's thanking him profusely, then she unexpectedly kisses him. 'i'm sorry professor. i was wondering what it would be like to kiss you. and then suddenly i was kissing you. do you think the meditation could have had that big an effect?'

        • He calls out to Philia but she's no longer in his head. He's relieved. (she's in hers)

        • ---

        • she shows up to class dressed more confident / provocative. she bounds up after class, and starts gushing about things being different 'ever since you helped me' (she's been meditating every day, says she's going to drop by his office that afternoon to talk more)

        • as she talks she 'stalks around the room' - she really has felt different. she and lists off some seductive and dangerous things she did

          • wrote a paper on the systematic suppression of female strength, submitting it for publication

          • dumped her boyfriend because he couldn't make her orgasm

            • walked a dark alley and beat up a mugger

          • mentions not being religious, but feeling like she's not alone, like there is someone with her, guiding her).

          • 'one thing is really strange though. she's actually two inches taller (5'6"). meditation can't do that, can it?'

          • he suggests it might be a late growth spurt.

          • she confidently walks up close to him, invading his personal space

          • 'another thing that's strange', she's just been having these urges. like in class this afternoon, she got this urge to fuck him. 'would you like me to fuck you, Dr Logan?'

          • he tries to create some distance, but she's undeterred.

          • 'did you like it when I kissed you Dr Logan? I'm going to kiss you again, and then you're going to have a choice. You can either take me back to your place, or I'm going to strip naked and fuck you right here in your office."

          • she pulls him in for a kiss he can't refuse. She moans, like just the kiss and contact with him is ecstasy, and he can feel himself getting warm, like energy is surging through him. When they part, her voice is strange, "miss me, idol-keeper?"

          • it's philia, and he's shocked. he asks what she's doing with Natalie.

          • 'giving her what she always wanted. confidence. strength. power. you better do as she says and take her home, or there could be trouble.' ; her voice changes 'what's it going to be professor?'

          • ----

          • back at his home, she talks himself through what it feels like to be able to take any man she wants. explaining some situation where she recently fucked a random guy on an urge.

          • he cautions her, that this doesn't really seem like her.

          • she backs him against a wall and kisses him again, and he feels the idol glowing warm within him, and feels her feeding off the energy. After they kiss, they both witness her growing taller (5'10"). ('it's happening again, professor. it's you isn't it? it was you all along.)

          • she leads him by the hand to his bedroom, taunting 'im going to fuck you now professor'. she strips him, and pushes him onto the bed. then strips herself, and crawls on top of him. as she rides him, her lithe body develops, becoming more womanly, more defined.

          • ?? Riki surfaces to taunt him.

      • Riki and the meditation slowly changes her, making her (fit and sexy) such that her and Austin begin to fall for eachother.. / Riki gets Natalie to perform the final meditation ritual, and placing the anja stones in her for head, and taking over her body...becoming taller (6')...

        • she seduces Austin in the real world, and asks him to find her other men to worship her

        • Austin realizes he misunderstood the idol transcription. he goes to a friend for help, explaining that he's freed Riki the queen goddess. his friend thinks Austin is nuts, but Austin insists he can prove it.

        • They go to his apartment to find Rikki 7' tall with a collection of male worshippers. Riki seduces his friend into the submission ritual. We witness her gaining size and power from the new worshipper. She teases Austin for thinking he can stop her, but reminds him of his privileged place, and that she'll give him whatever he desires.

        • She needs a new 'temple', grabs the idol and marches out of his apartment, commanding her worshippers to follow. She gets immediate attention on the street, as she curiously inspects (and mangles) some cars and a traffic light. She decides the tallest building should be her temple..and starts to walk towards it.

        • People are in the street watching her, dumbfounded. Police show up, not sure what to do. She stops and kneels, putting everyone in a trance and seducing them, as she finally reaches her full 8' tall muscular radiant form. When she resumes walking, there is an entire crowd of people following her. Austin seems to be the only one immune, he grabs a gun one of the policemen dropped and shoots at her, which only gets her attention. She reaches out and Austin is levitated into the air towards her. She monologues to him... ("You are my cherished idol-keeper. you will have anything you could ever want. why do you challenge me?")

          • "because it's my fault. you are going to enslave them all, and it's my fault."

          • "Silly man. This is not slavery, it is enlightenment. In time you will understand. Now sleep."

          • Austin's body becomes limp and floats beside her, as she leads the march to her new temple.

        • Austin woke to bright light. Everything was blurry at first. He remembered his standoff with Riki, feeling helpless as she levitated him through the air. She was on her way to take over a high-rise as her new temple. Sitting up, he could see he must be in that high-rise. Out a wall of floor to ceiling glass, he saw morning sunlight streaking across a city skyline.

        • His first instinct was that he was now a prisoner, but the room around him was no prison, lavishly adorned with red and yellow fabric, with glints of gold. He was lying in the middle of a ridiculously large mattress easily three or four times a typical king bed.

        • He noticed motion across the room, and realized he was not alone. On the far wall, two women had risen from a bench, wearing sexy lingerie. The blonde woman addressed him, her hair tossed and fiery above above an intricately woven gold top of yarn and beads, complemented by tiny shiny bikini bottoms. "Good morning, master. You've been asleep for three days. Do you feel refreshed?"

        • Anya ( pic ) - Tasha ( pic pic)

        • "What is going on here?" His posture stiffened, and he sat upright against some pillows, realizing under the satin red sheet he was completely naked.

        • "I am Anya, and this is Tasha." She gestured across to the other woman, who had poured a drink from the side table, and was carrying in front of her with both hands, like she was presenting something precious. Her gently curled brown hair fell onto round firm breasts barely covered by a teddy of black lace and shiny gold silk.

        • "Our Goddess has sent us for you. Are you thirsty?" When Tasha reached the mattress, she stepped onto it, somehow looking graceful moving across the spongy surface, before kneeling and offering the glass. "Master?" She was absolutely gorgeous.

        • Austin was too thirsty to refuse. He took it and took a sip. When the liquid hit his lips, he felt like he was drinking pure bliss. It had a hint of flavor he couldn't place and was clean, cool, and refreshing unlike any he'd ever tasted. He swigged deeply, downing half it. "Holy crap, what is this?"

        • "It's water, master," Tasha answered, kneeling poised, waiting to take the glass from him when he finished. He took another long draw, finishing it, before handing it back to her. Then she gracefully stood, turned, and walked away across the mattress, the curve of her ass barely peeking out of her lingerie.

        • As the cool water and sunlight brought him some measure of alertness, he tried to piece together what was going on. What had Riki done in the three days he'd been asleep. Taken over this high-rise apparently. She'd certainly have enslaved, or in her view enlightened, more people by now. Was there any resistance? Was there any way to resist her?

        • "Master," Anya said, pulling him away from his thoughts, "may we escort you to your morning bath?"

        • "I'm sorry, Anya is it? Can you stop calling me master? My name is Austin." He sat even more upright, crossed his legs, and bunched some fabric up to cover the semi-stiffness brought on by morning and looking at these two beautiful women.

        • "I'm sorry, I cannot. I exist to serve you, but the Goddess allows me only to address you as master." Austin found the situation confusing. He hated what Riki was doing, and he'd tried to kill her, but he couldn't shake his curiosity. Having two of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen greeting him half naked and calling him master was more than a little little enticing. His desire made it easy to rationalize there was no harm in finding out what was going on here. Riki was so powerful he might not even have a choice.

        • "What exactly do you mean by 'serve you'?" The girls looked at each other and giggled, before mounting the bed and crawling towards him in synchronized motions. When they knelt on either side of him, he felt the amplified effect of their revealing clothes and perfect bodies heightening the arousal he was hiding in folds of fabric.

        • "Master," Anya began, slipping her hand onto the satin covering his knee, "we are here to care for, entertain, and pleasure you, in whatever way you desire." As she started into his eyes and rubbed his leg through the slippery fabric, Austin's jaw fell slightly open in shock. Seeing a woman this beautiful was one thing, having her touching and throwing herself at him was surreal.

        • His attention was pulled away by Tasha approaching him from the opposite side. "Good morning, master," she declared, as she ran her fingers onto the back of his scalp, pulling him in for a kiss. It started soft. Then her body and breasts pressed into him, and her plush lips and moist tongue lapped and sucked his face aggressively. Just as he was falling into it, wanting more, she stopped, teasing him by holding her lips tantalizingly close. "This afternoon, you have an audience with the Goddess. Before then, Anya and I were planning to give you an extended bath, with a light brunch and lovemaking. Would that be to your liking?"

        • "Seriously?" Anya was still caressing his thighs, periodically eyeing the folks of fabric hiding his arousal. The two of them looked at him expectantly, and seemed quite serious. "I can't believe this is happening. Yes. Yes, that would be to my liking. Just one thing. Is there some way I could get a robe or something?"

        • "I can bring you a robe master, but you cannot wear it here." Tasha answered. "The Goddess has declared that within the temple, you are to remain naked, as she is. If you are asking because of the master's erection, I assure you there is no need for modesty. You honor us with your arousal. We'll happily gratify you now, but with the master's forgiveness, if you can steel yourself, you may enjoy the bath more. We have quite an elaborate plan. Which would you prefer?"

        • Austin was having a hard time accepting this was actually happening. Three days ago he would have masturbated to a picture of either of these women. He would have paid cash to get a lapdance, and now they were throwing themselves at him, bound to serve him. He briefly had a selfish thought, perhaps freeing Riki wasn't a mistake afterall. He saw them both looking at him expectantly, and realized he hadn't answered the question. "I guess I'm good. I can hold out for the bath."

        • "Excellent!" Tasha exclaimed. "Then we'll escort you to the bath. Anya, would you do the honors?"

        • Anya reached for the edge of the sheet, and peeled it off. He became immediately self-conscious as they stared at his erection. Then, without warning, Anya leaned down, and placed her warm lips and tongue on the very tip of his cock. It was equally stimulating and confusing. He looked at Tasha, "I thought we were..." He was distracted by sensation as Anya's lips pursed, and repositioned, pursed and repositioned, sensuously kissing his head in several places.

        • Meanwhile, Tasha answered his unfinished question, "the Goddess has instructed us to kiss the master's cock the first time we see it each morning. We hope it pleases you." When Anya finished, Tasha smiled and repositioned, then leaned down, pulling her hair out of the way. Tasha's kiss was not so subtle. First, she immediately took the entire head in her mouth. Then she proceeded to twirl her tongue around the corona, periodically punctuating it with 'kisses' of suction and sensation. It might have been the most amazing thing he'd ever felt. Then, as quickly as it began, she finished, kissing the tip, sitting up, and staring at him with the sexiest smile.

        • Tasha was already his favorite. He considered testing his dominion by telling her to do it again..and not stop. However, it was a big leap from not resisting his new reality to being that indulgent. When the girls both gracefully stood, reaching for his hands to help him up, he was almost thankful the moment had passed. Once he was standing, he was even more impressed with their grace. When he walked, he lurched side to side on the spongy surface, his awkwardness made more apparent by his swinging erection.

        • Once off the bed, the girls each took one of his arms, and led him out of the room, paying no mind to his erection swinging back and forth in front of them. It was awkward enough to take some, but not all, the steam out of him.

        • He felt more self conscious being naked as they left the apartment unit, into a common hallway and then an elevator. It felt like the kind of situation where he could run into another tenant of the building at any time. Though they ran into noone. What had Riki done with all the people who lived here?

        • -----

        • When the elevator door opened, the unstaffed reception desk, new age music, and decor gave it away as the spa level. His attendants ushered him through the lobby, and into the ladies locker room. Past rows of lockers, and through a glass door, there was a huge hot tub and a spread of food waiting for them. There was also a female spa attendant, clothed so plainly and sitting so still on the far wall he almost didn't notice her.

        • Tasha left him towards the table of food, gesturing her arm across it, presenting it to him. "We have breads and jams, cheeses and yogurt, fruits and nuts. What kind of fruit would you like, master? Grapes? Cantaloupe? An Apple?

        • "Grapes would be nice." He looked over at Anya, who was touching the water, testing it, and was unexpectedly struck by her beauty. She was notably taller than Tasha, almost as tall as him. Whereas Tasha's breasts were fuller, her body more shapely, Anya was extremely fit and trim. Lines of definition showed on her tummy and arms, and her face was chiseled and striking. As he looked her over, he realized she was looking his way, smiling, and subtly posing for him.

        • Tasha had made a plate of grapes and other items from the spread, when she noticed him admiring Anya. "Gorgeous, isn't she, master?" She set the plate of food down next to the pool, and caressed her hand up Anya's taut tummy.

        • Austin wasn't sure what was more sexy, Anya's body, or the way she was looking at him. When their eyes locked he felt like something wordless was happening between them. Several seconds later, she glided towards him stopping only inches away. She reminded him of the retouched beauty of a magazine cover, only she was real. The idea that he could touch her, that he could have her, was overwhelming. He reached a hand towards her face, timidly at first. She turned her head, inviting his fingers into her hair.

        • "I like that, master." As he touched her neck, his thumb brushing her cheek, she inched closer. He was briefly startled when his half mast erection brushed her hip. He looked down, but before he could react, she had grasped him and lifted him upright, palming him into her tummy as their bodies came together.

        • She began kissing his face, starting at his cheek, working across his chin. Only after she'd made her complete tour did she find his lips, gently connecting, pursing her mouth and tongue against his lips, reminiscent of the way she's kissed his cock minutes ago.

        • Austin firmed his grip on her neck, and pressed his tongue, exploring her mouth. Their tongues danced, and he briefly felt like he could handle her. Then he felt her palm, gently rubbing his cock side to side across her tummy. At first it was merely distracting, enough that she took over the pace of their kiss. However, when she gripped and gently squeezed the head between her fingers, he knew that if she wasn't careful, he could be embarrassingly set off in seconds. He tensed up, ending their kiss and pulling her in tightly enough that she couldn't work her fingers against him.

        • "Forgive me master, I thought you were ready. I'll be more careful." She reached her other hand out, and as if they had somehow communicated, Tasha set something into it. Anya placed one grape into his mouth, one into her own, and was left with two cubes of ice. As they both chewed their grapes, she coaxed their bodies apart, and brought her hands together, rubbing the ice against him. The sensation was arousing and cold, but also slightly numbing. When the ice had melted, she backed away, leading him towards the tub. Austin expected Anya to lead him up the steps into it, but instead sat him on a cushioned bench facing away from it. She picked some grapes and cheese off the plate of food and began to feed it to him.

        • Meanwhile, Tasha stepped towards the middle of the floor and started moving. She was not so much dancing as undulating her body to the gentle music. At first Austin felt slightly self-conscious watching her perform just for him, but then he was drawn in. He watched the way her curves move, as Anya continued offering him tidbits of food. After a couple minutes, Tasha's demeanor markedly changed. She ran her hands up her body, touching and cupping her breasts, drawing her fingers through her hair and tossing it. She played with the hem of her teddy, offering him a glimpse of her shaved bare sex that surprised him a little, as she was previously wearing black lace underwear.

        • Then she approached, making her dance much more personal. Inches in front of him she turned around, lifting her teddy to shake her bare curvy bottom for him. Then she faced him, straddled his legs, and tossed her hair over his head. He couldn't help reaching out for her, coaxing her closer. She gladly complied, pulling his cheek against the golden silk covering her tummy. She stayed there for several seconds, her body still moving, rubbing into his face and chest. Then she slowly lowered herself into his lap, deftly slipping his cock up into her teddy and pinning it between them.

        • It was then he was confronted with her more immediate offer. Two perfect breasts being thrust into his face. She brushed the lace across his cheek and lips. Then Anya slowly moved behind her, and peeled the teddy straps down over her shoulders, leaving her breasts bare. Tasha teased one an inch from his lips, offering it, but making him take it. Which he did without restraint. He pulled her in, smashing the round softness into his face as he sucked at it. "Oooh," she cooed as he found her nipple. "I'm glad your a breast man, master. At least that's one thing I have on Anya."

        • Anya was sitting on the edge of the pool, watching them, looking stunning. "Is this a competition? Because if it is, i'll start competing," she jested.

        • "Please don't," Tasha begged. "I'm enjoying this." She shifted the other breast into his face, encouraging him to suckle at them equally. "I like when my body brings you pleasure, master." She reached for his erection, shrouded under the silk of her teddy, and fingered it through the fabric.

        • At first the sensations were only a gentle distraction, and he was able to continue kissing and sucking across her perfect breasts. Then she started twisting and rubbing and hit a spot that felt so good it made his body spasm. "Uhhh. Ohh my God." Her motion immediately stopped.

        • "Master, we are not to use that word in the temple. The Goddess insists we worship only her." Given how sex crazed this morning had been, Austin found it very awkward for it to come to a screeching halt.

        • "What? Oh, It's just an expression. I wasn't worshipping anything. I don't even believe in God. I said it again, sorry. What you were doing just felt really good."

        • "You need not apologize to us, master. We are merely educating you on the rules of the Goddess. I'm sorry to have removed your pleasure. Is this what you were enjoying?" The movement of her fingers resumed. She didn't immediately produce the same sensation, but it didn't take her long to find it again.

        • "Uhhhh...There....Yes... Ohh my..." he literally bit down on his lip to stop himself from saying it again, as this time the sensations were not stopping. It felt like she was tapped directly into his pleasure nerves, but without pressuring him towards climax. He moaned through his bit lip, and a spasm ran up his back, causing his face to abruptly land on her chest. He grabbed at her sides for balance.

        • "I can see how much you enjoy that, master. You