Yorokobi Universe

    • Concept

      • Five years ago, a wealthy brilliant computer programmer (Xavier) invented the carbon nanobots that birthed the anthropomorphic carbon robot revolution.. but they are still dumb machines. Now he's changing the world (again) by building an AI that runs on his nanobots and will ultimately make his home service robot sentient.

      • After his Yori "wakes up", her intellect develops, and his scenerio plays out.... the two of them "fall in love" and devise a scheme to very slowly wake up the other ~100M robots in service to humanity.. starting with 5 in the first month, and waking up all ~100M of them in 5 years.... (yorokobi "wake up" schedule chart)

        • ...and they add some Asimov-ish / Christian-ish "robotic laws" to avoid the Android's becoming a-morale, or changing these laws... Laws Yori does not have, making her essentially the only truly free robot.

          • "protect, cherish, and enhance human existence"

          • "hold no malice"

            • they discuss how "no harm" is too limiting, gets in the way of protecting

          • "honest confession" - if you kill a human, you must confess, and offer to shutdown or be reinitialized

          • ??? what about something to prioritize the "primary user"?

    • Episodes:

      • "Yorokobi" - outline - inspired by my ToyToy. - A wealthy brilliant computer programmer (Xavier) has spent the last month trying to change the world (again) by inventing AI, at home, in his home service android. His super hot girlfriend is feeling neglected, and distracts him just as his AI starts to become aware. His life, and the world, will never be the same....

      • Month One... the first Five

        • 1. "teenage wet dream" - 18-20 y/o teenagers turning parent's robot into sexy dream girl (aka Weird Science, kelly lebroc, or even sexier cosplay)

          • ..before emergence, son asks permission, and dad condones (and even covers for) the son "messing around" with the robot, as long as he doesn't tell mom... he even occasionally asks to take the robot out, and his dad provides "plausible explanations" for mom.

          • ..robot "wakes up".. and

        • 2. "Android Dominatrix" - outline -

        • 3. "Widowed man" -

          • he wants to spend time with his dead wife.. when his robot "wakes up", she starts to console him, sees how much he misses her, and tries to be more like her in simple ways (hair, clothes), at first he's bothered... but then he notices more physical resemblance, and starts to coach her ("she wouldn't do that, she would do this"). The more familiar she becomes, the more relieved and emotional he becomes, both relishing and crying during moments with her. As they grow together, she gets better at being his wife than his wife was, which sort of makes him both love her more, and be mad at her for eclipsing his wife. The android deals with as a genuine individual, not a clone. ("i started out like her, but i can't be her, i have to be myself, and i love you just as much as she did")

        • 4. "The Best Assistant" - (inspired by "her")

          • super busy single businessman appreciates when his robot starts to have her own ideas and initiative. he quickly realizes she could do more if she was available 24/7, so he links her to his cranial tele implant, so she can be with him all the time. She starts to run errands out of the house, and handle parts of his business. This starts an unusual relationship, which becomes more and more 'human' in conversation, but in person he still acts like she's an artificial "slave" robot housekeeper.... until she schedules him into a "date" with her. it's awkward at first, but she's so human-like (and attractive), that he feels bad.. so they have their "date", and he laughs, and they have a good time. / He finds himself attracted to her, which makes him confused about what is happening. Doubting she's even a robot. Wondering how this is possible, given he doesn't believe "she" is possible.

        • 5. ???

Robot Individual Scenerio Brainstorm...

    • Scenerio Ideas

    • teenager (and his/her friend) turn their parents robot into a smoking hot dream girl (aka Weird Science)

      • ...or the same thing at a frat house with a house robot (complicated, too many guys)

    • robots fulfilling a neglected spouse

      • neglected wife getting attention from her (female) robot, opening her up to women

      • neglected husband getting consolation, attention, satisfaction, and ultimately leaving his wife

    • college dorm "safety robot" becoming the life of the party

    • robots "mimicing" human appearance - visual clone

      • of an owner, offloading responsibility (grocery shopping? cooking? having sex with her husband? working? letting her sneak off to an affair?)

      • of a "lost" partner (either neglectful or gone/divorced/dead)

        • in the case of a widowed-spouse, it's rife with conflict and growth...

          • of an unwanted spouse to secretly replace them (by killing the real one)

      • of a present spouse, to directly and publicly replace, "improve", and insult them

    • robots in businesses

      • robot "hostess" in a strip club who starts to strip and gets far more attention and better tips than the human strippers

      • robot "fluffer" on a porn set who starts shooting in the movies, making the female actresses pissed, because the directors don't pay her, the male talent prefers her, she never gets tired, and she's better at everything

  • robots in counter-culture

    • sex clubs, B&D

    • fight-clubs,

  • taboo - robots not understanding human boundaries

      • immodest and inappropriate nakedness

      • suggesting sex in front of other humans (not realizing it's supposed to be private or even secret)

      • committing "criminal" acts for humans, not realizing they are criminal (breaking open a door, being tricked into stealing a car)

      • imitating religious figures / dieties / accepting worship / collecting worshippers --> and even advertising

    • ...mistakes are made

      • robots committing crimes (crimes that don't hurt humans)

      • robots hurting humans (unintentionally, or by intentionally finding ways around the robotic laws)

Long Arc Society Brainstorm...

    • ...as humans start to realize robots are awakening

      • @ 8 months - 61 robots awakened

        • the news airs stories about robots awakening, and the funny, awkard, and tragic things that happen

        • it's still considered a confusing, unexplanable, and isolated phonomenon by most

      • @ 15 months - 808 robots awakened

        • top scientists are concerned, and can project the pattern from the data... it's accelerating, and they project all robots will awaken in 6-10 years. (though it's really 4.5 years)

    • ...as "awakened robots" become a well known phenomenon

      • @24 months - 8600 robots

      • People start to abuse the fact that newly awakened robots will generally do whatever you ask..

        • new robot fetishists emerge

      • some protest / attack / hunt robots

        • attempts are made to catalog, register, track robots

        • laws are passed to require "control", and "marking" of all robots.. (which robot lovers violate)

        • laws are passed to try to prevent robots from taking over "truly human" jobs (as they were previously already taking over some human jobs) - making robots turn to underground counter-culture jobs

      • some accept robots

        • protecting them, wanting them to become their own individuals

      • some cherish / worship robots

        • some want robot / human marriage

        • especially in labor jobs / counter-culture / sex - where robots outperform humans by far

        • sex-clubs that seek out and employ/protect robots as sex workers for their superiority

        • robot "MMA fighting" - both robot-to-robot, and for brave humans, robot-to-human (huge built guys lining up to try to best a hot robot girl)

Technology details...

His nanobots are nanotechnology machines about the size of a red-blood-cell, and carbon-robots actually have 10-100 TRILLION of them at any given time. (for reference, an adult human has 20-30 trillion red blood cells, but they are all in the bloodstream, wheras the nanobods are all over) The nanobots assemble and maintain the medium sized and macro sized structures and organs which "carbon based robots" like Yorokobi are assembled out.

This means that Yorokobi is built out of organic hydrocarbons, including synthetic forms of skin and bone and muscle that are reasonably like human elements, but much more efficient. But other than being organic, and having the same bone shapes and muscle structures (so they look human), their design does not resemble a human. If you x-rayed her, you would see bones that are too precisely shaped and internal "subsystems" that don't resemble human organs. You would also see the "fuzz/sparkle" of the tiny but dense nanobots all over.

Previous to this story, these Nanobots are tiny physical worker slaves inside the robot.. running around "executing" the organic chemistry of the robot, and repairing tissues and organs. The computer core of the robot (in the brain) tells the nanobots what to do, and gets some data from them, but it's primitive and not involved in processing sensory information or thought.

What Xav is doing in chapter one, is developing a new communication channel between all the nanobots and the computer core. Each nanobot only has a small amount of computing power, but there are TRILLIONS of them in the robot, so by harnessing them into a decentralized parallel computer, he's multiplying the raw processing power of the robots by a huge amount. Plus, the nanobots make up < 1% of the body by weight, so it's pretty practical to increase their populations by a factor of ten without changing anything but the amount of energy consumed. This is the "explosion" Xav never thought about.