Magii Online - outline

    • inspired by


    • characters

      • a

      • b

      • c

    • goal

      • gender role switch and female growth in a "virtual reality" video game

    • story

      • dorky guy approaches dorky girl in the real world.... she's almost too shy to talk to him, but they find out they both play (ONLINE GAME). they agree to meet in the virtual world

      • we see him "jacking in" to the brain gear, which takes over all his senses, creating something that feels just like reality

      • he goes to the meeting place, and when a powerful max-level amazon sexy goddess shows up, he explains he's waiting for someone. they chit-chat, until she finally reveals that she's the dorky girl he's meeting

      • she suggests they go on some ultra high level quest... he backpedals, as he isn't ready for such high level content, and he'll just end up dying and losing experience. she says she'll protect him, and he'll get much better rewards

        • we get to see her kicking ass, and him nearly dying more than once.

        • she heads toward a boss, which he cautions is designed for a party of ten. she laughs at his cowardice, and uses incredible moves to single handedly slay the boss, which he's unbelievably impressed at. he gains three levels just for being there.

        • after the boss, she gives him some new armor. after he tries it on, and gushes about it, she tells him to take it off.. (why?) slaying bosses turns her on. she wants to follow it up with a good fuck. she tears off her equipment, only to find herself clad in a nondescript white gown. (ohh shit. you have the child protections enabled. how are we supposed to have any fun?) - a conversation ensues where she explains how she tricked her parents into age validating her account.... she tells him how he should trick his -- he is sheepish about doing it. she complains she's not going to be able to have her fun if his account is has parental controls on, so he should get to it.. then she disappears

      • he tries to trick his parents and fails

      • he approaches her in real life, trying to get her to meet her for a 'date', but she sheepishly denies him, encouraging him to meet her online

      • she 'tests' to find he's still age restricted. she needs help with a quest, so she agrees to help traim him up to help her if he agrees to get the parental controls turned off. --- he agrees...(montage of lots of training)

        • him getting flak from his parents for jacking-in too much

        • him getting flak from his friends for jacking-in too much

        • him getting some incredible bonus equipment, levels, and character stature (he's only a few inches shorter than her now)

        • him trying to guess his parents password

        • him finally (with a little help from her) conquering the same boss she conquered solo when they first met

        • she tells him he's ready to help her, and asks if he has the parental controls off yet. (no) she is frustrated with him. and disappears

      • he goes through some herculean effort to steal his parents credit card validation information, and age validate his account

      • then he logs in, and calls to her. at first she doesn't answer. then she finally does. impatiently telling him he better have done it. he professes that he has. She 'tests' it by hiking her skirt armor up and showing off glimmering panties. (ohh, you finally did it. good. now let's have some fun)

        • she whisks them away to the questline she needs help with. he immediately recognizes it, and cautions that nobody has ever completed it. she knows, but we're going to.

        • they start, working together, making progress. slaying the minor henchmen. she starts by gently flirting and kissing, putting his hand on her boob, and then escelates to using raunchy quips about her getting naked and doing thing to him to motivate him.

        • they finally reach the boss, and he's difficult. while they make some progress, he delivers a crippling blow to her. he rushes in to pull her out of there to temporary safety. she insists she's okay as she shakes it off.

        • they go back in, and just as things are going well, he thinks he sees an opening, makes his move, and the boss attacks him, she narrowly protects him from a killing blow, but then she sees the boss expose a weakness. she moves to attack, letting the boss deliver a killing blow on her partner (so he gets no experience), but then she ends up killing the boss.

        • once the boss is dead, he gets revived with a loss of several levels, and then he gets to witness her XP boost and dramatic transformation, where she sparkling with gained XP, starts floating into the air, and glowing as the process speeds up, ultimately taking her 30% above the level cap, something he thought impossible. when she returns to the ground, her entire avatar has a golden shimmer, and she's two feet taller than him.

          • maybe her armor turns into sexy bikini armor that barely covers her (pic pic pic pic pic)

      • ( begin her toying with him )

        • he gushes about her transformation, and mentions it's no big deal that he lost levels, because with her new strength it should be easy to come back when he respawns, slay him again, and get it all back. she breaks the news to him that this boss doesn't respawn, at least not normally. maybe after the next patch they'll put him back in, or replace him with a new challenge, but she really has no idea, as he's never been slain before.

        • but she insists he really doesn't need to worry about that, as he has his own personal level xyz goddess. she transports them to her antechamber, coming in close, (now let's see just how strong i am), and easily tears his armor open, causing it to disappear. (hey! that was a one of a kind gileded mythril plate).. she threatens that he better work fast, or she's going to tear the rest of it off too.

        • she walks around him as he takes off his armor.

        • ????

          • she could switch to lingerie or get naked

          • she could challenge him to a duel (with her near-naked and him wearing upgraded armor)

          • she could challenge him to deal 1 HP of damage to her (while she has no armor on)

          • she could lift and kiss him

          • she could get atop him and ride him

          • she could use sexy tease to get him to rebind his hearth to her antechamber

          • she could tease and torture him, pleasing him, but ultimately killing him (so he loses XP).. then beg him to revive there, so she can finish him....

            • he could "fight back", only his spells do zero damage to her

            • ultimately teasing and taunting him that she should fuck him back to level 1