Natasha: Lessons for Melanie

by newmark42, DRAFT

This is an unsolicited continuation of wabitgirl's "Story of Young Love"


Chapter 19: Formulating the Plan

As Melanie slept, I considered the possibilities. She didn’t want to be out on her own. Natasha held the advantage by keeping her game in secret. Now that it was in the open, Melanie could assert boundaries and prevent Natasha’s devious moments alone with me. I also remembered that Natasha had been born of an experiement. Perhaps they would be keeping tabs on her and be able to help. I would have wriggled myself free to do some investigation, but I was clung tight in Melanie’s arms. After some time spent considering how Melanie might approach Natasha, and how I might support her through it, I had begun to tire myself. With my knees still held up against her bosom, my feet were cold and exposed as I drifted off.

I was started once in the night. I was still curled in her arms, my knees pressed up under her breasts, my toes wedged between her thighs. Even though she was curled on her side, the feet of her seven and a half foot frame extended well beyond my own. I drifted back off to sleep, daydreaming of crawling into the sleeping bag with Melanie just a few short weeks ago. When morning came, Melanie was awake but unalert. “I just don’t know what to do Jake”. She perched herself up, holding her knees in her hands.

I sat up with her and put myself close to comfort her. “I have some thoughts.” I shared my ideas of the previous evening. How I believed she could talk to Natasha. How Melanie had just as much a right to her home and her life as Natasha. How if all else failed, perhaps the experiment Natasha was a part of could step in. The severe concern on her face slowly softened into hope as we discussed how to handle a discussion with Natasha. Of course I would be there to help her through it. We decided the sooner the better, so we would talk to her this morning.

After some food and morning preparations, we made our way back to Melanie’s house. The house was empty, so we made our way to her room. “I’m going to see what I can learn about Natasha’s past”. She took purchase at her computer desk and began to dig into what little she knew about Natasha’s experimental program, and I made my way to the bed to flip through some homework that I had neglected over the last couple days.

When I reached an appropriate time for a break, I walked over to her side and quickly found myself whisked into her lap. “Ohh, let me show you what I found Jake.” Apparently there were a few subjects, and others had already been confined to a less free lifestyle than Natasha enjoyed. Perhaps that knowledge would be enough, and we’d never need to contact them. She seemed very intent on what she was doing. The snippets she had found flipped quickly through the screen. One picture that caught my eye included Natasha and some of her classmates posing with the researcher. Her long jet-black hair stood out in the center with two girls at her sides; one had fired red wavy curls, the other a tidy brown braid hanging over the front of her shoulder. While the man in the center was was clad in a white lab coat, this was obviously an unofficial photo. The three girls surrounded him in what must have been oversize copies of designer swimwear. The researcher, who looked to be almost six feet tall judging the comparison to Natasha, had his head tucked between Natasha’s breasts, and his arms extended around the women on his sides. Each of the girls had struck a suggestive pose. I wanted to get a better look, but Melanie flipped quickly through some other findings.

Moments later we heard a car entering the driveway. “That must be Natasha.” Melanie lifted me up and set me back down on the computer chair as she headed for the door. “Print out a couple pieces of that in case Natasha tries to deny any of it. I’m going to start this discussion with her alone,” her voice filled with a sense of forbodeing. As Melanie made her way out the door, I flipped back to the picture of the three girls. Their eyes were all trained on the camera. Knowing Natasha had just arrived, it felt like she was staring right at me in the photo. The redhead was facing the camera on one knee, her head not quite even with his. Her arm was at rest across her torso both framing her breasts and suggestively extending her hand into the researcher’s labcoat. The brunette was not as tall as the other two, though standing on his opposite side she must have been at least a half foot taller than him. She was facing away from him, her huge breasts in profile to the camera. Down below, her hands were guiding his down the front of her bikini. I printed off a copy of the picture, slipping it into my back pocket, and printed some pages that seemed most important to our cause. While reading through the detail that Melanie had only skimmed over, my eyes were repeatedly drawn to the partially visible picture and the flowing red hair.

Chapter 20: The Confrontation

When Melanie returned to the room, she seemed pleasant and upbeat. I had heard the sounds of talking, but hadn’t been able to make out the discussion. “Natasha and I have ironed this out, she would like to apologize.” Natasha always had a plan, an angle, so when she entered the room right behind Melanie, I was not surprised by the new look of determination on her face. She was wearing black tights and an ivory knit sweater dress with an oversized turtleneck collar. In fact, the neck opening was so large it exposed her right shoulder. She pranced over to me at the computer and knelt sitting on her heels, close at my side, her eyes just inches above mine.

“Yes. I can see that I overstepped some boundaries. I only meant it in fun. In fact, I didn’t realize you hadn’t told her about my little game. We’ve created some ground rules.” Natasha glanced to the computer screen and obviously recognized what she saw. When she looked back I could see the gears turning in her eyes. “I want to make sure there are no hard feelings.” She extended her arms to give me a gentile hug and I tentatively extended my arms around her neck. I could see the smile on Melanie’s face over her shoulder before Natasha whispered into my ear. “I know you didn’t think it was all bad. In fact, look at Melanie. I bet you’d like to see her wearing one of my sexy cutoff shirts.” Melanie was clad in one of her classic sweatshirts, which while cute and tight fitting on her, wasn’t exactly sexy. Natasha’s sex appeal only began with her clothing. “In fact, I bet you’d like to be the one posing in that picture you found.” I slowly nodded. She turned her head towards the computer and spoke in a tone of curious fascination, “it looks like you two were reading up on me.“ As our hug ended, she maximized the posed picture to fill the monitor and my eyes were drawn to it. “Those two lovely ladies are Veronica and Laura. How much do you like that picture Jake?”

When I turned back, Natasha was fixing her collar, shifting the oversize opening from her shoulder to her chest. She was staring right down at me with a devious smile as her hands pulled the sweater to expose a third of each of her breasts, a view obviously made for me. My eyes were drawn down to her massive cleavage and what looked like a black bikini strap now visible at the bottom of the opening. “Don’t give him trouble for that Natasha. That was my investigation.” Melanie must have felt she gave Natasha enough time for apology, as she walked towards us. “Are we all made up you two?” As one of her arms reached down for each of us she giggled, and I realized I was still transfixed looking down on Natasha’s huge cleavage. When I looked up at Melanie, they were laughing to each other. “Looks like you’ve forgiven her Jake, either that or you lost something in there.”

“Uhm, yes.” I stammered, a bit embarrassed and looked to Natasha. “All is forgiven. I don’t think you meant any harm.” In fact, if Natasha meant what she said, if she could get Melanie into some of her sexy clothing, I was in for a treat. Natasha looked at me with satisfaction. I reached my arms for her to reciprocate the hug she had given me, my extended hands just reaching her neck.

“I’m glad all is forgiven.” She straightened up on her knees, bringing my arms up over my head and bringing the bare portion of her breasts up to my face. “Now let’s see if you can find what you lost in there.” As she hugged me towards her, my arms were forced up over my head, and I could feel her bikini strap on my chin. My elbows somehow slipped into the opening in her collar, my hands not finding her neck, but her bikini straps as they extended up her chest. I’m not sure if I looked like I was being swallowed up by her dress or fondling her. Melanie returned to laughing, as did Natasha. I felt Natasha reach under me and before I knew it I was lifted off the seat and embraced in a hug between the two of them. Natasha pulled Melanie close, and their breasts squeezed in around my face.

As they parted and Natasha extracted me from her sweater towards the floor, the friction pulled the photo printout out of my back pocket. I tried to grab it without anyone noticing, but Natasha quickly snatched it out of my hands, “and what do we have here?” She unfolded the paper and immediately recognized the posed photo of her and her friends. “Look sis, looks like Jake likes this photo.” She opened the photo towards Melanie, prompting more giggles. Then she surprised me, she folded it, and extended it to me. “I believe this is yours.” I took it from her hands with a quizzical look, not sure what to expect. “Hey Melanie. I bet Jake would like that photo more if he were in it. What do you say?”

Chapter 21: Photo Shoot

Ten minutes ago Natasha had convinced Melanie that it would be fun for the two of them to dress up and pose for some photos with me. They disappeared into Natasha’s room to find Melanie something to wear, and I went downstairs to the hot-tub room to wait for them. After putting on the same pair of her dad’s swim trunks I had borrowed last week, I relaxed onto one of the three lounge chairs arranged around the hot-tub. Two sides of the basement pool room had several windows near the top of the wall, but with the room steamy and the cold outside it enough mist had accumulated on the glass to let only blurry light through. A stack of women’s fashion magazines I wouldn’t normally touch was set on a small table, and I passed the time flipping through them. I imagined Melanie in the different outfits, figuring Natasha would love the challenge of something specific. I dog-eared some pages, a tight-fitting brown dress with a straight yet cleavage filled neckline, a sweater top similar to Natasha’s with an oversize collar, and a tight fitting long-sleeve v-neck sweater with the torso cut short. As she entered, Natasha spotted me with the magazine before I flipped it back to the side table. Natasha was in the same outfit, without the black tights she had worn earlier, and she carried a camera and tripod. Melanie followed her, and was dressed in a long mesh black skirt and a black leather jacket. The jacket, zipped only at the bottom, was barely big enough for her torso. Her bust, contained by a black and silver tank top, was straining to bust out of the top of the jacket. She entered, not yet comfortable in the persona to match these clothes. “What do you think Jake?” She struck a sideways pose.

I stammered and nodded, not sure how to respond. “Um.. I-it’s great. It’s amazing.” Melanie shot me a glance which was both pleased and a little crooked for the compliment to what was really Natasha’s wardrobe. Natasha merely smiled, knowing she was getting my cooperation exactly as she had intended. As Melanie approached, she was experimenting with a stride, looking at me with faux-intensity. My eyes were drawn to the light flickering through her semi-transparent skirt, and I was mesmerized watching her amazingly powerful legs move. I sat up and strained to make out the outline of her bikini. By the time she reached me, flecks of red were visible through the mesh as my hands came to rest on her thighs.

If I hadn’t still been staring, I might have been warned before being hoisted up by the armpits. Her jacket rode up and I saw the bright red bikini sticking out above her skirt’s waistline. I came to rest standing on the pool lounger. Still a foot and a half shorter than her 7’8” frame, I was offered a stunning view of a neckline cutaway in a black and silver tank top which was quite modest compared to Natasha’s outfit. It looked like I could again see flecks of red through the fabric. I looked up to meet her eyes as she spoke, “I think I could get used to seeing you look at me that way." Her hand then slowly traced the edge of her tank top down from her shoulder blade. Her fingers both pulled at the neckline, and pressed an indentation into her breast before slipping into my face, neck, and then up into my hair. I could get used to that feeling of her fingers in my hair. Her hands massaging the back of my scalp held me firm, and I tingled at bit as my lips were pulled up to her taught tank top fabric.

I heard the sounds of a camera snapping a photo. “That’s great you two.” Melanie straightened up, not realizing Natasha was taking pictures. “Melanie, stand him on the ground in front of you and strike a sexy pose.” As she positioned me, she tucked me into her chest, her breasts up above my head. I felt her hands on my chest, and Natasha snapped off a few photos. “That’s okay, but relax. Think desire.” Melanie moved behind me, drifting one leg off to the side. Snap, snap. “Present yourself to him Melanie. Tease him.” I couldn’t see much of what was going on, as I was facing the camera. I felt her breasts settle down over my eyes, and her hands lifted up under my chin. “You’re covering him up, the camera can’t see him.” Melanie let me free but seemed stalled. Snap. “Okay, okay. I have another idea. I’ll be right back.” Natasha zipped out of the room for a moment.

“Jake, I hope I’m doing okay. I’m sort of embarrassed. What do you think?” I didn’t know what any of the photos looked like, so I moved over to the camera to check them out. After flipping through, the first photo where Natasha caught us off guard was sexy, but the rest appeared more childish. Melanie was striking poses behind me, but there wasn’t any interaction.

Natasha rushed back into the room with a tray in hand, a bottle of wine, and some glasses. “This should take the edge off”. After pouring them out, she handed each one of us a glass, tapped each of our glasses with her own, and took a drink. “Tasty.” She looked at us both. “What’s wrong? It’s just some wine, it’s not going to kill you.” Being 15, I was a bit timid about it, but after I took a drink, Melanie seemed to ease up and before I knew it she had finished her glass. Natasha poured her some more. Melanie scooted in behind the camera and flipped through the photos that had already been taken.

“Ohh, these are not sexy. Natasha, I don’t know how to pose. You’re so much better at this. Can you do it instead? I’m sure I can snap the photos.”

“I’m not letting you off that easy. Tell you what sis. I’ll pose with him first, but study up, it’s going to be your turn next. Deal?” Natasha’s eyes trained on me as she walked over. Her finger perched on her cheek as if to point out her satisfaction. Slithering behind me, she whispered. “You’ll forget all about that other photo when you see these. Look towards the ceiling.” I felt her hands shifting her dress above me. “Melanie?” Snap. Snap. “Great. Remember, it’s all about what the camera sees.”

She moved a little to my side and tilted my head up. The oversize collar of her sweater was covering most of my face. Snap. She guided my hand to the edge of her sweater collar. “Jake, keep this out of your face.” Snap. Snap. I pulled the material above my head, but as I did so, more of it was curling over from above. Snap. “The camera needs to see you Jake.” I reached my other hand up to pull the material behind my head. Snap. Natasha’s breast, only barely covered by her bikini, was in plain view above my head. I could see her hands had been toyingly pulling her sweater material down to cover me. Snap. “See Melanie. I’m revealing myself to Jake through the camera. I keep my eyes fixed on the camera, because he’ll see me looking at him in the photos.” Snap. She placed one hand on her breast and the other lifted my chin up. Snap. “Also, it’s important to touch yourself. The only thing more sexy in the photos than him touching you, is you touching you. It may not feel sexy, but what do you think Melanie, does it look sexy?” Snap.

I looked back towards the camera as Melanie’s head timidly perched up from behind it. “Yes Natasha. These are incredibly sexy. It’s so easy for you, I just don’t know how to do that. I think Jake will like these.” She took another drink from her wine before settling back behind the camera.

Natasha took my hands and lifted them up over my head. She leaned forward to place my head between her breasts. One side of my face against her bare breast clad only in a bikini top, the other against her other breast wrapped in sweater material. Snap. She manipulated my hands to the sides of each of her breasts and pressed them together, careful to keep my eyes in view of the camera. I heard a muffled giggle. Snap. “It’s easier than you think. You might feel embarrassed to pose him at first, but I assure you he enjoys it. Right Jake?” I managed to get a timid nod in towards Melanie.

Natasha let my hands free and knelt to the side of me. “Face me Jake.” With a frontal view of her I felt my skin flush as one of her huge breasts was nearly completely bare. Only her nipple was covered by a small triangle of fabric. I struggled to get my eyes up to hers. Snap. “No no Jake, for this one I want that hypnotized stare. Don’t be embarrassed.” She chuckled. “Maybe you can find what you were looking for before.” She chuckled as my eyes trained down to her breast about a foot in front of me. Snap. She spoke very quietly and to me directly. “That’s good Jake. I’m glad all is forgiven. Imagine yourself touching my breast.” I didn’t need her instructions to do that, I was already picturing how small my hands would look cupped around it. She placed one hand underneath her nearly exposed breast, posing to offer it to me. Snap. She inched closer. “Melanie, the key is to create tension. You can feel the tension when the pose is right.” Snap. “He’ll want to touch you, and you’ll want him to.” She inched closer and whispered quietly to me, “right Jake? ” Her breast was only inches away from my lips. I wanted to taste it. Snap. She gently took her bikini strap in her fingers. “hold my here, like I’m going to leave and you want to keep me here.” I slowly reached my grip around the thin black string, the back of my fingers sliding up against her bare skin. Both of my hands side by side were narrower than her one breast. She gently rose, my grip pulling her bikiki tight. Snap. She turned to Melanie, “That’s enough, your turn now sis.” She whispered as she slowly curled my fingers off her bikini and then shuffled her sweater back into a less revealing position.

Melanie moved to Natasha from behind the camera. “You make it look easy Natasha, I don’t know if I can do all that.” Turning to me, “is that really okay Jake? It didn’t bother you at all?”

I shook my head. “Uhh. No, of course not.” I stammered, not knowing how to respond. “Did it look sexy? I saw lots of black sweater falling down on me.”

“I think you saw a little more than black sweater sweetheart,” Natasha interjected with a smirk. “Melanie, stand behind him.” She took a look at the scene. “Actually, take off the tank top, but put that jacket back on.” Melanie handed me her jacket for a moment, pulling the tank top over her head. I could see she was wearing a red bikini with much more coverage than Natasha’s, and the bikini bottom was visilble above her sun-skirt. She took the jacket back from me and zipped it up, the jacket pressing her together enhancing her cleavage. “Get on one knee here Melanie.” She slipped the sunskirt up onto her raised leg. “Jake come stand here facing her.” Natasha placed my hand on Melanie’s leg, underneath the sunskirt. “Good.” I looked into Melanie’s eyes and saw a bit of embarrassment mixed with playfulness. Snap. Natasha was back at the camera. “Melanie, turn yourself to the camera a little. Yes.” Snap. “Jake, put your other hand on her hip. Melanie, grab the collar of the jack and pull it away, arch your back to push your breasts out.” Melanie giggled a little and followed instructions. My eyes were trained on what was already pronounced cleavage started to push out of the jacket like a bustier. Snap. “Perfect. Put your other hand around his butt like you’re pulling him towards you.” Melanie’s hand reached behind me. Snap. As she pulled me towards her, my hand slipped further up her thigh, dragging the skirt with it. Snap. I could feel the tension. “Melanie, look into the camera, and turn yourself slightly to the camera.” Snap. Melanie kept pulling. As she pulled my waist to hers, my hand slipped under her bikini strap. My back was now bent awkwardly back, with my face jammed into the jacket zipper. “I can see you’re enjoying it Melanie. Look at Jake, you’ve pulled him into a bit of an awkward spot.” Melanie let up on me a little and looked down at my face.

“I’m sorry Jake. Are you okay?” She lowered her voice to a whisper, “is it okay if I try to pose you the way she does?” I nodded my head and whispered a positive confirmation. She took my hand, placed it on her jacket zipper, and slowly pulled it down. Snap. Snap. The jacket came open, and she pulled it off her shoulder towards the camera. Snap. Her hand pressed my head sideways onto one breast. Snap. Her other hand pulled at the bikini top in front of my eyes, revealing her bare nipple to me and showing off her gesture to the camera, like she was going to slip me inside. Snap. “This next couple is for me Jake.” Her jacket slid to the ground. In one motion, she turned me around and returned me to sit on her propped leg. Snap. We were both facing the camera now. She pulled me back into her and my hands around the center of her bottom bikini strap. In one smooth and slow motion with Natasha rhythmically snapping away at the camera, Melanie puppeted my hands and use them to pull her bikini strap out and down around my neck. Snap. I realized it was no accident when I had woken up slipped beneath her bra strap weeks earlier. I could feel her pressing her breasts into my cheeks now but the cups of her bikini were obscuring most of my face. Snap. She slid the cups outward, clearing my view enough to see Natasha’s satisfied smile peaking up above the camera.

“That’s great Melanie. You’re getting it. Imagine the camera is Jake, show off for him.” Natasha stepped out from behind the camera. “Keep posing, I’m going to put this camera on auto and join you. We need to be quick about poses.” She fiddled with the camera a little. Snap. As she strode towards us, Natasha pulled her sweater-dress up onto her hips, revealing a tiny black bikini bottom. Snap. She knelt directly in front of me, pulled her collar down towards the camera, and looked down her shirt. If I could see it, I would guess her expression was mirroring Melanie. Snap. She turned back to Melanie. “Mind if I borrow him sis?” Melanie nodded her head in acceptance, and freed me from her bikini strap. Natasha hoisted me into a pose with my back to the camera and facing her standing straight and tall, me starting right into her flat and toned stomach. Snap. She gestured my hands to the bottom of her dress, and slowly slid it up her body. Snap. It was no accident that I was feeling her every curve as my hands were dragged up her body. Snap. I was just able to take her in for a moment before she pulled me fully against her and slipped her dress over my head, shrouding me in darkness. Snap. I could hear both of them giggling. Snap. I felt her shift a pose. Snap.

Light returned as she her sweater dress slipped up over her head and onto the floor. Knowing how little her bikini covered her, I attempted to take a step back to take her in. “Let’s remember what got this all started, shall we? Melanie, pose to my side.” Natasha quickly turned me around and held my shoulders back against her. I could see Melanie in my periphery. Snap. She tipped my head upwards, and I could barely make out the shadowed contour of her breasts above my head. Snap. Before I knew it I was backed into Melanie who was standing behind me now. Snap. I knew Natasha was posing next to her but I couldn’t make out anything but the camera in front of me. Snap. “Here Melanie, put him between us and try this.” Natasha lifted one of my hands over my head and I felt it cupped into the bare side of her breast. Snap. Melanie followed suit, pressing my hand into the side of her firm breast and bikini. Snap. I tilted my head upwards and could see the outline of both of their breasts above my head. Snap. “That’s a wrap.” Natasha declared, strutting towards the camera in front of me with only little strings of black across her backside. One more picture snapped before she turned off the auto-shutter. She swooped up her wine glass before holding it out, “a toast, to a successful photo shoot. Time for the hot tub.” She was practically nude with that bikini hardly covering her, and I’m sure I gawked at her entire path as she slipped herself over and into the hot tub, gesturing for us to join her.

Chapter 22: Hot Tub

Melanie practically dragged me to the hot-tub. “I think I’m a little buzzed Jake. ” She slipped her sun-skirt down, grabbed her wine glass, and slid into the water. I realized that for the first time the two of them were staring at me, and Melanie giggled a little. I felt embarrassed as twenty minutes of being pushed into positions with these two gorgeous women had left me in a mildly painful state of arousal. I made my way into the water, trying not to show my discomfort. Melanie was sitting next to Natasha sipping on her third glass of wine, and Natasha was talking into her ear. It was impossible to hear the exchange over the roar of the bubbles, but it left Melanie with a shocked expression. Natasha gently urged Melanie over towards me, and after sitting on a low step she pulled me to straddle her legs, both of our heads just out of the water. “I really had fun, but Natasha tells me..” and embarrassed look entered her face and she lowered her voice, as if Natasha could hear her over the bubbles. “Natasha tells me you’re in pain. Were we too rough on you?” I noticed a little slur in her voice as she playfully poked me in the shoulder a little too hard. Losing my balance a little, I grabbed for the only thing in reach and ended up with a handful of her bikini. She giggled away, apparently amused.

After straightening my composure, I struggled for the words to explain. “Pain? No. That photo shoot was a fantasy come true Melanie.” I shot a look at Natasha. I didn’t know where this was going, but I was beginning to get a clearer picture of Melanie. Home schooled with her older sister, no parents around, no boyfriends. She was smart and curious, but naïve. Melanie showed a bit of a pouty look. I could also see that three glasses of wine were taking their toll. Natasha slid in next to her sister breaking our moment and whispering into Melanie’s ear. Her pout turned to a smile as she nodded and Natasha shot me a devious glance.

“I think we’ve tortured him long enough Melanie.” Natasha was speaking more to me than her sister. “I think you should ease his pain.” I was a bit stunned. I had to remember that Natasha was devious, and she wasn’t really Melanie’s sister. Natasha’s pure sexiness was heightening my arousal. Melanie’s huge firm breasts floated just below the surface in front of me. I felt hands sliding across the waistband of my shorts. With both women staring intently at me, I had little idea what was happening under the bubbles, but I must have showed the alarm on my face as my hands instinctively reached to find out. I felt Melanie’s hands fumbling and pulling at my shorts. Natasha continued whispering to Melanie. Melanie reached one hand inside my shorts, groping around. It felt both exciting and awkward at the same time. Melanie’s bikini top floated to the surface, obviously untied from somewhere below. I felt my hand pulled directly into Melanie’s breast and realized it was actually Natasha instigating. Still, I didn’t resist, and quickly I had both hands feeling the contours of Melanie’s firm breasts. We both groped at each other for several minutes before we leaned in and kissed. Both of our tongues explored eachother, and she pulled my hips towards her, crushing her naked breasts against my chest.

When our kiss ended, Melanie turned and whispered to Natasha, and Natasha laughed out loud. Natasha leaned in and pressed me away from Melanie, her shoulders still just at the surface. “She’s embarrassed not knowing what to do.” Melanie had a bashful look on her face as she nooded. “She’s asked me to help...” I turned towards Natasha with a bit of shock as she moved in closer to whisper to me . “I offered to get her into some sexy clothing for you,” She paused for effect, “and I’ve delivered on that promise.” I nodded my head in agreement, and felt Natasha take my hands in hers. “You enjoyed that picture of me, and I offered up a photo shoot.” She brought my hands up to her bikini strap, and I instinctively wrapped my fingers around it as I had done earlier. “I think you’ll like the pictures, and I believe you thoroughly enjoyed it.” I again nodded in agreement. “However, I found myself in trouble earlier for meddling. This time I’m going to need your permission.” I nodded. I could barely see the contours of her breasts under the water, and I tried to unwrap one hand to touch her, but she deliberately found my hand and held it in place. “And I think I deserve an apology.” I whispered a short apology to her. “That makes me feel better, and I’d really like Melanie to hear that.” I was silent for a moment, and Natasha turned slightly towards Melanie, staying close as I was still attached to her bikini.

Melanie looked to be both enjoying watching Natasha and I, and in a bit of a daze from the wine and the hottub. A few moments later I still hadn’t figured out how to begin. Natasha whispered a few words into my ear and section by section I repeated it alout. “Melanie. I’m sorry for what I said earlier about Natasha. I can see now it was just a misunderstanding.” Natasha’s fingers ran themselves underneath my waistband, as she continued whispering the apology I was to deliver. “She wasn’t stalking me anymore than you and I were stalking each other.” So far everything in the apology was entirely true. That and the arousal made it easy to deliver. Melanie was smiling, apparently happy we were all getting along again. “Natasha’s idea of sharing seems to have worked out today.” I felt Natasha’s fingers reach further in and stroke me, with no awkwardness as she delivered the final line. It was a little hard for me to repeat, more because of the distraction occurring below the surface. “Can agree to keep it this way?” Melanie seemed more relieved than anything, and she nodded.

Natasha spoke loudly enough for both of us to hear. ”I’m so glad you feel that way Jake.” Somewhat insincerely, given that she composed the apology. “Give us a minute Melanie, and our lesson can begin.” As I whispered to ask her what kind of lesson she was talking she slid me across the water, my hands gripping her bikni now for balance. She sat me on a high step, with her directly in-front of me creating some relative privacy. “Since we’ve been teasing you for so long, we need to release some of that energy before your lesson.” I felt her pull my swim trunks completely away from me. She placed my hands around her neck and started into my eyes. I let out a small gasp as as her fingers began slowly stroking me. “Yes, this is long overdue.” She slowly sped up her stroking. It felt incredible and I started to lose a bit of my posture and closed my eyes. “Ohh see, you’re already there.” I pulled quite hard on her bikini strap still in hand and she responded, slowing her fingers to barely moving. “Melanie made me promise not to corner you alone anymore. Do you want me to keep that promise?” I shook my head in a jerky manner, too aroused to speak. “I didn’t think so.” The pace of her fingers quickened. “You waited long enough for this.” She pressed in just the right ways, and it only took a few more strokes before I climaxed. Her fingers moved gently, and then came to rest, still holding me.

“I like the hot-tub, less mess to cleanup. The filters will get it. How was it after all that buildup? Did you like it?” I was a bit embarrassed to be talking so directly about this. Afterall, Melanie was right across the hottub, even if she couldn’t hear us over the roar of the bubbles. I nodded. “You’re really going to need to lose that silence Jake. Melanie is going to need your input.” I spoke a short confirmation and then asked her again what this lesson was all about. Natasha beamed a smirk at me. “Why to teach Melanie how to do that, of course.” Her hands moved again, but I was spent. “I’ll give you a minute to rest first.“ Her hands gave me a little pat before receding. “I can’t wait until I get those pictures onto my computer. You can print out a couple, but I don’t think we want too many of them floating around. I give you permission to use my computer to see them whenever you like.”

Chapter xx: The Lesson

I opened my eyes and saw Melanie looked to be in the throws of pleasuring herself. Natasha looked over her shoulder and saw the same thing I saw. “That’s hot. That’ll only help you get ready.” I felt Natasha’s hand check me, but I was still unresponsive. “Not enough. Don’t you worry, I know what you like Jake. It’s time to pick up where we left off earlier.” She rose, bringing both breasts up out of the water directly in front of me. Her fingers pulled the bottom bikni strap away from her skin, water still dripping down her breasts. “Hold here Jake.” My fingers curled around the strap as they had earlier, and she dragged them underwater and she settled, leaving the top of her breasts at the surface. “During the photo shoot, you had such a great expression. What did you imagine exactly? ” As the picture came to mind, deep under the surface I started to uncurl my fingers, but her hands grasped to keep them in place. “No, tell me.” It was hard to get out the words at first.

“I imagined how small my hands would be.” She squeezed my hands as she acknowledged that they were small, then asked me where they would be exactly? “Cupped around you.” Like the apology, she fed me the words and I repeated them. “Cupped around your breast.” She quizzed if that was everything I was thinking. “I wanted to taste them.” She poked fun, pointing out that I’d been shoved into her breasts enough times before. “I wanted to taste them gently.” She repeated the words in present tense for me to repeat. “I want to taste them gently.” Her hands reached around her back and the bikni strap became free in my hands. As I brought it to the surface, she placed the tiny top on the ledge behind me. Her arms rested on the ledge to my sides, her breasts half out of the water. After a few moments, she was still posed patiently. I reached my hands up around one of them, then the other, exploring the contours. She asked me to lift them and describe how they felt in the water. “billowy, like clouds.” Giggling a little, she rose up out of the water slowly, her arms still on the ledge behind me. I admired one naked breast, two hands cupped around either side. She cupped one big hand under her other breast while looking down and commented that she liked how small my hands looked against her, her fingers were slowly brushing her nipple.

“What’s next in your imagination?” I slid forward and started to lick the bottom of her breast, inching my way up until I took her nipple in my mouth. “I like that. Melanie is going to like that too.” I felt her hand reach to stroke me. “Not quite ready. Imagine what it will be like when we bring Melanie over here. No biting now Jake. Yes, like that.” The more I suckled at her skin, the more she pressed her breasts into my face, sliding them sideways against me, stopping long enough for me to get purchase on each nipple. “What would you like me to do next Jake?” I fed her hand down under the water and she found me stiffening up. “I think we’re ready for a lesson.” She turned over her shoulder and waved Melanie over.

“Melanie, give me your hand. Now gently, like this.” Natasha wrapped Melanie’s hand around me, and Melanie resumed the slow rhythmic motion. “Men are turned on by visuals, so lift yourself out of the water. Melanie rose up, bringing her breasts out of the water. She was watching my face intently, and I raised my hands to trace the curves of her breasts as I had done earlier. I asked her to move closer, until I was licking and sucking at her nipple enough to elicit some sounds from her. “Now Melanie, ever so slowly, move your fingers faster.” I felt Natasha’s hand guiding Melanie’s movement. “Not too fast. Now and again, slow, and simply draw your fingers around, especially if you want to calm him.” Natasha did her best to manipulate Melanie to do as she had asked. While the first attempt was clumsy, I was thoroughly aroused. Melanie used her other hand to pull me into her breast and whispered to me not to stop. However, Natasha gently parted us. “If you’re trying to heighten his arousal, give him pause to see you. Let him touch you, or touch yourself.” Melanie rubbed her hand up her breast. “Tell him what to do, or ask him what he wants.” Melanie asked me if it was a turn on to watch her rubbing herself, and I nodded emphatically. She asked what I would like, and I asked her not to stop. “See, he likes that Melanie, just keep your rhythm, and remember to pause and slow, make him really want it. When he gets close you’ll know what to do.”

Natasha moved to whisper in my ear. “I told you that you would like the lesson. I bet you will be begging us for more.” I could feel her breasts rubbing against my arm under the surface. She also started to make sounds of her own, which were exciting me even more. Melanie tried to lean forward to kiss me, but I slipped out of her hand. She sat back and both of her hands began to stroke me. Natasha took my hand and brought it up to her breast, manipulating me to lift it and rubbing it into my face. Her sounds became more forceful and she brought on her own climax. Finished with herself, her hand wrapped around Melanie’s, giving her just the right rhythm for me and adjusting her pressure. In a few more strokes I lost my physical composure and let out an involuntary sound as I climaxed into both of their hands. Natasha gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before she stepped dripping up out of the hot-tub to grab a towel. “Until next time sweetheart. Time to check out these pictures.” She grabbed the camera and headed out the door.

Chapter xx:

Over the next several weeks my meetings with Melanie were alone. Apparently Natasha had gone on a short trip, she even left me a little note about looking forward to seeing me when she returned. Melanie and I had mostly continued hiking outdoors, and while the trails were filled with snow, the first patches of ground were showing signs of spring. After long hikes out in the snow she was all too eager to try out her new techniques back in her room. She was getting better, though she would usually bring me to climax all too quickly compared to the extended arousal of our photo shoot. She enjoyed my touching her as well, and I might have brought her close to climax once. However, each time she would become impatient as her climax neared, and her fingers would move with purpose to finish herself.

I fantasized about the photo shoot often, though it was fading from my memory day by day. As the weeks passed, my previous animosity towards Natasha also seemed to be fading from memory. I even caught myself slightly excited when I mistakenly thought a car pulled into the drive. I had tried to view the photos on Natasha’s computer, but couldn’t seem to find them.

I almost hadn’t noticed the sound of the door closing when Natasha finally did return. However, couldn’t miss her announcing her arrival to Melanie as she rushed up the stairs and into her room. Melanie was out of the house, however, and I was only here as I had become used to the greater independence of a house without parents around. I felt tingles in my arms as I walked to Natasha’s bedroom door and felt a bit frozen before she spotted me and called out. “Jake! So great to see you. My trip was incredible, a bit of a girl’s reunion in Los Angeles. Come on in here and tell me how you and Melanie have been making out.” That explained the tan she was sporting and clothes too light for the still brisk hints of spring. She was wearing slightly baggy pants and a yellow tank top that hugged her tummy.

“We’ve been hiking. It’s been great. The weather is really calming down around here. I’m actually not sure where she is at the moment.” Her suitcase was on the bed, and she was sorting and stashing her closthes as she unpacked. She chided me about hiding from my parents in their house, before asking me how our practice was going, putting the special emphasis of innuendo on her words. My face flushed red. “It’s … going.” She urged me not to be embarrassed and made a remark about how it might be time for another lesson soon before giggling to me. “By the way, where are the photos from that shoot?”

“Yes. I bet you’ve been thinking about them since I left, haven’t you.” She walked towards where I was standing in the doorframe and shook her finger towards me. “I didn’t want anyone snooping around in them, so I hid them pretty good. I’m dying to show you, but first I think I deserve a welcome back hug.” She extended her arms down to me and hoisted my legs up around her torso into more of a side-carry than a hug. My head was actually above hers, affording me too good a view down the cleavage in her shirt. “Looks like you missed all three of us.” She gently bounced me a few times, and she obviously caught my eyes darting down to her chest as it moved. “Everyone likes to be missed. I missed you too Jake.” She walked us over to the computer and sat me down in the chair before entering some keystrokes and showing me where I could find the photos. “How about you find your favorites in there while I finish unpacking.” She moved back across the room and continued sorting clothes from her suitcase.

As I flipped through the photos, I saw a very different perspective than when I was in them. I got to see Natasha’s playful look towards the camera as she pulled her dress fabric down over my head. When I finally pulled myself out from under, what I couldn’t see was her arms bent out in a powerful pose, her hands pulling her sweater down around either side of her nearly bare breast, my head looking up from below. A few shots later, my head positioned between her breasts with my hands held by hers and pressing the sandwich together. Clearly one of my favorites. Of her side view shots, seeing my hands gripped onto her bikni, her breast dangled inches in front of my face caused me to stir a little uncomfortably in the chair. Across the room she was bending over to a low drawer, bringing the fabric of those loose fitting pants tight over her butt. Then came Melanie’s series. They looked more posed and less natural. Melanie looked more comfortable after removing her jacket. Then came my favorite photo, where my head was pressed sideways into one breast, while she pulled her bikini forward away from the other. After that Melanie had slipped me behind her bikni, and in several of them my face was largly obscured by red fabric. I suspected Melanie would like those best. Likewise for Natasha’s playful shots slipping her sweater dress down around me. In the room Natasha had moved out of view into closet. “Finding any good stuff in there Jake?” She asked rhetorically. My absolute favorite came in the set of both of them. They were standing side by side behind me, and I looked like a toy with each of them holding one of my hands to the sides of their breasts. Natasha’s free hand had a finger suggestively posed in her mouth, and my head looking upwards towards the mountain of flesh above me.

Natasha then strode out of the closet wearing something looking oddly familiar. A mini-skirt cut obscenely short, and a long sleeve top cut so short in the torso that it didn’t make it around the bottom of her breasts. As she looked at herself in the mirror she pulled down in vane attempting to make what little fabric was there handle the impossible task of covering the bare exposed bottom of her breasts. She picked up a magazine on the way towards me and slipped it to me. I recognized it as the magazine from the pool room I had dog-eared some pages in. “Well, you picked it out, what do you think?” She bent over to rest her elbows on the desk in front of me and stroked her hand from her butt across her tummy and against her breast, her fingers slipping under the fabric of her shirt. “I don’t think it’s very suitable for wearing in public.”

When I tried to speak I found my jaw hanging partially open and I stammered. “Uh… no. You might cause an accident.” She laughed and swiveled towards the monitor to check out the pictures I had selected, still bent over fully at the waist. It was obviously her intention to slip her butt to eye level in front of my face. I let me hands come to rest on her leg, and felt her thing but muscled thigh, inching my fingers up towards her crotch as Melanie had encouraged me to do.

“Ohh, some of these came out better than I thought. I see why you like this one in particular.” Her legs had gently parted at my touch, and my fingers were now rubbing on the fabric of her panties. “That’s good Jake, I see you two have been practicing.” I spoke a confirmation aloud, and she slowly rocked her body forward and backward in front of me as I stroked her for a few moments. She cinched her mini-skirt up and parted her panties to give me room to worked my fingers against her. “Yes Jake. Slowly. Not quite there Jake.” Her fingers adjusted mine until I had the right spot, and then stayed on top of mine, showing me the motion she wanted. She began to moan, and her hips moved with the motion until she let her hand free and let me rub and finish her. As she climaxed, her hand came back to stop mine. A moment of silence passed before she pulled her miniskirt back down and turned to kneel facing me.

Our eyes were level, and her breasts were tempting me, the fabric of her top having worked up over one of her now exposed nipples. “That was quite good Jake. Are you as good with Melanie?” I briefly explained that she doesn’t help me as much. I started to tingle as I slipped my hands onto her breasts and my fingers up under her under-portioned top. “Yes, I’ll show her more about that. Now I have a special coming home treat for you.” She unzipped my pants, laid her breasts down into my crotch, her fingers rubbing against my underwear. “But first I should tell you all about my trip. Veronica was there.” My mind flashed to the picture I still kept in my pocket, and I hoped Veronica was the redhead. “I told her all about you, and she might even be coming here to visit soon.” She slipped me out of my underwear and between her breasts, dragging me against her somewhere deep in her cleavage. “Veronica is a real troublemaker. You should have seen her toying with the boys at the hotel pool. She practically made them stare at her huge rack in the water. In fact, they were probably all wishing she’d do something just like this to them.” Both of her hands came to rest on her breasts as she pressed them left and right across my lap. “Then she’d give them sultry looks as she slowly waded deeper, drawing them with her. She stopped when they started treading water, playing a game to see how long they could keep chatting her up before they became winded.” She was now moving her breasts in playful patterns in my lap. “I think she gave the one that lasted the longest some kind of special treatment.” She pulled herself away, exposing me and bringing her lips down to my lap. “Though not the kind of special welcome home treatment you’re getting right now.” Her tongue was warm and wet as she teased me. Her breasts were pressed heavily into my thighs, and the conversation was on hiatus as she stroked me in and out of her mouth for minutes. My hands rubbed each of her breasts, feeling her nipples harden, before I finally climaxed into her mouth. She smiled with satisfaction, and stepped out towards the restroom. “Melanie will be pleased to know you’re not afraid to be alone with me anymore. You can come in Melanie.” As I zipped up, Melanie stepped through the door, apparently having been outside watching for some time. Natasha called out from the restroom, “I hope you were studying technique Melanie. Jake is going to test you on it later.” We both blushed to each other as we left towards her room.