outline - sacrifice

    • info

      • setting: magic middle earth

      • Norse (3 people tall, 16-20 ft)

        • Erik (Erika, 16ft) - norse youth captor sent to carry out peace offering - young fiesty virgin daughter of the norse king - kind of annoyed that the boys at camp are intimidated by her.

        • Tronam (19ft) - Norse soldier / captain

      • humans

        • Bray - human youth boy chosen as sacrifice. lanky, dextrous, but frail. awkwardly funny and endearing. stupidly fearless. monologues and talks to himself alot. (5'10")

        • Linder - youngest war-like elder

        • Ebon - strongest warrior among the human youths, linder's son

        • Gail - oldest elder..

    • rough story

      • backstory: a human settlement has to sacrifice a young man to a nearby Norsemen clan every decade to preserve 50 years of peace

      • act 1: boy is sacrificed, carted off, thinks he's going to die, then the norse warrior gives in and 'saves' him. he's totally smitten, wants to be close to her, she's happy she saved him. Night falls, sitting by the fire. They have a 'moment'. she brings him close. holds him against her. She demonstrates that she heard his little fantasy by demonstrating that her shoulder-pad blanket is much smaller than her breast.

      • act 2: The norse threaten a war because of their missing emissary. she gets close to their home, overhears, and reconsiders what she is doing. She doesn't want to end fifty years of peace, but she doesn't want to kill him. She can't live a life of solitude (as if he's not a person). she keeps him at arms length, but doesn't know what to do. Humans and Norse tensions rise. He offers to sacrifice himself to preserve the peace. It's too much for her.

      • act 3: He sneaks away, climbs up into the Norse battle keep. declares himself the chosen. submits himself for death to preserve the peace. Says he snuck away from her to save himself. She shows herself, they declare the peace returned. They hand the chosen over to her to 'finish her duty'. She refuses. Insists she loves him, has no intent to kill him. Everyone in the room starts laughing. He dismisses the room, tells her mother to deal with this. turns out the norse stopped killing the chosen decades ago. The men found no honor in it, so they began sending women, and the women have no thirst for killing. The mother takes her to a secret room where she has the chosen humans from the last three decades held in comfort. she explains the 'deal'. offers her to share the room or have her own.

      • falling action: leads to a closing private scene with Erika and Bray.

    • --- act 1

    • scene 1: selection

      • picking a member of the community, wrapped in the rhetoric of it being a great honor

    • scene 2: elders discussing the Norsemen

      • young dissent about whether they should keep doing it..

      • (normally quiet) oldest elder remembers the war, tells them it's horror. makes a graphic depiction of what Norsemen are like. (two men taller than you)

      • oldest elder confesses the name he actually drew was the dissenter's son, Lind. that he wouldn't give up their strongest young warrior, so he sent Bray instead. That shuts them all up.

    • scene 3: mother and the selected young man

      • she knows it's a death sentence. can't keep up the rhetoric

      • he's strong for her. resigns to do his duty to protect the clan. He's a bad warrior, and a worse sower, so maybe this is the best.

      • she thinks he's so brave.

    • scene 4: sacrifice

      • town is gathered. boy is dressed for his role. drums thump, men chant. A huge fire is lit. It's night. full moon.

      • a horn blasts, and everyone goes silent. Rustling in the forest can be heard. Then the sound of wood splintering.

      • A huge warrior emerges from the dark, fourteen feet tall, pushing tree limbs out of the way, and clad in wooden armor planks.

      • gruff yet strange voice recites the declaration of peace....

      • the boy starts to say something... a huge sword spears into the earth next to him, and a booming voice declares that the chosen shall be silent

      • one of the elders recites the declaration of peace "confirmation"

      • the Norsemen warrior picks up the chosen boy with both hands, declares the peace shall continue, and throws him over a shoulder... retreating into the darkness of the woods

    • scene 5: carried through the woods

      • the boy's experience being carried through the woods....sounds, darkness

      • the boy starts talking to himself, half in monologue to the warrior.... who ignores him until finally declaring 'enough'

      • the boy doesn't stop. resigned to die, he's not afraid. he taunts the warrior. "cart me through the woods until i die of boredom."

    • scene 6: suspense builds

      • the boy's friends talk about how he's likely to die... rumors and ghost stores by campfire

      • i hear they.... string you up and turn you inside out

      • i hear they.... cook you and eat you

      • i hear they.... tie you up and feed you to the kaina-wolves they keep as pets

    • scene 7: warrior speaks

      • the boy is still blabbering on

      • he's suddenly thrown down, the warrior kneeling down over him, a huge sword laid on his chest, up agains his neck, 'another word and I'll end you right here.'

      • he jests '... or I can be quiet and you'll just end me somewhere else? I don't see the difference. Might as well get on with it.'

      • he feels the sword move against him, expecting the end. The warrior yells in frustration, then slumps back away from him, dropping the huge sword on his chest in the process.

      • it takes him a while to lift the hugely heavy blade off his chest. meanwhile he hears gruff murmuring and the sound of wood clacking together.

      • when he finally gets the sword free, he stands and sees a pile of giant wooden armor, the warrior's armor, lying on the ground.

      • A moment later a huge crash as the warrior's foot crashes through the armor, kicking it through the air. He stumbles backward and falls to the ground. When he looks up, he sees an unexpected sight. The warrior is a young woman.

      • He's shocked, looking up in the full moon light, trying to make out her physical features. She seems quite attractive. Traditional Norsemen shirt, gathered at the waist to form a kilt, covered with a criss-cross leather harness which previously held her wooden armor plates and still holds her sword sheath. She finally looks down and notices him. He calls up, "hey you're a girl."

      • She reaches down towards him to retrieve her huge sword. "And you are on your own." Up closer, he gets an unexpectedly provocative view down the front of her shirt. Then she stands and turns into the forest.

      • For a moment he's elated. Then he looks around at the darkness with no idea where he is. "Wait!" He triest to run after her, hearing her get further and further away with her long strides. He yells at the top of his lungs, "Wait! You can't just leave me here!" He stumbles over something, falling to the ground. He musters strength to yell after her, "Great. So you won't kill me, but you'll leave me in the woods to die. Brave."

      • he's cold, shivering against the dirt. cowers into a ball and falls asleep

    • scene 8: mother morning her son

      • his mother is lying down in her bed, morning with her husband the loss of their son

      • he talks about how they brought his family honor. How there is no greater sacrifice.

    • scene 9: daybreak

      • he wakes up and realizes he's warm and covered. he can hear the crackling and feel the nearby heat of fire embers

      • turns out he's covered in a leather and feather piece of the warrior's clothing. he pushes it aside, getting a better look at the situation.

      • next to him huge branches of wood are smouldering and letting off a small amount of smoke

      • he looks around and sees nobody. talks to himself about how at least she didn't leave him to die.

      • he looks down at the doubled over covering, and doesn't immediately recognize the shape. He unfolds it, and looks oddly at the triangular form, until his mind clicks in a moment of shock, realizing he has seen this before. It looks like a female leather chest pad, worn under armor to insulate their breasts from the rough surfaces of the outer armor. he's a bit shocked at the size, it dawning on him that a female Norsemen, more than two times his height, would have breasts almost as big as he is.

      • He looks around as if he has to check to make sure he's alone, and then crawls onto the still warm leather. Lying himself down on it, it spans clear from his head to his waist. realizing this is the closest he'll ever get to a norse bosom. He pulls at the leather, wrapping himself up in it, and starts thinking about his moment looking at her in the moonlight.

      • He starts talking to himself, imitating what she would have said to him in his dreams. "ohh xxx are you cold? yes, would you mind sparing a piece of your clothing? ohh it's much too cold for that. You'll need body heat to keep you warm. I'll hold you against my bosom. Is that enough, or should I squeeze tighter? Tighter please. MMmmm."

      • He was startled by a loud and gruff throat clearing. He threw the leather aside and found himself lying back looking straight up at his beautiful captor. Really, she was stunning, more than stunning. Her off-white shirt was off one shoulder, the brown leather harness contrasting against it and holding against the shape of her monstrous tits. He was drawn to her lips as she spoke, noticing a smirky crinkle of her lips, "i hope you're not soiling my shoulderpad." She let out a little laugh.

      • He looked up and realized the reason her shirt was off one shoulder was that she had torn that part of it free. Her opposite shoulder held a pad identical to the one he was lying on. He wondered how much she had heard, suddenly feeling doubly silly for his mistaken fantasy. Though looking up at her he realized her breasts were even bigger than he thought from the size of her... shoulder pad.

      • She was already kneeling and pulled out a massive knife. He stood up, and could see she was cleaning and skinning a yuca bear. The yuca bear was a fierce beast feared for their taste of human flesh, but in her hands it looked more like an oversize fluffy rabbit. He watched her, clean it, and impale it on a stick before tossing a handful of dry branches into the huge still-smouldering fire logs. Several seconds later, the flame caught, and she proceeded to roast the bear meat.

    • scene 10: norse parents

      • mother expresses concern over Erika not returning. The father calms her. Tells her not to worry. She is no human, they are Norse.

      • what if they broke the treaty, what if they killed our daughter? The treaty has stood for 50 years, and will stand for 50 more.

      • The war that started it all was no war for the Norse. It was fun brawl, a way for our adolescent males to let off steam. The humans had no chance. Yet they would challenge and threaten us each time until we broke down and punished them for their insolence. They are like children, testing boundaries, and this sacrifice provides them a boundary they can trust. Our daughter is fine. she will arrive tonight.

    • scene 11: making camp by night

      • she's trudging through the woods with him slung over her back. She still doesn't know what to do, or what to do with him.

      • By nightfall they are near enough to the Norse camp that she dare not light a fire. She eats and feeds him the rest of the Yuca Bear.

      • When she lays down to sleep, she calls him over, letting him sleep very close to her for warmth. She lays down some boundaries though, 'no funny business'. He cracks a couple endearing jokes about how she'd mince him into a pulp. how he didn't even have the nerve to talk to girls in his settlement, let alone pull any 'funny business'. Do you move in your sleep? Because right now I'm more worried about you rolling over on me.

      • "Try to stop staring at my breasts long enough to get some sleep."

      • "Was that staring? I was really just looking up and wondering if they could be lethal. I mean, I can think of worse ways to go than dying under the gorgeous tits on a beautiful Norse girl, but right now I'm hoping just to get some sleep."

      • She starts laughing, and it turns into unexpectedly uncontrolled laughter. Then she's gently sobbing. "Was it something I said? I hope my jokes arn't that bad."

      • "No no.. It's just. I think that was the most honest compliment I've ever received. Except by my parents but that doesn't count. All the boys at home are afraid of me, well really afraid of my father the King, but the result is the same. They watch me like I'm a thief, and are polite, but none of them will let themselves look at me that way."

      • "See and here I have the opposite problem. I've talk to every girl in town, and none of them even notice me. Sometimes it's like I'm not even there. None of them are as beautiful as you though. Maybe if I was a big strong Norse boy I'd be intimidated too." They both caught each other's eyes in a look of doubt and laughed. "No, I guess not. I'd tell you how beautiful you were every day, and you'd ignore me like the rest of them."

      • "Ohh, I wouldn't ignore you. You're sweet." He heard a dragging sound on the ground next to him and a moment later her huge hand was close, sliding him closer to her. tugged up against her chest, she held him tight. "Now, it's time to get some sleep. In the morning I'll figure out what to do with this whole mess."

    • ---- act 2:

    • scene: king addresses the settlement (Totterings of War)

      • Erika has not returned, which means the humans may have broken their vow of peace. I'll dispatch a team to the woods to search for her, and another to the human settlement to see if there are any obvious signs of deception.

      • some young chant for war now, and he calms them down

    • scene: bray and Erika wake up

      • Bray wakes alone. Erika walks up from the ridge, setting down some berries.

      • Bray cracks some jokes about surviving the night.

    • scene: Erika is away when the scouts finds their camp

      • Bray hides, and overhears the scouts looking for her.

      • That they want to war, so they plan to kill Erika even if they find her. - but not before having some fun.

    • scene: norse parents

      • turns out the father took the next step because the mother insisted, was worried about her daughter

      • "if this sends us into war it will be a foolish move"

    • scene: Erika returns

      • Bray jumps out and is elated to see her, was worried about her.

      • Erika is confused but touched that he was worried about her when she was in no danger. Bray explains what he overheard.

      • THe situation is far worse than they thought. Erika feels she must return and explain what she has done. Though she doesn't know the outcome. She could be put to death for dishonoring the clan, or worse, they could challenge her father. He already doesn't have a male heir.

    • scene: norse confront the humans

      • two norse men arrive at the human camp. scare the crap out of Lind. (pees his pants)

      • demand an explanation for their missing Norse.

      • the humans explain their side of the story. point out how little they have to threaten the norse with.

    • ?? any actual fighting?

    • ---- act 3:

    • scene: declaration in the great hall

      • Erika follows Bray, but too late to stop him. He has plans to climb up onto the feasting table, but moments after he enters, he trips and turns around to a Norsemen looking down at him. They chide him for being so brazen they are going to roast him on a spit, but bring him up to the clan leader.

      • Says he snuck away from her to save himself. She shows herself, they declare the peace returned. They hand the chosen over to her to 'finish her duty'. She refuses. Insists she loves him, has no intent to kill him. Everyone in the room starts laughing. He dismisses the room, tells her mother to deal with this.

    • scene:

      • turns out the norse stopped killing the chosen decades ago. The men found no honor in it, so they began sending women, and the women have no thirst for killing. The mother takes her to a secret room where she has the chosen humans from the last three decades held in comfort.

      • Bray recognizes the last chosen, from when he was eight years old. They are all in comfort, and a bit out of shape like he is, probably from inactivity and over feeding. They greet him as if he's joining a club and they were expecting him.

      • Erika is shocked, and a little outraged at them letting her believe she was supposed to kill the chosen. Then she asks what happens if their father founds out.

      • Her mother laughs, and explains that he already knows. He gets to bed every virgin, except you of course, and you think he cares about these little men? All the adults know. She sits and the three chosen climb onto her with familiarity. Our men are all too busy chasing the newest girl of age. Who is it now? Adriana? It would be you if you were not your father's daughter. The men think we keep these humans as pets. Of course we know better. One of the men begins pulling at her top as she continues. "I can't say I've fallen in love, but these humans are my lovers, and the lovers of several. It is not a secret of fact, but a secret of practice. A truth we all know but pretend is secret.

      • She pauses to help the man pull her top open, revealing her firm naked breast. (starts manipulating the man)

      • mother addresses Bray, unfazed that her naked breast is showing and she's fondling one of the men. Tells him he is free to go, but that norse country is a hard land. If you return home, you risk ending the peace. If you stay, you will be Erika's, for her to do with as she pleases, under the care and protection of the Norse women. Which path do you choose?

      • He's a bit shocked by the blatant continued fondling of the man in her lap. He looked to Erika, and she meets his eyes with fondness. He observes how absolutely gorgeous she is. (of course he stays)

      • "A very wise choice. Remember Bray, a good life need not be hard, but being kept hard can be a good life." The three men atop her all laugh. The laugh from the one being fondled coming out punctuated by the staccato rhythm of her rubbing against him. "Erika, he is yours. When you wish, you may leave him here for ... safe keeping, but tonight I suggest you take him to your room... discreetly I might add. The men of the clan are sure to be jealous of him after your little display in the great hall. Later I will instruct you how to best care for Bray. For tonight I trust you two can figure something out."

      • They looked at each other, each not sure if her inuendo was supposed to be as sexual as it sounded. Erika spoke up, "Yes. Thank you mother." She reached her hand out to Bray, helping him hop off the chair.

      • Before they made it to the door, her mother called out. "Erika, please. I said be discrete. He can't go walking the keep halls." She turned and looked at her mother perplexed. Her mother pointed over to a table filled with candles. "Wrap him in that blanket there and carry him."

    • ---- falling action:

    • scene: Erika's room

      • Bray felt the bundle he was wrapped in being set down on something, flickering candle light seeped in as the blanket unfolded. Her room was huge to him, yet appeared cramped, the bed he was on taking up nearly all of the space.

      • Erika looked down at him with a softness he hadn't seen since their evening in the woods. He looked up at her with wonder. "Is this really happening?"

      • "If you find it hard to believe your sacrifice is being gifted to a life of pampering and horney Norse women, think about me. I just found out my mother has been keeping human men hidden my entire life. Doing who knows what dirty little things with them up in that room." She let out a shudder. "Ewww."

      • Bray couldn't help but feel disappointment. He was starting to get the hope that Erika was going to be doing dirty little things to him any minute now. The look on her face said otherwise. He looked down at the sheet. "Ohh no, not you. Not you. You're like a dream come true!" He saw her huge fingers approach before they rested onto his legs. At her touch, his emotions welled up. He grasped opposite sides of her huge hand as he looked back up into her eyes. "I still can't believe I get to keep you." Was he now a pet? His dreams of being hers included her being his. He was beginning to wonder what he was getting himself into.

      • Still the feeling of her huge hand wrapping onto his lap was breaking through his resistance. Plus, she was gorgeous, and the way she was leaning down towards him was causing the shape of her breasts to show prominently against the fabric of her shirt. All if it was starting to form a reaction. He wanted to tell her he loved her too. Tell her he wanted her, but his tongue was mute. He could only muster a lukewarm question, "So what now?"

      • "Mmmm." She bit her lip as she puzzled for a minute. Then she sat up straight with purpose. "Are you cold?" He shook his head. It wasn't hot in the room, but the hearth of the great hall kept all the walls and rooms unusually pleasant given the cold summer night. "No silly. You look very cold. Like you might need something to keep you warm, say a piece of my clothing..."

      • A wash of embarassment flushed over him. She had heard the whole thing, his whole juvinile fantasy. Part of him wanted to climb off and crawl under the huge bed and hide. Another part of him was dying to break free. To be with her. She sat silently as he mustered all the will he could to mouth the words from his previous fantasy play-acting, "I guess... Would you mind... sparing a piece of your clothing?

      • Erika's face lit up, like they were right back there sharing a night in the woods. "Ohh. It's much to cold for that." Her words were thick with melodrama. "You'll need my body heat to keep you warm." She unclasped a buckle on her harness, her face a strange mixture of play and lust. "In fact, you might freeze to death without it." She reached to pull the harness over her head, and in the process she removed her tunic as well, leaving her completely naked. Every glimpse and hint of her body he'd seen didn't prepare him for it. She was stunning. .. (description)

      • She reached back towards him, wrapping both hands around his body, and lifted him from the bed. She leaned back against the head, and a moment later he was straddling her waist, his feet barely touching the bed fabric below. In front of him, her mountainous tits sad proudly on her chest, each bigger than his whole torso. He wanted to reach out and hug them, explore them, but her hands were still wrapped around his body, her huge thumbs massaging across his chest. "I think you'll be much warmer, if I hold you against my bosom." She tightened her arms, framing and squeezing her breasts together in the process.

      • She started to lift him off her. He couldn't believe this was happening. His fantasy made real in front of him. He wanted to dive between those breasts, bury himself against her.

      • "But first," she abruptly set him back down. "The best way to keep warm is skin on skin contact." Her giant thumbs rubbed against him harder, then again. Then the fabric of his tunic rashed against his chest until she pressed so hard the fabric tore open in front. Her huge hand grabbed the opening, peeling and tearing it off him like parchment wrapped around a bread loaf. The way she was peeling his clothing off, tugging his body side to side by the shirt, made him feel like a toy. Finally removed, she tossed the tattered fabric across the bed. "Perfect."

      • She pulled him up her body until her breasts were spilling over his legs. He instinctively reached out to steady himself against the chest-high globes, but made no further motion, not confident he should go further. He looked up at her as if to ask an unspoken question. "Now would is the time for funny business." He looked back down, sending one hand in a sweeping arc over her majectic breast. "Just be careful, they might be lethal!" She let out a little laugh, causing her chest to bounce and her tits to jiggle.