The Triumph of the Journey of Mental Health

By Marilyn Muniz ('23)

Mental health is the component of our overall well-being. It’s made up of our emotional, psychological, and social health. It affects how we think, feel, and how we behave. It can be different for everyone since a variety of factors have to be considered. While growing up, there’re so many different reasons as to why we might be feeling down or on top of the world! But what’s important to always keep in mind is that mental health should always be the top priority.

To highlight mental health awareness, I feel like it’s a good idea to share what I’ve been through, since I want to help others who may be experiencing the same things! If not, it will no doubt help to inform others on what mental health troubles can look like.

Photo courtesy of Association of Radical Midwives

Bullying can happen anywhere in the world, and is probably happening this very second! I can speak from experience since I’ve gone through bullying as well, and it didn’t end for quite a bit. I was just like any other happy girl: outgoing, friendly, smart, and confident. Which in my eyes is how any and every little girl should view themselves. But through bullying, it’s hard to notice when you let them take that part of yourself away. The hurtful words thrown at me stuck, changing the very way I perceived myself and causing my self-esteem to plummet; that’s what bullying can do to someone’s mental health.

As one might assume, my mental health was already depleting throughout the years, especially when I, like many others, had to watch my mother work tirelessly to maintain a roof over my family’s heads. It all led to what felt like endless nights of sadness, and a noticeable decline in my academic performance.

For a fresh start, my family and I embarked on a journey of moving. Like other individuals after moving to a new place, my anxiety and my mental health did suffer until I discovered a healthy way of coping through my love of diving into books. I eventually even found someone who I consider a long lasting friend, and our bond has brought me such a different outlook. Books and our friendship have kept me motivated during school. Anxiety was and still is an issue I battle, however, I’ve made great strides because of the new found hope I was finding in things. 

This year, I was in the Her Honor Mentoring program, and had the opportunity of meeting and forming a relationship with two strong, hard-working women! I’ve learned so much from them, and one of their most crucial lessons for me was to accept and understand that it is absolutely okay to struggle, but never to give up; a person can have the internal strength to pick themself up. I am here to say, I know the dark place that others talk about and how it may feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but trust me it’s always there! Keep going, it can be a long or short journey, but you will find it. When you do, you’re going to thank yourself for never letting anyone or anything get in between you and your happiness and well-being. 

Photo courtesy of Priory

Writing this article may not have been my original plan to share some of my experiences since I was planning on staying anonymous, but as I write this, I believe the reader should know who I am and what I stand for. I want to thank myself for never letting negativity and the bullies get the best of me. Because of my strength and perseverance, I’m graduating high school this month and will be achieving my dream of being involved in law enforcement to help others!

Banner photo courtesy of Los Angeles Times

Cover photo courtesy of Huddy Health