The Rambling Raider

By Christina Muttavanchery ('23)

The Rambling Raider team's goal is to keep everyone informed and updated around them. This could be cultural events happening in media, or an international situation! Our writers have our complete support to dig deeper and release their inner journalists about a topic that they're personally passionate about. Writing is an independent experience, but with our amazing editorial staff, we made it into a collaborative setting to further uplift the topic. Having different viewpoints and edits on your writing pieces create wonderful articles!

Since we're an online newspaper, we have unique positions open! So if you have any ideas about how to improve our outreach online, join up and help!

We assist our team to improve their writing style and craft their articles into masterpieces. "Being on The Rambling Raider helped me to be more vocal with my opinions and trust my writing, which allowed me not to second guess myself." says the Senior Editor-in-Chief, Christina Muttavanchery. 

Being a part of The Rambling Raider is deeply beneficial for students in numerous ways. One benefit is that many English teachers give extra credit for seeing your involvement in the paper. 

Consider joining today to have your voice heard and grow your writing abilities!

Our February 2022 Issue Cover!

Our December 2022 News Section!

Simple Guidelines for Reader Contributions:

Writing pieces have to be original, and knowledgable. By this we mean, an individual must learn about the topic that they've chosen so they could do it justice! Secondly, making up new ideas can be challenging, but we just need all articles to be done completely by the individual submitting them. Once you have followed our guidelines, we would love to have you submit your piece!

Our May/June 2022 Commentary Section!

If you are interested in reporting for The Rambling Raider, please consider joining us. The time commitment is very flexible, and with an easy online format and submission, now is a great opportunity to become involved. Your voice is a gift; use it!  Please fill out our quick form below or e-mail with questions. Good luck and happy writing!

An Overview of What Our Sections Convey:

The News Section: Reporters may partake in public programs, using quotes and interviews from speakers. We're constantly having interview reports on school events and global movements. A benefit of writing for this section is that it gives a better understanding to the North Rockland Community of the political climate and which sources to trust.  

The Culture Section: Writers can express their interests and keep everyone updated about the newest trends in food, fashion, media, etc.

The Commentary Section: It's filled with writers' passion. Many choose to write reviews about books, movies, and music albums. Use this place to express your opinion, or spotlight a club that doesn't get enough attention. Opinionated articles are very much valid, with debates about school policies, county politics, and even national/international movements.

The Sports Section: We recognize student-athletes and their accomplishments. This section is also especially exciting for new reporters, as we regularly need an interview from a star player or MVP.

Additionally, The Rambling Raider has an Instagram page! On the Instagram page, we post updates on newly published issues, weekly meetings, and much more! Maneuvering the page is perfect if you are great with photography and social media.

Editorial Team

Leslie Urena ('24) - Senior Editor-in-Chief

Isobel Edmonds ('24) - Senior Editor

Shannan Massillon ('25) - Junior Editor

Yamilet Chabla Urgiles ('25) - Junior Editor

Mr. Adam Ludwig ('95) - Faculty Advisor