A Formal Goodbye from the Editor-in-Chief!

By Christina Muttavanchery ('23)

Summer is fast approaching, and I speak for the majority of seniors when I say I can’t wait for the next chapter of their lives. While I am aware of the challenges that will inevitably arise, I know I can stay optimistic and surround myself with good vibes!

Even though I’m excited for what’s to come, I find myself reflecting on the journey I’ve been on since joining The Rambling Raider team as a sophomore. I feel that I am prepared to face the challenges life throws at me, thanks to the valuable lessons I've learned. I would like to express my appreciation for everything.

Firstly, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Ludwig for his immense support and guidance throughout my time at the newspaper as Editor-in-Chief. His confidence in my ability to lead the paper, along with his trusted words of wisdom, has kept me grounded and resilient, even in the face of unexpected circumstances.

When I first joined The Rambling Raider, I had the goal of finding what my calling was, though I never thought it to be journalism. I joined as a shy, quiet sophomore who thought of the newspaper club as a tool to harness my writing skills and to grow faith in my abilities. However, I soon fell in love with the world of journalism and the collaboration with editors to make sure we’re all putting out our best pieces of work. Little did I know that towards the end, I’d have enough trust in myself to apply for Junior Editor-in-Chief, and actually get the position!

Gabby Ceconi was a friendly, amazing mentor who taught me all the ropes that come along with her position. There were times when I felt like I got into a slump with my writing because of the overwhelming stress of junior year, and she listened and encouraged me to take my time to get back into it. Before I knew it, the school year had ended and summer came!

Photo courtesy of Christina Muttavanchery ('23)

In August I got the amazing opportunity of getting to be the Senior Editor-in-Chief, and I was over the moon. Even though I had plenty of leadership experience from other clubs, I was still nervous about what was to come, but once again I had the guidance of Mr. Ludwig to help me run the paper smoothly.

During my time as Editor-in-Chief, I got to bring on board new editors and work with them! Shannan Massillon and Yamilet Chabla have improved tremendously in their writing and editing skills and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them in the newspaper. I’ve also had a great time as a mentor to Leslie Urena, who adjusted to being an editor on the writing staff extremely quickly and learned the importance of constructive criticism. Leslie has worked closely with me, often lending me a hand, and is greatly dedicated to NR’s news publication.

Many of our editing staff are seniors like myself, and will be graduating! Hence, I would like to thank Valentina Omotosho, Kelly Barros, and Kevin Cahill for their commitment to the paper for these couple of years; without them, the paper wouldn't have been able to produce 78 articles this year! I can’t wait to see what the cards have in store for them!

As I say goodbye to my role as Editor-in-Chief, I can’t wait for the journeys to come. The invaluable lessons and memories I’ve experienced will always stay with me. I’d like to thank the North Rockland community for their support of The Rambling Raider and our writing staff. I’ll always express gratitude for this opportunity which has completely shaped my life. Thank you all for these chances.


Christina Muttavanchery

Outgoing Editor-in-Chief

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