The Deal with College Admissions

By Christina Muttavanchery ('23)

For many seniors in high school, college is on all our minds. But the stress of applying and then waiting to hear back is another thing on its own.

Getting into a prestigious and competitive college comes with plenty of stereotypical requirements and expectations. In middle school, I thought a competitive student would have to be a part of 50 different clubs and have leadership roles. However, this clearly is not true to an extent. Colleges want to see you initiate a strong interest in clubs/activities that show who you are and represent their importance in your life, not just for the sake of coming across as a perfect student with high grades.

Photo courtesy of The New York Times

To find balance and footing it takes some reflection to look at yourself. But you may ask, what is the point of doing all this if there is no assurance that I will get into my #1 school? Well, you’ll get redirected to what can be fate.

Let’s face the facts. There is a chance you’ll get straight-up rejected at a school you set your heart on. Nonetheless, it just means you’re not on the path fate has planned. Rejection is a redirection to what destiny is for you. Who knows, rejection could be the best possible outcome for you to actually go somewhere where you’ll get incredible opportunities to help you grow. Acknowledging this might even help take the sting away from rejections. Wouldn’t you want to go somewhere where your intellect and personality are appreciated and needed?

Photo courtesy of Behavioral Scientist

A dangerous thing to do is sum yourself up to acceptances and rejections you receive because you’re more than what a piece of paper a college admissions officer may open up. Remember, you are a whole person and not just another file number, so don’t let anything take away your accomplishments and growth from these last couple of years.

Another piece of advice I’d like to share is to continue appreciating the little things in life. It could be the small act of appreciating your family or enjoying moments of listening to music, writing, or creating something. Don’t let anything take away your moments of happiness and bliss. Surround yourself with love and care, and keep pushing forward to see what could be next to lead you to the next chapter of your life.

Cover photo courtesy of Roo News

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