Thanksgiving Traditions 

By Genevieve Ciuro-Mareth ('26)

Thanksgiving, a classic American holiday. But have you ever considered how, or even if, other countries celebrate Thanksgiving? Well, many countries celebrate Thanksgiving in addition to the U.S., such as Canada, Liberia, Brazil, and many more! As such, different traditions are celebrated across the world. Who wouldn’t like filling meals on a day to celebrate thanks? A few examples of some popular traditions in the U.S. include but are not limited to: 

Photo courtesy of Delish

These traditions are common among Americans, but what other traditions are there on Thanksgiving? Various places around the world celebrate giving thanks, usually on different days and in different ways. Some of the places are:

A Kaamatan Festival 

Photo courtesy of New Straits Times 

Harvest Moon Festival 

Photo courtesy of Travel + Leisure 

As you can see, several festivals and celebrations occur in different countries, even if they aren’t related to what we Americans think of as the typical Thanksgiving holiday.

Cover photo courtesy of YMCA

Banner photo courtesy of Oprah Daily