How NR Athletes Are Coping During Sports Madness

By Kaitlyn Brezosky (‘22)

For a large portion of the students at North Rockland High School, more than their education is being hindered. Winter athletes went into the 2020-2021 school year with high hopes and optimism regarding a possible winter sports season and as we all know, not all sports are currently allowed to partake. There are exceptions such as the Winter Track Team, Boys’ Swimming, the Ski Team, and potentially Basketball. We wish them all luck! 

However, even with the approval of these sports, there are restrictions in place. Tim Engel (‘21) explained how Boys’ Swimming this year is completely different than any years past. “We stay six feet apart at all times and all of our meets are virtual.” Victoria Varano (‘22), from the Girls’ Varsity Bowling Team, expresses similar ideas as Tim. She explains, “In past years, we’ve had up to 20 matches, while this year we only have 7. I also feel bad for the seniors because there’s a limited amount of competition this year.” Grace Mallozzi (‘22) is a Varsity Basketball player suffering from what she explains as the “disappointment of not having a real season.” Grace, however, is “just happy to finally be practicing again and hopes to get in as many games as possible.” Personally, I am glad to see that there are athletes who are receiving some type of season since I understand athletics takes dedication and hard work. Our Raider pride is definitely shining and I hope these athletes make the most of what they are given. 

On the contrary, there are some sports that have been denied the right completely to even practice. These sports are deemed high risk by the state and include Cheerleading, Hockey, and Wrestling. For the athletes whose sport has become a part of their lifestyle, the absence of a season can be devastating both physically and mentally. Personally, I feel as if there’s something missing in my life without having Cheer practice 5-6 days a week. The absence of a cheer season made me realize how much I took it for granted. Most of all, I hope that I can see all of my teammates soon. 

Many other athletes can relate. Kevin Devine (‘23), a member of the Varsity Hockey Team, explains that “It’s tough because we’ve been working so hard and really want a season.” He explains that the team, as a whole, feels terribly for the seniors “who’ve done so much for their organization and deserve a final season.” 

After speaking to numerous varsity athletes, they have explained that,  in order to cope with the loss of their season, they participate in activities that keep them busy and in shape. Kevin Morina (‘22), also a member of the Hockey Team, makes sure he “go[es] to the gym to stay in shape if by any chance there will be a season to play.” It’s important that we all stay optimistic as well. According to WSYR-TV, as of January 22, 2021, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office announced that higher-risk sports will resume on February 1st, 2021. Although this is not a guarantee regarding the high-risk sports in North Rockland High School, it is a step in the right direction. Who knows? Maybe all of us athletes will get our seasons after all.

Girls Winter TrackJulia Howe ('22) Top | Samatha LaBier ('25) BottomJohn Meore/The Journal News