ChatGPT's Rise

By Connor Polizzi ('26)

A new, upcoming, and innovative technological advancement is making headlines throughout the globe. This program is not only revolutionary, but also interesting and has a complex design. ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is a computer software program that can be used to generate human-like text. This software program is one of the first of its kind, being able to produce natural responses and conversational dialogue between itself and its user. ChatGPT can be applied to a wide variety of areas, assisting humans by helping them answer questions or statements of all sorts. Some of the most common applications of this program have been for composing text, coding, and educational purposes, but in reality, countless areas and fields could benefit from the software.

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Many advantages of ChatGPT show how it could revolutionize technology in the future. Starting off, ChatGPT is simple to use, requiring only an input or question, while the program scours its vast library of textbooks, websites, and articles to instantly produce an intricate and detailed answer. Additionally, ChatGPT can aid students in school, helping them with their writing, language, projects, and presentations, or even giving virtual tutoring. 

NRHS student, Austin Spong ('26), believes that, “ChatGPT could be positive for students in allowing them to complete their research and find accurate articles that they can use in essays.” 

Outside of the academic world, ChatGPT can support and improve businesses and workplaces, especially by enhancing productivity, accuracy, and capability. For example, ChatGPT’s program can generate articles for newspapers, summarize research in data sets, and personally assist employees to help organize their workday. Some social media platforms are even using the software, or other ones similar to it, to benefit their users by virtually assisting them with their needs. However, something with this many positive effects always has to come with some problems and restrictions.

Many people might see ChatGPT’s program as perfect initially, but the software has some considerable setbacks and limitations.  NRHS teacher, Mrs. Delaney, offers her insight on the positives and negatives of the software by saying, “I believe the implications [of ChatGPT] are wide-ranging.  I think that ChatGPT can definitely be a useful resource for students in the future. However, I also think it could be dangerous because it could certainly lead to a lot more plagiarizing.” 

Other limitations include poor accuracy and being unreliable. ChatGPT is in no way perfect and could sometimes misinterpret something, causing the answer to be incorrect, misleading, or biased. Additionally, data privacy and security could be leaked with this software. ChatGPT’s users have to be careful about sharing sensitive information here. 

A final drawback, and probably the most important one, is the effect on students in school. There are multiple ways students can be affected negatively, such as becoming too dependent on the program, losing their creativity, and cheating. Relying too heavily on ChatGPT could reduce and discourage students' use of their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Also, cheating on assignments could become a problem because students could use the program to write essays or answers for them.  

Armaan Sharma('26), from Bergen Tech High School, who has avidly used ChatGPT in the classroom, agrees with this by saying, “In terms of larger assignments that have productive and good results on student learning, ChatGPT would cause a deficit.” Overall, ChatGPT is an ingenious software that could improve life in all areas, however, not without its flaws.

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