Ho Ho Home!

By Jessica Singh ('22)

We all enjoy spending time with our friends and family for the holidays. Group gatherings and dinners are what makes the holiday season special for many. Unfortunately this year, celebrations will look much different than what we’re used to. To keep the spread of COVID-19 under control until a vaccine is ready, public officials and healthcare workers advise us to stay home and celebrate virtually.

White House Advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, tells us that he won’t be having his daughters home for Thanksgiving this year. According to CNBC News, Fauci says that the areas they are living in have a rising number of cases, and they all agreed it would be best to celebrate through a Zoom call instead. Fauci continues to say that each family situation is different, so we must consider each one individually, according to who we’re spending time with and where we are going. According to Fauci, “Some people in this country are going to be able to have a relatively normal type of a Thanksgiving, but in other areas, you better hold off.” With the number of rising cases in Rockland, we are one of these areas advised to celebrate from afar.

Alexandra MacAlpin (‘22) and her family plan to celebrate the holidays safely this year. “For Thanksgiving, I celebrated with my immediate family instead of going and spending time with my extended family. I wish I could have had a big gathering, but I understand it’s for the best that we had a small gathering.” 

Despite all of the setbacks that come with the celebrations this year, here are a few ways that you can celebrate the holidays at home:

Many individuals have taken this time of quarantine and isolation to reflect on themselves and to grow, not only as a person, but also as a member of the community! This positive growth should not stop at the end of quarantine, but should continue on after the pandemic is over.

"Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays...

Take some notes from Perry Como! :)

We have hope for the near future, as a vaccine should come soon. As of now, patience is key. Let’s celebrate this holiday season at home... together!