Surviving High School: A Guide To Summer Fun

By Christina Muttavanchery ('23) and Kelly Barros ('23)

Welcome back to our monthly segment of Surviving High School! We're your hosts, Christina Muttavanchery and Kelly Barros! We’re both sophomores here at NR and wanted to showcase the reality of our experiences. This month, we were thinking about how teens may stress over how to spend their summer. We sure were!

The first week of summer always hits differently because you get a rush of freedom from being away from school (until the panic of back-to-school ads comes rushing back). If you’re like us, you might have a couple of plans but are still lost on what to do for two whole months. Well, we have you covered with plenty of ideas to add to your list!

Christina here! 

I'm not going to lie, my summers since 7th grade have consisted of me going to bed late and then sleeping my entire day away. I would get invited to events, but my mindset was something along the lines of “summer's not going to last forever, so I might as well catch up on my sleep; I can go out with my friends anytime when the school year starts.” I've always regretted doing that! So this summer I’m not making that same mistake again, and I’m going to share some ideas of what you can do this summer. 

1. Host a Virtual Movie Night

Many people still don’t feel so comfortable meeting up in groups with Covid-19 still around, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch a movie with your friends! Setup a Google Meet, or use streaming parties and enjoy your movie (preferably a horror movie to see your friends freak out) with some microwaved popcorn. I recommend watching Flipped on Netflix.  It's not horror, but it is still amazing. It’s about a girl who’s fallen for her new next door neighbor who initially doesn't reciprocate the same feelings.  It’s interesting to watch since we switch perspectives throughout the movie hearing the thoughts they have about each other.

Photo courtesy of

New York Times

Photo courtesy of Elise Amedola, AP.

2. Do a Fun Challenge! 

A challenge can be pretty much anything you can think of. A fun idea that comes to mind is to try something new at least twice a week! Try new foods, clothes, or anything in general that’s a bit outside your comfort zone. Kelly here, me and Christina think we should bring back some old challenges. My personal favorite is the Ice Bucket Challenge. The Ice Bucket Challenge involves dumping a bucket of icy water over your head. This challenge was originally done back in 2014 to raise awareness for ALS.  If you do decide to take part in this challenge, make sure you have a hairdryer nearby to heat yourself up.

3. Contribute to Extracurriculars Outside of School

This summer could be a fun opportunity to join something outside of school! This could be a summer club or a volunteer program in our community. You can even volunteer at the fire station and other places such as hospitals, parks, etc.!

Kelly here! 

Most people enjoy summer and find it one of the best times of the year. Personally, I enjoy it too because of obvious reasons like the weather, definitely not because school’s over *wink wink*. The only thing I’m not a fan of is the 140-degree weather we get with 120% humidity. I’m usually never here for the summer because I go to Ecuador and spend time with my family, so I barely get to see any of my friends, but this year it’ll be different. Instead of being away, due to COVID, I'm looking forward to doing fun things with friends and family. I can do the Ice Bucket Challenge that I love so much and convince my parents to let me get a rabbit. Although, it’s more probable that a fish survives on land than for me to get a rabbit. 

4. Get a Pet Rabbit

As random as this might sound, go get a rabbit! If I’m going to get a rabbit, you should too. Yes, right now! If you decide to snuggle with your pet, he/she can help lower your blood pressure and just help you relax. Who would’ve thought, am I right?

Enjoy some pictures of Coco the Rabbit, a friend of the editor.

Photo courtesy of Business Wire

5. Get Outside!

If you’re more of a person who needs to get out this summer, we’ve got some outside activities you can do! You can visit a drive-in theater with your friends and/or family. We also both love going to amusement parks and beaches. Six Flags: Great Adventure in New Jersey is a great place to go especially if you like roller coasters. If you're a fan of the water, they also have a waterpark. Now, don’t get too scared; you don’t have to go on all the rides, just have fun! 

If you prefer not to be in a place full of people you can have a picnic with friends at a park or go on a hike. Some beaches are crowded, but you can find some with not too many people. Not only can you swim but you can also tan, build sandcastles, and play beach volleyball. There are so many places you can go to this summer, so don’t hold back! 

Summer is your time to de-stress and enjoy yourself! You get what you put in, so try to have a positive attitude. We both hope everyone has an awesome summer, and of course, be mindful and safe. Try not to miss us too much, but don’t worry we’ll be back!

Cover photo courtesy of Getty Images. Banner from Creative Home Keeper. Coco by Chanel.