Geronimo!!! NR Grads Dropout...Literally!

By The Masked Mentor

The dropout rate is soaring at North Rockland High School this June. That’s all because the Class of 2021 will be the first students in history to receive their diplomas in midair.  

Still in the midst of the pandemic, the North Rockland community wanted to do something special for the Class of 2021. According to Assistant Principal Mr. Mulligan, “This parachute procession, the first of its kind, will allow all of our seniors to graduate at the same time.”

After jumping from cargo planes high above Cordisco Stadium, NR grads will soar through the sky, snatch their diplomas, and parachute onto the field one by one.

“This is the ultimate in extreme social distancing!” said NR Senior Stew Dent (‘21). “There is zero risk of transmitting the virus at 10,000 feet in the air.”

Simulation of the upcoming 2021 Graduation Ceremony.

Video courtesy of Crazy Buzz fan on YouTube

Seniors: be careful that your airplane doesn't start dancing (as pictured above) with excitement!

Video courtesy of Rom Aldea Vlogs on YouTube.

Even though the view will be great from anywhere on campus, families are encouraged to arrive early to set up blankets and lawn chairs at least 6 feet apart. Several loudspeakers and Jumbotrons will be set up around the stadium so nobody misses any of the action.

The Class of 2021 will cover the cost of the dives, but grads will have to put down a $300 non-refundable deposit for their parachute rentals. In keeping with NR tradition, boys will wear red flight suits while the girls will wear white ones.  

Students are reminded to dress appropriately. Graduation Coordinator, Mr. Suita said, “We don’t want anyone stubbing their toes when they hit the ground. If you are wearing flip-flops, you will not be allowed to jump! We will turn the plane around and take you home!”

Students must also leave their personal belongings—phones, wallet, keys, last wills, and testaments—on the ground. “We don’t want these objects to become deadly projectiles,” said Siuta. “Besides, the Photography Club will be there to snap your picture when you hit the dropzone.”

North Rockland has a long history of keeping graduation ceremonies short and this year will be no exception.  Dr. Gill said, “As long as the cloud cover is thin and wind speed is below 15 knots, we expect all 600+ graduates to touch down within one hour.  That would make this the fastest ceremony in North Rockland’s history!”

When the planes arrive at the stadium, Mr. Bjorkman, will lead the school orchestra in “Flight of the Valkyries” as the grads leap out and hurtle to the ground.   Later, Ms. Santillo will conduct the choir in a rousing performance of Bett Middler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings.”

Valedictorian, Tiera Peters and Salutatorian, Harrison Gerson will lead the parachute procession in a stunt plane piloted by former NR graduate Baron von Richthofen.  The Baron will execute several aerial maneuvers including a single loop-de-loop, a double barrel roll, and a triple Lindy.  Baron will also use skywriting to deliver a special message to the class of 2021.

Dr. Gill will officiate the ceremony from the pressbox atop the stadium, which will double as an air traffic control tower.  AP Mr. Mulligan will become the first administrator in NR history to “graduate” with his students in midair.  Even though AP Mr. Kolesar will not be skydiving, he wants to remind everyone that as a Spartan Warrior he could definitely handle it.

“It was really important to the kids that I jumped,” said Mulligan.  “This gesture symbolizes my commitment to the Class of 2021.  Geronimo!”

Banner courtesy of outdoortrip.comEdited by Gabrielle Ceconi ('22)