Womanizer - NCAA

By The Disguised Dribbler 

College basketball is sending America into flames! Millions of Americans look forward to the biggest annual college basketball tournament every March. Well, March is upon us, and “madness” is certainly one way of describing the start of this tournament. Female athletes have gone crazy! No worries, that’s just women being women, right? They’re overreacting, which is undoubtedly evident in the comparison of services provided by the NCAA for the athletes during the duration of the tournament.

On the bottom right is an image of the single rack of the rather petite, although very colorful weights available for the female athletes, which is obviously equivalent to the male athletes’ full gym, as pictured on the top. Ladies, don’t worry. Pilates and yoga are totally sufficient for your delicate, gentle bodies. Harsh and lavish weights are totally not necessary for training. The same can be said for the food that the hotels are serving each gender for the duration of their stays. The women have microwavable meals (how convenient?), while the men feast on an entire Taco Bell buffet helicoptered in from Mexico City. Whilst the female players sit and eat their delicious, soggy, nutritious corn, the male players can enjoy eating a burrito chock full of salt, fat, and delicious processed meat. More weight for them to shed. Even their swag bags are drastically different! Women are provided with a single shirt and sample stick of luxury rosé-flavored deodorant, while men are given an entire truckload of clothing. Don’t worry ladies, that shirt can be used as a fully functional 3-in-1 item to make men jealous—a shirt, a sweat rag, and a handkerchief for all of their tears. The complementary deodorant is a lavish treat for the women and is totally enough to last them through all of their practices.

Video courtesy of RED CACHE WORLD on YouTube
Petition courtesy of change.org

Despite this highly proportionate treatment, all is surprisingly well in the world of college basketball when it comes to explaining the social media uproar to fight for gender equality in sports. Even one of the NBA’s most well-known players, Steph Curry, spoke up against the topic, saying that the NCAA was “trippin trippin.” Dick’s Sporting Goods is also ready to back up the female athletes and send them a dozen Peloton-minis. 

However, the NCAA still justifies their actions. They explain the weight room situation was due to “space limitations.” I’m sure it was very tight in the spacious room of the convention center in San Antonio, Texas where the photo was taken. It must’ve been so hard to fit the equipment and fifteen chairs that clearly crowd up the open room. The female athletes are waiting on the NCAA to take action and make this situation right. Until then, the “madness” coming from the female athletes will prevail.

The women in the NCAA seem to be taking inspo from Queen Spears; maybe you should too!

Video courtesy of Britney Spears on YouTube | Banner courtesy of Ticketmaster.com