The Best Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day!

By Valentina Omotosho .O. ('23)

Love! The word that comes to mind every Valentine’s Day. Typically all over the world, February 14th is designated as Valentine's Day, a day to spread and share love with those that mean a lot to you. It is well known that the majority of people assume that Valentine’s Day is specifically shared among romantic relationships only. However, that is not the case, as it is simply a day that love in any shape or form is shared among all relationships. Amongst family, friends, co-workers, and so forth, Valentine's Day is a day that the peace and serenity of joy envelop us all. Below is a review of some of the best options for Valentine’s Day dates, focusing specifically on non-romantic relationships, as there are a bazillion ideas of what to do with a significant other on Valentine’s Day. Whether you celebrated alone, with family, friends, or a significant other, we hope you had some form of love come your way. Happy Valentine’s Day! 


Celebrating Valentine’s day with family is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to celebrate. The sheer sense of love and joy that surrounds one with time spent with family is precious as memories filled with smiles and laughter are made. Celebrating with a family movie night is one of the best Valentine dates one could have with the family. Gathering around a fireplace, if you have one, as Valentine's Day falls during a cold month in winter, gives off a sense of comfort and peace. Furthermore, what’s better than spending the night with the ones you love by making memories and sharing the joy of laughter over a movie. At the end of the day, your family will always be there to love you unconditionally, so why not spend it with them? 

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Celebrating with friends is another way of engaging in Valentine’s Day that is extremely special to most. Friendships hold precious memories and valuable positions in the hearts of many which is why some spend their Valentine’s Day with their friends. A fun date idea to plan with friends for a special day would be Valentine's Day themed game night. There are millions of games out there, therefore, one could put their own spin to any game, make it fun, personalized and special. Some games to play include; Valentine’s jeopardy, Valentine love song trivia, Valentine’s scavenger hunt, Valentine’s charades and many more. The best part? If you or your friends are all Single Pringles, you can be lonely together!

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Cover photo courtesy of People.

However you decide to spend your Valentine's Day, spending it with the best intentions will always yield a happier day filled with love, warmth, and everyone's favorite—chocolate! Happy Valentine's Day!