Part-Time or No-Time?

By Valentina Omotosho .O. ('23)

When you're soaring through high school, a discussion that could be easily heard shared among students (specifically juniors and seniors) is that of their various jobs. Having a job in high school has become a common characteristic attributed to high school students. From sophomores spanning the ages of 15 to seniors who are 17 and older, having a job is a similarity. Based on the system of high school, which ends at a specific time and forces students to adhere to a certain schedule, most students are forced to work till late hours at night. Furthermore, since the majority of high school students are below the age of 18, they are most likely to attain jobs in local restaurants which follow a system of late-night shifts. The motivation to attain a job while in high school varies greatly. For some having a job is a necessity while to some it is a choice.

Photo courtesy of Monster "HIgh School Students Resume Objective Examples"

First off, some may immediately argue that having a part-time job whilst being a student is definitely worth it. The life of an individual in high school wafts in phases, some of which come with growing, maturing, and learning from situations and experiences. Having a job is a significant experience one could have in high school that gives a gateway to maturity. As previously stated, the majority of high school students are juniors and seniors who take rigorous classes such as AP and college-level classes and don’t have a lot of spare time on their hands. Therefore, having a job in high school forces them to navigate between school and work effectively and leads them to develop a schedule that works for them. Furthermore, it helps in fostering a sense of responsibility as they have to manage several duties at work and school. Additionally, having a job in high school prepares students for life in college as the majority of college students work to provide for their needs and pay for their tuition. Therefore, having a job in high school aids students in making the shift from their high school life to college life. Moreover, students are given the opportunity to create new bonds and relationships outside of school that helps in their growth and development as an individual.

On the other hand, some may argue that having a part-time job in high school is not worth it. Although having a job comes with its benefits, there are several reasons why it is not worth it for some. A significant majority of students who have jobs in high school take college and AP classes, therefore, burnouts and high-stress levels may result from attempting to manage both schedules. Furthermore, for students who aren’t prepared and initially struggle with school work, attaining a job could be a distraction that hinders them from achieving their best when it comes to their academics. Even if said class does not require a lot of work or homework, studying for tests or even finding time to focus in class can be difficult if the student is arriving home late, unable to get a proper night of sleep. In addition, dealing with rough coworkers or superiors may make the experience unpleasant, especially if the student does not know how to handle themselves in stressful situations. 

Photo courtesy of Fairborn Digital Academy "The Pros and Cons of Working During High School"

The stance of whether or not having a job in high school is worth it varies differently depending on the individual and the situation. In my opinion, however, the benefits of attaining a job while in high school supersede its disadvantages as one is given the opportunity to be independent and grow in various aspects of their life. Students in high school are at the prime age of development and growth. Therefore, having a part time job gives them the opportunity to explore various aspects of their lives, forcing them to grow as individuals as they build the ability to manage schedules and life in and out of school. Furthermore, having a job in high school gives student the advantage of building new experiences with people which in turn aids in their personal growth as they navigate the challenges that come with having a job. In conclusion, having a job in high school should definitely be a choice students shouldn't completely shut out as it comes with numerous advantages and opportunities personally and generally. 

Banner courtesy of Raising Children Network.

Cover photo courtesy of Success at School.