Staying Motivated and Staying in Shape!

By Steven Martinez ('21)

Motivation: it’s something that many of us are struggling with over these past few months. COVID-19 forever changed the way schools and other public institutions have had to administer education to their students. Schools across the country have seen a tremendous drop in grades that many are attributing to COVID-19. Insider High Ed reported that “many college students are reporting that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted their academic performance, according to a survey from OneClass, an education technology company that provides virtual access to study materials.”

It is clear to see the vast influence the pandemic has on everyone’s life. A contributing factor to the results found in the survey might be the hit on mental health that many people experience due to the pandemic, coupled with the academic changes in many schools. One class, in particular, seems to bear the brunt of the damage: Physical Education. With many students opting to be virtual this year, they often don’t find the need to participate in the class or in extreme cases, even show up. After interviewing Mrs. Miller, a NRHS Gym Teacher, she explained how she is dealing with the changes in student participation. I asked the following questions to Mrs. Miller: 

How are you staying motivated, especially when some of your students are not participating?

How do you motivate students to participate?

What is one positive thing that you have learned about yourself or found in this new approach of teaching Physical Education?  

“For me, staying motivated is easy. I love working out so every time I have to do a remote class, it's a free workout for me and a chance to share what I love with my students. At this point, if my students aren't participating, it's frustrating, but it's on them. I'm offering them an opportunity to do something good for their bodies and minds in every class."

"I try to motivate my students by being positive, bringing good energy and enthusiasm, and by giving them different types of workouts."

"One positive thing that I've learned is that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. I was terrified by the technology and having to teach online but as time has gone by I've learned more about google than I ever dreamed. It's certainly not my favorite way to teach but I know I can handle it. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

All in all, I encourage students to continue participating in school. Give everything you have got into these last few months. We've made it this far, what's a few more? We can do this. It can seem like a daunting task, but by finding your passion, I believe that it will allow you to find the motivation within yourself to keep going. I implore you to reach out when you’re feeling down or need help. We’re here to help: students, teachers, and just about anyone in between.

The athletics section of the yearbook may look different this year, but the show must go on!

Photo courtesy of Meghan Stuart / Cover: Girls Basketball