Surviving Forever Alone Day!

By Christina Muttavanchery ('23)

It’s been a while, but welcome back to The Rambling Raider’s segment of: Surviving High School! I’m your host, Christina Muttavanchery, and since this is my first segment of this new school year, a lot has changed! Now that I’m a junior here at NR, I thought it would be good to showcase the reality of my experiences, as well as relate to others. This month’s topic is an extremely random subject…Just kidding, it’s about Valentine’s Day of course!

Growing up, Valentine’s Day was one of the best holidays EVER. The card making activities, the candies, and the whole class day being devoted to it, all of it was just amazing. But, now the day isn’t just about these harmless, joyful activities, but also filled with witnessing couples…everywhere…at every hour. So for this edition I want to spend some time on a single person’s perspective of Valentine’s day. The taboo thing may be to watch some rom-coms, which is completely valid to do in my books.

One of my favorite things about Valentine’s Day at NR though, is the singing Valentine’s. Although they were very limited this year, it’s definitely something that made me look forward to the day. You may ask why, but, I feel like it’s pretty obvious! The awkwardness of the victim—sorry, I mean recipient—of the singing Valentine, always looks so uncomfortable. The best way to describe it is, they would rather be anywhere else but there in that very moment. It's also pretty nice to sing or hum along with the group performing.

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The day itself can put one in uncomfortable situations, even if you have or don’t have a special valentine. The day is one of the most talked about by everyone, and now that we're in high school, even more! So many movies have entire plots centered around it. But, the sad truth is, the day is usually a complete letdown compared to the movies. Movies in general give many perceptions about high school, but it always makes Valentine’s Day the day where everything works out. It’s time to face the fact that teenagers are not going to be as mature as the actors (played by adults). We’re all just trying to figure out life right now, so obviously everything won’t go to plan all the time. This is time to just enjoy the day, and not take it so seriously.

So, if you're going to be forever alone, a few of the best ideas for ways to spend this special day is to make chocolate covered strawberries…or just get them made already. You can even get a cake just for yourself, because why not celebrate you? The point is, do something that you would enjoy! This holiday isn’t for just couples, so don’t exclude yourself from the fun. You deserve to treat yourself, too. 

Valentine’s day is used to especially show your love to friends and family and to just have a good day by doing Valentine’s themed plans! I hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day, and by reading this article got some more ideas for the next one!

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