The Wonderful Reality of Junior Prom

By The Camoflauged Crier

Everyone, get your dresses and suits—Junior Prom is here and ready to satisfy! Get your mask too; we’re still in a Pangea. Oh wait, you’re not going? That’s okay, I’m not going either. Sitting at home in a sad, sobbing, dilapidated mess on my couch with some Wendy’s sounds much better. If you’re at home like me, make sure to wear a bib over your dress or suit—mom made dinner in the crockpot! Delicious!

If you’re planning on going to prom, make sure to wait in your office chair with your parent’s credit card clutched tightly in hand; those tickets will be gone before you can even type your name in! Make sure it’s your parents’ card because be honest, you have no money after spending it all on DoorDash. When you finally get your ticket, whether it be in your imagination or confirmed in pixels on your screen, you have to find the time to get your dress or suit...or pantsuit. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to do that whilst studying for the AP exams or visiting colleges (from your bed, of course). 

The best part is finding the dress or suit you actually want! Trying on dozens upon dozens of dresses until you’re fuming with frustration deserves a stop to Chipotle. When you finally find the perfect dress or suit, you can cry over how expensive it is and how your mom makes a scene about the price in the dressing room! The last time I checked, the average dress or suit was over $100; Mom has good reason to be mad. Don’t worry about being embarrassed, the person next to you got their outfit with no problems and is totally not staring at you. And after all, you need this dress/suit. You will totally wear it again next year; you promised mom you would. That’s how you got it! 

Okay, so now you have your itchy, tight, uncomfortable dress or suit. What about a date? If you have one, you’re a rare breed. Make sure your date gets you a corsage because if they don’t, then your relationship is over. And God forbid it doesn’t match your dress/pantsuit and their tie? Gone, forgotten, horrible partner. Dad will not be happy. If you aren’t dating, always going with someone as “friends” is okay too! It’s not awkward unless you make it. My personal favorite is going with a group of friends. You can all look single...together! It’s more fun that way and it means you can become even more single with your amazing dance moves!

Take Morgan's advice...yeesh!

Photo courtesy of

Don't have a date? Here's a creative idea this teen came up with. 

Photo courtesy of

Now time for the absolute favorite, the best part of the entire night—pictures! Yeah, I know, it’s okay to cry, just don’t smudge your makeup. Smiling so wide you look like the Joker really puts the look together. I mean, you have to. Since you’re wearing a mask, your eyes are the dead giveaway. Remember to hold that smile, too! You only have 400 more to go! Your mom will be on the sidelines with water and a sweat towel for you. The poses are extremely important too. You can’t all take a photo together and then see that you’re the only one who looks bad! It’s not Instagram-worthy or fair. You won’t get 500 likes with a strand of hair covering your face. 

So now you’re at the venue. Get your phone ready with your ticket, if it’s still at a decent battery percentage from taking all of those photos. Once you’re in, enjoy the night! You’ve made it! A loud DJ and flashing lights will surround you with laughter and love. Although getting ready for prom is a doozy, it’s definitely a night to remember. Remember to stay safe and only post the good photos! I hope your feet survive!

For those of you at home, don’t be sad. There’s always Senior Prom. If you’re dying to go to prom, you can always stick to the alternative—get all glammed up and go to dinner with your friends. It’s not the same, but it’s what can work considering the times we are in. Be safe and have fun!