Farewell from the Valedictorian and Salutatorian!

By Kevin Cahill ('23) and Eddie Cigna ('23)

As the Class of 2023’s senior year comes to a close, many students are looking back on everything that occurred over their high school careers. They are remembering not only the hard work that they put into all of their classes, but also the various events, activities, and experiences that made high school fun in the first place. That is certainly no exception for this year’s valedictorian and salutatorian, which are Eddie Cigna (‘23) and Kevin Cahill (‘23), respectively. Here are their reflections on their times at North Rockland High School and their farewells to all the individuals who made their achievements possible.

Edward Cigna, Valedictorian of the Class of 2023

“No one does it alone. A rather simple statement, but one that couldn’t be more important in its truth. We are (all of us) living our lives on a course that has been shaped by those who have helped us along the way, whether in matters big or small. I would not be standing where I am today without all the truly remarkable individuals who have guided me throughout my North Rockland journey, to whom I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. To my teachers, thank you for sparking in me a lifelong love of learning, as well as for the long hours you put in to ensure your students are supported both in and out of the classroom. To the administrators, thank you for all you do to keep us safe and for providing countless resources for student success. To the guidance department, thank you for what you do best: guiding us along our journeys and making sure that school is a safe space for all students. To the security guards, custodians, librarians, cafeteria workers, and countless building employees who work tirelessly each and every day to make school an environment students don’t just have to be in but want to be in, thank you so much for all you do. To my friends, thank you for being there for me when I need it, and for putting up with my never ending shenanigans. Lastly, to all students at North Rockland High School: thank you for making our school what it is. As much as it might be a cliche to say, the sense of community our school has is palpable when you walk through the hallways, and that wouldn’t be possible without you all. Thank you for all you do, and always remember: we are NR.”

Kevin Cahill, Salutatorian of the Class of 2023

“My time at NR has been the best time of my life. Yes, it’s been extremely difficult to stay on top of all of my classes, but at the same time, every second of it was worth it. And honestly, even though I excelled at the academic side of school, the things that I will remember the most come from the incredible people that I’ve met over the last four years. I’ll remember every hockey game and golf match I played with my amazing teammates, every engineering project I worked on with my friends in the Academy of Engineering, and every prom, tailgate, “skip-day,” and celebration that our class had as a whole. I couldn’t be more grateful for every classmate, every teacher, and every coach that made high school so fun and entertaining for me.”

Congratulations to both Eddie and Kevin on their amazing accomplishments. Let’s wish them and the rest of the Class of 2023 good luck after high school!