2020 NRHS Senior Spooktacular

By Lauren LaGrow (‘21)

Despite many changes for the senior class this year, we celebrated the Senior Spooktacular on November 6th. It was a great chance for the Class of 2021 to come together while practicing social distancing. The annual costume contest was held as well, and here are the results:

Group Category:

Best Duo:  JLO & Marc Anthony

Best Group:  Horses & Cowboys

Most Creative:  The Decades

Audience Favorite:  Bob Ross Painters


Individual Category:

Most Creative:  Dracula / Cow Stolen by Aliens

Most Original:  Among Us / Thanksgiving Table

Audience Favorite winners left to right Isabella Vasquez, Alyssa Newman, and Kardi Ardiri paint.

The winners of the costume contest will receive their prize at the senior luncheon, which date is yet to be announced. Special thanks to the staff who made this event possible and to all of the seniors who participated!

Best Group left to right Emery Heber, Tim Engel, Emily Garvey, and Max Keyt pose with their horses, whose identities remain unknown, much like the Wild West.

Bianca Tavaras serves the festive Thanksgiving meal as Most Creative.

Best Duo left to right Kaliah McAlpin and Robert Alonso pose together before the big night.