Year in Review 2020

By Olivia LoPresti ('22)

     2020 has been difficult and chaotic, to say the least. It was a year dominated by the staggering loss of life, division, and tests of trust. While it can be hard to find the positive aspects of 2020, many things that seemed impossible became possible with persistence and resilience. It was a year filled with compassion and optimism, which provided a learning opportunity for so many.  Heroes of our society were finally recognized, inequality was addressed as protestors worked hard to make their voices heard and records were shattered and broken. 

Scroll for notable events from 2020:

While 2020 had many negatives that have to be acknowledged, there were also many positives.  

2020 brought the highest voter turnout in 120 years. Environmental conditions also drastically improved; there was a reduction in CO2 and other pollution emissions and less paper usage.  Additionally, 2020 provided an overdue appreciation for heroes such as doctors, nurses, teachers, grocery store clerks, and countless others. 

Even though many were unable to be together physically, families also connected more;  parents better understood their children and their education. 

There was an increase in the use of banks by the poor, as financial inclusion grew and continues to grow. 

The widespread use and more education regarding technologies used allowed for increased productivity and higher levels of innovation and creative opportunities. New technology, combined with networking, allowed awareness regarding certain issues to grow and be addressed.

One benefit of increased hygiene and other sanitary measures was that it helped fight the spread of other diseases such as the common cold and seasonal flu.  

Overall, 2020 showed how to find joy in the simple things.  

So what good things can we look forward to in 2021?

To start, Pantone has named the optimistic and reassuring colors of Illuminating (yellow) and Ultimate Gray (light gray) as the Color(s) of the Year, which contrast with 2020’s color, Classic Blue.

Other events to look forward to: 

In Medicine

In the United States, it is the hope of the CDC and FDA to have the coronavirus vaccine rolled out to the general public by June. While a vaccine wouldn’t provide normalcy immediately, it’s a step in the right direction. 

In the health sciences, Omnipod 5 and Dexcom G6 combine to bring the first tubeless automated insulin delivery system, the closest thing to a working pancreas, which could be very promising for diabetics.

In Television/Movies

In 2021, “Friends” fans have to look forward to a reunion, which is set to be filmed in March.  Some notable movies set to come out are Dune, West Side Story, The Matrix 4, the ninth installment of Fast and Furious, No Time To Die, Marvel’s Black Widow, and In The Heights.

In Theme Parks

At Universal Studios, a new ride, the Jurassic World VelociCoaster is set to open. Disney World will be celebrating their 50th anniversary which will bring new rides to that theme park as well.

In Entertainment

2020 took away many events such as theater, any type of live shows, and many sporting events.  However, 2021 will hopefully bring the return of live music as stars are starting to reschedule cancelled tours, and a Broadway comeback.

In Space Activity

There are many new developments in space coming to 2021.  The James Webb Telescope will allow people to see crisp images of galaxies, stars, and nebulas. Additionally, on February 18, 2021 a small spacecraft will streak across the skies of Mars which will place NASA’s Perseverance rover to search the “Red Planet.” On the topic of red, on May 26, there will be another blood moon and total lunar eclipse for about 14 minutes.

In Gaming

Many new games are coming to 2021, such as: Halo-Infinite, Horizon Forbidden West, Resident Evil 8, Deathloop, Monster Hunter Rise, Shin Megami Tensei V, and the Breath of the Wild sequel. Pokemon fans have to look forward to the game's 25th university. 

In Sports

Aside from the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, sports fans have to look forward to the Super Bowl LV, Australian Open in Melbourne, ISSF World Cup 2021, World Athletics Indoor Championships, French Open, Euro 2020, and the Wimbledon championships.

Happy New Year and Stay Safe!