The Choice of a Mask

By Kelly Barros ('23)

Do face masks bother you, or do you prefer to wear one?

Recently, the mask mandate in New York public schools was lifted. It has become optional to wear face masks in any school, and if you do wear one, it is by choice. You get to choose between keeping your mask on or completely getting rid of it. You might even be in between and wear it at certain times, which is also acceptable.

There are many reasons why people choose to continue wearing face masks or choose to get rid of them, however, at the end of the day, it’s a choice. I personally keep mine on, but I have an odd reason as to why: my facial expressions are the death of me.

Usually, when you see the expression on my face, you know exactly what I’m thinking. Even with a face mask on, my eyes clearly reveal my thoughts, but not seeing my whole expression makes it harder to tell, or at least I hope so. A few others I know decide to keep their face mask on because they are obligated to do so by a parent, they want to be extra safe from COVID-19, or they just feel more comfortable with it on. Although many people keep their face masks on, there are certainly a ton who are thrilled to get rid of them. 

For example, Michael LaCour (‘23) really enjoys not wearing a mask. He “loves the freedom of being able to breathe without a mask and having school return to how it used to be.” He also thinks that “not wearing a mask is beneficial to him because it allows him to focus on the task at hand.” Another classmate, Abey Alex (‘23), loves not wearing a mask because he says it helps him avoid acne. He noticed that when he wore a mask his acne got worse. He also thinks “not wearing masks is a good sign of going back to how things were.”

Tyler Italiano, Michael LaCour, and Nate MacAlpin

Photo Credits of Kelly Barros

Christina Muttavanchery, Valentina Omotosho, Kevin Cahill, Gabrielle Ceconi, Lester Lemus, Leslie Urena, and Mr. Ludwig

Photo Credits of Kelly Barros

On the other hand, Isabella Alfonso (‘23) chooses to wear a mask because she doesn’t want her skin to look flaky. Christina Muttavachery (‘23) also wears a mask because she believes “COVID is still an issue and concern in Rockland County."

Face masks, for some, were a bother and didn’t allow them to breathe properly. Others were just tired of constantly having something covering their face.

Our school is rather divided on whether or not people should be wearing masks, so please do not let others influence your decision or make you feel pressured to wear one or not. It’s understandable to decide to wear a mask or not, but recently it appears there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases in Rockland County, according to The New York Times statistics. Students and even teachers have been out due to COVID-19 recently, and the number could either keep rising or go down. Regardless, at least for the time being, students are still given a choice.

Everyone has their own valid reason for choosing to wear a mask or not. Just make sure not to pressure anyone into doing something they don’t want to do! Enjoy being able to choose what you want and prefer. Stay safe!

Banner courtesy of Umatilla School District

Cover photo courtesy of Montgomery County Public Schools

Brian Dong, Sergio Torres, Oliver Zorrilla, and Zavian Miranda.

Photo Credits of Kelly Barros

Raynalda Annan and Casandra Moran

Photo Credits of Kelly Barros