Christmas Across the Globe!

By Valentina Omotosho .O. ('23)

Across the globe, the one holiday which is unanimously celebrated from the sunny ends of Africa to the cold ends of Antarctica is Christmas. A holiday which to some is tied to religious beliefs while others simply to spending time with loved ones regardless is celebrated as a time to spread joy and cheer. In the United States, a typical Christmas consists of snow falling, carols singing, trees set up, Christmas lights on all and every block while families gather around the fireplace to tear up wrapping papers that reveal presents that bring forth joy. Although snow this year was quite delayed, the Christmas spirit never fails to go all around with the hopes of the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting, a yearly Christmas tradition that takes place in New York City still in place. Ever wondered what Christmas was like in other countries, well you are in luck as scavenging across the globe, the diverse experience of Christmas is brought to you from all over the world.


Similar to the U.S Christmas in the Philippines is circulated around spending time with loved ones. However, Going to church is a significant tradition most of the Philippines population follow.  The Misa de Gallo which is the letting out of fireworks and The Giant Lantern Festival whereby elaborate lanterns are built and illuminated similar to the Rockefeller light event in New York are yearly traditions held on Christmas Eve all across the Philippines.

Photo courtesy of Diocese of St. Petersburg.

Nigerian jollof rice with braised beef!

Photo courtesy of Sisi Jemimah's Recipes on YouTube.


Christmas in Nigeria is wildly different from Christmas in the U.S mostly due to the weather differences as in Nigeria it is usually sunny while in the U.S the presence of snow symbolizes Christmas. Nevertheless, the joy of the season is the same across both countries as in Nigeria people celebrate the Holidays by referring to Santa Claus as “Father Christmas,” going to church and having a feast with the national food of the country known as jollof rice. The celebration of Christmas with the designation of special Christmas clothes to wear on the day of the celebration and letting fireworks into the sky are also traditions that Nigerians live by.

Europe: Iceland

From Sunny Nigeria to Ice cold Iceland Christmas is celebrated for 26 days lasting from December 11th to January 6th. A typical Christmas in Iceland consists of paying a visit to the church and a traditional visit of the Yule Lads to Kids. To Icelanders, the Yule Lads are known as troll-like characters who through the 13 nights leading up to Christmas visit kids across the country leaving them with gifts and smiles across their faces. 

Icelandic Yule Lads.

Photo courtesy of Arctic Portal.

Whichever holiday you celebrate, we hope you have a wonderful, safe break! Rest up, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

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Cover photo courtesy of CW50 Detroit.