Fountain Square

We are in the neuralgic center of Tarragona. Plaça de la Font occupies a quarter of the ancient Roman circus of Tàrraco, specifically where the “spina" was located.

The square is presided over by the town hall building, with a neoclassical facade. On the upper part of the facade, there are a series of busts of illustrious characters, among which that of Antoni de Martí i Franquès stands out.


The current location of the Town Hall dates back to 1852 when it moved from Carrer Major to its current location.

In 1827, a monumental fountain was built, the work of the master Pere Anton Verderol and the sculptor Vicenç Roig. It disappeared in the middle of the 19th century.

In 1839 Josep Oriol presented the remodeling project around the square. Numerous municipal architects participated in its design. The lampposts drawn by the architect Ramon Salas i Ricomà (1889) stand out.

In some of the premises in this square you can see part of the Roman remains that have been respected and are shown to the public. 

These are: