Boiler Makers' Street

If we pay attention and always look directly at the imposing stone of the headquarters, we will notice that on both sides of Carrer Major, the axis that defines the right and left side of the cathedral quarter, the old quarter, the names of the streets transport us to their medieval origins. It is here, under the steps of the cathedral, on one side of Carrer de la Merceria, which opens narrowly and with all the medieval aftertaste that gives it its name, which we find Biolermakers’ Street (Carrer dels Calderers).


Tarragona, in addition to the Roman part, also preserves its medieval value. At the end of the 12th century, it had become the economic center of a large territory. The city had a diversified medieval income and had developed urbanistically so as to be able to boost commercial and trade union activities.

The name of these guilds has been fossilized in the names of the streets, which refer to the old medieval trades, the guilds: Carrer del Vidre (Glass Street) , Carrer de la Merceria (Haberdasher’s Street) , Plaça del Pallol (Hay Square), Carrer Cuirateries (Tanners’ Street) , Carrer de les Escrivanies (Writing Desks Street)... and Carrer of the Calderers (Boilermakers’ Street)  It is in the latter, precisely, where Maria Josepa Massanés was born.