Khalipa, Ohlsen a CrossFit sport professzionalizmusáról és struktúráltabbságáról

Írta: Radnai Tamás

Jason Khalipa podcastjában Noah Ohlsen-nel arról is szó volt, hogy Jason eltűnődött azon, hogy nem lenne-e jobb, ha a crossfit-ben nem mindig "újra feltalálnák a kereket", azaz, hogy bármikor bármi lehet a versenyeken, ami sok szempontból nem előnyös. Említette itt a bírók és az önkéntesek munkájának nehézségét, ha csak kvázi a versenyen ismerik meg a feladatokat, a standardokat, netán eszközöket. És gondolhatuk a nézőkre is, főleg azokra, akik kevésbé hardcore rajongók, hogy mennyire értik mi történik, ki vezet, ki jobb, stb.

Lényegében Jason és Noah majdnem teljesen lefedték az iF3 csapásirányát anélkül, hogy megemlítették volna a szövetséget (ami nem tudom, hogy szándékos-e vagy nincsenek tisztában a helyzettel - utóbbira tippelek).

(A beszélgetés ezen része 10:59-nél kezdődik)

Nyers átirat a videóból:

JASON: One of the things i was noticing as i was watching this event is that being a judge or a volunteer or an athlete it's it becomes difficult because every event every year is always different and so if you're a volunteer right near a judge and they're having you do i don't know like the pig flip thing but it's never been done before since someone does it a little bit differently and then all of a sudden they need to change the rules and

so i'm wondering if in the future do you see the sport of fitness ever getting to a point where there's like a set certain number of events that maybe the the organizers choose from said this way it's not always reinventing the wheel on the movements and the and the rules

i was just curious your thoughts there because i'm sure you've seen it before i know i have too is that it's hard because sometimes the organizers don't know what's going to happen until it happens but had that event occurred in years past they might have known.

NOAH: Right yeah i know for sure i think in general consistency in our sport has kind of lacked across the board in the last few years right like every season it seems like something's changing so consistency in any regard whether it's event by event or just in like season structure would be awesome

i've thought in the past people have talked about crossfit being in the olympics right and i feel like if that were ever to be a possibility there would need to be like you said some sort of definitive structure

where my vision is just as a off the dome example like you said that it's going to be a three or four day competition right every year it's gonna be that say it's four days every year it's a four day competition and you know that every year on day one there are going to be three events and one is going to be a strength based event one is going to be an endurance event one is a mixed modal event

and then on day two it's a similar so that even within that structure you can still play with the movements, the rep schemes, the weights and stuff but at least from a fan and athlete perspective there's something that they can look forward to expect train for be prepared for

i think that would be cool because there's still some element of unknown and unknowable but also gives everybody a little bit of consistency to know what to look out for.

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