when you hit upon a certain age you only begin to grow younger

when you hit upon a certain age you only begin t

the drawbridge does not answer the fateful button

when pressed,

as itchy skippers sit picking their teeth

considering the gorged ships

cavorting along this studded river of blooming,

while we survivors thirst

for floats to rise up over the sunken vessels,

ceasing to mimic mere plugs,

ambiguous destinies

no separation exists

outside people-invented decisions,

destroyed by those pressers

who grow filter tobacco vines

along fresh water trails

the rest drink innocently from,

and with fingers clasped to fill parched lips,

the falling mystery of dark waterfalls of no vows

can be seen

painted by spider swimmers with glued on wings,

knot tiers who profess:

“only straight lines can be drawn by straight thinkers”

O, can there still be room left for the borrowers who have lost

then discovered

their roots in the concrete museums of the City?

process of elimination…

double cross pointed signs…

hard of hearing 90 yr old grandmas…

free plasma absorption…

drum symbols polyrhythmic beats,

two finger hold…

superimposed stoplight to nowhere…

fictitious reality believed…

steel grip black railing misjudged…

hungry changes into the frostbitten fingers of motherless mothers…

winter is summer for Eaters!

O lost humanity circling the hollering streets,

you hear your voices repeating only empty declarations...

while falcons mate with winged butterflies…

while helpless assassins reload their rusted guns with rain,

sputtering louder then softer into death…

so Happy Birthday to you who are waiting

for, what????

a clearance sale?

back up in any direction-

no need for rearview mirrors
