Dr. Zero: A Prophetic Fantasy

Dr Zero

“Sorry, Mr. Feldman, but we’re afraid it’s terminal.”

“Really? Wow, great! And so sudden! So now the dreaded question: how long?”

Dr. Zero: “hmmm…13 days”, scribbling incessantly, his sobbing trailing off before he could add the usual stuff about funeral arrangements, conjuring up wills, medications to kill the pain…the usual…

“Snap! This is absolutely sweetheart! Now let’s see…hmmm…if I max out my credit cards, there’s about $33 K out there in cyberspace…(drifting off…) Cochin, India, and that city near Calcutta I heard about that hosts 2-month classical music festivals…”

“And Chaing Mai…Buddhist temples, lush green rivers, night market killer meals…”

“Jersey City…”

Dr. Zero: “I’ve obviously made your day, sir…!”

Still riffing possibilities (like Charlie Parker)…

Dr. Zero: “Nurse, discharge this gentleman and please mark him paid well in advance!”

Delray Beach, FL

