Tea with Henry Miller

afternoon sun wind conversation,

shaved heads checkin post office scoreboards for numbered houses,

tea bein served by humble Rastafarian man child,

and literary discoveries comin from Pluto 12th house manifestations

as survival qualities get sketched out on flamenco dance solo sidewalks

here, Mule Mountain cactus honey's drippin plentiful,

table strewn with Miller's notes, the Tropics Cancer and Capricorn,

Book of Friends, Plexus and Sexus, The Cosmological Eye,

zeroxed letters from Anaïs Nin

and while various barefeet massage each other under oak table,

we salute Happy Miller’s Day

because Henry taught us there are no such aspects as perfect trines or squares,

because Henry taught us habits are often mistaken for love

"more tea?"

“thanks, I’d love another cup!”

afternoon sun wind conversation,

designin a slide show for later this week

at the Philadelphia Hotel,

an exposé revealin John Wayne's pants bein pulled down

exposin his bony bare flesh,

streakin camera gazin up his tush

thru the photographer's rear view mirror

meanwhile on this spring Bisbee day,

a thought permeates:

Miller so loved the freedom of comin and goin

that on another April day back in '33 Clichy,

when someone knocked on his door,

no one would answer

no one inside spoke English

afternoon sun wind conversation,

we write it all down so no one forgets:

Miller’s incipient genius was effortlessly reflectin

then articulatin non-stop on infinite subjects,

naturally typin was a dead issue

no movement for him,

not until his forties

would his books live-

mercurial miracles!

and so inevitably this drippin cactus honey obsession,

this main refrain celebration

simply transited into a brilliant nexus,

as long ago foreordained

by an afternoon sun wind tea conversation

April, 1974


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