ride this old road as far as Liberty, NY

ride this old road as far as Liberty

bankrupt open roads to the obvious

smash together upstairs

exhaling actual mountains of water

celebrating this North State of Plenty,

this land of going to be,

tierra to wonder

across obvious stretches of

first thought best thought,

of allowing the Truth to Flow

out here it entirely comes together

someplace inside its own balance,

that unique focus to share

the meaning of a genuine challenge:

“where you headin this time”, methinks?

no answer as answers become clear:

“how can you tell?”

“obviously no can tell, Smith”, I remind myself:

rumor has it

that the FBIs calling on friends to confederate!

believers of the 60’s: remember all the evolution myths?

yes, we doers of the 60’s have heard them

yet continue building bridges,

steppin up,

trustin each other's process:

“hi there fella, got any far out ideas?”

“as a matter of fact, yes I do,

and what a powerful way to be,

expressing interest in listening”

“well, those New York mountains taught me easy”

“then lets celebrate some colors!”

“okay, Smith, got any ideas?”

“ummm…water, brother…”


“well, we are”

“yes, sure- thanks!”

“and thank you!”

as we ride this old road as far as Liberty...


Catskill, NY