ocotillos form this forward path

ocotillos form this forward path

trotting along

up 5000 ft tabletop guardrail

saddled on chocolate machine horse

regarding all directions at once

while inhaling the vast scope of all possible sagas,

the joy of learning without borders illuminates,

unprecedented trails

orchestrated without contemplated upclimb…

sparks and light transparently emanate from here

embracing in the melting blazing sun

maximum energy hum

and flower dense ocotillos

form this forward path-

riffing off resolute progressive pirouettes

a onetime journey in succulent song

swept willingly by these coming-on-anyhow gusts

showering reflecting focus in rushing

up-tempoing time,

a path imagined

a journey existing only to ramble on

splintering through any disguised obstacles

roadblocks such as borders

surely confining as man's laws
